CHAPTER 11 Neurosurgical Epidemiology and Outcomes Assessment
Concepts—Sources of Error in Analysis
Structural error, or bias, in contrast, is error that tends to apply specifically to one group of subjects in a study and is a consequence of intentional or unintentional features of the study design itself. This is error designed into the experiment and is not measurable or controllable by statistical techniques, but it can be minimized with proper experimental design. For example, if we are determining the normal head size of term infants by measuring the head size of all such patients born over a 1-week period, we have a high probability of introducing random error into our reported rate because we are considering a small sample. We can measure this tendency of random error in the form of a confidence interval around the reported head size. The larger the confidence interval, the higher the chance that our reported head size differs from the true average head size of our population of interest. We can solve this problem by increasing the sample size without any other change in experimental technique. Conversely, if we choose to conduct our study only in the newborn intensive care unit, with exclusion of the well-child nursery, and reported our measurements as pertaining to newborn children in general, we have introduced a structural error, or bias, into our experimental design. No statistical test that we can apply to our data set will alert us that this is occurring, nor will measures such as increasing the number of patients in our study help solve the problem. In considering the common study designs enumerated later, note how different types of studies are subject to different biases and how the differences in study design arise out of an attempt to control for bias.1
Control of Confounding Variables
Noise—Statistical Analysis in Outcomes Assessment
Alpha and Beta Error and Power
The second, more common error is a type II or β error.2 This represents the probability of incorrectly concluding that a difference does not exist between therapies when in fact it does. This is analogous to missing the signal for the noise. Here, the key issue is the natural degree of variability among study subjects, independent of what might be due to treatment effects. When small but real differences exist between groups and there is enough variability among subjects, the study requires a large sample size to be able to show a difference. Missing the difference is a β error, and the power of a study is 1 − β. Study power is driven by sample size. The larger the sample, the greater the power to resolve small differences between groups.
Frequently, when a study fails to show a difference between groups, there is a tendency to assume that there is in fact no difference between them.3 What is needed is an assessment of the likelihood of a difference being detected, given the sample size and subject variability. Although the authors should provide this, they frequently do not, thereby leaving readers to perform their own calculations or refer to published nomograms.4,5 Arbitrarily, we say that a power of 80%, or the chance of detecting a difference of a specified amount given a sample size of n, is acceptable. If the penalties for missing a difference are high, other values for power can be selected, but the larger the power desired, the larger the sample size required.
Statistics and Probability in Diagnosis
Pretest and Posttest Probability—A Bayesian Approach
At the onset, certain quickly ascertainable features about a clinical encounter should lead to the formation of a baseline probability of the most likely diagnoses for the particular clinical findings. In the example just presented, among all children seen by a neurosurgeon within 3 months of initial shunt placement, about 30% will subsequently be found to have shunt malfunction.6 Before any tests are performed or even a physical examination completed, elements of the history provided allow the clinician to form this first estimate of the likelihood of shunt failure. The remainder of the history and physical findings allow revision of that probability, up or down. This bayesian approach to diagnosis requires some knowledge of how particular symptoms and signs affect the baseline, or the “pretest” probability of an event. The extent to which a particular clinical finding or diagnostic study influences the probability of a particular end diagnosis is a function of its sensitivity and specificity, which may be combined into the clinically more useful likelihood ratio.7 Estimates of the pretest probability of disease tend to be situation specific; for example, the risk of failure of a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunt after placement is heavily dependent on the age of the patient and the time elapsed since the last shunt-related surgical procedure.8 Individual practitioners can best provide their own data for this by studying their own practice patterns.
Properties of Diagnostic Tests
Elements of the history, physical examination, and subsequent diagnostic studies can all be assessed to describe their properties as predictors of an outcome of interest. These properties may be summarized as sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and likelihood ratios, as illustrated in Table 11-1.
Sensitivity indicates the percentage of patients with a given illness who have a positive clinical finding or study. In other words, that a straight leg raise test has a sensitivity of 80% for lumbar disk herniation in the setting of sciatic pain means that 80 of 100 patients with sciatica and disk herniation do, in fact, have a positive straight leg raise test.9 In Table 11-1, sensitivity is equal to a/(a + c). Conversely, specificity, equal to d/(b + d) in Table 11-1, refers to the number of patients without a clinical diagnosis who also do not have a clinical finding. Again, using the example of the evaluation of low back pain in patients with sciatica, a positive straight leg raise test has about 40% specificity, which means that of 100 patients with sciatica but without disk herniation, 40 will have a negative straight leg raise test.
