Chapter 72 Pediatric Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Given the high cure rates in treating children with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, the ongoing challenge has been the development of less toxic therapy. In this regard, the progress in Hodgkin’s lymphoma management in children has often presaged that in adult patients. Although many similarities between pediatric and adult Hodgkin’s lymphoma exist, there are a number of distinctions beginning with a bimodal incidence with one peak within the pediatric population. Differences related to age include gender ratio, the most common histologic subtype, the underlying biologic characteristics (e.g., the role of Epstein-Barr virus [EBV]), and the potential for cure.1 Pediatric Hodgkin’s lymphoma has an excellent prognosis, with higher survival rates compared with those of adults even when the therapeutic approaches are similar.1,2 Given the high cure rates, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, particularly in children, has provided much of the knowledge base about late toxicities of radiotherapy and cytotoxic chemotherapy. Because of the increased vulnerability of children to the adverse effects of therapy, the management of pediatric Hodgkin’s lymphoma has led the way in the evolution of treatment strategies that consider both the toxicity and efficacy of therapy.
Historically, the desire to avoid the musculoskeletal hypoplasia that occurred following high-dose extended-field radiotherapy (EFRT) and the leukemogenesis and infertility associated with certain alkylating agents led to a more rational plan for combined-modality therapy. Subsequent observations of cardiovascular dysfunction and the increased risk of secondary cancers have played additional roles in modifying therapeutic approaches. The first generation of combined-modality therapy regimens used cycles of chemotherapy to replace a portion of the radiotherapy in laparotomy-staged children.3,4,5,6–8 Second-generation regimens used combinations containing doxorubicin to replace or reduce offending alklylating agents. Concurrent with advances in diagnostic imaging, investigators eventually abandoned surgical staging after demonstrating the efficacy of the combined-modality treatment approach.
In time, risk-adapted trials evolved that prescribed fewer cycles of multiagent chemotherapy and lower radiation doses and treatment volumes for patients with favorable clinical presentations. The definition of risk groups for disease stratification can vary in different trials and has changed with therapeutic advances. In some trials, gender-related predispositions also influence the treatment algorithm. For example, following cumulative doses of alkylating agent chemotherapy used in primary treatment regimens, boys exhibit a greater sensitivity to gonadal toxicity compared with girls, who generally maintain ovarian function unless chemotherapy is combined with abdominopelvic radiotherapy.9 Conversely, young women treated with thoracic radiotherapy during puberty have a markedly increased risk of a breast cancer that is not observed in their male counterparts, but current approaches with more restricted radiotherapy volumes are decreasing this risk.10–12
Because of the spectrum of prognostic factors in pediatric Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and the unique developmental and gender-related predispositions to therapy effects, no single treatment method is ideal for all patients. Contemporary treatment for children and adolescents with Hodgkin’s lymphoma uses a risk-adapted approach that considers presenting risk features at diagnosis. Therapy duration and intensity are selected to maintain long-term remission with minimal treatment-related morbidity. Moreover, the response to initial chemotherapy is itself an important prognostic factor.7,13,14 In turn, investigation of response-based therapy in which the rapidity of a complete response to chemotherapy may trigger either a reduction or augmentation of therapy is under cautious investigation in clinical trials.
Consequently, the evolution of therapy for pediatric Hodgkin’s lymphoma has served as a model for other cancers. Pediatric Hodgkin’s lymphoma management has also been early to adopt improved risk stratification and, more recently, response-based strategies that titrate the aggressiveness of therapy in order to improve the therapeutic ratio. Ongoing investigations aim to identify subgroups of Hodgkin’s lymphoma that may be treated with reduced volume and dose of irradiation or with chemotherapy alone. The concerns about radiotherapy, however, are to a certain extent the legacy of the significant late complications (secondary malignant tumors, cardiopulmonary dysfunction, and musculoskeletal hypoplasia) observed following archaic extended-field high-dose radiotherapy techniques that have limited bearing on modern clinical practice. Individual trials have generally shown a small improvement in disease-free survival rates from the use of adjuvant radiotherapy in Hodgkin’s lymphoma. It is only from a meta-analysis of the broad array of both adult and childhood Hodgkin’s lymphoma trials that one can glean a suggestion that adjuvant radiotherapy may provide a small survival advantage, at least in early-stage patients.15 The late effects beyond a decade or two of follow-up with the approach of primary chemotherapy and low-dose, involved-field radiation therapy (IFRT) (combined-modality therapy) are under investigation, however.
