Thoracoscopic Approaches to the Spine

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Last modified 26/03/2015

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CHAPTER 306 Thoracoscopic Approaches to the Spine

Minimally invasive surgery has become a major goal across surgical subspecialties. Issues as diverse as cost containment, wound aesthetics, and decreased pain have all served as an impetus to refine these techniques. Technologic advances have helped to make these procedures safe, viable options for a wide variety of pathologies.

Advances in endoscopic imaging devices have played an important role in the development of minimally invasive surgery. Endoscopic image resolution now far surpasses that previously obtained because of improved technology such as computer interfacing, optical chips, fiberoptic cables, video endoscopy, and three-dimensional (3-D) imaging. Endoscopes provide illumination, visualization, magnification, and a conduit to access areas of the human nervous system as diverse as the ventricular system and spine.

Endoscopic techniques in spinal surgery are now common for a variety of pathologies: posterolateral percutaneous approaches to the lumbar disk spaces and neural foramina, anterior laparoscopic and anterolateral retroperitoneal endoscopic approaches to the lumbar spine, and thoracoscopic approaches to the thoracic spine.114 Typically, rigid rod-lens endoscopes are used to visualize the anatomy and pathology; however, flexible fiberoptic endoscopes have also been used to inspect small spaces such as the neural foramina and syringomyelia cavities.710,13,15 The resolution and image quality of flexible fiberoptic endoscopes are poorer than that of rigid endoscopes.

Endoscopes have found a valuable place in the treatment of thoracic spinal disorders. Thoracoscopy was first widely employed by cardiothoracic surgeons, and the techniques for thoracoscopic spinal surgery are adapted from their methodologies.1619 Today, thoracoscopic surgical techniques are used to perform sympathectomies, discectomies, and vertebrectomies; to correct deformities; to stabilize spine fractures after trauma; and to biopsy and resect tumors.

Historical Overview

Beginning in the early 1900s, thoracoscopy was used as a diagnostic tool to evaluate pleural disease.2023 During the late 1980s, techniques and instrumentation for endoscopic surgical procedures improved dramatically. In the early 1990s, thoracoscopic techniques were refined and applied to a broad spectrum of pathologies involving the thorax.1619

Today, many thoracic procedures previously performed via a thoracotomy are routinely performed thoracoscopically. These procedures include biopsy or resection of pleural or lung lesions, lymph node biopsy, biopsy and resection of mediastinal masses, lobectomy, pneumonectomy, pleural sclerotherapy, treatment of blebs, esophageal procedures, and sympathectomy.161924 In the resection of pulmonary lesions,2426 the small thoracoscopic incisions have minimized dissection and retraction of the chest wall, reduced postoperative pain, decreased blood loss, shortened intensive care unit and overall hospital stays, improved postoperative pulmonary and shoulder function, hastened recovery times, and decreased complications.1619,2426

The techniques of thoracoscopic spine surgery were independently developed by Regan and coworkers3,6 in the United States and by Rosenthal and colleagues5,27 in Germany. The first report of thoracoscopy for spinal diseases was published by Mack and coworkers28 who described 10 patients with diverse spinal pathology effectively treated thoracoscopically without major complications. Rosenthal and associates5 and Horowitz and coworkers4 published separate reports that described the techniques for performing thoracic microdiscectomy thoracoscopically. Since then, numerous reports have demonstrated the effectiveness of thoracoscopic spinal surgery for the treatment of a wide variety of spinal disorders.16,2931


Thoracoscopy can be used to access the sympathetic chain, disks, vertebral bodies, and the ipsilateral pedicle; however, it cannot be used to access the posterior elements of the spine. Thoracoscopic approaches have been used to treat herniated thoracic disks2628; to drain vertebral epidural abscesses; to débride vertebral osteomyelitis and diskitis; to decompress fractures; to biopsy and resect neoplasms1328; and to perform vertebrectomies and interbody fusions, vertebral body reconstructions and instrumentation,13,28,30 sympathectomies,3234 and anterior releases for the treatment of kyphosis and scoliosis (Table 306-1).2,3,6,28,30

Table 306-1 Potential Indications for Thoracoscopic Spinal Surgery

Costotransversectomy, thoracotomy, and thoracoscopy are the three major techniques available to address thoracic vertebral and disk pathologies. Each technique has distinct advantages and disadvantages (Table 306-2). When the ventral aspect of the dura must be visualized well, an anterior transthoracic approach (thoracotomy or thoracoscopy) is necessary. This significantly improves visualization of the ventral surfaces of the spine and spinal cord to facilitate decompression, reconstruction, and internal fixation compared with posterolateral approaches.3544 For lateral pathologies, a costotransversectomy, transpedicular approach, or other such posterolateral approaches may be considered.

Thoracoscopic Technique

Operating Room Setup and Patient Positioning

A radiolucent operating table is used so that fluoroscopic images can be obtained intraoperatively. Initially, the patient is placed supine on the operating room table while a double-lumen endotracheal tube is placed. Fiberoptic bronchoscopic equipment should be kept in the room should the endotracheal tube need to be repositioned or the patient suctioned during the procedure. Typically, the anesthesiologist is positioned at the head of the operating table (Fig. 306-1). An arterial line, central venous and urinary catheters, and pneumatic compression stockings are placed. Somatosensory and/or motor evoked potential leads are connected and baseline recordings are obtained before the patient is positioned.

