Vascular disease and infarcts

Published on 19/03/2015 by admin

Filed under Pathology

Last modified 19/03/2015

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Vascular disease and infarcts

In the setting of rapidly evolving neurologic deficits, stroke is not synonymous with brain infarct, since the types of cerebrovascular disease that usually result in a stroke may involve infarction or intracranial hemorrhage (see Chapter 10). Infarct, a localized area of ischemic brain injury, should also be differentiated from global hypoxic-ischemic brain injury (see Chapter 8). Stroke has been defined by the WHO as ‘rapidly developing clinical signs of a focal (or global) disturbance of cerebral function, lasting more than 24 hours or leading to death and with no apparent cause other than that of vascular origin’. Stroke ranks as the second most common single cause of death in the developed world.

The definition of brain infarct or infarction (the pathophysiological process that results in an infarct) has undergone numerous refinements over the last 30years as the result of advances in neuroimaging. The goal of neuroimaging is to differentiate permanent/irreversible brain tissue injury from viable tissue at risk for injury, the latter being viewed as tissue that could be salvaged as a stroke evolves over minutes or hours. Increasingly, both clinicians and neuroscientists think of the cerebral vasculature together with its surrounding parenchymal components – the ‘neurovascular unit’. Cellular elements of the neurovascular unit have critical metabolic interrelationships and encompass components of the cerebral capillary and arteriolar walls, as well as surrounding glia and neurons. Function or dysfunction of the neurovascular unit influences the capacity of the CNS to repair itself after stroke.

Transient ischemic attack (TIA) is viewed by clinicians as a warning sign of impending infarction (less commonly cerebral hemorrhage). Therefore, since 2009, TIA has been defined as ‘a brief or transient episode of neurologic dysfunction caused by focal brain, spinal cord or retinal ischemia, with clinical symptoms typically lasting less than one hour and without evidence of acute infarction’.

To place these concepts in a more practical context, brain infarcts can be caused by:


The term ‘stroke’ includes:

Acute stroke

image Infarction describes rapidly developing focal clinical signs of CNS (and/or retinal) dysfunction due to ischemia, and either radiologic evidence of CNS (and/or retinal) ischemia in a defined vascular distribution, or symptoms and signs of CNS dysfunction persisting for at least 24 hours, with exclusion of non-ischemic etiologies.

image Intracerebral (parenchymal) hemorrhage describes a focal collection of blood within brain parenchyma (possibly extending to the ventricular system) on neuroimaging or at necropsy, which is not due to trauma, hemorrhagic conversion of an infarct, or cerebral venous (sinus) thrombosis.

image Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) describes bleeding into the subarachnoid space (SAS) that is detected on neuroimaging, by lumbar puncture, or at necropsy, and which is not due to trauma or hemorrhagic conversion of an infarct.

image Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) describes infarction or hemorrhage in the CNS, evident on neuroimaging and due to thrombosis of a cerebral vein or venous sinus.


Brain infarcts occur as one of many systemic manifestations in various hereditary disorders.

Marfan syndrome

Population-based studies of stroke in defined geographic regions (e.g. Iceland) indicate:


image Atherosclerotic stroke is usually associated with documented risk factors for atherosclerosis and/or a family history of atherosclerosis (often premature). Patients may manifest (simultaneously, before, or after) coronary artery or peripheral vascular disease.

image TIA is a common presentation of stroke; a patient experiencing a TIA is at high risk for developing a completed stroke in the near future.

image The focal neurologic deficit is referable to the artery involved by unstable atheroma, e.g. a right ICA atheromatous plaque may produce transient or episodic right monocular blindness (amaurosis fugax) and left hemiparesis. Platelet-fibrin emboli or atheroemboli (Hollenhorst plaques) can sometimes be visualized by funduscopic examination.

image Atherosclerotic stroke results from inadequate perfusion of a brain territory due either to arterial occlusion or dislodgement and embolization of atheromatous or platelet-fibrin material.

image The role of intraplaque hemorrhage or plaque rupture in stroke pathogenesis (e.g. at the carotid bifurcation) is demonstrated in some autopsy studies.

