Toxic and Metabolic Encephalopathies

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Chapter 56 Toxic and Metabolic Encephalopathies

Toxic and metabolic encephalopathies are a group of neurological disorders characterized by an altered mental status—that is, a delirium, defined as a disturbance of consciousness characterized by a reduced ability to focus, sustain, or shift attention that cannot be accounted for by preexisting or evolving dementia and that is caused by the direct physiological consequences of a general medical condition (see Chapter 4). Fluctuation of the signs and symptoms of the delirium over relatively short time periods is typical. Although the brain is isolated from the rest of the body by the blood-brain barrier, the nervous system is often affected severely by organ failure that may lead to the buildup of toxic substances normally removed from the body. This is encountered in patients with hepatic and renal failure. Damage to homeostatic mechanisms affecting the internal milieu of the brain, such as the abnormalities of electrolyte and water metabolism associated with renal failure or the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) secretion, also affects brain function. In some cases, a deficiency of a critical substrate after the catastrophic failure of an organ, such as hypoglycemia caused by fulminating hepatic failure, is the precipitating factor. Frequently the history and physical examination provide information that defines the affected organ system. In other cases, the cause is evident only after laboratory data are examined.

Clinical Manifestations

Encephalopathy that develops insidiously may be difficult to detect. The slowness with which abnormalities evolve and replace normal cerebral functions makes it difficult for patients and families to recognize deficits. When examining patients with diseases of organs that are commonly associated with encephalopathy, neurologists should include encephalopathy in the differential diagnosis.

Mental status abnormalities are always present and may range from subtle abnormalities, detected by neuropsychological testing, to deep coma. The level and content of consciousness reflect involvement of the reticular activating system and the cerebral cortex. Deficits in the spheres of selective attention and the ability to process information underlie many metabolic encephalopathies and affect performance on many tasks. These deficits are manifested as disorders of orientation, cognition, memory, affect, perception, judgment, and the ability to concentrate on a specific task. Evidence from studies of patients with cirrhosis suggests that metabolic encephalopathies are the result of a multifocal cortical disorder rather than uniform involvement of all brain regions. Abnormalities of psychomotor function may also be present. Among patients with coma of unknown cause, nearly two-thirds ultimately are found to have a metabolic cause. A complete discussion of coma is found in Chapter 5.

The neuro-ophthalmological examination is extremely important in differentiating patients with metabolic disorders from those with structural lesions. The pupillary light reflex and vestibular responses are almost always present, even in patients in deep coma. However, it is common for these reflexes to be blunted. Exceptions include severe hypoxia, ingestion of large amounts of atropine or scopolamine, and deep barbiturate coma, which is usually associated with circulatory collapse and an isoelectric electroencephalogram (EEG). The pupils are usually slightly smaller than normal and may be somewhat irregular. The eyes may be aligned normally in patients with mild encephalopathy. With more severe encephalopathy, dysconjugate roving movements are common. Other cranial nerve abnormalities may be present but are less useful in formulating a differential diagnosis. Motor system abnormalities, particularly slight increases in tone, are common. Other signs and symptoms of metabolic disorders may include spasticity with extensor plantar signs (in patients with liver disease), multifocal myoclonus (in patients with uremia), cramps (in patients with electrolyte disorders), Trousseau sign (in patients with hypocalcemia), tremors, and weakness.

Asterixis, a sudden loss of postural tone, is common. To elicit this sign, the patient should extend the arms and elbows while dorsiflexing the wrists and spreading the fingers. Small lateral movements of the fingers may be the earliest manifestation. More characteristically, there is a sudden flexion of the wrist with rapid resumption of the extended position, the so-called flapping tremor. Asterixis also may be evident during forced extrusion of the tongue, forced eye closure, or at the knee in prone patients asked to sustain flexion of the knee. Electrophysiological studies have shown that the onset of the lapse of posture is associated with complete electrical silence in the tested muscle. This sign, once thought to be pathognomonic of hepatic encephalopathy, occurs in a variety of conditions including uremia, other metabolic encephalopathies, and drug intoxication. Asterixis may be present in patients with structural brain lesions.