The patient is then turned and placed in a lateral decubitus position with the operative side up. During a thoracoscopic procedure, the deflated lung is allowed to reexpand several minutes each hour to decrease the chance of the patient developing symptomatic atelectasis after surgery.

A foam axillary roll is used to pad the dependent axilla. The legs are flexed at the knees, and the hips and shoulder are firmly secured to the operating table so that the patient can be tilted safely during surgery. The patient’s dependent arm is placed on a padded arm board, and the upper arm is elevated on a pillow or secured via a sling or ether screen. Abduction of the upper arm moves the scapula dorsally and increases exposure of the chest wall.

Intraoperative image intensification (C arm) is positioned to obtain a clear anteroposterior view of the thoracic spine to verify the appropriate level before the skin is marked with indelible ink. Preoperative markings on the skin include the position of the portals, scapula, and potential thoracotomy incision. The patient’s entire chest, axillary region, proximal arm, back, and abdomen are then sterilely scrubbed, prepared, and draped. During the procedure the surgeon and assistant stand anterior to the patient facing the anterior thorax. Ideally, two video monitors are used, one across the operating table for viewing by the surgeons, and the other positioned for the scrub nurse.

Portal Insertion

Depending on the procedure, two to four portals are inserted to gain access to the thoracic cavity (Fig. 306-2). The portals should be spread far enough apart so that the surgeon’s hands are neither too close together nor too close to the endoscope. The working portals (for instruments) are best positioned anterolaterally between the anterior and middle axillary lines. The endoscope portal is best positioned posterolaterally between the middle and posterior axillary line. This technique allows the surgeon’s hands to rest comfortably during the procedure. The axilla and first and second interspaces are never entered to avoid injury to the brachial plexus and great vessels, respectively. Exposure from T9 to T12 requires caudal retraction of the diaphragm to expose the costophrenic recess. This exposure can be enhanced by a reverse Trendelenburg position and a fan retractor.

When a 0-degree angled endoscope is used, the portal is placed directly over the spinal segment of interest. When a 30-degree angled endoscope is used, the portal position must be offset above or below the level of pathology and the scope angled obliquely.

The position of the portals are triangulated over the region of the pathology and ideally evenly spaced rostral and caudal to the surgical target. If needed, a fan retractor can be placed between the anterior and middle axillary lines, rostral or caudal to the working portals.

Flexible portals are used in thoracoscopic spinal procedures to prevent injury to the intercostal nerves. Portals serve to keep blood and debris off the endoscope and instruments. An 11- or 15-mm portal is adequate for most purposes. A smaller portal can be used for a suction-irrigation tool (7 mm). A larger portal is needed when bone grafts or instrumentation are to be placed.

Before the portals are placed, the skin is infiltrated and an intercostal nerve block is administered with a local anesthetic (1% bupivicaine [Marcaine] with epinephrine). The skin is incised parallel to the superior surface of the rib to prevent injury to the neurovascular bundle. A hemostat is passed through the intercostal muscles and parietal pleura directly adjacent to the superior surface of the rib. A finger can be inserted to check for lung adhesions that would preclude the introduction of a portal at that site. Portals are placed over a rigid trocar, which is immediately removed after the portals have been placed (Fig. 306-3). The proximal end of the portal is stapled or sutured to the skin to anchor it to the chest wall during surgery.

The endoscope is placed after the first portal is inserted. Additional portals are placed under direct endoscopic visualization. Small adhesions can be addressed with sharp or blunt dissection techniques; however, dense, diffuse adhesions usually preclude thoracoscopic access and require conversion to a thoracotomy.

Thoracic Endoscopic Sympathectomy

Several clinical syndromes that result from a pathologically elevated sympathetic tone can be treated surgically by thoracic sympathectomy. These entities include palmar or axillary hyperhidrosis, pain syndromes involving the upper extremities such as reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), ischemic syndromes of the hand such as Raynaud’s disease, and malignant tachyarrhythmias refractory to medical management. The second, third, and sometimes fourth sympathetic ganglia are thought to be the primary mediators of these disease processes. Traditionally, the second thoracic ganglion is considered to be the key ganglion for sympathetic denervation of the upper extremity.2 Thoracic endoscopic sympathectomy, a technique first described about 50 years ago,3 provides an appealing alternative for patients with conditions that are treatable by sympathetic denervation.

Surgical Indications

Several major groups of disorders can be treated by thoracoscopic sympathectomy (Table 306-4) and contraindications for the procedure are few. Idiopathic (essential) palmar hyperhidrosis is the most common indication for thoracoscopic sympathectomy. Most patients who receive a neurosurgical referral for this condition have been evaluated for metabolic (hyperthyroidism) or neoplastic causes and have failed efforts at medical management with topical and anticholinergic agents.

Table 306-4 Indications for Sympathectomy

From Dickman CA, Baskin JJ, Theodore N. Thoracic endoscopic sympathectomy. In: Fessler RG, Sekhar LN, eds. Atlas of Neurosurgical Techniques. New York: Thieme; 2006.

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