Etiology and Epidemiology
Pediatric Hodgkin’s lymphoma exhibits distinctive epidemiologic features. The childhood form, which presents in patients younger than 15 years of age, is associated with a marked male predominance, increasing family size, and decreasing socioeconomic status.16,17 In developed countries, Hodgkin’s lymphoma is rarely diagnosed in children younger than 5 years of age. The young adult form, which presents in patients ages 15 to 34 years, is associated with a higher socioeconomic status in industrialized countries. Overall, the incidence is highest in developed countries (North America and Europe) and very rare in Asian populations; in childhood, however, some developing regions have relatively higher incidences.18 In adolescents, the incidence between males and females is roughly equal, and most older adolescent patients are white. The risk for young adult Hodgkin’s lymphoma decreases significantly with increased sibship size and birth order.19,20 Specifically, the risk of Hodgkin’s lymphoma in young adults is lower in individuals with multiple older, but not younger, siblings. Histologic subtypes also vary by age at presentation. The mixed cellularity subtype is more common in childhood Hodgkin’s lymphoma, whereas the nodular sclerosing subtype is more frequently observed in affluent societies.
Pediatric Hodgkin’s lymphoma exhibits epidemiologic features similar to those seen with paralytic poliomyelitis. Delayed exposure to an infectious agent might increase the risk of the young adult form of Hodgkin’s lymphoma, whereas early and intense exposure to an infectious agent might increase the risk for the childhood form of Hodgkin’s lymphoma.19 However, data also indicate an association between nursery school or daycare attendance and a reduced risk of Hodgkin’s lymphoma among young adults, supporting a model in which childhood exposure to common infections promotes maturation of cellular immunity.21 The presence of high-antibody titers to EBV, in situ hybridization evidence of EBV genomes in Reed-Sternberg cells, and EBV early RNA1 and 2 (EBER1 and EBER2) sequences provide evidence that enhanced activation of EBV may play a role in the development of Hodgkin’s lymphoma.22,23 The incidence of EBV-associated Hodgkin’s lymphoma varies by age, gender, ethnicity, histologic subtype, and regional economic level.24,25 More specifically, an association with EBV is greater in populations of lower socioeconomic status, cases of mixed-cellularity Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and cases occurring in children or the elderly.22
Pathology and Pathways of Spread
The pathologic features of Hodgkin’s lymphoma are similar in adults and children; however, the distribution of the histologic subtypes defined by the World Health Organization may vary by age at presentation.26,27 Nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NLPHL) makes up almost 10% of pediatric cases. This histologic subtype usually presents as clinically localized disease and is more common among male and younger patients. In contrast to classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which is CD15 and CD30 positive, NLPHL is an indolent B cell neoplasm admixed with lacunar or Reed-Sternberg-like giant cells that is CD20 positive and usually CD15 and CD30 negative.
Nodular sclerosing Hodgkin’s lymphoma represents the most common histologic subtype in pediatric cases under the rubric of classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma, affecting approximately 70% of adolescents and children.28 Nodular sclerosing Hodgkin’s lymphoma most commonly involves the lower cervical, supraclavicular, and mediastinal lymph nodes. The bulky growth of some involved nodal regions (particularly in the mediastinum) may be associated with persistent radiographic abnormalities even when the patient has fully responded to therapy. The other classical form, mixed-cellularity Hodgkin’s lymphoma, is observed in approximately 15% of patients, is more common in children aged 10 years or younger, and more frequently presents as advanced disease with extranodal involvement.28 Lymphocyte-depleted Hodgkin’s lymphoma is rare in children but relatively more common in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).29 Lymphocyte-depleted disease in HIV-positive patients is often associated with EBV. Lymphocyte-rich classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma (LRHL) makes up approximately 5% of all Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases and closely overlaps with the nodular lymphocyte-predominant subtype in presenting clinical features and prognosis.30 The median age at presentation for LRHL (32 years) is, however, higher than for NLPHL, and there is a slightly higher incidence of mediastinal involvement and stage III disease at presentation.31
Clinical Manifestations, Patient Evaluation, and Staging
Clinical Manifestations
Pediatric patients most commonly present with painless cervical or supraclavicular lymphadenopathy. Mediastinal lymphadenopathy occurs in up to 66% of patients and may be associated with a nonproductive cough or other symptoms of tracheal or bronchial compression. Axillary or inguinal lymphadenopathy is less frequently seen as the first presenting sign. Primary infradiaphragmatic disease is rare in pediatric patients and occurs in fewer than 5% of cases. Splenic involvement occurs in 30% to 40% of pediatric patients with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, whereas hepatic involvement is exceedingly rare. The pulmonary parenchyma, chest wall, pleura, and pericardium are the most commonly involved extranodal sites of disease. Bone marrow involvement at the time of initial presentation of Hodgkin’s lymphoma is also uncommon in children. Approximately 65% of children have stage I and II disease and 35% have stage III and IV disease (Table 72-1).
