
Published on 19/03/2015 by admin

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Last modified 19/03/2015

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The term ‘intracranial hemorrhage’ describes extravasation of blood into brain parenchyma, regions defined and enclosed by the meninges and skull, and/or the ventricular cavities. Intracranial hematomas resulting from hemorrhage into various compartments can be classified on an anatomic basis as:

Strictly speaking, the term ‘cerebral hemorrhage’ should be restricted to describing bleeding into the parenchyma of the cerebral hemispheres, though it is often applied to describe extravasation of blood into any part of the brain parenchyma, including brain stem and cerebellum. Spontaneous spinal cord hemorrhages, especially intraparenchymal bleeds, are extraordinarily rare, whereas subdural spinal cord hematomas are slightly more common, e.g. in connection with anticoagulant use.


EDH is also considered in Chapter 11, in relation to craniocerebral trauma (CCT), with which it is almost invariably associated. Because both EDH and SDH have a very strong association with CCT, they are not usually considered a form of ‘stroke’, but a manifestation of such trauma.


EDH is easily recognized at necropsy as a biconvex hematoma that is readily seen upon removing the calvarium, but before breaching the dura (Fig. 10.1). Most cases result from rupture of the middle meningeal artery. As patients that have died from EDH are often the victims of a motor vehicle accident or foul play and therefore the subject of a forensic or medicolegal investigation, the size and site of any (causal) skull fracture and the volume of hematoma should be measured and recorded. Skull fractures are best identified after removal of dura from the inner table of the skull. Hematomas of 75–100 mL are usually fatal. The maximum volume that is likely to accumulate is approximately 300 mL. The neuropathologist should also document the effects of any EDH, such as distortion or herniation of brain substance, and the presence of any other traumatic lesions. Such documentation of EDH and its effects on the brain must be carried out at the time of necropsy and brain cutting; microscopic examination of the brain in such cases is often of limited value, except in documenting other evidence of CCT, such as diffuse axonal injury.

Spinal EDH is rare and presents with acute severe pain in the region of bleeding and radiation of the pain to the extremities. In the lumbar spine, it probably results from internal rupture of Batson’s vertebral venous plexus, i.e. a non-arterial source of EDH.


By comparison with EDH, SDH has a more diverse clinical presentation and etiology, and is not invariably associated with (documented) cranial trauma, i.e. it may occur spontaneously or after ‘minimally appreciated’ head trauma; e.g. in individuals that are being treated with anticoagulants or in the elderly with mild cognitive impairment.

Acute and chronic forms of SDH have distinctive clinicopathologic features. However, both types result from the rupture of ‘bridging veins’ between the brain and the dura; such veins become increasingly vulnerable to rupture in the elderly, as a consequence of ‘physiological’ brain atrophy or brain shrinkage associated with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias. In this situation, the dura remains tightly adherent to the inner table of the calvarium, while the distance between it and the brain increases, putting tension on bridging veins. Because SDH results from venous (rather than arterial) rupture, clinical signs and symptoms develop more slowly, often in an insidious fashion.


As with EDH, the location, extent and volume of an acute SDH should be carefully documented at necropsy (preferably with the use of photographic evidence), along with its effects on the underlying brain (Figs 10.2, 10.3). Associated skull fractures (if any) and contusions (especially with acute SDH) should be noted when the brain is removed and subsequently sectioned. If the SDH is subacute or chronic, histologic sections of hematoma will show chronically inflamed vascular and variably fibrotic granulation tissue, with an admixture of blood breakdown products (Fig. 10.4). Portions of organizing or well organized SDH are often submitted as neurosurgical specimens, and described (inappropriately) as a ‘subdural membrane’. The chronicity of such pathology can be estimated from its degree of organization (Fig. 10.4). Eosinophils can be a surprisingly prominent feature of organizing SDH. As dural neoplasms (e.g. metastatic carcinoma from prostate or breast) and hemangiomas are, very rarely, associated with SDH, surgically removed SDH submitted for pathologic evaluation should be carefully examined with these diagnostic possibilities in mind. In childhood non-accidental injury, the volume of subdural blood may be small, often amounting to no more than a thin film over the cerebral hemispheres on either side of the falx cerebri. The posterior fossa may be involved more commonly in children than in adults.


SAH describes an acute extravasation of blood into the space between the arachnoid membrane and pia mater. Secondary SAH may occur whenever a primary intraparenchymal hematoma or contusional injury secondary to head trauma, extends into the subarachnoid space (SAS). Spontaneous SAH should be distinguished from SAH secondary to brain trauma, especially contusional brain injury (see Chapter 11). Spontaneous SAH occurs when a focally weakened artery in the subarachnoid space ruptures. Such weakening results from a localized abnormality due to either a pathologic process or a malformation (often erroneously considered congenital).

