Shock and cardiac disease in children

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Last modified 27/02/2015

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Chapter 101 Shock and cardiac disease in children

Most cases of shock in childhood are caused by hypovolaemia (Table 101.1) or sepsis. The causes, clinical course, management and complications of shock differ from those in adults: severe diarrhoeal disease and congenital abnormalities are common in childhood but abdominal sepsis, pancreatitis and obstructive vascular disease are uncommon.

Table 101.1 Causes of hypovolaemic shock in childhood

Water deprivation (absolute or relative to losses)

The following factors affect the epidemiology of shock in children:


The pathophysiology of shock is described in Chapter 11 which should be read in conjunction with this chapter. The following aspects of a child’s physiology affect the response to insults.



Although the infant heart has fewer mitochondria per gram of tissue, and a lower oxidative capacity, it has a lower oxygen demand per gram, larger glycogen reserves and a higher capacity for anaerobic glycolysis.7 Glucose is the major myocardial energy source (rather than long chain fatty acids as in older children) and hypoglycaemia causes severe myocardial depression.



The child may have a history of fluid or blood loss, reduced fluid intake or bowel-related illness. Signs of dehydration (see Chapter 99), external bleeding or haematoma may be present. The presence of hypovolaemic shock implies a blood volume deficit greater than 30 ml/kg.

Signs of homeostatic compensation, such as tachycardia (Table 101.3), narrow pulse pressure, cool mottled limbs and slow capillary refill usually precede the onset of hypotension, which tends to occur late (after loss of 15–20% of blood volume) and precipitously in young children. In severe shock of any cause, signs of multiple organ hypoperfusion (e.g. oliguria of less than 0.5 ml/kg per hour, lethargy or coma, hypothermia, tachypnoea and increasing lactic or other metabolic acidosis) are found. Bleeding due to disseminated intravascular coagulation and liver dysfunction may occur in the first 6 hours.

In early shock, these changes are reversible by plasma volume expansion with boluses of 20 ml/kg 0.9% saline or blood, repeated as necessary. Failure to respond to two such boluses with a decrease in heart rate and capillary refill time (normal < 2 seconds after 5 seconds’ pressure over the sternum) indicates refractory shock requiring more aggressive treatment (see below).

Investigations (see Table 101.4) include:

Table 101.4 Investigation of shock in children

All shocked children

If the cause of shock is unknown

CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; ECG, electrocardiogram; PCR, polymerase chain reaction.


Tachycardia, hypotension, low volume pulses and signs of homeostatic compensation and poor organ perfusion (see above) are usually present. Cardiomegaly, muffled heart sounds and a gallop rhythm may be found. New murmurs may appear (e.g. mitral systolic murmur due to left ventricular dilatation with consequent mitral regurgitation, or aortic diastolic murmur due to endocarditis). Chest rales, tachypnoea and wheezing indicate left heart failure, while in right heart failure, oedema appears first in the eyelids and dorsum of hands and feet. Hepatomegaly develops rapidly in children, and is a more reliable sign of right heart failure than a raised jugular venous pressure (JVP) which may be hard to detect in infants.

Combinations of signs specific to individual congenital heart lesions are described below. Such signs when present (e.g. absent femoral pulses in aortic coarctation, or skull, liver or renal bruits of arteriovenous fistulae) may indicate the cause of the shock (Table 101.5), while diagnostically useful murmurs are not always present.

Table 101.5 Causes of cardiogenic shock in childhood

Investigations (see Table 101.4) should include:


Septic infants usually present with a hypodynamic circulation, low cardiac output and cool extremities. Early septic shock in older children may be hypodynamic, or may be similar to that in adults, in which tachycardia, tachypnoea and hypotension are accompanied by warm extremities, wide pulse pressure and increased cardiac output. Lethargy or stupor, oliguria and Kussmaul breathing characteristic of metabolic acidosis indicate inadequate tissue oxygenation.

Severely septic children are often hypothermic rather than febrile.

As shock progresses, myocardial depression by endotoxin, tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) (see Chapter 11) decreases the cardiac output earlier than is the case in adults, as the less compliant infant ventricle cannot dilate to sustain the stroke volume in the face of a reduced ejection fraction.11,12 Furthermore, the rapid and severe capillary leak that is characteristic of paediatric sepsis leads to hypovolaemia in the underresuscitated child, further reducing preload and cardiac output. For this reason, septic children often respond well to aggressive fluid resuscitation (> 60 ml/kg in the first hour). Peripheral oedema caused by leakage of proteinaceous fluid from injured capillary endothelia exacerbates cellular hypoxia by increasing the diffusion distance for oxygen between capillaries and cells.


Shock of any cause leads to multiple organ failure, the clinical course and outcome of which differ from those in shocked adults:

Myocardial depression, reduced ventricular diastolic compliance13 and low cardiac output. Clinically important arrhythmias rarely occur.
Disseminated intravascular coagulation occurs very commonly, due to activation of the coagulation pathway, increased production of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and reduced levels of proteins C and S, antithrombin III and thrombomodulin.14 This contributes to failure of other organs, and combines with impaired liver function and clotting factor dilution by fluid resuscitation to cause bleeding from puncture sites and sometimes from the upper gastrointestinal tract.


The main features are hypotension, vasodilatation and hypovolaemia due to plasma leakage from capillaries. The child’s extremities are warm and pink, the blood pressure is low and the pulse pressure is wide. There is tachycardia, oliguria and stupor. Other evidence of anaphylaxis (wheezing, urticaria, swollen face or tongue), spinal cord injury (bradycardia, quadriparesis, lax anal sphincter) or drug intoxication (history, tablets, coma out of proportion to shock) may be present (Table 101.6).

Table 101.6 Causes of distributive shock in childhood


The child’s airway, breathing (see Chapter 98) and circulation should be secured during the initial assessment. The priorities in management of the circulation are to achieve:


This requires systolic and diastolic blood pressures of 80% of normal for age (see Table 101.3), achieved by aggressive early blood volume expansion and by pressor drugs. The conscious state is the best index of adequate brain perfusion, while improved coronary perfusion is shown by rising blood pressure with falling central venous pressure.