Nerve-Grafting Procedures for Birth-Related Peripheral Nerve Injuries

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Last modified 13/03/2015

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Chapter 206 Nerve-Grafting Procedures for Birth-Related Peripheral Nerve Injuries

A birth-related peripheral nerve injury (BRPNI) is caused by traction to the brachial plexus during labor.1,2 In the majority of cases, delivery of the upper shoulder is blocked by the mother’s symphysis (shoulder dystocia). If additional traction is applied to the child’s head, the angle between the neck and shoulder is forcefully widened, overstretching the ipsilateral brachial plexus.

The incidence of BRPNI varies from 0.42 to 2.9 per 1000 births in prospective studies.35 Risk factors that have been identified for the occurrence of BRPNI reflect the disproportion between the child and the birth canal. The main fetal risk factor is macrosomia,6,7 and maternal factors include gestational diabetes and multiparity.6 Shoulder dystocia and assisted delivery by forceps or vacuum cup are well-known risk factors for the development of BRPNI.6 A relationship has been described between the risk and severity of a BRPNI and the amount of downward traction.8 A less-common delivery pattern concerns infants, usually with low birth weight, born in a breech position. Infants born in breech carry a high risk for the presence of root avulsions.9

There is an ongoing debate whether the BRPNI can be prevented and whether the obstetrician can be held responsible. This debate is fed by numerous malpractice suits in which large sums of money are compensated.10 Case reports describing spontaneous deliveries without traction applied to the child during labor with the occurrence of brachial plexus injury have been published to acquit the obstetrician.11

The upper brachial plexus is most commonly affected, resulting in paresis of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, deltoid, and biceps muscles, as first described by Erb and Duchenne.12 Typically, in the C5, C6 lesion type, the affected arm rests on the surface in adduction, internal rotation, and extension. The wrist and fingers are continuously flexed when C7 is damaged as well. Hand function is additionally impaired in approximately 15% of patients.3,13,14 An isolated injury to the lower plexus (Déjèrine–Klumpke’s type) is rare.15

The traction injury can vary from neurapraxia or axonotmesis to neurotmesis and avulsion of rootlets from the spinal cord.16 The severity of neural damage will become clear by evaluation of recovery in the course of time, because nerve lesions of different severity initially manifest with the same clinical features. Neurapraxia and axonotmesis eventually result in complete recovery. Neurotmesis and root avulsion, on the other hand, result in permanent loss of arm function, and in time development of skeletal malformations, cosmetic deformities, behavioral problems and socioeconomic limitations.1721


In BRPNI infants, the damaged nerves are usually not completely ruptured in the sense that there is a gap between two stumps. This is most likely caused by the gradual exertion of traction forces over a small distance that acts during a relatively long period and by the changes of direction of these forces during the delivery. The two crucial factors that determine good functional recovery are the number of damaged axons that successfully elongate past the lesion site and their routing. Axonal outgrowth and restoration of connections with their original motor or sensory end organs can only take place when the basal laminal tubes surrounding the axons—which are in this context the crucial anatomic structures—remain intact. The distance from the lesion site, which is in BRPNI almost always at root and trunk level, to the end organ determines the length of the time interval after which recovery will take place. Proximal muscles recover, therefore, at an earlier stage than more distally located ones. Spontaneous recovery of predominantly axonotmetic BRPN injuries is usually seen within the first 3 to 4 months of life.

When the traction lesion is severe the basal laminal tubes are ruptured, but the perineurium and epineurium remain more or less intact. Outgrowing axons then do not end up directly in any tube. Typical for the BRPNI, the stretched and damaged nerve forms a neuroma in continuity, that is, a tangled mass of connective scar tissue and outgrowing, branching axons. The local environment encountered by the axonal growth cone can impede outgrowth and can ultimately block the restoration of axonal continuity. Even in the most severe C5–6 BRPNIs, at least some axons pass through the neuroma in continuity and reach the tubes distal to the lesion site.