Sensitivity and specificity are difficult to use clinically because they describe clinical behavior in a group of patients known to carry the diagnosis of interest. These properties provide no information about performance of the clinical factor in patients who do not have the disease and who probably represent the majority of patients seen. Sensitivity ignores the important category of false-positive results (Table 11-1, B), whereas specificity ignores false-negative results (Table 11-1, C). If the sensitivity of a finding is very high (e.g., >95%) and the disease is not overly common, it is safe to assume that there will be few false-negative results (C in Table 11-1 will be small). Thus, the absence of a finding with high sensitivity for a given condition will tend to rule out the condition. When the specificity is high, the number of false-positive results is low (B in Table 11-1 will be small), and the absence of a symptom will tend to rule in the condition. Epidemiologic texts have suggested the mnemonics SnNout (when sensitivity is high, a negative or absent clinical finding rules out the target disorder) and SpPin (when specificity is very high, a positive study rules in the disorder), although some caution may be in order when applying these mnemonics strictly.10
A key component of these latter two values is the underlying prevalence of the disease. Examine Table 11-2. In both the common disease and rare disease case, the sensitivity and specificity for the presence or absence of a particular sign are each 90%, but in the common disease case, the total number of patients with the diagnosis is much larger, thereby leading to much higher positive and lower negative predictive values. When the prevalence of the disease drops, the important change is the relative increase in the number of false versus true positives, with the reverse being true for false versus true negatives.
The impact of prevalence plays a particularly important role when one tries to assess the role of screening studies in which there is only limited clinical evidence that a disease process is present. Examples include the use of screening magnetic resonance imaging studies for cerebrovascular aneurysms in patients with polycystic kidney disease11 and routine use of CT for follow-up after shunt insertion12 and for determining cervical spine instability in patients with Down syndrome,13 as well as to search for cervical spine injuries in polytrauma patients.14,15 In these situations, the low prevalence of the disease makes false-positive results likely, particularly if the specificity of the test is not extremely high, and usually results in additional, potentially more hazardous and expensive testing.
Likelihood ratios (LRs) are an extension of the previously noted properties of diagnostic information. LRs express the odds (rather than the percentage) of a patient with a target disorder having a particular finding present as compared with the odds of the finding in patients without the target disorder. An LR of 4 for a clinical finding indicates that it is four times as likely for a patient with the disease to have the finding as those without the disease. The advantage of this approach is that odds ratios, which are based on sensitivity and specificity, do not have to be recalculated for any given prevalence of a disease. In addition, if one starts with the pretest odds of a disease, this may be simply multiplied by the LR to generate the posttest odds of a disease. Nomograms exist to further simplify this process.16 A number of useful articles and texts are available to the reader for further explanation.17,18 Table 11-3 gives examples of the predictive values of selected symptoms and signs encountered in clinical neurosurgical conditions.9,19–24
Clinical Decision Rules
The preceding examples demonstrate the mathematical consequences of the presence of a single symptom or sign on the diagnostic process. The usual diagnostic process involves the integration of different symptoms and signs, often simultaneous with the process of generating a differential diagnosis. Clinical decision rules or decision instruments allow integration of multiple symptoms or signs into a diagnostic algorithm. The desired properties of such algorithms depend on the disease process studied, the consequences of false-positive and false-negative results, and the risk and cost of evaluation maneuvers. For example, the National Emergency X-Radiography Utilization Study (NEXUS) sought to develop a clinical prediction rule to determine which patients require cervical spine x-ray assessment after blunt trauma.15
Measurement in Clinical Neurosurgery
Techniques of Measurement
Quantifying clinical findings and outcomes remains one of the largest stumbling blocks in performing and interpreting clinical research. Although outcomes such as mortality and some physical attributes such as height and weight are easily assessed, many of the clinical observations and judgments that we make are much more difficult to measure. All measurement scales should be valid, reliable, and responsive. A scale is valid if it truly measures what it purports to measure. It is reliable when it reports the same result for the same condition, regardless of who applies it or when they do so. It is responsive when meaningful changes in the item or event being measured are reflected as changes in the scale.25 The complexity of neurologic assessment has led to a proliferation of such measurement scales.26
Content validity is a similar concept that arises out of scale development. In the course of developing scales, a series of domains are determined. For example, again referring to the activities of daily living, the functional independence measure has domains of self-care, sphincter control, mobility and transfer, location, communication, and social cognition.27 The more completely that a scale addresses the perceived domains of interest, the better its content validity.