The relevant lesions are:

Because AVM and CAA more often cause brain hemorrhage than spontaneous/primary SAH, they are considered together with other causes of brain hemorrhage. Systemic factors or diseases (thrombocytopenia, coagulopathy, hematologic malignancies) may also precipitate SAH, even in the presence of structurally normal arteries. In a small but significant proportion of cases, no etiology for SAH is discovered, even after careful imaging of the blood vessels (by angiography) or structural brain imaging.


This is an incidental finding in up to 1–3% of unselected autopsies (depending upon how carefully they are sought). Usually in this situation, there is no history and there are no pathologic features to suggest prior hemorrhage. Evidence that some patients report ‘warning/sentinel leaks’ prior to a major SAH has become controversial, because of issues such as ‘recall bias.’ Unlike the incidence of strokes due to brain parenchymal hemorrhage or infarction, which has declined over recent decades, the incidence of aSAH due to ruptured aneurysm has remained constant. The mortality rate from aSAH may have been decreasing in recent decades, but remains high:


image aSAH has an annual incidence of approximately 10–12/100 000.

image Incidence increases with age up to the 6th decade. Some studies suggest a decline in aSAH incidence beyond this age.

image Age-adjusted mortality rates for aSAH are approximately 60% greater in females than males.

image Median age at death from aSAH is 59 years, compared with 73 years for brain hemorrhage and 81 years for ischemic stroke.

image aSAH accounts for 4.4% of stroke mortality, but over 25% of stroke-related years of potential life lost before the age of 65 years.

image aSAH is fatal or disabling in over 2/3 of affected patients: one-third die from the initial hemorrhage within 72 hours, and a further third die or become significantly disabled due to complications of SAH (e.g. vasospasm with brain ischemia, rebleeding, acute or chronic hydrocephalus, complications of surgical and/or endovascular intervention).

image In over 50% of patients, major aSAH may be preceded by warning symptoms, e.g. a ‘sentinel leak’ or small aSAH not associated with neurologic morbidity, hours to weeks before the large aSAH, though the significance and frequency of such ‘leaks’ has recently been questioned on the basis that they may be an artifact of ‘recall bias’.

image Clinical manifestations of aSAH are determined by:

image Massive aSAH can lead to coma and death within minutes.

image Less extensive aSAH often produces prominent localizing signs and symptoms (e.g. hemiparesis, akinetic mutism, or paraparesis secondary to ruptured anterior communicating artery aneurysm).

image If treated successfully (by surgical clipping, wrapping, endovascular coiling, embolization or a combination of techniques) and assuming no postoperative complications, an aneurysm will not usually cause further pathology or necessarily affect lifespan.

image Saccular aneurysms that rupture are usually smaller than 1 cm in diameter; approximately 10–15% are smaller than 5 mm. Giant aneurysms (i.e. those larger than 2.5 cm diameter) bleed less frequently than small aneurysms and more commonly behave as a mass lesion.

image For very small (<7 mm diameter) aneurysms that have not ruptured (i.e. discovered incidentally), the morbidity/mortality related to surgery probably means that surgical intervention is not warranted in such a situation, given the very low risk of rupture.


Abundant SAH is obvious at necropsy. However, when the ruptured dome of an aneurysm is embedded within brain parenchyma, a purely intraparenchymal bleed (sometimes with negligible SAH) can result; this may occur particularly with anterior cerebral/anterior communicating artery junction or middle cerebral artery bi/trifurcation aneurysms. This should be borne in mind when someone, especially a young person, experiences or dies from a brain hemorrhage of occult origin (Figs 10.5, 10.6). Massive SAH in a young or middle-aged patient (Figs 10.7, 10.8) from a clinically unproven source of bleeding strongly suggests a berry aneurysm as the etiology. In an autopsy specimen, fresh blood at the base of the brain should be dissected away gently until the aneurysm is discovered (Fig. 10.8). This dissection should not be deferred until the brain has been fixed, because the fixed hematoma is then difficult to dissect, making the source of bleeding much more difficult to locate. The possibility that there is more than one aneurysm, or a combination of vascular abnormalities (berry aneurysm and AVM), should always be considered. Berry aneurysms may occur at branch points of arteries (with high flow) that supply an AVM. A ruptured aneurysm is usually identified by the proximity of abundant hematoma and a tear in the wall of the aneurysm, which can often be seen without the benefit of microscopy. Anterior circulation aneurysms occur at major branch points on the circle of Willis (Fig. 10.9), most commonly:

Posterior circulation aneurysms constitute 10–30% of cases; most arise at the basilar artery bifurcation (‘basilar tip’) (Fig. 10.9); less common sites for aneurysms in the posterior circulation are junctions between the basilar artery and one of its major branches. Massive rupture of a posterior circulation berry aneurysm is one of the few types of ‘stroke’ that can produce sudden unexpected death, sometimes within seconds.