Generalized seizures occur in patients with water intoxication, hypoxia, uremia, and hypoglycemia, but only rarely as a manifestation of chronic liver failure. Seizures in patients with liver failure are generally due to alcohol or other drug withdrawal, or cerebral edema associated with acute liver failure. Focal seizures, including epilepsia partialis continua, may be seen in patients with hyperglycemia, and multifocal myoclonic seizures may occur in patients with uremia. Myoclonic status epilepticus may complicate hypoxic brain injury (see Chapter 55).

Toxic Encephalopathies

Hepatic Encephalopathy

Cirrhosis of the liver affects an estimated 5.5 million adults in the United States. In 2006, over 27,000 Americans died as the result of chronic liver disease. Among the poor, the incidence of cirrhosis may be as much as 10 times higher than the national average and accounts for almost 20% of their excess mortality. As patients with chronic liver disease enter the terminal phases of their illness, hepatic encephalopathy becomes an increasingly important cause of morbidity and mortality. In this portion of the chapter, the term hepatic encephalopathy (HE) will be used to differentiate this condition from disorders associated with acute liver failure, discussed in the next section. Over 50,000 patients were hospitalized in 2004 after developing HE. It is important to stress that minimal HE is common, affecting about half of all patients with cirrhosis. Minimal HE is diagnosed using neuropsychological tests and affects activities of daily living and the ability to drive. This treatable problem is commonly overlooked.

A World Gastroenterological Association consensus statement seeks to minimize the substantial confusion in the literature and in clinical practice concerning the diagnosis of HE by using a multiaxial approach (Ferenci et al., 2002). The initial categorization addresses the presence of hepatocellular disease and portacaval shunting. Patients with acute liver disease or fulminating hepatic failure, a disorder occurring in patients with previously normal livers who exhibit neurological signs within 8 weeks of developing liver disease, form the first group. A second group consists of a small number of patients who are free of hepatocellular disease but have portacaval shunting of blood. The largest number of patients have hepatocellular disease with shunts. Further subdivisions address temporal aspects—whether HE is episodic, persistent, or minimal. Causal considerations are then applied to separate patients with precipitated HE from those with recurrent and idiopathic encephalopathy, and to identify the severity of the syndrome. The features that differentiate patients with fulminant hepatic failure from those with the much more common portal systemic encephalopathy are shown in Table 56.1.

Table 56.1 Features Distinguishing Fulminating Hepatic Failure from Chronic Hepatic Encephalopathy or Portal Systemic Encephalopathy

Feature Fulminating Hepatic Failure Portal Systemic Encephalopathy
Onset Usually acute Varies; may be insidious or subacute
Mental state Mania may evolve to deep coma Blunted consciousness
Precipitating factor Viral infection or hepatotoxin Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, exogenous protein, drugs, uremia
History of liver disease No Usually yes
Nausea, vomiting Common Unusual
Abdominal pain Common Unusual
Liver Small, soft, tender Usually large, firm, no pain
Nutritional state Normal Cachectic
Collateral circulation Absent May be present
Ascites Absent May be present
Transaminases Very high Normal or slightly high
Coagulopathy Present Often present

Rating the severity of HE is complex but essential to evaluate the results of the treatment of individual patients and to evaluate potential treatments in the research setting. The so-called West Haven criteria supplemented by an evaluation of asterixis was used in the large multicenter trial that led to the approval of rifaximin for the treatment of HE. Both scales are ordinal. The West Haven Scale is scored as: 0, no personality or behavioral abnormality detected; 1, trivial lack of awareness, euphoria or anxiety, shortened attention span, or impairment of the ability to add or subtract; 2, lethargy, disorientation with respect to time, obvious personality change or inappropriate behavior; 3, somnolence or semistupor, responsiveness to verbal stimuli with confusion or gross disorientation; 4, coma. Asterixis is graded as follows: 0, no tremors; 1, few flapping tremors; 2, occasional flapping tremors; 3, frequent flapping tremors; 4, almost continuous flapping tremors.

