Tracheal and tracheostomy tubes and airways

Published on 07/02/2015 by admin

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Last modified 07/02/2015

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Tracheal and tracheostomy tubes and airways

Tracheal tubes

Tracheal tubes provide a means of securing the patient’s airway. These disposable plastic tubes are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) which could be clear, ivory or siliconized. As plastic is not radio-opaque, tracheal tubes have a radio-opaque line running along their length, which enables their position to be determined on chest X-rays. The siliconized PVC aids the passage of suction catheters through the tube. In the past, tracheal tubes used to be made of rubber allowing them to be reused after cleaning and autoclaving.

Features of tracheal tubes (Fig. 5.1)


1. The ‘size’ of a tracheal tube refers to its internal diameter which is marked on the outside of the tube in millimetres. Narrower tubes increase the resistance to gas flow, therefore the largest possible internal diameter should be used. This is especially important during spontaneous ventilation where the patient’s own respiratory effort must overcome the tube’s resistance. A size 4-mm tracheal tube has 16 times more resistance to gas flow than a size 8-mm tube. Usually, a size 8.5–9-mm internal diameter tube is selected for an average size adult male and a size 7.5–8-mm internal diameter tube for an average size adult female. Paediatric sizes are determined on the basis of age and weight (Table 5.1). Tracheal tubes have both internal diameter (ID) and outside diameter (OD) markings. There are various methods or formulae used to determine the size of paediatric tracheal tubes. A commonly used formula is:


2. The length (taken from the tip of the tube) is marked in centimetres on the outside of the tube. The tube can be cut down to size to suit the individual patient. If the tube is cut too long, there is a significant risk of it advancing into one of the main bronchi (usually the right one, see Fig. 5.2). Black intubation depth markers located 3 cm proximal to the cuff can be seen in some designs (Fig. 5.1). These assist the accurate placement of the tracheal tube tip within the trachea. The vocal cords should be at the black mark in tubes with one mark, or should be between marks if there are two such marks. However, these are only rough estimates and correct tracheal tube position depth should always be confirmed by auscultation.

The cuff

Tracheal (oral or nasal) tubes can be either cuffed or uncuffed. The cuff, when inflated, provides an air-tight seal between the tube and the tracheal wall (Fig. 5.4). This air-tight seal protects the patient’s airway from aspiration and allows efficient ventilation during IPPV.

1. The cuff is connected to its pilot balloon which has a self-sealing valve for injecting air. The pilot balloon also indicates whether the cuff is inflated or not. After intubation, the cuff is inflated until no gas leak can be heard during intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV).

2. The narrowest point in the adult’s airway is the glottis (which is hexagonal). In order to achieve an air-tight seal, cuffed tubes are used in adults.

3. The narrowest point in a child’s airway is the cricoid cartilage. Since this is essentially circular, a correctly sized uncuffed tube will fit well. Because of the narrow upper airway in children, post-extubation subglottic oedema can be a problem. In order to minimize the risk, the presence of a small leak around the tube at an airway pressure of 15 cm H2O is desirable.

4. Cuffs can either be:

Low-pressure/high-volume cuffs

The pressure in the cuff should be checked at frequent and regular intervals (Fig. 5.7 and 5.8). The pressure may increase mainly because of diffusion of nitrous oxide into the cuff. Expansion of the air inside the cuff due to the increase in its temperature from room to body temperature and the diffusion of oxygen from the anaesthetic mixture (about 33%) into the air (21%) in the cuff can also lead to increase in the intracuff pressure. An increase in pressure of about 10–12 mmHg is expected after 30 minutes of anaesthesia with 66% nitrous oxide. A more recent design cuff material (Soft Seal, Portex) allows minimum diffusion of nitrous oxide into the cuff with a pressure increase of 1–2 mmHg only. The pressure may decrease because of a leak in the cuff or pilot balloon’s valve.


These connect the tracheal tubes to the breathing system (or catheter mount). There are various designs and modifications (Fig. 5.10). They are made of plastic or metal and should have an adequate internal diameter to reduce the resistance to gas flow.

On the breathing system end, the British Standard connector has a 15-mm diameter at the proximal end. An 8.5-mm diameter version exists for neonatal use. On the tracheal tube end, the connector has a diameter that depends on the size of the tracheal tube. Connectors designed for use with nasal tracheal tubes have a more acute angle than the oral ones (e.g. Magill’s connector). Some designs have an extra port for suction.

Specially designed tracheal tubes

Oxford tracheal tube

This anatomically L-shaped tracheal tube is used in anaesthesia for head and neck surgery because it is non-kinking (Fig. 5.11). The tube can be made of rubber or plastic and can be cuffed or uncuffed. The bevel is oval in shape and faces posteriorly and an introducing stylet is supplied to aid the insertion of the tube. Its thick wall adds to the tube’s external diameter making it wider for a given internal diameter. This is undesirable especially in paediatric anaesthesia.

