Natural History of Giant Intracranial Aneurysms

Published on 08/03/2015 by admin

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Last modified 08/03/2015

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22 Natural History of Giant Intracranial Aneurysms


The first clinical series of giant intracranial aneurysms were reported in 1969 by Morley and Barr1 and Bull.2 Giant intracranial aneurysms (GIAs) are defined as those aneurysms with a greatest diameter equal to or exceeding 2.5 cm. This arbitrary designation was chosen in order to conform to the subset of the largest aneurysms in the Cooperative Study of Intracranial Aneurysms and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.3 Likewise smaller lesions have been shown to differ significantly with regard to their rate of rupture, the incidence of presentation with mass effect, and most importantly the difficulty with surgical treatment. GIAs are relatively infrequent compared to their smaller counterparts and therefore literature support to aid in clinical decision making is not as readily available. While once thought to represent more benign lesions with a lower incidence of hemorrhage and a more optimistic natural history, it is clear now from recent, large, multicenter studies that these lesions behave aggressively and hemorrhage more frequently than their smaller counterparts.4,5

Pathologic considerations

Giant aneurysms are classified as either saccular or fusiform with the vast majority being the saccular type. Giant saccular aneurysms develop as a result of hemodynamic stress at arterial bifurcations and branch points similar to smaller saccular intracranial aneurysms. Once the sac has formed, both the neck and fundus will then undergo progressive enlargement. Ferguson proposed that turbulence within the aneurysm leads to endothelial injury and subsequent platelet aggregation and fibrin deposition.6 This intraluminal cascade in giant aneurysms represents a dynamic series of events with accumulation and dissipation of platelets and fibrin-thrombus debris in an irregular fashion. Fusiform giant aneurysms most commonly result from atherosclerosis, however, may develop in patients with collagen vascular disorders such as Marfan’s syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and systemic lupus erythematosis. All of these diseases produce multifocal injury to the endothelial wall, resulting in weakening of an entire segment of the vessel. Fusiform lesions often present because of mass effect but not infrequently produce ischemic symptoms secondary to thromboembolic phenomena (Figure 22–1).


Saccular GIAs have a similar anatomic predilection as their smaller counterparts, while the distribution is different. Similarly, the internal carotid artery (ICA) is the most common site, although GIAs occur proportionately more frequently in the vertebrobasilar system and less frequently in the anterior communicating artery (ACOM) region. Drake and Peerless reported 641 GIAs treated between 1965 and 1992 in the following locations: vertebrobasilar, 390; ICA, 178; middle cerebral artery (MCA), 64; and anterior cerebral artery (ACA), 19.12 While their data does reflect a referral bias, it supports the general trend that certain intracranial arterial segments are more vulnerable to this pathology as seen throughout the literature. Giant fusiform and dolichoectatic aneurysms have a predilection for the vertebrobasilar circulation and the MCA. These lesions, frequently referred to as “serpentine aneurysms,” are often massive, partially thrombosed lesions through which runs a serpentine channel.13

Natural history

The natural history of GIAs is dependent upon several factors, including the location of the aneurysm with respect to the subarachnoid space, the pathological form of the aneurysm (saccular vs. fusiform), the specific anatomic location, and the presence or absence of laminated thrombus and or atherosclerotic plaque within the fundus and neck of the aneurysm.14 In Morley and Barr’s original series of 28 patients, 17 had intradural aneurysms, and only four of those underwent a direct operation on their aneurysm. Of the five patients who received no definitive therapy, four died. Of the five patients with intradural aneurysms who had common carotid ligation, three died and one was disabled. They concluded that “direct surgical attack on extracavernous giant aneurysms is seldom possible or successful except in the case of MCA aneurysms.”

Peerless et al. observed 31 patients with giant intracranial aneurysms (25 saccular and six fusiform). Sixty-eight percent of patients with saccular aneurysms were dead at 2 years and 85% were dead at 5 years. If patients presenting with subarachnoid hemorrhage were excluded, the 2-year mortality rate was 62%. Only four patients who were all disabled were alive at 5 years. Of the six patients with fusiform aneurysms, four were dead at 2 years, one died at 3.5 years after diagnosis, and one remained disabled.15 Ljunggren et al. demonstrated a mortality or severe morbidity rate of 80% within 5 years in patients with untreated symptomatic GIAs.16 Hamburger et al. reported on 58 patients with GIA and showed that 7% of patients presenting without SAH died, compared with 29% of patients presenting with SAH. Only 18% of the later group were discharged home as independent compared with 50% of the former group.17 The Italian Cooperative Study on Giant Intracranial Aneurysms found that extensive or thick cisternal deposition of blood was associated with a significantly higher mortality rate than with thin or absent depositions.18

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