An episode of HE may be precipitated by one or more factors, some of which are iatrogenic. In one series, the use of sedatives accounted for almost 25% of all cases. A gastrointestinal (GI) hemorrhage was the next most common event (18%), followed by drug-induced azotemia and other causes of azotemia (15% each). Excessive dietary protein accounted for 10% of episodes; hypokalemia, constipation, infections, and other causes accounted for the remaining cases. As liver disease progresses, patients appear to become more susceptible to the effects of precipitants. This phenomenon has been referred to as toxin hypersensitivity. A transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS), an endovascular procedure developed to treat intractable severe ascites, predisposes a patient to the development of encephalopathy, particularly among the elderly. TIPS is more effective than large-volume paracentesis but does not prolong survival. TIPS-related encephalopathy often responds to conventional treatment. Refractory cases may require endovascular treatment with coils to block a portion of the shunted blood.

Laboratory Evaluations

The diagnosis of HE is based on the signs and symptoms of cerebral dysfunction in a setting of hepatic failure. Usually, standard laboratory test results, including serum bilirubin and hepatic enzymes, are abnormal. Products of normal hepatic function, including serum albumin and clotting factors, often are low, leading to elevation of the International Normalized Ratio (INR). Measurements of the arterial ammonia level may be helpful in diagnosing HE. When obtaining blood samples for an ammonia determination, care must be taken to be certain that the sample is of arterial origin (venous ammonia levels may be artificially high, especially after the outpouring of ammonia by muscle made ischemic by applying a tourniquet). The sample should be placed on ice and carried by hand to the laboratory for immediate analysis. Delays can result in ammonia production in the specimen, producing a spuriously elevated result.

Several consensus conferences sponsored by the International Society for Hepatic Encephalopathy and Nitrogen Metabolism have made recommendations concerning the use of electrophysiological and neuropsychological tests to evaluate patients with HE. The favored electrophysiological tests are those that are responsive to cortical function and include event-related electrical potentials (ERPs) such as P300 tests, the EEG, and visual and somatosensory ERPs. Neuropsychological tests are useful for diagnosing minimal HE. Domains to be evaluated, in descending order of desirability, include processing speed, working memory, anterograde verbal memory, visuospatial ability, anterograde visual memory, language, reaction time, and motor functions.

The EEG may be the most useful of the commonly used laboratory diagnostic tests. Bursts of moderate- to high-amplitude (100-300 µV), low-frequency (1.5-2.5 Hz) waves are the most characteristic abnormality. There are three stages in the EEG evolution: a theta stage with diffuse 4- to 7-Hz waves; a triphasic phase with surface-positive maximum deflections; and a delta stage characterized by random arrhythmic slowing with little bilateral synchrony. Computerized analysis of the EEG, designed to identify abnormalities in the spectra, may become a valuable means to identify patients with minimal encephalopathy. Abnormal ERPs may be found in patients with minimal encephalopathy. A combination of visual-evoked potentials, auditory P300s, and selected neuropsychological tests (such as Trailmaking Tests A and B) may be useful in detecting minimal encephalopathy in cirrhotic subjects. Although there has been less experience with auditory P300 potential recordings, in which the subject is asked to discriminate between a rare and common tone, differences in latencies and waveforms also have been associated with encephalopathy. It is uncertain whether this less complex approach to detecting minimal encephalopathy will prove to be more reliable and cost-effective than a focused neuropsychological test battery.