The number of axons that do not pass the lesion site depends on the severity of the lesion, which is determined by the magnitude and angle of the exerted traction forces. There is a minimum number of axons that should reconnect with the end organs in order to regain function. In addition, for the regain of useful function there is a minimum of axons that should be properly routed to their original end organ. We presume that those axons in the BRPNI neuroma in continuity are particularly prone to abnormal branching and misrouting. Because the direction of outgrowth after severe lesions is essentially random,22 outgrowing axons growing through a neuroma in continuity are likely to end up in the wrong tube.

Each BRPNI case is unique on an axonal level in the sense that the number of ruptured axons and basal laminal tubes differ for each intraplexal involved nerve element. This subsequently leads to the wide variety in level of functional recovery that can be found in individual cases. Branching and misrouting can also explain co-contraction,23 a typical feature of BRPNI at a later age, in which shoulder abduction and elbow flexion or elbow flexion and extension become irreversibly linked. Misrouting can even result in the phenomenon of the breathing arm: Clinically, when the proximal arm is at rest, involuntary movements simultaneous with the breathing rhythm can be observed. This can be explained by misrouting of ruptured C4 or C5 axons that were originally connected to the diaphragm through the phrenic nerve and erroneously grow into a superior trunk neuroma-in-continuity to shoulder muscles or the biceps muscle.24

The most severe lesion type, which is specifically related to traction to the spinal nerves that form the brachial plexus, is a root avulsion. The result is a complete discontinuity of the neural connections of the central nervous system to the peripheral nervous system. Outgrow of axons, and thus neuroma formation or misrouting, does not take place in case of a root avulsion.

An additional factor to inadequate number of outgrowing axons and misrouting that can reduce functional regeneration is that improper central motor programming can occur.25 There are various reasons that the formation of motor programs fail in BRPNI. Firstly, BRPNI causes deafferentation as well as weakness; many functions in the central nervous system depend on afferent input in a specific time window or else they are not formed correctly. Secondly, aberrant outgrowth of motor axons can present the central nervous system with conflicting information. A motor command for shoulder abduction can, for instance, cause elbow flexion in addition to abduction through misrouted motor axons. The resulting feedback may well hamper the formation of a selective abduction program, because there is probably no way for the central nervous system to identify the “misbehaving” motor units.26,27 Thirdly, sensory axons might also be prone to misrouting, compounding the problem. A final hurdle for the central nervous system may be the severity of paresis. In such cases the only way to effect certain movements may be through trick movements (such as scapular rotation instead of glenohumeral rotation), which then represent a functional adaptation.

Natural History

The prognosis of BRPNI is generally considered to be very good, with complete or almost complete spontaneous recovery in more than 90% of patients.2833 However, this opinion is based on a limited number of series,34,35 which are cited indiscriminately, and without considering methodological aspects of these studies. In a systematic literature review, we discussed the methodologic flaws in the available natural history studies.36 We found that no study presented a prospective population-based cohort that was scored with a proper scoring system with adequate follow-up of 3 years. In other words, there is no scientifically sound evidence to support the common perception of complete spontaneous recovery from BRPNI. The often-cited excellent prognosis may be too optimistic.

Analysis of the most methodologically sound studies led us to estimate the percentage of children with residual deficits at 20% to 30%. This analysis was subsequently confirmed by two other studies, which prospectively investigated a population-based cohort. In the first, the British Paediatric Surveillance Unit notification system performed a nationwide registration of BRPNI injuries. Although follow-up was restricted to 6 months only, in this period only half of the infants showed full recovery.5 A prospective population-based study from a Swedish region revealed that 18% of the children had residual deficits at 18 months of age.37

