Fetal and neonatal hypoxic–ischemic lesions

Published on 19/03/2015 by admin

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Last modified 19/03/2015

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Fetal and neonatal hypoxic–ischemic lesions

The most common neuropathology encountered in pediatric autopsies is that associated with hypoxia and/or ischemia. The great variety of lesions associated with these two pathologic processes, either alone or in combination, poses a special challenge to the histologist, whose principal task is to distinguish them from the rare inherited disorders with which they overlap morphologically. Unlike the static reactions of mature brains to acquired injury, fetal and neonatal pathologic reactions must be considered in the context of:

The differences between the mature and the immature nervous system partly explain the enormous diversity of the morphologic changes associated with hypoxic–ischemic damage.

Present knowledge of embryology and developmental physiology allows a tentative chronology to be assigned to individual lesions (Fig. 2.1) although this remains relatively imprecise and extreme caution is needed in the forensic arena. Although some pathologic changes closely parallel those found in older individuals, others such as intraventricular hemorrhage, white matter necrosis, and marbling are unique to the perinatal period.


Tissue repair in the immature brain differs significantly from repair in the adult CNS. Macrophages are able to mount a phagocytic response early in the second trimester, while fiber-forming astrocytes are detectable only from 20 weeks’ gestation. Consequently, resorption of necrotic tissue in the first half of gestation occurs without any trace of glial repair, leaving a smooth-walled defect, which is often associated with disorganization of the surrounding cerebral cortex. This gives the false impression of a primary malformation rather than an acquired lesion. In contrast, destruction in the latter part of gestation engenders a brisk astrocytic response, resulting in ragged gliovascular cysts.



Much of the cerebral mantle is replaced by a thin translucent membrane. The hemispheres are cystic, and lack surface convolutions (Fig. 2.2). Inferior aspects of the temporal, occipital, and frontal lobes are usually spared, but sometimes only the hippocampi remain. The deep gray nuclei may be rotated outwards and the thalami are atrophied. The membranous cerebral mantle comprises an outer connective tissue layer and an inner irregular glial layer which also contains mineralized neurons, debris, and hemosiderin-laden macrophages. The ependyma is usually absent. At the interface with surviving cerebral tissue, the inner glial layer runs into the molecular layer, covering it for a short distance, while adjacent cortex is usually disorganized, often with a pattern of polymicrogyria (Fig. 2.3). This histologic appearance clearly distinguishes hydranencephaly from the macroscopically similar bubble brain in Fowler syndrome (see Fig. 7.2).



Basket brain is a rare intermediate state between porencephaly and hydranencephaly. It is characterized by extensive bilateral porencephalic defects, which leave only a thin strip of cingulate cortex connecting the frontal and occipital lobes.



A porus is a smooth-walled defect in the cerebral mantle, usually surrounded by an abnormal gyral pattern. It varies in depth from a slight indentation or fissure to a full-thickness breach of the hemispheric wall connecting subarachnoid space with ventricle. Pori tend to be bilateral, approximately symmetric, and situated over the Sylvian fissures or central sulci. Unilateral defects may be parasagittal, orbital, or occipital, and associated with abnormal convolutions, especially polymicrogyria, which are symmetrically placed in the contralateral hemisphere. Gyri surrounding the defect form irregular or radiating patterns (Fig. 2.4). The cortex around the porus is broken into islands or folded into polymicrogyria, which extends down into the cleft to meet the ventricular wall. The latter is denuded of ependyma, but covered by glial tissue, which extends a short way over the adjacent gray matter (Fig. 2.5). Subependymal nodular heterotopia (Fig. 2.6d) and partial or complete absence of the septum pellucidum are other features.

Extensive bilateral porencephalic clefts (Fig. 2.6) are sometimes termed schizencephaly, especially in the radiologic literature, although the term schizencephaly refers back to an outmoded concept of circumscribed growth failure of the cerebral wall. The narrowness of the cleft with either closed or open lips was thought to differentiate malformed from acquired lesions, but clinical, morphologic, and experimental evidence favors a destructive origin for most lesions. There is also recent evidence for familial occurrence of schizencephaly in brothers with defects in the homeobox gene EMX2.



In contrast to the smooth-walled defects of hypoxic–ischemic lesions of early gestation, third trimester insults produce many cysts throughout large areas of cerebral white matter and deeper cortical layers (Figs 2.7, 2.8). Occasional cases are unilateral and circumscribed (Fig. 2.9), but most are extensive and bilateral. Bilateral multicystic encephalopathy is often associated with cystic necrosis in the basal ganglia and brain stem tegmentum (Fig. 2.10).


A meshwork of thin gliovascular septa form numerous cysts containing lipid-laden macrophages. Global hemispheric necrosis (Fig. 2.11) is the term used to describe morphologically similar but particularly extensive cases following severe birth asphyxia and sudden hyperpyrexia and collapse in the postnatal period.



SAH (Figs 2.142.16) may manifest as:

Secondary SAH may follow SDH or ruptured intraparenchymal hematoma, or more frequently extension of intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) through the fourth ventricular foramina. Primary SAH is also common in neonatal autopsies, especially in premature infants. Etiologic factors include hypoxia, capillary fragility, coagulopathy, and sepsis.


SPH is often confused with SAH. It is a focal hemorrhage, which is usually temporal, parietal, or cerebellar, and occurs with or without other signs of bleeding. It is most common in asphyxiated premature infants, but also occurs in premature or term infants with respiratory distress syndrome or congenital heart disease (Figs 2.17, 2.18).



Acute SEH has variable appearances: small, multiple, and bilateral bleeds occur anywhere in periventricular matrix tissue (Fig. 2.19), including the roof of the fourth ventricle. Acute SEH is usually found


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Grade Distribution of hemorrhage
1 Confined to germinal matrix
2 Germinal matrix and lateral ventricle, but no ventricular dilatation