Neuropsychological tests are an underused and valuable means of diagnosing encephalopathy and monitoring the response to therapy (see Chapter 34). Sixty percent or more of all patients with cirrhosis with no overt evidence of encephalopathy exhibit significant abnormalities when given a battery of neuropsychological tests. Tests of attention, concentration, and visuospatial perception are the most likely to be abnormal. A test battery consisting of Trailmaking Tests A and B, serial dotting, line tracing, and the digit-symbol subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Revised, has been recommended for evaluating patients who may have hepatic encephalopathy. This battery is sensitive and relatively specific for the disorder, compared with other metabolic encephalopathies. Patients with alcoholic cirrhosis typically have more difficulty with memory deficits than patients with nonalcoholic cirrhosis. Even though these patients appear to be normal, the degree of impairment, particularly in the visuospatial sphere, may be severe enough to interfere with the safe operation of an automobile or other dangerous equipment. A study comparing patients with minimal encephalopathy with nonencephalopathic patients with cirrhosis and a third group with gastrointestinal disease, found that those with minimal encephalopathy performed the worst during an on-the-road driving test. Specific problems centered on handling, adaptation to road conditions, and accident avoidance. Language functions are usually normal. These data, combined with other studies showing that the quality of life is affected by these abnormalities, suggest that neuropsychological tests should be used more extensively for routine evaluation of all patients with cirrhosis, particularly those without overt evidence of HE.

Although the diagnosis of HE is typically made on the basis of clinical criteria, neuroimaging techniques are commonly employed to exclude structural lesions. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopic studies have revealed new insights into the pathophysiology of HE (Lockwood et al., 1997). On T1-weighted images, it is common to find abnormally high signals arising in the pallidum. These are seen as whiter-than-normal areas in this portion of the brain, as shown in Fig. 56.1. In addition to these more obvious abnormalities, a systematic analysis of MR images shows that the T1 signal abnormality is widespread and found in the limbic and extrapyramidal systems, and generally throughout the white matter. A generalized shortening of the T2 signal also occurs. This abnormality is less evident on visual inspection of the images because of the generally short duration of T2 signals. These abnormalities have been linked to an increase in the cerebral manganese content. The abnormalities become more prominent with time and regress after successful liver transplantation. The unexpected finding of high T1 signals in the pallidum should suggest the possibility of liver disease.

Proton MR spectroscopic techniques also have been applied to the study of patients with cirrhosis and are available in many centers. In the absence of absolute measures that are referable to concentrations, the signal of specific compounds is usually referenced to creatine and expressed as a compound-to-creatine ratio. There is general agreement among studies that an increase in the intensity of the signal occurs at approximately 2.5 ppm; this is attributed to glutamine plus glutamate. With high field–strength magnets, this peak can be resolved into its components, and the increase is attributed to glutamine, as expected on the basis of animal investigations. Correlations between the glutamine concentration, generally considered to be a reflection of exposure of the brain to ammonia and the severity of the encephalopathy, have led some to propose that MR spectroscopy may be useful in the diagnosis of HE.

Myoinositol and choline signals decrease, whereas N-acetylaspartate resonances (a neuronal marker) are consistently normal. Neuroimaging studies are not generally required in patients with HE. Imaging is useful in the diagnosis of coexisting structural lesions of the brain, such as subdural hematomas or other evidence of cerebral trauma, or complications of alcohol abuse or thiamine deficiency, or both, such as midline cerebellar atrophy, third ventricle dilatation, mamillary body atrophy, or high signal–strength lesions in the periventricular area on T2 FLAIR images.

Cerebral Blood Flow and Glucose Metabolism

Whole-brain measurements of cerebral blood flow (CBF) and metabolism are normal in patients with grade 0 to 1 HE. Reductions occur in more severely affected patients. Sophisticated statistical techniques designed to analyze images have made it possible to identify specific brain regions in which glucose metabolism is abnormal in patients with low-grade encephalopathy and abnormal neuropsychological test scores (Lockwood et al., 2002). These positron emission tomography (PET) data show clearly that minimal forms of HE are caused by the selective impairment of specific neural systems rather than global cerebral dysfunction. Reductions occur in the cingulate gyrus, an important element in the attentional system of the brain, and in frontal and parietal association cortices. These PET data are in accord with cortical localizations based on the results of neuropsychological tests. Fig. 56.2 shows the results of correlation analyses between scores on selected neuropsychological tests and sites of reduced cerebral glucose metabolism.

Role of Ammonia

Hepatic encephalopathy is linked to hyperammonemia. Patients with encephalopathy have elevated blood ammonia levels that correlate to a degree with the severity of the encephalopathy. Metabolic products formed from ammonia—most notably glutamine and its transamination product, α-ketoglutaramic acid—also are present in excess cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in patients with liver disease. Treatment strategies that lower blood ammonia levels are the cornerstone of therapy.

