Toxic injury of the CNS
the ubiquity of industrial waste and the cost and difficulties in disposing of it
the continued development of novel chemical compounds and their growing use for therapeutic and recreational purposes.
This chapter covers toxins that are known to produce lesions of the CNS. Some of them also cause peripheral neuropathy, but this will be mentioned only briefly (Tables 25.1–25.3).
Table 25.1
Table 25.3
The peripheral neuropathy caused by chronic trivalent arsenical intoxication may be associated with chromatolysis and loss of anterior horn cells. In patients with acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalopathy complicating organic pentavalent arsenical administration, the brain is swollen and contains numerous small and occasional larger foci of hemorrhage (Fig. 25.1). Histology reveals fibrinoid necrosis of many parenchymal blood vessels and hemorrhage into the surrounding tissue (Fig. 25.1). Some of the blood vessels are surrounded by a fibrin exudate containing a mixed inflammatory infiltrate. The findings are described in more detail in Chapter 20.
25.1 Acute hemorrhagic encephalopathy complicating melarsoprol treatment.
(a) Petechial hemorrhage and surrounding gray discoloration in the pons. This patient developed acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalopathy as a reaction to melarsoprol treatment. (b) and (c) Histology reveals fibrinoid necrosis of blood vessels and hemorrhage into the surrounding white matter. (Courtesy of Professor Hume Adams, University of Glasgow.)
There is preferential loss of small neurons, particularly from the granule cell layer of the cerebellum and the primary visual, auditory, and somatosensory regions of the cerebral cortex, in which small neurons predominate. In severe cases, particularly in children, neuronal loss is more extensive and there is spongiform cortical degeneration. Other features include an associated gliosis and, in acute lesions, infiltration by macrophages. Degeneration of dorsal root ganglion cells results in some loss of nerve fibers from the posterior columns of the spinal cord. Sprouting of Purkinje cell dendrites is a prominent feature in long-term survivors, in whom granular deposits of mercury are demonstrable in astrocytes, microglia, and neurons (Fig. 25.2).
25.2 Mercury poisoning.
(a) Examples of the handwriting and drawing of a patient who 16 years previously had worked for about 18 months filling mercury thermometers and had developed metallic mercury poisoning. (b) Demonstration of intralysosomal mercury in the cerebral cortex. (c) Demonstration of intralysosomal mercury in spinal motor neurons. (b,c) Silver precipitation method of Danscher and Schroeder, see Histochemistry 1979; 60:1–7.
Most cases of thallium intoxication result from accidental or deliberate ingestion of thallium-containing pesticides or rodenticides. The clinical picture resembles that of trivalent arsenical poisoning. The only consistent abnormalities in the CNS (Fig. 25.3) are those related to the sensorimotor distal axonopathy, which are:
Triethyltin causes striking white matter edema in brain and spinal cord (Fig. 25.4) due to the accumulation of fluid in vacuoles within the myelin sheaths (Fig. 25.4). The vacuoles are formed by separation of myelin along intraperiod lines (Fig. 25.4). Trimethyltin does not cause intramyelinic edema, but is toxic to neurons in the hippocampus, basal ganglia, entorhinal cortex, and amygdala. It elicits specific apoptotic destruction of pyramidal neurons in the CA3 region of the hippocampus and in other limbic structures.
25.4 Triethyltin intoxication.
(a) Widespread vacuolation of the cerebellar white matter in experimental triethyltin intoxication. (b) Electron microscopy reveals accumulations of fluid within the myelin sheaths. (c) At higher magnification, the myelin is seen to have separated along intraperiod lines. (Courtesy of Professor John Cavanagh.)
The brain and spinal cord appear macroscopically normal, and histologic changes are sparsely documented. In the peripheral nervous system, carbon disulfide intoxication results in axonal swellings (Fig. 25.5), which contain abnormal accumulations of neurofilaments, and distal nerve fiber degeneration. Described CNS abnormalities include distal axonal spinocerebellar degeneration and increased cerebral atherosclerosis. Spinal long tracts contain neurofilamentous axonal swellings (Fig. 25.5). The distal axonopathy is probably secondary to progressive cross-linking and accumulation of neurofilaments during their anterograde transport in long axons.
Acute intoxication produces meningeal congestion and cerebral edema, and, occasionally, petechial hemorrhages. Microscopically, birefringent calcium oxalate deposits can usually be demonstrated by polarized light microscopy (Fig. 25.6) in and around vessels in the meninges, brain parenchyma, and choroid plexus. Neurons may show hypoxic change and there is often white matter edema. Scanty perivascular acute inflammatory infiltrates may be seen, but these are not consistently related to the calcium oxalate deposits and may be a reaction to hypoxic brain injury.
The brain and spinal cord appear macroscopically normal. Histologic changes in the human CNS are sparsely documented, but there are many experimental studies demonstrating the formation of neurofilamentous axonal swellings (Fig. 25.7) and distal degeneration of nerve fibers in long ascending (spinocerebellar and posterior column) and descending (corticospinal) spinal tracts, as occur in the peripheral nerves. As in carbon disulfide intoxication, the changes are probably due to progressive cross-linking and accumulation of neurofilaments during their anterograde transport.