TABLE 72-1 Pediatric Hodgkins Lymphoma: Demographic and Clinical Characteristics at Presentation
Children*† (%) | Adults† (%) | |
Total Patients | 1985 | 1912 |
<10 years | 360 (18.1) | |
≥10 years | 1625 (81.9) | 1912 (100) |
Gender | ||
Male | 1100 (55.4) | 1147 (60) |
Female | 885 (44.6) | 765 (40) |
Histology | ||
Lymphocyte predominant | 192 (9.7) | 96 (5) |
Lymphocyte depleted | — | 115 (6) |
Mixed cellularity | 307 (15.5) | 325 (17) |
Nodular sclerosing | 1431 (72.1) | 1377 (72) |
Not classified | 55 (2.8) | |
B Symptoms | ||
Present | 564 (28.4) | 612 (32) |
Absent | 1421 (71.6) | 1300 (68) |
Stage‡ | ||
I | 229 (11.5) | 210 (11) |
II | 1078 (54.3) | 899 (47) |
III | 391 (19.7) | 593 (31) |
IV | 287 (14.5) | 210 (11) |
* Data taken from Ruhl et al49 and Nachman et al.48
† Data taken from Cleary et al.136
‡ Data derived from both pathologically and clinically staged patients.
Nonspecific systemic symptoms are often associated with lymphadenopathy and may include fatigue, anorexia, mild weight loss, and pruritus. The prognostically significant constitutional or B symptoms that are included in the staging assignment are unexplained fever with temperatures taken orally that are higher than 38° C, unexplained weight loss of 10% within 6 months preceding diagnosis, and drenching night sweats. B symptoms occur in approximately 33% of patients (see Table 72-1). Laboratory changes observed at presentation are nonspecific but may provide clues about the extent of disease. Hematologic abnormalities may include anemia, neutrophilic leukocytosis, lymphopenia, eosinophilia, and monocytosis. Anemia may be associated with the presence of advanced disease and may result from impaired mobilization of iron stores or, less commonly, from hemolysis. Several autoimmune disorders have been reported in patients with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, including nephrotic syndrome, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, autoimmune neutropenia, and immune thrombocytopenia.32 These conditions typically remit as the lymphoma is responding to therapy. Several acute phase reactants, including erythrocyte sedimentation rate and serum copper, ferritin, and C-reactive protein levels, may be elevated at diagnosis and useful in follow-up evaluations.
Patient Evaluation
Functional nuclear imaging studies are appropriately used in patients with Hodgkin’s lymphoma as a diagnostic and monitoring modality. PET scanning uses uptake of the radioactive glucose analog 18fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (FDG) as a correlate of tumor activity. PET scanning is now widely available and is a standard part of the staging workup and assessment of response to therapy. Fused PET/CT offers the advantage of integrating functional and anatomic tumor characteristics. Residual or persistent gallium or FDG avidity is useful in predicting prognosis and the need for additional therapy in post-treatment evaluation.33,34,35,36,37 Moreover, PET may be useful in evaluating abnormalities that become clinically manifest or appear on imaging in order to assess recurrence.38 The utility of PET for follow-up is being studied because reports suggest low rates of diagnosing relapsed disease and problems with a high degree of false-positive findings.39,40,41
Because extranodal disease involving the bones and bone marrow is relatively uncommon in children, these staging evaluations can be omitted in patients presenting with localized and asymptomatic disease. Bone pain should be evaluated with plain radiographs. PET scanning is supplanting technetium-99 (99Tc) bone scans, which historically have been performed for an elevated serum alkaline-phosphatase concentration beyond that expected for age, or extranodal disease identified by other staging evaluations. A bone marrow biopsy should be performed in any patient with clinical stage III or IV disease or B symptoms. Because the pattern of infiltration in the bone marrow may be diffuse or focal and is often accompanied by reversible marrow fibrosis, a bone marrow aspirate alone is inadequate to assess the marrow for disease.