Tracer studies performed with 13N-ammonia have helped clarify the role of this toxin in the pathophysiology of HE. Ammonia and other toxins are formed in the GI tract and carried to the liver by the hepatic portal vein, where detoxification reactions take place. Portal systemic shunts cause ammonia to bypass the liver and enter the system circulation, where it is transported to the various organs as determined by their blood flow. The liver is the most important organ for the detoxification of ammonia. However, in patients with portacaval shunting of blood, because of the formation of varices, TIPS, or other surgically created shunts, skeletal muscle becomes more important as the fraction of blood bypassing the liver increases. Under the most extreme conditions, muscle becomes the most important organ for ammonia detoxification. It is partly for this reason that nutritional therapy for patients should be designed to prevent development of a catabolic state and muscle wasting.

Ammonia is always extracted by the brain as arterial blood passes through the cerebral capillaries. When ammonia enters the brain, metabolic trapping reactions convert free ammonia into metabolites (Fig. 56.3). The adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-catalyzed glutamine synthetase reaction is the most important of these reactions. The blood-brain barrier is approximately 200 times more permeable to uncharged ammonia gas (NH3) than it is to the ammonium ion (NH4+); however, because the ionic form is much more abundant than the gas at physiological pH values, substantial amounts of both species appear to cross the blood-brain barrier. Because of this permeability difference and because ammonia is a weak base, relatively small changes in the pH of blood relative to the brain have a significant effect on brain ammonia extraction. As blood becomes more alkalotic, more ammonia is present as the gas and cerebral ammonia extraction increases; however, the role this has in the production of HE is not known. The permeability surface-area (PS) product of the blood-brain barrier may be affected by prolonged liver disease. However, the experimental data about this change are in conflict: one study reported an increase in the PS product, and another reported no change. An increased PS product could explain in part the toxin hypersensitivity that develops with time.

Other Pathophysiological Mechanisms

Abnormalities of Neurotransmission

Since the early 1970s, a variety of hypotheses have suggested that HE is caused by disordered neurotransmission. Although early hypotheses related to putative false neurotransmitters were disproved, there is still effort in this direction.

As a result of the false neurotransmitter hypothesis, it was shown that the ratio of plasma amino acids (valine + leucine + isoleucine) to (phenylalanine + tyrosine) was abnormal in encephalopathic patients, leading to the development of amino acid solutions designed to normalize this ratio, which are now commercially available. Although infusion of the solutions normalizes the ratio and patients improve, the results of several controlled clinical trials are inconclusive; it is unclear whether the amino acids or the associated supportive care measures caused the improvement noted.

Substantial effort has been focused on potential abnormalities of the GABA-benzodiazepine complex. Initial attention was directed at GABA itself. Early reports that GABA concentrations were elevated in patients with encephalopathy have been disproved, and attention has shifted toward the presence of benzodiazepines or benzodiazepine-like compounds. A number of anecdotal reports have described dramatic improvements in patients who did not respond to more conventional therapy after they were given flumazenil. Some of the patients in the reports had been given benzodiazepines during the course of their care; however, it is not always clear whether a patient has been given benzodiazepines, and very low concentrations of benzodiazepines and their metabolites may be found in blood and CSF of patients with encephalopathy. Typically the concentrations are substantially lower than concentrations that relieve anxiety and appear to be too low to produce coma. In controlled studies, patients given the benzodiazepine antagonist, flumazenil, are more likely to improve than those given placebo. It is unclear whether benzodiazepine displacement is the mechanism because these patients do not usually have clinically significant blood levels of benzodiazepines. This raises the possibility that any of flumazenil’s beneficial actions may be related to other actions of the drug. More recent theories have linked the presence of increased expression of peripheral types of benzodiazepine receptors to HE. These receptors are found on mitochondrial membranes and are implicated in intermediary metabolism and neurosteroid synthesis. Hyperammonemia causes an increase in peripheral types of benzodiazepine receptors and creates a potential for an increase in inhibitory tone in the brain. In addition, there are significant alterations in cerebral serotonin and dopamine metabolism and a reduction in postsynaptic glutamate receptors of the N-methyl-d-aspartate type. Thus there is a substantial interest in the potential role of neurotransmitters in the pathogenesis of HE. As of yet, there is no unifying hypothesis and no rational therapeutic approach based on altering neurotransmission.


