Chapter 26 Postoperative Cardiac Recovery and Outcomes
Anesthetic Techniques
There have been few trials comparing inhalation agents for fast track cardiac anesthesia (FTCA). Several studies have examined the effectiveness of propofol versus inhalation agents, most demonstrated reductions in myocardial enzyme release (CK-MB, troponin I) and preservation of myocardial function in patients receiving inhalation agents.1 Although this endpoint is a surrogate for myocardial damage and does not show improved outcome per se, CK-MB release after CABG may be associated with poor outcome (Box 26-1).
The choice of muscle relaxant in FTCA is important to reduce the incidence of muscle weakness in the cardiac recovery area (CRA), which may delay tracheal extubation. Randomized trials have compared rocuronium (0.5 to 1 mg/kg) versus pancuronium (0.1 mg/kg) and found significant differences in residual paralysis in the ICU, and statistically significant delays were found in the time to extubation in the pancuronium group.2 None of the trials used reversal agents, so the use of pancuronium appears acceptable as long as neostigmine or edrophonium is administered to patients with residual neuromuscular weakness.
There have been several trials examining the use of different short-acting narcotic agents during FTCA. In these trials, fentanyl, remifentanil, and sufentanil were all found to be efficacious for early tracheal extubation. The anesthetic drugs and their suggested dosages are given in Table 26-1.
Table 26-1 Suggested Dosages for Fast Track Cardiac Anesthesia
Induction |
Narcotic |
MAC = minimal alveolar concentration.
From Mollhoff T, Herregods L, Moerman A, et al: Comparative efficacy and safety of remifentanil and fentanyl in “fast track” coronary artery bypass graft surgery: A randomized, double-blind study. Br J Anaesth 87: 718, 2001; Engoren M, Luther G, Fenn-Buderer N: A comparison of fentanyl, sufentanil, and remifentanil for fast-track cardiac anesthesia. Anesth Analg 93: 859, 2001; and Cheng DC, Newman MF, Duke P, et al: The efficacy and resource utilization of remifentanil and fentanyl in fast-tract coronary artery bypass graft surgery: A prospective randomized, double-blinded controlled, multi-center trial. Anesth Analg 92:1094, 2001.
Evidence Supporting Fast Track Cardiac Recovery
There are several randomized trials and a meta-analysis of randomized trials that have addressed the question of safety of FTCA.3 None of the trials was able to demonstrate differences in outcomes between the fast track group and the conventional anesthesia group, but meta-analysis of the randomized trials demonstrated a reduction in the duration of intubation by 8 hours (Fig. 26-1) and the ICU length of stay by 5 hours in favor of the fast track group. However, the length of hospital stay was not statistically different.
Postcardiac Surgical Recovery Models
The failure of many randomized FTCA trials to show reductions in resource utilization likely stems from the traditional ICU models used by these centers during the study period. Even when trials were combined in a meta-analysis, the ICU length of stay was reduced only by 5 hours despite patients being extubated a mean of 8 hours earlier.3 Typically, patients who are extubated within the first 24 hours of ICU admission are transferred to the ward on postoperative day 1 in the morning or early afternoon. This allows the following daytime cardiac cases to have available ICU beds but prevents patient transfers during night-time hours. Two models have been proposed to deal with this issue: the parallel model and the integrated model. In the parallel model, patients are admitted directly to a CRA, where they are monitored with 1:1 nursing care until tracheal extubation. Following this, the level of care is reduced to reflect reduced nursing requirements with ratios of 1:2 or 1:3. Any patients requiring overnight ventilation are transferred to the ICU for continuation of care. The primary drawback with the parallel model is the physical separation of the CRA and ICU, which leads to two separate units and thus does not eliminate the requirement to transfer patients. The integrated model overcomes these limitations because all patients are admitted to the same physical area, but postoperative management such as nursing-to-patient ratio is variable based on patient requirements. Because nursing care accounts for 45% to 50% of ICU costs, reducing the nursing requirements where possible creates the greatest saving. Other cost savings from reductions in arterial blood gases measurement, use of sedative drugs, and ventilator maintenance are small. The goal is a postoperative unit that allows variable levels of monitoring and care based on patient need. Furthermore, FTCA has been demonstrated to be a safe and cost-effective practice that decreases resource utilization after patient discharge from the index hospitalization up to 1-year follow-up.4
On arrival in the CRA, initial management of cardiac patients consists of ensuring an efficient transfer of care from operating room staff to CRA staff while at the same time maintaining stable patient vital signs. The anesthesiologist should relay important clinical parameters to the CRA team. To accomplish this, many centers have devised hand-off sheets to aid in the transfer of care. The patient’s temperature should be recorded, and, if it is low, active rewarming measures should be initiated with the goal of rewarming the patient to 36.5°C. Shivering may be treated with low intravenous doses of meperidine (12.5 to 25 mg). Hyperthermia, however, is common within the first 24 hours after cardiac surgery and may be associated with an increase in neurocognitive dysfunction, possibly as a result of hyperthermia exacerbating cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB)−induced neurologic injury (Box 26-2).
Ventilation Management: Admission to Tracheal Extubation
Ventilatory requirements should be managed with the goal of early tracheal extubation (Table 26-2). Arterial blood gas samples are initially drawn within 30 minutes after admission and then repeated as necessary. Patients should be awake and cooperative, hemodynamically stable, and have no active bleeding with coagulopathy. Respiratory strength should be assessed by hand grip or head lift to ensure complete reversal of neuromuscular blockade. The patient’s temperature should be above 36°C, preferably normothermic. When these conditions are met and arterial blood gas results are within the normal range, tracheal extubation may take place. Blood for arterial blood gas analysis should be drawn about 30 minutes after tracheal extubation to ensure adequate ventilation with maintenance of PaO2 and PaCO2. Inability to extubate patients as a result of respiratory failure, hemodynamic instability, or large amounts of mediastinal drainage will necessitate more complex weaning strategies. Some patients may arrive after extubation in the operating room. Careful attention should be paid to these patients. The patient’s respiratory rate should be monitored every 5 minutes during the first several hours. A blood sample should be drawn on admission and 30 minutes later to ensure the patient is not retaining carbon dioxide. If the patient’s respirations become compromised, ventilatory support should be provided. Simple measures such as reminders to breathe may be effective in the narcotized/anesthetized patient. Low intravenous doses of naloxone (0.04 mg) may also be beneficial. Trials of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) may provide enough support to allow adequate ventilation. Reintubation should be avoided because it may delay recovery; however, it may become necessary if the just-mentioned measures fail, resulting in hypoxemia, hypercarbia, and a declining level of consciousness.
Table 26-2 Ventilation Management Goals during the Initial Trial of Weaning from Extubation