Criterion validity refers to performance of the new scale in comparison to a previously established standard. Simplified shorter scales that are more readily usable in routine clinical practice should be expected to have criterion validity when compared with longer, more complex research-oriented scales.28
To be clinically useful, a scale should give a consistent report when applied repeatedly to a given patient. Reliability and discrimination are intimately linked in that the smaller the error attributable to measurement, the finer the resolving power of the measurement instrument. Measurement in part involves determining differences, so the discriminatory power of an instrument is of critical importance. Although often taught otherwise, reliability and agreement are not the same thing. An instrument that produces a high degree of agreement and no discrimination between subjects is, by definition, unreliable. This need for reproducibility and discrimination is dependent not only on the nature of the measurement instrument but also on the nature of the system being measured. An instrument found reliable in one setting may not be so in another if the system being measured has changed dramatically. Mathematically, reliability is equal to subject variability divided by the sum of subject and measurement variability.25 Thus, the larger the variability (error) caused by measurement alone, the lower the reliability of a system. Similarly, for a given measurement error, the larger the degree of subject variability, the less the impact of measurement error on overall reliability. Reliability testing involves repeated assessments of subjects by the same observers, as well as by different observers.
Reliability is typically measured by correlation coefficients, with values ranging between 0 and 1. Although there are several different statistical methods of determining the value of the coefficient, a common strategy involves the use of analysis of variance (ANOVA) to produce an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC).29 The ICC may be interpreted as representing the percentage of total variability attributable to subject variability, with 1 being perfect reliability and 0 being no reliability. Reliability data reported as an ICC can be converted into a range of scores expected simply because of measurement error. The square root of (1 − ICC) gives the percentage of the standard deviation of a sample expected to be associated with measurement error. A quick calculation brings the ICC into perspective. For an ICC of 0.9, the error associated with measurement is (1 − 0.9)0.5, or about 30% of the standard deviation.25 Reliability measures can also be reported with the κ statistic, discussed more fully in the next section as a measure of clinical agreement.30
Internal consistency is a related property of scales that are used for measurement. Because scales should measure related aspects of a single dimension or construct, responses on one question should have some correlation to responses on another question. Although a high degree of correlation renders a question redundant, very limited correlation raises the possibility that the question is measuring a different dimension or construct. This has the effect of adding additional random variability to the measure. There are a variety of statistics that calculate this parameter, the best known of which is Cronbach’s alpha coefficient.31 Values between 0.7 and 0.9 are considered acceptable.25
Clinical Agreement
One of the common statistical ways to measure agreement is the κ statistic.32,33 It attempts to compensate for the likelihood of chance agreement when only a few possible choices are available. If two observers identify the presence of a clinical finding 70% of the time in a particular patient population, by chance they will agree on the finding 58% of the time (Table 11-4). If they actually agree 80% of the time, the κ statistic for this clinical parameter is 80% to 58% actual agreement beyond chance and 100% to 58% potential agreement beyond chance. This is equal to 0.52. Interpretation of these κ values is somewhat arbitrary, but by convention, κ values of 0 to 0.2 indicate slight agreement; 0.2 to 0.4, fair agreement; 0.4 to 0.6, moderate agreement; and 0.8 to 1.0, high agreement.34
The concept of clinical agreement can be broadened to apply not only to individual symptoms, signs, or tests but also to whole diagnoses; for example, Kestle and colleagues reported that a series of objective criteria for establishing the diagnosis of shunt malfunction have a high degree of clinical agreement (κ = 0.81) with the surgeon’s decision to revise the shunt.35
The κ statistic is commonly used to report the agreement beyond that expected by chance alone and is easy to calculate. However, concern has been raised about its mathematical rigor and its usefulness for comparison across studies (for a detailed discussion see,37
Measurement is largely a matter of discrimination among different states of being, but change needs to be both detected and meaningful. Between 1976 and 1996, Bracken and associates performed a series of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to evaluate the role of corticosteroids in the management of acute spinal cord injury.38–40 In the last two trials, the main outcome measure was performance on the American Spinal Cord Injury Association (ASIA) scale. Both studies demonstrated small positive benefits in preplanned subgroup analyses for patients receiving methylprednisolone. Subsequent to their publication, however, controversy arose regarding whether the degree of change demonstrated on the ASIA scale is clinically meaningful and justifies the perceived risk of increased infection rates with the therapy. The scale itself assesses motor function in 10 muscle groups on a 6-point scale from 0 (no function) to 5 (normal function and resistance). Sensory function is assessed in 28 dermatomes for both pinprick and light touch. In the first National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study (NASCIS 1), the net benefit of methylprednisolone was a mean motor improvement of 6.7 versus 4.8 on a scale of 0 to 70. What is unclear from the scale is whether changes of this degree produce any significant functional improvement in a spinal cord injury patient.41–43 Presumably seeking to address this question, the last of these trials included a separate functional assessment, the functional independence measure. This multidimensional instrument assesses the need for assistance in a variety of activities of daily living. A change in this measure, at least on face, produces a more obvious change in functional state than does the ASIA scale. Indeed, a small improvement in the sphincter control subgroup of the scale was seen in the NASCIS 3 trial, although considering the scale as a whole, no improvement was seen.38