Electromyography and Prognosis

Ancillary testing, in particular electromyography (EMG), is not considered reliable enough for prognostication of BRPNI.26,38 A needle EMG might seem a useful tool in this respect, but at present its role is debated. A main reason for this is that EMG findings may be discordant with clinical findings at 3 months of age, at which the biceps test is performed.39 In a paralytic biceps brachii muscle, the expected findings are an absence of motor unit potentials (MUPs) and the presence of positive sharp waves and/or fibrillation potentials (denervation activity). But in a typical BRPNI case, MUPs are present and denervation is absent in a paralytic biceps muscle at 3 months of age. This confusing finding has been noted by others40,41 and might have contributed to the opinion that the EMG is not useful in BRPNI.32,42,43 We previously outlined several possible explanations for inactive MUPs, that is, MUPs in a paralytic muscle.26 These explanations suggest that the presence of inactive MUPs might depend on time after injury, because they reflect incomplete outgrowth of damaged axons and the hampered formation of motor programs in the central nervous system.

Spontaneous recovery of useful extremity function has been observed in subsets of patients without elbow flexion at 3 months of age.44 In one study, even 20 of 28 infants who had no biceps function at 3 months had developed biceps contraction at 6 months.45 Together with our findings46 that MUPs can almost always be found in the biceps muscle at 3 months, this strongly suggests that the age of 3 months does not represent a stable state in BRPNI. In fact, the outgrowing axons might well have only just arrived in the various muscles, and the central nervous system might not yet have learned to cope with the situation. In nerve lesions in adults, one may expect all motor programs to be ready and waiting for the restoration of peripheral connections. In BRPNI, axonal outgrowth may only be the starting point for restoration of function, as formation of central nervous system motor programs might only commence after enough axons have arrived to start exerting force. At the same time, forming such central motor programs may be more difficult and thus take longer than in healthy children, because the central nervous system must somehow take aberrant outgrowth and the confusing feedback it causes into account. Faced with a degree of inescapable co-contraction, it might not be easy to program effective elbow flexion, abduction, or rotation. In this hypothetical view, the age of 3 months may well be the very worst period imaginable to correlate the EMG with clinical findings: it is late enough to show evidence of axonal outgrowth but too early for the brain to control contraction efficiently. This leaves the role of the EMG for prognosis at 3 months undetermined at present; we showed that severe cases of BRPNI can be identified reliably at 1 month of age based on clinical findings and needle EMG of the biceps.46 These findings will be reported in full after validation, which is currently in progress.

For less-extreme cases, that is, the majority of BRPNI cases, the challenge lies in predicting whether function will be best after spontaneous outgrowth through a neuroma in continuity, resulting in reinnervation through tangled paths, or after nerve grafting, in which the grafts serve as a straight path that can be targeted. Results achieved by surgery are claimed to be superior to the outcome in conservatively treated subjects with equally severe lesions.39,47,48 However, this comparison relies on historical controls49; no randomized study has been performed.50,51 The best way to answer this question may be a controlled trial comparing nerve surgery to spontaneous recovery. In view of the current standard of treatment practice, it seems extremely difficult to perform such a prospective randomized trial.

Conservative Treatment the First Few Months of Life

In the past there has been a tendency to immobilize the arm directly after birth to prevent secondary damage to the injured nerve elements of the brachial plexus. It is, however, highly unlikely that secondary damage to the brachial plexus can occur during the passive movements of the arm in a physiologic range of motion during exercises or caregiving. We recommend frequent mobilization of the joints from the beginning to prevent formation of joint contractures. Additionally, there is no scientific proof that immobilization might be of any benefit to accelerate or improve the nerve-regeneration process. Joint contracture formation, however, might be detrimental to final functional outcome when contractures limit the effective contraction of reinnervated muscles. It can also lead to improper modeling of the joints, of which the glenohumeral joint is most commonly affected.20 Contractures can start to form as early as 2 to 3 weeks after birth. The type of joint contractures that we most often see are those resulting in a fixed internal rotation, flexion, and pronation position of the upper limb.

