
Management strategy
Initial evaluation
The initial evaluation of patients with morphea should involve:
Questions regarding recent development of new lesions/extension of existing lesions to determine level of activity
Symptoms (pain/itch) associated with activity, musculoskeletal complaints, eye complaints (especially en coup de sabre/hemifacial atrophy)
Total body examination of the skin (patients frequently do not appreciate the extent of lesions) looking for active/inactive lesions
Palpation of affected areas for depth of sclerosis
Examination for limited range of motion, contracture, limb length discrepancy, and evidence of musculoskeletal involvement
Imaging with MRI if musculoskeletal involvement is suspected.
Active morphea lesions should be treated as the lesions are frequently symptomatic and can produce permanent cosmetic and functional sequelae. Initial evaluation should be focused on determining the extent, severity, and activity of morphea lesions laying the groundwork for rational therapeutic choices.