Physical examination and diagnostic imaging evaluations are used to designate a clinical stage according to the Ann Arbor staging system.42 In the past, pathologic staging, based on the findings of a staging laparotomy, including splenectomy, was routinely used to assess infradiaphragmatic disease. The increasing use of systemic therapy in children and the development of more accurate diagnostic imaging modalities led to the routine use of clinical staging and abandonment of surgical staging except to assess equivocal findings. Currently, surgical staging—most typically, nodal sampling without splenectomy—is pursued only if the anticipated findings will significantly alter the treatment plan.
Primary Therapy
Risk-Adapted Treatment Approach
Contemporary treatment for children and adolescents with Hodgkin’s lymphoma involves a risk-adapted approach based on the patient’s presenting features at diagnosis.* Factors included in the risk assessment vary across studies, but they most often include the presence of B symptoms, mediastinal and peripheral lymph node bulk, extranodal extension of disease to contiguous structures, number of involved nodal regions, Ann Arbor stage, and gender. A favorable clinical presentation is typically characterized as localized (stage I/II) nodal involvement in the absence of B symptoms and bulky disease. Although the historical definition of mediastinal bulk was based on a ratio greater than one-third between the transverse dimension of the mediastinal mass to the intrathoracic cavity on an upright chest radiograph, some trials have moved to use a simple size criteria on cross-sectional imaging as used for peripheral lymph node bulk. That definition, however, is highly variable across studies, ranging from 4 to 10 cm as a minimal threshold. Moreover, there is additional subjectivity in the definition of bulk when there are multiple matted or adjacent nodes, contributing to confusion on such risk stratification in practice. Fewer than three or four involved nodal regions are considered favorable.
In some risk-adapted treatment protocols, patients with localized disease presenting with unfavorable features are designated intermediate in risk and treated similarly to those with advanced-stage disease, whereas in others a therapy intermediate in intensity is prescribed. The criteria for unfavorable clinical presentations have also differed among studies, but the criteria most often used are B symptoms, bulky lymphadenopathy, hilar lymphadenopathy, more than three to four involved nodal regions, extranodal extension to contiguous structures, and advanced-stage (IIIB to IV) disease. The results of contemporary trials indicate that children and adolescents with early-stage or favorable presentations of Hodgkin’s lymphoma are excellent candidates for reduced therapy.44,47,48,49 Ongoing trials are evaluating whether intensification of therapy improves outcomes in patients with intermediate-risk and high-risk presentations.
Although not widely used to guide therapy assignment in pediatric trials, other factors such as gender, age at diagnosis, and histologic findings are considered in individual patients. The trials organized by the German-Austrian Pediatric Oncology Group (GPOH) and one trial by the Children’s Cancer Group (now integrated in the Children’s Oncology Group—COG) have been unique in their aims to prospectively evaluate gender-based therapy.49,51 Long-term follow-up of the GPOH 90 and 95 studies demonstrate that the substitution of etoposide for procarbazine in the vincristine, prednisone, procarbazine, and doxorubicin (OPPA) regimen does not compromise disease-free survival rates and provides less potential risk for gonadal toxicity.45,49 Although age at presentation has not been used as a criterion to assign therapy in prospective trials, reports describing outcomes after treatment with chemotherapy alone stress the benefits of this approach in younger children at higher risk of radiation-related toxicity.46,48
Lastly, retrospective reports of excellent outcome in patients with completely resected nodular lymphocyte-predominant disease have motivated prospective studies prescribing observation alone.52,53 At the same time, early-stage nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin’s lymphoma responds well to chemotherapy alone, IFRT alone, or combined-modality therapy. As an example of the later, VAMP (vinblastine, Adriamycin [doxorubicin], methotrexate, and prednisone) plus low-dose IFRT (LDRT) in a series of 33 patients had a 100% 10-year survival rate and EFS rate.54 Because data supporting the effectiveness of IFRT alone are based on full-dose RT (e.g., ≥30 Gy), it is not considered appropriate for children who are not fully grown.
A summary of trials in children with early-stage and advanced-stage Hodgkin’s lymphoma is provided in Tables 72-2 and 72-3 (a more complete tabulation is available in the Expert Consult online version of this chapter).