Exercises that focus on preventing this type of contracture from forming and that optimize joint mobility consist of passive external rotation in adduction and supination with the elbow flexed to 90 degrees, rotating and adducting just to the point where a certain tension can be felt. The arm should then be held in this position for a few seconds and then released. This passive movement should be frequently repeated during one session. We advise the parents to mobilize the affected arm as frequently as possible during the day, but at least every time the diaper is changed. In addition, we recommend that the parents move both arms in a symmetrical fashion. In this way, the parents can use the unaffected arm’s range of motion as a reference value and therapy target of reach for the affected arm. The joint mobility should initially be evaluated every week by a specialized child physiotherapist.

Surgical Treatment

Selecting Patients for Surgery

Surgery should be restricted to severe cases in which spontaneous restoration of function will not occur, namely, in neurotmesis or root avulsions.16 Herein lies the root of the problem, because most infants with BRPNI initially present with paralysis, regardless of the severity of the underlying nerve lesion. At present, the earliest accepted indication of the severity of the lesion can be obtained at 3 months of age. Paralysis of the biceps muscle at 3 months is associated with a poor prognosis52 and is considered an indication for nerve surgery by some authors.39,5356 However, biceps paralysis at age 3 months does not preclude satisfactory spontaneous recovery.44,45,47,57 Additionally, biceps muscle testing might not be reliable in infants.44,58,59 Alternative tests56,58,60 are complex or are done at an even later age. These difficulties in the diagnostic process can also lead to parental distress.61

In the current surgical selection process at the Leiden University Medical Center, we seek to identify all patients with neurotmetic lesions or nerve root avulsions as surgical candidates. In our patient-selection process, we try to assess the severity of the brachial plexus lesion(s) as early as possible for surgical and psychosocial reasons: Parents and caregivers need time to consider the recommended treatment options. We proposed a paradigm to identify severe nerve lesions at 1 month of age as a result of our prospective study.46 Elbow extension and elbow flexion are clinically assessed, and needle EMG of the biceps muscle is performed. Severe lesions of C5 and C6 and the upper trunk can be predicted in the vast majority of infants at 1 month of age in whom elbow extension is absent or in whom both elbow flexion and motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) are absent in the biceps muscle on EMG. Infants who meet these criteria at 1 month of age should be promptly referred to a specialized center. Early diagnosis of severe BRPNI lesions and admission to a specialized center open opportunities to start appropriate and rigorous child physiotherapy and/or (appropriately) early surgery, if necessary.

As the infant reaches the age of 3 months, we consider impaired hand function to be an absolute indication for nerve surgery as soon as possible.62 Similarly, we recommend operative intervention to BRPNI patients who demonstrate no spontaneous recovery of shoulder external rotation and elbow flexion and forearm supination by 3 to 4 months of age.63 Radiographic assessment via ultrasound of the diaphragm (to detect phrenic nerve palsy) and CT-myelography (to detect nerve root avulsions) can provide additional evidence for severe BRPN injuries that are amenable to surgical repair and reconstruction.6466 If the presence of true shoulder and elbow movements is doubtful, we proceed with surgical exploration for further intraoperative assessment of the severity of the lesion. In our opinion, the potential benefits from repairing neurotmetic lesions at an early age generally outweigh the risks of a diagnostic exploration. In case a mainly axonotmetic lesion is found during exploration and only neurolysis is performed, at least clarity can be given to the parents about the diagnosis and prognosis. Surgery for BRPNI is rarely performed before 3 months of age and is almost always performed before 7 months of age.

Surgical Procedure

The successful brachial plexus operation depends upon a thorough understanding of the nervous connections within the brachial plexus and the vital structures in the surrounding tissues.

Supraclavicular Exposure

The surgical approach to BRPNI inevitably begins in the supraclavicular region for exploration of the site(s) and extent of the brachial plexus lesion. In the vast majority of patients, the supraclavicular exposure alone will suffice for a proper nerve repair and reconstruction. Surgery is performed under general anesthesia without the use of muscle-blocking agents. The supraclavicular brachial plexus is exposed in the posterior triangle of the neck.

