Neuromuscular disorders in intensive care

Published on 27/02/2015 by admin

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Last modified 27/02/2015

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Chapter 49 Neuromuscular disorders in intensive care

A number of disorders producing generalised neuromuscular weakness can require admission to the intensive care unit (ICU), or complicate the course of ICU patients. These may involve:

Table 49.1 lists a differential diagnosis of muscle weakness in critically ill patients.

Table 49.1 Differential diagnosis of muscle weakness in critically ill patients

Cerebral cortex
Vascular event
Metabolic or ischaemic encephalopathy
Lower pontine hemorrhage or infarction (locked-in state)
Spinal cord
Transverse myelitis
Compression by tumour, abscess or hemorrhage
Carcinomatous or lymphomatous meningitis
Peripheral nerve
Critical-illness polyneuropathy
Phrenic nerve injury during thoracic surgery
Guillain–Barré syndrome
Ingested toxins, including arsenic, thallium, cyanide
Neuromuscular junction
Delayed reversal of neuromuscular blockade
Myasthenia gravis
Lambert–Eaton syndrome
Pesticide poisoning
Skeletal muscle
Acute necrotising myopathy
Steroid myopathy
Severe hypokalaemia, hypophosphataemia and/or hypomagnesaemia
Acute alcoholic myopathy
Polymyositis or dermatomyositis
Toxic myopathy (colchicine, lovastatin, cocaine, bumetanide, amiodarone and others)

Adapted from Hansen-Flaschen J. Neuromuscular disorders of critical illness. UpToDate 2006; version 14.3.


In 1834 James Wardrop reported a case of ascending sensory loss and weakness in a 35-year-old man, leading to almost complete quadriparesis over 10 days, and complete recovery over several months.1 In 1859, Landry described an acute ascending paralysis occurring in 10 patients, 2 of whom died. Guillain, Barré and Strohl in 19162 reported 2 cases of motor weakness, paraesthesiae and muscle tenderness in association with increased protein in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF: lumbar puncture for CSF examination was first described only in the 1890s).

Many variants of this syndrome have since been reported, and this has resulted in confusion in nomenclature. The lack of specific diagnostic criteria has also been a problem. Clinical, electrical and laboratory criteria for the predominant variant – acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculopathy (AIDP) – are now well described,3 though 10–15% of cases do not fit these criteria, and GBS is best regarded as a heterogeneous group of immunologically mediated disorders of peripheral nerve function.


Since the incidence of poliomyelitis has declined markedly due to mass immunisation programmes, GBS has become the major cause of rapid-onset flaccid paralysis in previously healthy people, with an incidence of approximately 1.7 per 100 000. Epidemics have occurred in large populations exposed to viral illness or immunisation.4 Immunosuppression and concurrent autoimmune disease may also be predisposing factors.5 The disorder is slightly commoner in males, and up to four times commoner in the elderly. No consistent seasonal or racial predilection has been demonstrated.


Most recent evidence supports the proposition that GBS is caused by immunologically mediated nerve injury.6 Cell-mediated immunity, in particular, probably plays a significant role, and inflammatory cell infiltrates are often seen in association with demyelination, which is generally regarded as the primary pathologic process. Antibodies to a number of nervous system components have been demonstrated in GBS patients, with most interest in recent years focusing on antiganglioside antibodies.

Although the precise mechanism of sensitisation is not known, clinical associations suggest that antecedent viral infections or immunisations are commonly involved. Infective agents implicated include influenza A, parainfluenza, varicella-zoster, Epstein–Barr, chickenpox, mumps, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV),7 measles virus and Mycoplasma. Campylobacter jejuni gastroenteritis now appears to be the most common predisposing infection and may be associated with a more severe clinical course; 26–41% of GBS patients show evidence of recent C. jejuni infection.8 Cytomegalovirus infection accounts for a further 10–22% of cases.9 Immunisations against viral infections, tuberculosis, tetanus and typhoid have all preceded the development of GBS. Most of these associations are anecdotal and of doubtful aetiological significance, but 65% of patients present within a few weeks of minor respiratory (43%) or gastrointestinal (21%) illness.


The peripheral nerves of patients who have died of GBS show infiltration of the endoneurium by mononuclear cells in a predominantly perivenular distribution. The inflammatory process may be distributed throughout the length of the nerves, but with more marked focal changes in the nerve roots, spinal nerves and major plexuses. Electron micrographs show macrophages actively stripping myelin from the bodies of Schwann cells and axons. In some cases, wallerian degeneration of axons is also seen, and failure of regeneration in these cases may correspond with a poor clinical outcome.

The underlying immune response is complex and poorly understood, but serum from GBS patients produces myelin damage in vitro when complement is present.10 Although antibodies to various glycolipids have been demonstrated in GBS, these are generally in low titre and can occasionally be seen in controls. Patients with recent C. jejuni infection have a high incidence of antibodies to the ganglioside GM1.8 Antibodies to GD1a and GQ1b gangliosides are associated with the rarer acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN) and acute motor sensory axonal neuropathy (AMSAN) variants (see below).11 The basis of the effectiveness of plasma exchange and immunoglobulin therapy is likely to be blocking of demyelinating antibodies by several mechanisms.12


The majority of patients describe a minor illness in the 8 weeks prior to presentation, with a peak incidence 2 weeks beforehand. Approximately half the patients initially experience paraesthesiae, typically beginning in the hands and feet. One-quarter complain of motor weakness, and the remainder have both.13 Motor weakness proceeds to flaccid paralysis, which becomes the predominant complaint. Objective loss of power and reduction or loss of tendon reflexes usually commence distally and ascend, but a more haphazard spread may occur. Cranial nerves are involved in 45% of cases, most commonly the facial nerve, followed by the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. One-third of patients require ventilatory support.