Response-Based Therapy
The response to chemotherapy, either early in its course or at its completion, is known to be an important prognostic factor in Hodgkin’s lymphoma.13 This knowledge has led to a hypothesis that modifications in therapy may be based on the initial response to chemotherapy in a similar fashion to the management of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Based on rapidity of a complete response to chemotherapy, a reduction or augmentation of therapy may be possible, a concept under cautious investigation in clinical trials. Response-based approaches titrate the overall duration of chemotherapy and/or the need for radiotherapy by assessing the early response to chemotherapy. Two Pediatric Oncology Group trials (POG 8725 and 8625) comparing chemotherapy alone versus chemoradiotherapy supported this idea that a rapid early response (RER) to chemotherapy reflects the chemosensitivity of a patient’s Hodgkin’s lymphoma and is a predictor of good long-term control.7,14 The implication is that treatment can be reduced in intensity or duration for those with RER in order to mitigate toxicity, or increased for those with a slow early response (SER) in order to improve disease control.
The augmentation in therapy for SER can be an increased radiotherapy dose or additional chemotherapy, or both. The French Society of Pediatric Oncology MDH90 treated 202 children with stage I or II Hodgkin’s lymphoma with four cycles of vinblastine, bleomycin, etoposide, and prednisone (VBVP). Good responders received 20 Gy IFRT alone, while poor responders were given an additional one to two cycles of OPPA and then either 20 Gy IFRT (good responders at second evaluation) or 40 Gy IFRT (poor responders). The 5-year overall survival (OS) and EFS rates were 97.5% and 91.1%, respectively.47 In the German trial, GPOH HD-95, early-stage patients who had a complete response to chemotherapy (two cycles of OPPA for girls or two cycles of OEPA for boys) did not receive adjuvant radiotherapy. OPPA/OEPA chemotherapy alone produced a 5-year disease-free survival rate of 88%, which was not significantly different from that observed in patients who received radiotherapy (92%).45 In this trial, higher-risk patients who received radiotherapy were prescribed radiation doses of up to 35 Gy if a complete response was not achieved. The use of higher-dose radiotherapy with simple anterior-posterior beams is certainly known to cause undesirable musculoskeletal toxicities and the potential for increased cardiopulmonary injury and secondary cancers, such that augmentation of chemotherapy or more conformal radiotherapy may be better approaches for nonresponders. POG 9425 administered three versus five cycles of doxorubicin, bleomycin, vincristine, etoposide, prednisone, and cyclophosphamide (ABVE-PC) chemotherapy and 21-Gy regional radiotherapy for rapid and slow responders, respectively.55 The 2-year EFS rate was 88.2%, with no statistical difference between early and slow responders. These studies suggest that interim or early response-adapted therapy may be useful in identifying patients with favorable disease, who can be treated with lower radiotherapy doses or abbreviated chemotherapy regimens.
Although most completed trials have used CT, with or without gallium or PET to determine response, it is becoming increasingly clear that PET scanning after the initial (one or two) chemotherapy cycles will better identify good-prognosis patients and facilitate treatment intensification.13,36,56,57 Whether radiotherapy can be omitted among patients with a negative PET scan after chemotherapy is unknown and should be considered investigational at the present. The corollary problem is how to define a response by PET criteria because low levels of residual FDG activity after therapy are common. Another unresolved problem is the interpretation of splenic or hepatic involvement by Hodgkin’s lymphoma given the physiologic uptake of FDG in these organs. A consensus panel has promulgated PET-based response criteria known as the International Harmonization Project.58,59
Chemotherapy Regimens and Radiation Therapy
MOPP and Derivative Chemotherapy
The prototype alkylator combination that provided the first effective systemic therapy for Hodgkin’s lymphoma was nitrogen mustard, vincristine, procarbazine and prednisone (MOPP).60 Follow-up studies of MOPP-treated survivors confirmed that secondary acute myeloid leukemia (s-AML) and infertility resulted from the alkylating agents in the regimen and exhibited a dose-dependent relationship.61 Subsequently, investigators developed a variety of MOPP-derivative regimens in an effort to reduce the risk of secondary leukemogenesis and gonadal toxicity.