The distance from the bevel to the curve of the tube is fixed. If the tube is too long, the problem cannot be corrected by withdrawing the tube and shortening it because this means losing its anatomical fit.

Armoured tracheal tube

Armoured tracheal tubes are made of plastic or silicone rubber (Fig. 5.12). The walls of the armoured tube are thicker than ordinary tracheal tubes because they contain an embedded spiral of metal wire or tough nylon. They are used in anaesthesia for head and neck surgery. The spiral helps to prevent the kinking and occlusion of the tracheal tube when the head and/or neck is rotated or flexed so giving it strength and flexibility at the same time. An introducer stylet is used to aid intubation.

Because of the spiral, it is not possible to cut the tube to the desired length. This increases the risk of bronchial intubation. Two markers, situated just above the cuff, are present on some designs. These indicate the correct position for the vocal cords.

Polar and RAE tracheal tubes

The polar tube is a north- or south-facing preformed nasal cuffed or uncuffed tracheal tube (Fig. 5.13). It is used mainly during anaesthesia for maxillofacial surgery as it does not impede surgical access. Because of its design and shape, it lies over the nose and the forehead. It can be converted to an ordinary tracheal tube by cutting it at the scissors mark just proximal to the pilot tube and reconnecting the 15-mm connector. An oral version of the polar tube exists.

The RAE (Ring, Adair and Elwyn) tube has a preformed shape to fit the mouth or nose without kinking. It has a bend located just as the tube emerges, so the connections to the breathing system are at the level of the chin or forehead and not interfering with the surgical access. RAE tubes can be either north- or south-facing, cuffed or uncuffed.

Because of its preformed shape, there is a higher risk of bronchial intubation than with ordinary tracheal tubes. The cuffed RAE tracheal tube has one Murphy eye whereas the uncuffed version has two eyes. Since the uncuffed version is mainly used in paediatric practice, two Murphy eyes ensure adequate ventilation should the tube prove too long.

The tube can be temporarily straightened to insert a suction catheter.

Laser resistant tracheal tubes

These tubes are used in anaesthesia for laser surgery on the larynx or trachea (Fig. 5.14). They are designed to withstand the effect of carbon dioxide and potassium-titanyl-phosphate (KTP) laser beams, avoiding the risk of fire or damage to the tracheal tube. One design has a flexible stainless steel body. Reflected beams from the tube are defocused to reduce the accidental laser strikes to healthy tissues (Fig. 5.15). Other designs have a laser resistant metal foil wrapped around the tube for protection. The cuff is filled with methylene blue coloured saline. If the laser manages to damage the cuff, the colouring will help identify rupture and the saline will help prevent an airway fire.

Some designs have two cuffs. This ensures a tracheal seal should the upper cuff be damaged by laser. An air-filled cuff, hit by the laser beam, may ignite and so it is recommended that the cuffs are filled with saline instead of air.

Tracheostomy tracheal tubes

These are curved plastic tubes usually inserted through the second, third and fourth tracheal cartilage rings (Fig. 5.18).


1. An introducer used for insertion.

2. Wings attached to the proximal part of the tube to fix it in place with a ribbon or suture. Some designs have an adjustable flange to fit the variable thickness of the subcutaneous tissues (Fig. 5.19).

3. They can be cuffed or uncuffed. The former have a pilot balloon.

4. The proximal end can have a standard 15-mm connector.

5. The tip is usually cut square, rather than bevelled. This is to decrease the risk of obstruction by lying against the tracheal wall.

6. A more recent design with an additional suctioning lumen which opens just above the cuff exists. The cuff shape is designed to allow the secretions above it to be suctioned effectively through the suctioning lumen (Fig. 5.20).

7. Some tubes have an inner cannula. Secretions can collect and dry out on the inner lumen of the tube leading to obstruction. The internal cannula can be replaced instead of changing the complete tube in such cases. The cannula leads to a slight reduction of the internal diameter of the tube.

8. There are different sizes of tracheostomy tubes to fit neonates to adults.

9. Older uncuffed metal tracheostomy tubes made of a non-irritant and bactericidal silver are rarely used in current practice. Some designs have a one-way flap valve and a window at the angle of the tube to allow the patient to speak.

Tracheostomy tubes are used for the following

Problems in practice and safety features

Surgical tracheostomy has a mortality rate of <1% but has a total complications rate as high as 40%. The complications rate is higher in the intensive care unit and emergency patients.

The complications can be divided into:

Laryngectomy (montandon) tube

This is a cuffed tube inserted through a tracheostomy to facilitate intermittent positive pressure ventilation during neck surgery (Fig. 5.22). It has the advantage of offering better surgical access by allowing the breathing system to be connected well away from the surgical field. Usually, it is replaced with a tracheostomy tube at the end of operation.

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