Chapter 120 Primary Combined Antibody and Cellular Immunodeficiencies
Patients with combined antibody and cellular defects have severe, frequently opportunistic infections that lead to death in infancy or childhood unless they are provided hematopoietic stem cell transplantation early in life. These are thought to be rare defects, although the true incidences are unknown because there has been no newborn screening for any of these defects. It is possible that many affected children die of infection during infancy without being diagnosed. The defective gene products for many combined immunodeficiencies are identified (Table 120-1). Because life threatening infection may occur in infancy, screening for SCID has been recommended by the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services to be included in the state newborn screening programs. Live, vaccine-derived infections have occurred during this time of life and knowledge of SCID status could prevent these infections. In addition, early identification and subsequent bone marrow transplantation before life-threatening infections and end organ injury is the best approach to therapy.
120.1 Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID)
SCID results from mutations in any 1 of 13 known genes that encode components of the immune system crucial for lymphoid cell development (Table 120-2). All patients with SCID have very small thymuses (<1 g) that usually fail to descend from the neck, contain no thymocytes, and lack corticomedullary distinction or Hassall corpuscles. The thymic epithelium appears histologically normal. Both the follicular and paracortical areas of the spleen are depleted of lymphocytes. Lymph nodes, tonsils, adenoids, and Peyer patches are absent or extremely underdeveloped.
Increased apoptosis | |
• Due to mitochondrial energy failure | AK2 |
• Due to accumulation of toxic metabolites | ADA |
• Due to abnormal actin polymerization | CORO1A |
Impaired cytokine-mediated signaling | |
• Due to defects of the common γ chain | IG2RG (X-linked SCID) |
• Due to defects of the IL-7R α chain | IL7R |
• Due to defects of Jak3 | JAK3 |
Impaired signaling through the pre–T cell receptor | |
• Due to defective V(D)J recombination | RAG1, RAG2, DCLRE1C, LIG4,* PRKDC |
• Due to impaired expression of CD3 subunits | CD3D, CD3E, CD3Z |
Impaired signaling in the periphery | ORA1 |
Unknown mechanism | RMRP* |
* These gene defects are most often associated with a milder clinical phenotype than SCID.
From Pessach I, Walter J, Notarangelo LD: Recent advances in primary immunodeficiencies: identification of novel genetic defects and unanticipated phenotypes, Pediatr Res 65:3R–12R, 2009.
Clinical Manifestations
Because all molecular types of SCID lack T cells, infants with SCID have lymphopenia (<2,500/mm3) that is present at birth, indicating that the condition could be diagnosed in all affected infants if white blood cell counts with manual differential counts were routinely performed on all cord bloods and the absolute lymphocyte count calculated. These infants also have an absence of lymphocyte proliferative responses to mitogens, antigens, and allogeneic cells in vitro. Patients with adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency have the lowest absolute lymphocyte counts, usually <500/mm3. Serum immunoglobulin concentrations are low or absent, and no antibodies are formed after immunizations. Analyses of lymphocyte populations and subpopulations demonstrate distinctive phenotypes for the various genetic forms of SCID (see Table 120-2). T cells are extremely low or absent in all types; when detected, in most cases they are transplacentally derived maternal T cells.
X-Linked Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCIDX1) Due To Mutations in the Gene Encoding the Common Cytokine Receptor γ Chain (γC)
X-linked SCID (X-SCD) is the most common form of SCID in the USA, accounting for 47% of cases (Fig. 120-1). Clinically, immunologically, and histopathologically, affected individuals appear similar to those with other forms of SCID except for having uniformly low percentages of T and NK cells and an elevated percentage of B cells (T−, B+, NK−), a characteristic feature shared only with Janus kinase 3 (Jak3)–deficient SCID. The abnormal gene in X-SCD was mapped to Xq13, cloned, and found to encode the common γ chain (γc) for several cytokine receptors, including IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15, and IL-21. The shared γc functions both to increase the affinity of the receptor for the respective cytokine and to enable the receptors to mediate intracellular signaling. Incapacitation of the receptors for all of these developmentally crucial cytokines by genetic mutations in γc provides an explanation for the severity of the immunodeficiency in SCIDX1. In the 1st 136 patients studied, 95 distinct mutations spanning all 8 IL2RG exons were identified, most of them consisting of small changes at the level of 1 to a few nucleotides. These mutations resulted in abnormal γc chains in two thirds of the cases and absent γc protein in the remainder. Carriers can be detected by demonstrating nonrandom X-chromosome inactivation or the deleterious mutation in their T, B, or NK lymphocytes. Unless donor B or NK cells develop, patients with X-SCID lack B- and NK-cell function after bone marrow transplantation because the abnormal γc persists in those host cells, despite excellent reconstitution of T-cell function by donor-derived T cells.
Autosomal Recessive Severe Combined Immunodeficiency
This pattern of inheritance of SCID is less common in the USA than in Europe. Mutated genes on autosomal chromosomes have been identified in 12 forms of SCID: ADA deficiency; Jak3 deficiency; IL-7 receptor α chain (IL-7Rα) deficiency; RAG1 or RAG2 deficiency; Artemis deficiency; ligase 4 deficiency; DNA–protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) deficiency; CD3δ, CD3ε, CD3ζ deficiency; and CD45 deficiency (see Fig. 120-1).
IL-7Rα Deficiency
Patients with IL-7Rα-deficient SCID have a distinctive lymphocyte phenotype in that, though lacking T cells, they have normal or elevated numbers of both B and NK cells (T−, B+, NK+). This is the third most common form of SCID, accounting for 12% of cases in the USA (see Fig. 120-1). In contrast to patients with γc– and Jak3-deficient SCID, the immunologic defect in these patients is completely correctable by bone marrow stem cell transplantation, as the host B and NK cells appear to be normal.