Head and spinal injuries

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Head and spinal injuries


Head injury, whether accidental, criminal, or suicidal, is the leading cause of death in people under 45 years of age in developed countries. It accounts for 1% of all deaths, 30% of deaths from trauma, and 50% of deaths due to road traffic accidents.

The severity of head injury is often assessed using the Glasgow coma scale (Table 11.1). This yields scores of 3 (the worst score) to 15 (the best score) based on an assessment of ocular, verbal, and motor responses.

Table 11.1

Glasgow coma scale

Best eye response (maximum = 4)
1. No eye opening 3. Eyes opening to verbal command
2. Eye opening to pain 4. Eyes open spontaneously
Best verbal response (maximum = 5)
1. No verbal response 4. Confused
2. Incomprehensible sounds 5. Oriented
3. Inappropriate words
Best motor response (maximum = 6)
1. No motor response 4. Withdrawal from pain
2. Extension to pain 5. Localizing to pain
3. Flexion to pain 6. Obeys commands
Coma score Clinical correlate
13 or above Mild brain injury
9–12 Moderate brain injury
8 or less Severe brain injury

From: Teasdale G, Jennett B. Assessment of coma and impaired consciousness. A practical scale. Lancet 1974; 2:81–84.

In the USA, an estimated 700 000 individuals each year sustain severe head injury, and 150/100 000 of the population have a persisting handicap resulting from trauma-induced brain damage (i.e. approximately 450 000 individuals). The number of severe head injuries each year in the UK is approximately 50 000; these account for 20% of deaths between the ages of 5 and 45 and result in moderate to severe disability in the majority of survivors.


Time course

Brain damage following trauma can be viewed as occurring in two phases (Fig. 11.1):

Progressive neurologic deterioration over many years has been noted in 15% of patients who have suffered severe head trauma (Fig. 11.2).




The presence of a skull fracture indicates that the head has been subjected to localized trauma of considerable force. It is very important that the dura is stripped as a routine procedure at necropsy after head injury, otherwise fractures are easily missed. The type of fracture is partly dictated by the nature of the object that has made traumatic contact with the skull:

The risk of intracranial hematoma is significantly increased in patients with skull fractures.

Fractures of the base of the skull predispose to:

Depressed fractures may tear the dura and associated blood vessels, leading to intracranial hemorrhage (see p. 274).


Acutely, contusions appear as superficial hemorrhagic areas associated with some hemorrhage into the overlying leptomeninges and variable brain swelling (Figs 11.411.6). Over subsequent days and weeks their color changes to brown or orange, and involved gyri become indented or superficially cavitated as necrotic tissue is resorbed. In brain slices, old contusions often have a triangular shape, with the point in the depths of the cortex or underlying white matter and a wide base at the surface of the crest of the gyrus (Fig. 11.7, see also Fig. 11.31). Contusions can be distinguished from foci of old ischemic damage, which are almost invariably more severe within the depths of sulci.

Contusions may occur in the region of impact (a form of contact damage), particularly if this causes fracturing, but also occur elsewhere over the brain in a stereotyped distribution that tends to be much the same whatever the site of the original injury. The contusions involve the crests of gyri that come into contact with protuberances within the skull (Figs 11.8, 11.9). Contusions tend therefore, to be located in the following regions:

Contusions may also involve the cerebellar hemispheres (Fig. 11.9e,f).

Lacerations develop when the severity of trauma has been sufficient to cause tearing of the pia. This may occur in association with a depressed skull fracture. The most severe pattern of cerebral laceration is embraced by the term ‘burst lobe’. This is often associated with a skull fracture and most commonly involves the frontal and temporal lobes, which show confluent intracerebral and subarachnoid bleeding (sometimes even extending into the subdural or extradural space), associated with massive disruption of the affected lobe (Fig. 11.10).


The appearance of contusions evolves with time through several stages:

image Initially the contusion is visible as microscopic regions of perivascular hemorrhage (Fig. 11.11a) following the track of small vessels in the cortex and usually running perpendicular to the cortical surface. The hemorrhage occurs within seconds or minutes of the injury.

image Over several hours blood continues to seep into the adjacent cortex, which shows local swelling and confluent hemorrhage. If the contusion is severe there is extension into the underlying white matter. During this phase, neurons in the immediate vicinity begin to degenerate (Fig. 11.11b,c). Blood vessels within the contused tissue may show margination by neutrophils (Fig. 11.12), which later infiltrate the adjacent parenchyma.

image If there is survival, the damaged area undergoes progressive organization characterized by activation and proliferation of astrocytes and microglia, infiltration of blood-derived phagocytes, and removal of necrotic material.

image What remains eventually is a superficial, roughly wedge-shaped, region of neuronal loss and glial scarring (Fig. 11.13). Hemosiderin pigment is found in scattered residual macrophages and astrocytes. The remaining neurons may become mineralized. The subjacent white matter is rarefied and gliotic.