The risk of secondary leukemia following alkylating agent chemotherapy peaks in frequency in the first 5 to 10 years after treatment and plateaus to less than 2% after 10 years from diagnosis.62 Older age at treatment, history of splenectomy, presentation with advanced disease, treatment with high cumulative doses of alkylating agents, and history of relapse have been reported to predispose to this complication.* Some alkylating agents are more potent leukemogens than others; the 15-year cumulative incidence of s-AML is 4% to 8% after MOPP-based therapy compared with less than 1% with cyclophosphamide, Oncovin (vincristine), procarbazine, and prednisone (COPP-based therapy) that substitutes cyclophosphamide for nitrogen mustard.68 Pediatric protocols that limit the total dose of alkylating agents or substitute other less leukemogenic drugs, such as cyclophosphamide, for mechlorethamine, have been associated with very low incidence rates of s-AML.68
Gonadal injury is common in pediatric patients treated with MOPP and its derivative combinations. Azoospermia is typically irreversible in men treated with six or more cycles of MOPP-like therapy.61,69 However, germ cell function may be preserved if treatment is limited to no more than three cycles of alkylator therapy.70 In contrast, most young women will maintain or resume menses after a temporary period of amenorrhea following treatment including alkylating agents.69 Ovarian transposition and shielding reduces the incidence of gonadal injury in young women requiring pelvic radiation, but these patients will experience a higher risk of premature menopause.71 The radiation oncologist should also be aware of the age dependency in the risk for ovarian failure.72 Younger females tolerate a modestly higher radiation dose related to the gradual decline in oocyte numbers associated with aging.
ABVD and Derivative Chemotherapy
The Adriamycin (doxorubicin), bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine (ABVD) combination provided a systemic therapy that produced superior disease-free survival rates compared with MOPP and was not associated with an excess risk of secondary leukemia or infertility.4,73 However, follow-up of patients treated with the ABVD regimen established its association with cardiopulmonary toxicity that was enhanced with the addition of thoracic irradiation.4 Many ABVD derivatives soon followed, aiming to reduce the risk of these sequelae.
Anthracycline agents are an important component of chemotherapy regimens for children with Hodgkin’s lymphoma because of their significant lympholytic effects. In adults, the cumulative incidence of cardiomyopathy increases significantly after anthracycline exceeds 550 mg/m2; children are at increased risk of cardiac dysfunction at lower cumulative doses.74–77 Other risk factors for anthracycline toxicity identified in studies of childhood leukemia survivors include younger age at treatment (especially, <5 years old) and female gender. Combination treatment with chest irradiation or other cardiotoxic agents such as amsacrine or cyclophosphamide may also enhance the risk of cardiac dysfunction.76,78,79–81 Because treatment protocols for pediatric Hodgkin’s lymphoma frequently include chest irradiation or other chemotherapeutic agents with potential cardiotoxicity, most regimens limit cumulative doses of anthracycline agents to below 250 mg/m2, particularly for patients with favorable-risk disease presentations.
Bleomycin in the ABVD regimen increases the risk of pulmonary toxicity that is most commonly manifested as pulmonary fibrosis and chronic pneumonitis.82 Thoracic irradiation may augment this risk. Patients at highest risk of pulmonary complications are those treated with cumulative bleomycin doses exceeding 400 U/m2. Contemporary protocols use bleomycin doses in the range of 60 to 100 U/m2; these cumulative exposures are usually associated with asymptomatic pulmonary restriction and diffusion deficits in long-term survivors, some of which will improve over time.83,84 Serial monitoring of pulmonary function during therapy and withholding of bleomycin in patients exhibiting significant declines in pulmonary function (≥20% from baseline) may reduce the risk of further pulmonary injury and does not appear to compromise disease control.85
Chemotherapy Combinations Including Etoposide
Etoposide has been increasingly incorporated into treatment regimens for pediatric Hodgkin’s lymphoma. This agent is used in risk-adapted regimens for favorable patients as an effective alternative to alkylating agents in an effort to reduce gonadal toxicity.* Etoposide has been added to alkylating and anthracycline chemotherapy in regimens for advanced and unfavorable patients to enhance treatment response. For example, the previously mentioned dose-intensive ABVE-PC regimen used in recent cooperative groups in the United States yields excellent survival outcomes in intermediate-risk to high-risk patients.55 Balanced with this survival advantage is an excess risk of s-AML seen with topoisomerase II inhibitors such as etoposide and doxorubicin that differs in epidemiology and biology from alkylator-related s-AML.88 Secondary AML that occurs in association with topoisomerase II inhibitors is characterized by a brief time of onset from primary diagnosis, absence of a preceding myelodysplastic phase, monoblastic and myelomonoblastic histologic findings, and translocations involving the MLL