For individuals that survive SAH by days or weeks, then come to necropsy, the pathologist should note:

image The degree and extent of meningeal discoloration (e.g. with blood breakdown products) and fibrosis.

image The existence and severity of hydrocephalus (often related to the above observation).

image Ischemic lesions in the brain parenchyma that may have resulted from vasospasm.

image The location and status of any aneurysm clip(s) (Fig. 10.10) or evidence of other modalities that may have been used to treat it, e.g. coiling, embolization (Fig. 10.11).


Histologic features of a berry aneurysm, either ruptured or intact, are optimally demonstrated by an elastic stain (e.g. van Gieson or Movat pentachrome). The aneurysm may be unilobular or multilobular. Characteristic histopathologic features include attenuation and focal loss of both elastic tissue and smooth muscle cells of the muscularis, generally most marked close to the site of rupture. There is variable fibrosis of the aneurysm wall and foci of atherosclerosis may be evident (Figs 10.1210.14). Blood breakdown products in the vicinity may reflect earlier, including asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic, bleeds. When an ‘incidental’ aneurysm is discovered at autopsy (Fig. 10.15), it may be quite large; in elderly patients, there may be superimposed intimal atherosclerotic change within its walls.

Giant berry aneurysms (defined as having a diameter of ≥25 mm) often show mural calcification, and extensive thrombosis with or without recanalization; they are more likely to behave as a mass lesion than to produce massive SAH (Figs 10.16, 10.17).


Diagnosis of an IA (also known as a ‘mycotic aneurysm,’ even though it is not always associated with fungal infection) depends upon a high index of suspicion when a patient with a predisposing medical condition (e.g. infective endocarditis) experiences a SAH or BH. IAs are usually situated on distal (e.g. meningeal) branches of cerebral arteries, are usually multiple, and may be inconspicuous or impossible to identify macroscopically. In such a situation, sections incorporating small arteries from the edge of a hematoma are likely to reveal an IA. Elastic stains demonstrate breaches in the elastic tissue of the affected arterial wall, while stains for fungi or bacteria are likely to show microorganisms within the vessel wall (Figs 10.18, 10.19). The natural history of IAs is not clearly defined, since they may be difficult to identify by neuroimaging. IA-related hemorrhage may be subarachnoid (~20% of patients), intraparenchymal (~25%) or even intraventricular (~5%). Treatment is largely medical (antibiotics) rather than surgical.



10.19 Infective aneurysm in a young intravenous drug abuser.
Sections of the aneurysm shown in Fig. 10.18. (a) The elastic tissue is intact along part of the vessel wall (bottom of the illustration) but ends abruptly in a mass of fibrin and inflammatory cells. (b) Part of the aneurysm wall stained to show the presence of Gram-positive cocci, which had colonized the vessel wall and (together with inflammation) produced the aneurysmal dilatation.


These rare aneurysms are formed from ectatic, often tortuous, basal arteries. Most involve the vertebrobasilar system. They may be several centimeters in diameter. Most affected patients are elderly, though rare instances are described in children. They may present with:


Fusiform aneurysms usually affect the basilar artery, especially its middle segment (Fig. 10.20), but may extend inferiorly to involve the upper part of one of the vertebral arteries. Except in children, there may be marked complicated atherosclerosis of the affected arterial wall, including foamy histiocytes, evidence of old intraplaque hemorrhage, calcification, thrombosis (either mural or occlusive), and variable degrees of inflammation.


Rarely, SAH is the result of a ruptured neoplastic aneurysm, especially those originating in occlusive emboli from cardiac myxoma or choriocarcinoma, both tumors that may invade multiple foci in the distal vasculature to produce ectasia, weakening and focal rupture.

Nonvascular diseases can present with symptoms and signs that closely mimic aSAH, e.g. ‘pituitary apoplexy,’ which usually results from rapidly evolving infarction within a pituitary macroadenoma.

The etiology of a given SAH remains ‘occult’ in approximately 10–20% of patients (Fig. 10.21). Small SAHs (often asymptomatic) are commonly encountered in autopsies performed at teaching hospitals.

Possible causes of hemorrhage in these patients include:


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