image Thrombosis usually originates extracranially, at the carotid artery bifurcation or within the intraosseous portion of the vertebral artery, though thrombus can propagate distally to involve intracranial vessels. Less often, an atherosclerotic intracranial artery is the site of primary thrombosis.

image Atherosclerotic plaques examined less than 60 days after an ischemic ‘event’ show more macrophage infiltration after a stroke than after a TIA. Macrophage content declines over time in plaques associated with strokes, but not in plaques associated with TIAs.


image In each successive decade beyond the age of 55years, the stroke rate doubles in both men and women; incidence for individuals aged 45–54years is ~100/100 000, increasing to >1800/100 000 for those aged over 85years.

image In the USA, there are approximately 500 000 new strokes annually.

image In 2005, stroke prevalence was 5.8 million among adults aged >20years of age; age-specific prevalence rises from 1–2% to >10% from 45–85years of age.

image Stroke causes ~150 000 deaths/year (USA), although this figure has been declining, possibly as the result of stroke risk factor modification.

image In the USA, stroke-related death rates vary widely between states: 31–42/100 000 in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, New England versus 52–61/100 000 in Oregon, Idaho and the south-eastern states.

image Major risk factors for stroke (in addition to those for atherosclerosis) are: oral contraceptive use; some hematologic disorders (e.g. sickle cell disease, polycythemia); some inherited coagulopathies, and various cardiac/vascular diseases.

image In most USA studies, brain infarction is approximately 10 times more common than brain hemorrhage. This ratio is lower in some European and virtually all Japanese studies; some series from Asia have found hemorrhage to be almost as common as infarction.

image The annual financial burden of stroke in the USA is $65 billion ($219 billion for cancer; $174 billion for diabetes); acute (hospital) care is required by 45–50%, nursing home placement is required by 17–20%, and long-term ambulatory care is required by 35%.



Atherosclerosis is by far the leading systemic vasculopathy to result in brain infarcts, especially in older patients. Risk factors for and the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis are presumed to be similar, regardless of vascular territory, e.g. coronary, cerebral, mesenteric, and limb arteries. Modifiable risk factors include hypertension, cigarette smoking, hyperlipidemia/hyperlipoproteinemia, and diabetes.

Atherosclerosis can affect both intracranial and extracranial large arteries, and may extend into leptomeningeal arteries. When extracranial (cervical) atherosclerosis (e.g. at the carotid bifurcation) is the proximate cause of cerebral ischemia, a measure of prophylaxis against a large infarct may be achieved through carotid endarterectomy. In recent years, stenting of atherosclerotic arteries has been used as a less invasive procedure than endarterectomy. The benefits of carotid endarterectomy have been clearly established in clinical trials; symptomatic patients with 50–99% stenosis benefit significantly in a comparison with the best medical treatment.


The severity of atherosclerosis can vary significantly in different arteries (e.g. severe basilar artery involvement may accompany less prominent MCA involvement). The degree and extent of aortic or coronary atherosclerosis do not predict its severity in the intracranial basal cerebral vasculature, i.e. compartments of the circle of Willis. Atheroma is often most severe at the origins of the vertebral arteries and carotid bifurcation (Figs 9.1, 9.2). Intracranial atherosclerosis is most severe in major branches of the circle of Willis and vertebrobasilar system (Fig. 9.3). Atheroma in distal arterial branches is more common in Asian and African-American subjects. The extent and topography of atherosclerosis in the basal vessels are often best documented by removing the circle of Willis from the fixed brain (Fig. 9.3b). In such a specimen from a subject with severe atherosclerosis, decalcification prior to histologic examination is recommended. Carotid endarterectomy specimens from individuals with TIA or threatened ischemic stroke are often submitted for histologic examination; extent and severity of atheroma within plaques, as well as the presence of plaque ulceration, necrosis and thrombus adherent to intima must be assessed (Fig. 9.2).