Bleeding in and around the brain is a common feature of head injury. Intracranial hematomas may evolve over a period of time after the impact. The resulting brain swelling or compression is one of the most important forms of secondary brain damage and the commonest reason for deterioration and death in patients who are initially well after their injury.

Extradural hematoma

Extradural hematoma occurs in approximately 10% of severe head injuries and up to 15% of fatal head injuries. It results from torn vessels in the meninges and is usually associated with a skull fracture in adults, but may occur without an associated skull fracture in children. The bleeding vessel is often the middle meningeal artery, which is torn as a result of a fracture of the squamous temporal bone.

Extradural hematomas are relatively localized and may accumulate slowly over a period of hours because of the adherence between the dura and the inner aspect of the calvarium (Fig. 11.14). They are evident macroscopically as a biconvex accumulation of clotted blood between the skull and the dura (Fig. 11.15).

Death due to an extradural hematoma is usually the result of cerebral compression and transtentorial herniation.

Subdural hematoma

Subdural hematoma usually results from tearing of bridging veins that cross the subdural space, especially those related to the superior sagittal sinus. Blood from the ruptured vessels spreads freely through the subdural space and can envelop the entire hemisphere (Fig. 11.16).

Acute subdural hematomas generally consist of soft, recently clotted blood. With time, the firm blood clot of less acute subdural hematomas is broken down, so that only a few foci remain after about a month. A serous fluid tinged with blood pigments is characteristic of chronic hematomas, but repeated small, acute hemorrhages may produce a mixed picture.

Chronic subdural hematomas become surrounded by a ‘membrane’ of organizing granulation tissue (Fig. 11.17). This is usually evident on the dural aspect of the hematoma within about 1 week, and later on its deep surface. Progressive enlargement of the hematoma may occur, mainly due to recurrent bleeding from friable blood vessels in the granulation tissue, although an osmotic effect of blood breakdown products may also contribute. Attempted dating of subdural hematomas by histologic examination of the ‘membranes’ has proven unreliable.

Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage

There are several possible sources of subarachnoid bleeding:

image Subarachnoid blood may derive from severe contusions and lacerations (Fig. 11.18, see also Figs 11.5, 11.10); the hemorrhage is usually localized to the region of cortical damage.

image Fractures of the skull base can tear large vessels at the base of the brain.

image Even in the absence of basal fractures, cranial trauma occasionally causes rupture or dissection of the vertebral arteries, resulting in arterial occlusion or subarachnoid hemorrhage; the tear usually originates near where the arteries pass through the dura into the cranial cavity (Fig. 11.19). More rarely, subarachnoid hemorrhage results from a tear in the intraosseous part of the vertebral arteries within the cervical spine (Fig. 11.20).

image Blood from intraventricular hemorrhage enters the subarachnoid space through the exit foramina of the fourth ventricle.

In trauma associated with substantial subarachnoid bleeding, the vertebral arteries should be subjected to careful macroscopic and microscopic examination, and a careful search should be made for cerebral arterial aneurysms since these may have important medicolegal implications.

A late consequence of traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage is the development of hydrocephalus due to obstruction of CSF drainage pathways.

Cerebral and cerebellar hematomas

Superficial lobar hematomas are generally related to overlying contusional damage and are mainly seen in the frontal and temporal lobes (Fig. 11.21). They also occur in association with contusions in the cerebellum (Fig. 11.22). Deep hematomas tend to be related to the basal ganglia and thalamus (Fig. 11.23, see also Fig. 11.30a) and are often associated with diffuse axonal injury.

Traumatic hematomas may develop several days after the injury. In some cases, a parenchymal hematoma develops following evacuation of an extradural or subdural hematoma, and probably reflects reperfusion of brain tissue that has sustained ischemic injury as a result of the compression.


Uncommon types of focal brain damage include:

image Ischemic brain damage due to traumatic arterial dissection and thrombosis resulting from stretching of the vertebral or carotid arteries by hyperextension of the neck (Fig. 11.24).

image Infarction of the pituitary gland due to traumatic transection of the pituitary stalk or complicating severely raised intracranial pressure.

image A pontomedullary rent resulting from severe injury associated with hyperextension of the neck (Fig. 11.25).

image Cranial nerve avulsion (most commonly the olfactory nerve fibers, the optic nerve, the facial nerve, or the auditory nerve).


Infection is predominantly a complication of skull fractures:

The incidence of brain abscesses is, however, increased even after closed head injuries, presumably because the devitalized tissues are prone to colonization in the event of a transient bacteremia (see Chapter 15).