It is important to understand the mechanisms of these arrythmias because AV node-active tachycardias can usually be terminated by maneuvers that prolong AV node conduction, such as vagal maneuvers, or the administration of drugs, such as adenosine (Figure 36-1).
Wide complex tachycardias
WCTs are defined as arrhythmias with a QRS complex duration longer than 0.12 sec at a rate greater than 100 beats/min. WCTs are presumed to be ventricular tachycardias (VTs) until proved otherwise, although some supraventricular tachycardias (SVTs) can present as WCT (SVT with aberrancy). Differentiating between SVTs with a wide QRS complex and a VT is critical because the treatment is very different (Figures 36-2 to 36-11).