Appropriate positioning of the patient is extremely important to facilitate the operation: The patient is supine, and the head is turned toward the opposite direction with the neck in gentle extension (taking care to place the contralateral ear in the hole of the silicone head ring); the nonaffected shoulder is positioned caudally to avoid compressing the cervical vascular structures. Neck extension is encouraged by placing a folded cotton cloth at the level of the lower cervical spine and upper thoracic spine to support the plane of the brachial plexus parallel to the floor; avoid narrowing the costoclavicular space with an excessively thick folded cloth. The affected arm lies completely in the sterile field and is supported at 45 degrees of abduction as close as possible to the edge of the operating table. For easier access to the dorsal aspect of the legs for the harvesting of sural nerve grafts, the length of the operating table is reduced as much as possible. The lower part of the face, neck, shoulder, chest, and legs are prepared for surgery.

A linear incision just lateral to the sternocleidomastoid muscle is made approximately 0.5 cm (for the lower plexus) to 1.5 cm (for the upper plexus) above and parallel to the clavicle. The platysma is incised perpendicular to its fibers, and a generous subplatysmal dissection is performed. The external jugular vein is often encountered and must be retracted or ligated when necessary. The position of the spinal accessory nerve is relatively superficial as it courses from the posterior aspect of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (two thirds of the distance from the sternum to the mastoid) toward its insertion in the trapezius. Identification of the spinal accessory nerve along its course is crucial to preserve trapezius function and to use its terminal branches for a donor for nerve transfer. An intraoperative nerve stimulator can be used to identify and confirm this nerve.

The lateral margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle is identified, with its sternal and clavicular heads. The lateral aspect of the clavicular head is released to facilitate exposure. The supraclavicular nerves (sensory nerves branches of the ansa cervicalis, C2–4) are identified along their superficial cranial-caudal course. These nerves are likewise preserved for anatomic landmarks, intraplexal transfers, and, occasionally, for potential donors for nerve graft material. The supraclavicular nerves are followed proximally until the C4 spinal nerve root is identified. The cervical fascia and scalene fat pad is released from this parallel to the sternocleidomastoid starting at the level of C4 in a cranial to caudal direction; at the retroclavicular level a 90-degree turn is made parallel to the clavicle. The resulting cervical fascia and scalene fat pad can be mobilized for the operation then replaced at closure to cover the nerve grafts and coaptation sites after the reconstruction.

The cervical fascia and scalene fat pad should be preserved as much as possible: Coagulation should be avoided, because it can contribute to the revascularization of nerve grafts and can provide the optimal environment for the nerve elements. When releasing the fat pad during the exposure of the left supraclavicular brachial plexus, one should preserve or ligate the thoracic duct to avoid leakage of chyle. The transverse cervical artery and vein that run parallel to the clavicle ventral to the brachial plexus elements are retracted or ligated. The omohyoid muscle is identified between the superficial and deep cervical fascia along its course toward the suprascapular notch, and it can be tagged and retracted. Note that preserving this muscle to identify the suprascapular notch can facilitate the identification of the suprascapular nerve (see later), especially in patients whose anatomy is distorted by trauma.

From the C4 spinal nerve root, a branch from this nerve can be followed to the phrenic nerve, which derives from C3, C4, and sometimes C5. The phrenic nerve is dissected along its length on the ventral aspect of the anterior scalene muscle. One should carefully mobilize the phrenic nerve to preserve the function of the diaphragm, which is especially important to infant respiration. Four pointers to facilitate the safe identification of the phrenic nerve follow.

The phrenic nerve courses lateral to medial toward the diaphragm, while the contents of the plexus and the surrounding nerves course from medial to lateral. As the phrenic nerve approaches the lateral edge of the anterior scalene, the C5 spinal nerve root emerges; this is a reliable site for the identification of the C5 nerve root. The phrenic nerve is completely neurolysed in its trajectory ventral to the anterior scalene muscle to allow gentle medial retraction without significant traction. In some patients, the phrenic nerve is adherent to the neuroma of C5; to preserve diaphragmatic function, leaving some neuroma scar tissue on the phrenic nerve is preferable to dissecting flush on the phrenic nerve and removing all the C5 neuroma. Resection or partial resection of the anterior scalene muscle is always performed to allow optimal exposure of the proximal intraforaminal part of the spinal nerve roots. During such proximal exposure, a pseudomeningocele that extends extraforaminally may be encountered; every attempt should be made to identify extraforaminal expansion such structures on CT-myelography or MRI.