Measurement Instruments
A large number of measurement instruments are now in regular use for the assessment of neurosurgical outcomes. Table 11-5 lists just a few of these,44–84 as do other summaries.85 Several types of instruments are noted. First, a number of measures focus on physical findings, such as the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), Mini-Mental Status Examination, and House-Brackmann score for facial nerve function. These measures are specific to a disease process or body system. A second group of instruments focus on the functional limitations produced by the particular system insult. A third group of instruments look at the role that functional limitations play in the general perception of health. Instruments that assess health status or health perceptions, such as the 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36) or Sickness Impact Profile, measure in multiple domains and are thought of as generic instruments applicable to a wide variety of illnesses. Others instruments include both general and disease-specific questions. The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”86 In this context, it is easy to see the importance of broader measures of outcome that assess quality of life. Finally, economic measures such as health utilities indices are designed to translate health outcomes into monetary terms.87
Head Injury | ||
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) | Examination scale: Based on eye (1-4 points), verbal (1-5 points), and motor assessment (1-6 points) | 44 |
Glasgow Outcome Scale | 1, Dead; 2, vegetative; 3, severely disabled; 4, moderately disabled; 5, good | 45 |
DRS (disability rating scale) | Score of 0 (normal) to 30 (dead); incorporates elements of the GCS and functional outcome | 46 |
Ranchos Los Amigos | I, No response; II, generalized response to pain; III, localizes; IV, confused/agitated; V, confused/nonagitated; VI, confused/appropriate; VII, automatic/appropriate; VII, purposeful/appropriate | 47 |
Mental Status Testing | ||
Folstein’s Mini-Mental State Examination | 11 Questions: orientation, registration (repetition), attention (serial 7s), recall, language (naming, multistage commands, writing, copying design) | 48, 49 |
Cognitive Testing | ||
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) | The standard IQ test for adults with verbal (information, comprehension, arithmetic, similarities, digit span, vocabulary) and performance domains (digit symbols, picture completion, block designs, picture arrangement, object assembly)50 | 51 |
Epilepsy | ||
Engel class |
Original version had no grade 0 and grade 1 equivalent to grade 2 above
ADLs, activities of daily living; ASIA, American Spinal Cord Injury Association; EORTC, European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer; NIH, National Institutes of Health; SF-36, short-form health survey (36 items); WFNS, World Federation of Neurological Surgeons.
Choosing a Specific Measure
Functional outcome measures assess the impact of physiologic changes on more general function. Evidence from these sources may be more compelling than changes in physiologic parameters (see discussion on the NACSIS trials earlier). Even more broadly, health status measures place the loss of function in the context of the patient’s global health picture. These measures are particularly useful when comparing across disease processes or comparing healthy and diseased populations. A common strategy is to incorporate both system/disease-specific and generic outcome measures in the same study. Authors and readers must be clear which of these represents the primary outcome measure of the study. When the purpose of the study is to measure the economic impact of a therapy or its “utility” in an economic context, summary measures that report a single score rather than a series of scores for different domains are necessary. In many cases it is appropriate to have the quality-of-life measure as the principal outcome assessment tool. For example, in assessments of therapy for glioblastoma multiforme, efforts to extend survival have thus far been only minimally successful. Studies focusing on maximizing quality of life with the available modalities are often the best ones to provide information on therapeutic decision making.88
Rating scales and quality-of-life assessment measures need not be limited to research studies. Familiarity with these measures can lead to their introduction into general clinic practice and thereby give the practitioner a more effective way to communicate with others and assess individual results. The “Guidelines for the Management of Acute Cervical Spine and Spinal Cord Injuries” offers as a guideline that the functional independence measure be used as a clinical assessment tool by practitioners when assessing patients with spinal cord injury.89 Practical considerations dictate that instruments used in the conduct of routine care be short and feasible to perform. However, ad hoc modification or simplification of instruments to suit individual tastes or needs voids the instruments’ validation and reduces comparability with other applications. Access to many of the outcome measures listed in Table 11-5 is available through the Internet.