In the Miller–Fisher syndrome, a variant of GBS,14 cranial nerve abnormalities predominate, with ataxia, areflexia and ophthalmoplegia as the main features. This is strongly associated with recent C. jejuni infection and with the presence of GQ1b antibodies.

Another subgroup of patients presents with a primarily axonal neuropathy – AMSAN. In these cases motor and sensory axons appear to be the primary targets of immune attack, rather than myelin. These patients have a more fulminant and severe course, and there is again a strong association with C. jejuni infection.

Sensory loss is generally mild, with paraesthesiae or loss of vibration and proprioception, but occasionally sensory loss, pain or hyperaesthesia can be prominent features. Autonomic dysfunction is common, and a major contributor to morbidity and mortality in ventilator-dependent cases.15 Orthostatic or persistent hypotension, paroxysmal hypertension and bradycardia are all described, as are fatal ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Sinus tachycardia is seen in 30% of cases. Paralytic ileus, urinary retention and abnormalities of sweating are also commonly seen.


Most of the important alternative diagnoses are listed as exclusion criteria in Table 49.2. In patients with prolonged illness, the possibility of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculopathy (CIDP) should be considered.16 In this condition, which is usually distinguished from GBS, preceding viral infection is uncommon, the onset is more insidious and the course is one of slow worsening or stepwise relapses. Corticosteroids and plasma exchange are possibly effective in this disorder, but adequate studies of immunosuppressive drugs have not been carried out.

Table 49.2 Diagnostic criteria for typical Guillain–Barré syndrome3

Features required for diagnosis
Progressive weakness in both arms and both legs
Features strongly supportive of the diagnosis
Progression over days to 4 weeks
Relative symmetry of symptoms
Mild sensory symptoms or signs
Cranial nerve involvement, especially bilateral weakness of facial muscles
Recovery beginning 2–4 weeks after progression ceases
Autonomic dysfunction
Absence of fever at onset
High concentration of protein in cerebrospinal fluid protein, with fewer than 10 × 106 cells/l
Typical electrodiagnostic features
Features excluding diagnosis
Diagnosis of botulism, myasthenia, poliomyelitis or toxic neuropathy
Abnormal porphyrin metabolism
Recent diphtheria
History or evidence of lead intoxication
Purely sensory syndrome, without weakness

An intermediate subacute polyradiculopathy (SIDP) as well as a recurrent form of GBS are also described, and all of these variants may be part of the spectrum of a single condition. However, a purely motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN), which causes seasonal childhood epidemics mimicking classical GBS in China and elsewhere,17 appears to be a distinct entity. Once again, this is strongly associated with C. jejuni infection.


Plasma exchange (plasmapheresis) is of value in GBS. Two large controlled trials showed a reduction in patients requiring mechanical ventilation, reduced duration of mechanical ventilation for those who required it, reduced time to motor recovery and time to walking without assistance.19 Mortality, however, was not altered. Plasma exchange was most effective when carried out within 7 days of onset of symptoms. The plasma exchange schedules consisted of three to five exchanges of 1–2 plasma volumes each, over 1–2 weeks. Adverse events are common, and some relate to the disease itself. Fresh frozen plasma is reported to have more side-effects than albumin as the replacement fluid.

Immunoglobulin therapy was as effective as plasmapheresis20 and previous concerns of higher recurrence rates are probably unfounded. Because of its ease of use, many authorities now advocate immunoglobulin as the treatment of choice. A dose of 0.4 g/kg body weight intravenously, daily for 5 days, was used in the most recent trials.

About 10% of patients relapse after initial treatment with either plasmapheresis or immunoglobulin; most respond well to a further course.

A recent Cochrane review confirms that low- or high-dose corticosteroids are of no value,21 and may even slow recovery. The combination of high-dose steroids with immunoglobulin may hasten recovery, but does not affect the long-term outcome.



Cardiac rhythm and blood pressure should be monitored. Sinus tachycardia is the commonest autonomic manifestation of GBS and usually requires no active treatment. Induction of anaesthesia appears particularly likely to induce serious arrhythmias. Use of suxamethonium may contribute significantly to this,23 and, as with many other neuromuscular disorders, should be avoided. Endotracheal suctioning has also been associated with serious arrhythmias. Cardiovascular instability may also be exacerbated by a number of other drugs (Table 49.3). These, likewise, should be avoided or used with great care.

Table 49.3 Drugs associated with cardiovascular instability in Guillain–Barré syndrome

Exaggerated hypotensive response
Exaggerated hypertensive response
Cardiac arrest
General anaesthesia

(Modified from Dalos NO, Borel C, Hanley DF. Cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction in Guillain–Barré syndrome. Therapeutic implications of Swan Ganz monitoring. Arch Neurol 1988; 45: 115–17, with permission.)

Mild hypotension and bradycardia may require no treatment, particularly if renal and cerebral function are maintained. However, blood volume expansion or inotropic drugs may be required in some cases. Hypertension is often transient, but occasionally requires appropriate drug therapy. Hypoxia, hypercarbia, pain and visceral distension should be excluded as causes.


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