Histopathologic features of atheroma are best highlighted with stains that differentiate elastica, fibrous tissue, and smooth muscle (e.g. elastica van Gieson). Immunohistochemistry (IHC) using primary antibodies to vascular smooth muscle actin, endothelium (Factor 8, lectins), and macrophages may be helpful. Fibromuscular intimal hyperplasia with an intact endothelium and variable narrowing of the vascular lumen is noted in ‘early’ and asymptomatic vascular lesions, and often discovered incidentally at necropsy (Fig. 9.4). Complicated plaques show cholesterol clefts and prominent lipid-/hemosiderin-laden macrophages and may be heavily calcified. There is usually significant narrowing of the arterial vessel lumen, sometimes in association with ulceration and overlying mural or occlusive thrombus (Fig. 9.5). Immunohistochemistry (IHC) using primary antibodies to smooth muscle actin often demonstrates a thick smooth muscle cell ‘cap’ over a lipid-rich subendothelial plaque. It is quite rare for even severely narrowed segments of the circle of Willis to show plaque ulceration, in contrast to the frequency of this phenomenon in ICA endarterectomy specimens. Severely atherosclerotic arterial segments, especially in the basilar artery may show ectasia or even a fusiform aneurysm.

The distal circulation, both meningeal and parenchymal arteries, may show atherosclerotic changes or deposits of platelet-fibrin material (Fig. 9.6). Rarely, examination of an autopsy brain specimen from an individual with severe atherosclerosis may yield the finding of numerous atheroemboli within infarcted regions (Fig. 9.7).


Especially important for infarction/ischemic stroke

image Assess the patency of major neck arteries (carotid/vertebral) by injecting water at their origins and monitoring flow into the cranial cavity after brain removal.

image Carefully examine the heart, looking particularly for:

image Look for old/recent infarcts in other organs, which may suggest a source of embolism.

image If there is minimal evidence of macro/microvascular disease, and cardiac examination is normal, consider hematologic disorders (e.g. antiphospholipid syndrome, platelet abnormalities, coagulopathies). These must be sought in non-neuropathologic components of the autopsy and in antemortem laboratory results or through toxicology specimens to assess a possible role for recreational drugs.

Especially important for hemorrhage:

image In the medical history and general autopsy, seek evidence of disease that may be of etiologic significance, even though this may not be discovered in many individuals:

image When a hematoma is documented at the time of brain removal, the prosector must establish:

image When a hematoma is first discovered at the time of brain cutting (i.e. it was clinically unsuspected), sample surrounding tissues generously in order to document microvascular disease or remnants of hemangioma/neoplasm. Also evaluate reactive changes in adjacent brain to provide an estimate of its age.

image For special studies regarding the evaluation of evacuated intracerebral blood clot, see Chapter 10.


This entity is much less common than atherosclerosis. It is best characterized as an idiopathic, segmental, non-inflammatory, non-atherosclerotic vascular disease affecting renal and carotid arteries (most commonly), though it may occur in any artery. Some studies suggest a relationship to segmental arterial mediolysis (a disorder in which smooth muscle cells in the outer part of the tunica media undergo vacuolation and lysis). This occurs mainly in splanchnic and coronary arteries and may be due to vasospasm of unknown etiology.

FMD of the renal arteries is estimated to occur in 1% of adult necropsies; vertebral and carotid arteries are affected in 25% of reported cases, carotid much more often than vertebral. Carotid artery involvement is bilateral in over half of affected patients.


Several pathologically distinct subtypes of FMD are described:

Two rare variants that account for no more than 1–2% of cases are medial and adventitial (periarterial) FMD.

Histologic findings that are characteristic include fibrosis, non-atherosclerotic smooth muscle cell hyperplasia or thinning, destruction of the internal elastic lamina, negligible inflammation, absence of macrophages, and generalized disorganization of arterial wall components (Fig. 9.8).


This is a rare idiopathic condition characterized by progressive stenosis and eventual occlusion of basal intracranial arteries. There is compensatory often dramatic dilatation of lenticulostriate arteries that produces a characteristic ‘puff of smoke’ appearance on angiography. Moyamoya disease was initially described in Japan, but is now well documented in other populations, including Caucasian and African-American, though it remains most common in those of Asian descent. Thrombotic lesions in branches of the circle of Willis implicate abnormal thrombogenesis in the pathogenesis of moyamoya; regions of intimal thickening may represent organizing thrombi.