Following the C5 root distally leads to the upper trunk, and following the upper trunk proximally leads to the C6 spinal nerve root. The C6 spinal nerve root is located caudal and dorsal to the C5 spinal nerve root. The anterior tubercle of C6 can be very prominent (Chassignac’s tubercle). The C7, C8, and T1 spinal nerve roots are sequentially more caudal and dorsal. A transverse cervical artery and vein cross the C7 spinal nerve root and can be ligated. Following the C7 spinal nerve distally will reveal the middle trunk. The C8 and T1 spinal nerves combine quickly to form the lower trunk, which is adjacent to the subclavian vessels. The roots of the lower trunk surround the first rib; therefore, care should be taken to avoid injury to the pleura. Special attention should be given to the vertebral artery, because in proximal dissection it runs unprotected at the level of the roots C8–T1 before it enters the vertebral canal in the lateral mass of C7.67

The next step is to identify the suprascapular nerve and the divisions of the upper trunk. The upper trunk can be seen to split into three separate structures—from lateral to medial, the suprascapular nerve, the posterior division, and the anterior division. The suprascapular nerve originates from the lateral aspect of the upper trunk and normally follows a slightly oblique cranial-caudal course toward the suprascapular notch (the omohyoid also attaches at the suprascapular notch). Caudal displacement of the superior trunk will alter the trajectory of the suprascapular nerve to a more horizontal direction.

Uncommonly, the BRPN injury extends to the retroclavicular region. To facilitate adequate exposure, the retroclavicular space can be expanded by fixed or mobile retraction upon a Penrose drain or gauze passed immediately underneath the clavicle. Employing both supra- and retroclavicular views allows exposure and/or repair of the retroclavicular elements of the brachial plexus. Should a more-extensive exposure of the retroclavicular brachial plexus be necessary, a clavicle osteotomy may be considered, although we have never done this and have managed well without it so far.

Infraclavicular Exposure

Infraclavicular extension of the lesion in BRPNI is quite rare. The infraclavicular brachial plexus is exposed through the deltoideopectoral groove. A linear incision is made from the clavicle toward the axilla, overlying the deltoideopectoral groove. The cephalic vein is visualized within the groove, and it can be retracted laterally or ligated. If needed, a portion of the pectoralis major muscle may be detached from the inferior surface of the clavicle and from the humerus. The cuff of tendon from the humerus is tagged to facilitate later repair. The pectoralis major muscle is retracted caudally and the deltoid laterally, revealing the underlying coracoid process with its muscle attachments. Blunt dissection separates the pectoralis minor from the coracobrachialis and the surrounding tissues. Once the pectoralis minor tendon has been isolated, it may be divided with later reapproximation, but usually muscle retraction suffices.

The infraclavicular brachial plexus elements lie immediately dorsal and caudal to the pectoralis minor. When the arm is at or lower than the plane of the shoulder, the most superficial structures are the lateral cord with its lateral branch leading to the musculocutaneous nerve (MCN) and its medial branch leading to the median nerve. The medial cord may be identified medial and slightly posterior to the axillary artery, and the lateral branch of the medial cord leads to the median nerve (the medial branch continues down the arm as the ulnar nerve). Exposure of the posterior cord and its axillary and radial nerve branches is best accomplished in the region lateral and posterior to the axillary artery, in contrast to the medial posterior course, which is commonly and erroneously depicted in schematic anatomic drawings. The axillary nerve branches from the posterior cord and runs through the quadrilateral space above the latissimus dorsi and teres major tendons; this nerve can be identified more easily by externally rotating the humerus.

Exposure of Extraplexal Nerves for Nerve-Transfer Procedures

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