Specific Study Designs
Clinical researchers and clinicians using clinical research must be familiar with the various research designs available and commonly used in the medical literature. To better understand the features of study design, it is helpful to consider factors that limit the ability of a study to answer that question. In this context, it is easier to understand the various permutations of clinical research design. Elementary epidemiology textbooks broadly divide study designs into descriptive and analytic studies (Table 11-6).90 The former seek to describe health or illness in populations or individuals but are not suited to describing causal links or establishing treatment efficacy. Comparisons can be made with these study modalities only on an implicit, or population, basis. Thus, a death rate may be compared with a population norm or with death rates in other countries. Analytic or explanatory studies have the specific purpose of direct comparison between assembled groups and are designed to yield answers concerning causation and treatment efficacy. Analytic studies may be observational, as in case-control and cohort studies, or interventional, as in controlled clinical trials. In addition to being directed at different questions, different study designs are more or less robust in managing the various study biases that must be considered as threats to their validity (Table 11-7).1,91
Descriptive Studies | ||
Population correlation studies | Rate of disease in population vs. incidence of exposure in population | No link at the individual level, cannot assess or control for other variables. Used for hypothesis generation only |
Changes in disease rates over time | No control for changes in detection techniques | |
Individuals | ||
Case reports and case series | Identification of rare events, report of outcome of particular therapy | No specific control group or effort to control for selection biases |
Cross-sectional surveys | Prevalence of disease in sample, assessment of coincidence of risk factor and disease at a single point in time at an individual level | “Snapshot” view does not allow assessment of causation, cannot assess incident vs. prevalent cases. Sample determines degree to which findings can be generalized |
Descriptive cohort studies | Describes outcome over time for specific group of individuals, without comparison of treatments | Cannot determine causation, risk of sample-related biases |
Analytic Studies | ||
Observational | ||
Case control | Disease state is determined first. Identified control group retrospectively compared with cases for presence of particular risk factor | Highly suspect for bias in selection of control group. Generally can study only one or two risk factors |
Retrospective cohort studies | Population of interest determined first, outcome and exposure determined retrospectively | Uneven search for exposure and outcome between groups. Susceptible to missing data, results dependent on entry criteria for cohort |
Prospective cohort studies | Exposure status determined in a population of interest, then monitored for outcome | Losses to follow-up over time, expensive, dependent on entry criteria for cohort |
Interventional | ||
Dose escalation studies (phase I) | Risk for injury from dose escalation | Comparison is between doses, not vs. placebo. Determines toxicity not efficacy |
Controlled nonrandom studies | Allocation to different treatment groups by patient/clinician choice | Selection bias in allocation between treatment groups |
Randomized controlled trials | Random allocation of eligible subjects to treatment groups | Expensive. Experimental design can limit generalizability of results |
Meta-analysis | Groups randomized trials together to determine average response to treatment | Limited by quality of original studies, difficulty combining different outcome measures. Variability in base study protocols |
After Hennekens C, Buring J. Epidemiology in Medicine. Boston: Little, Brown; 1987.
Sampling Biases | |
Prevalence-incidence | Drawing a sample of patients late in a disease process excludes those who have died of the disease early in its course. Prevalent (existing) cases may not reflect the natural history of incident (newly diagnosed) cases |
Unmasking | In studies investigating causation, factors that cause symptoms, which in turn cause a more diligent search for the disease of interest. An example might be whether a particular medication caused headaches, which led to the performance of more magnetic resonance imaging studies and resulted in an increase in the diagnosis of arachnoid cysts in patients taking the medication. The conclusion that the medication caused arachnoid cysts would reflect unmasking bias |
Diagnostic suspicion | A predisposition to consider an exposure as causative prompts a more thorough search for the presence of the outcome of interest |
Referral filter | Patients referred to tertiary care centers are often not reflective of the population as a whole in terms of disease severity and comorbid conditions. Natural history studies are particularly prone to biases of this sort |
Chronologic |