Arterial branches of the circle of Willis show thrombotic lesions in over 50% of patients. Those most commonly affected are the ICA, posterior communicating and posterior cerebral arteries. Severely stenotic non-complicated atherosclerosis, with intimal fibromuscular hyperplasia, but negligible lipid, cholesterol, inflammation, or disruption of the elastica is found (Fig. 9.9). Platelet-fibrin thrombi in various stages of organization are often seen at the intimal surface.


This is rare and tends to affect young and middle-aged adults. The dissection (Fig. 9.10) is usually spontaneous, but can be initiated by blunt trauma, often quite mild (e.g. neck injury in a motor vehicle accident or chiropractic manipulation of the neck). The dissection may involve extracranial or intracranial parts of the vertebral artery (more common in women) or carotid artery (more common in men). An intimal tear leads to a medial or subendothelial hematoma. The expanding hematoma may occlude the arterial lumen, usually producing infarction of CNS tissue, less commonly hemorrhage. Dissection of intracranial arteries, especially the vertebral artery, may rarely extend through the adventitia, producing subarachnoid hemorrhage. Dissection of intracranial arteries is likely to become more common as aggressive endovascular revascularization procedures (e.g. thromboembolectomy after ischemic stroke) become more widely utilized in clinical neurologic practice (Fig. 9.11).

Diagnosis is usually by angiography, which may show a double lumen, focal vessel wall irregularity, and/or a fusiform dilatation. As with most aspects of stroke, neuroimaging shows that many patients with a dissection have minimal brain infarction and can make an excellent recovery; those that have a fatal dissection represent a highly selected population.


When a stroke occurs in an HIV-infected patient, it may be difficult to ascertain its precise cause. Many of the opportunistic infections and CNS lymphomas seen in such patients may cause, mimic (clinically and by neuroimaging), or contribute to cerebrovascular disease; well known for doing this are cytomegalovirus (CMV), which may infect cells in vessel walls, and varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infections, toxoplasmosis, aspergillosis, and tuberculosis. Frequently, these agents cause extensive, sometimes hemorrhagic, necrosis that can resemble a spontaneous hematoma. One study found evidence of cerebrovascular disease in 5–10% of necropsies carried out on AIDS patients. As many as 20–25% of children with AIDS have evidence of cerebral hemorrhage or infarcts, in roughly equal proportions. Rarely, children with longstanding AIDS develop an aneurysmal arteriopathy of vessels on the circle of Willis.

Pathologies commonly seen in HIV-infected/AIDS patients predispose to embolic infarcts; these are non-bacterial thrombotic/marantic endocarditis, infective endocarditis, or are the result of HIV-associated cardiomyopathy. HIV ‘vasculitis and vasculopathy’ (both conditions are fairly rare, not well characterized pathologically, and lack specific features other than hyalinization and thickening of vessel walls), recreational drug-associated vasculopathy (amphetamines or cocaine), infections or hypercoagulable states (protein S deficiency or antiphospholipid antibody syndrome), or hyperviscosity syndrome may all, individually or in combination, cause ischemic infarcts. Hemorrhagic stroke may result from thrombocytopenia, intracranial CNS lymphoma, or infections, amphetamine or cocaine vasculopathy, or a ruptured infective (mycotic) aneurysm.


HIV-associated ‘vasculopathy’ has been described as showing non-specific features, including intimal fibromuscular hyperplasia, fragmentation of the internal elastic lamina, and sometimes aneurysmal dilatation of vessel walls, a pathology consistent with ‘healed arteritis’ (Fig. 9.12). HIV-infected individuals (including those responsive to combined retroviral therapy) may be at risk for accelerated atherosclerosis, though factors responsible for this are unclear. Brain parenchymal arteriosclerotic change has also been observed in HIV-infected individuals that develop cerebral microinfarcts. HIV-1 has been demonstrated immunohistochemically in affected vessel walls (possibly within the cytoplasm of macrophages), but its pathogenic role in this location is unclear.