The Alzheimer type II astrocyte is the neuropathological hallmark of hepatic coma. An account of the original descriptions of this change was provided in translation by Adams and Foley in 1953. In this report, they presented their own findings of this astrocyte change in the cerebral cortex and the lenticular, lateral thalamic, dentate, and red nuclei, offering the tentative proposal that the severity of these changes might be correlated with the length of coma. The cause of the astrocyte change was established by studies that reproduced the clinical and pathological characteristics of HE in primates by continuous infusions of ammonia. In studies of rats with portacaval shunts, astrocyte changes become evident after the fifth week. Before coma develops, astrocytic protoplasm increases and endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria proliferate, suggesting that these are metabolically activated cells. After the production of coma, the more typical signs of the Alzheimer type II change became evident as mitochondrial and nuclear degeneration appeared. Norenberg (2007) suggested that HE is an astrocytic disease, although oligodendroglial cells are affected as well. More recent evidence from his laboratory has shown that ammonia affects a wide variety of astrocytic functions and aquaporin-4.

The neuropathological-neurochemical link between astrocytes and the production of hyperammonemic coma is strengthened by immunohistochemical studies that localized glutamine synthetase to astrocytes and their end-feet. Similar findings for glutamate dehydrogenase have been described. Long-standing or recurrent HE may lead to the degenerative changes in the brain characteristic of non-Wilson hepatocerebral degeneration. Brains of these patients have polymicrocavitary degenerative changes in layers five and six of the cortex underlying white matter, basal ganglia, and cerebellum. Intranuclear inclusions that test positive by periodic acid-Schiff also are seen, as are abnormalities in tracts of the spinal cord.


Ideally, the management of cirrhosis should involve a cooperative effort between hepatologists, surgeons, neurologists, and psychologists, with additional input from nurses and dieticians. Practice guidelines published by the American College of Gastroenterology identify four goals: (1) provide supportive care, (2) identify and treat precipitating factors, (3) reduce the nitrogenous load from the gut, and (4) assess need for long-term therapy (Blei and Cordoba, 2001; Ferenci et al., 2002).

Initial diagnostic and therapeutic efforts should be directed at the identification and mitigation of precipitating factors and reducing the nitrogenous load arising from the GI tract. This is accomplished by a brief withdrawal of protein from the diet and the administration of cleansing enemas, followed by the use of lactulose. Antibiotics may be used as an alternative to lactulose. After the acute phase of HE, patients should receive the maximum amount of protein that is tolerated. Prolonged periods of protein restriction should be avoided. Protein is required for the regeneration of hepatocytes and prevention of a catabolic state and muscle wasting.

In patients who have cirrhosis without overt encephalopathy, diagnostic efforts should be directed toward identifying patients with minimal encephalopathy and monitoring the effects of treatment. The inappropriate terms, subclinical or latent HE have been too commonly applied to patients with minimal encephalopathy. Patients with minimal encephalopathy have a diminished quality of life and benefit from therapy, typically lactulose. Although rigorous criteria have not been developed to establish this diagnosis, deficits on neuropsychological test scores are usually used as the criterion. Some have advocated the use of computerized EEG analysis for this purpose, with a focus on abnormal slowing seen on an analysis of the spectrum. Follow-up testing is needed to monitor treatment.


Lactulose is a mainstay for the treatment of both acute and chronic forms of HE. Its utility in the secondary prevention of HE was supported by a recent open-label placebo-controlled study of patients who had recovered from an initial episode of HE (Sharma et al., 2009). In the lactulose-treated group, 19.6% developed recurrent HE during a 1- to 14-month follow-up compared to 46.8% in the placebo group (P

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