There may be more than one correct answer per question.
CHAPTER 5: Mapping and Identifying Genes for Monogenic Disorders
CHAPTER 6: Developmental Genetics
2 In the embryo and fetus:
a Gastrulation is the process leading to the formation of the 16-cell early embryo 3 days after fertilization
4 Regarding the X-chromosome:
CHAPTER 7: Patterns of Inheritance
1 Concerning autosomal recessive inheritance:
2 Concerning X-linked inheritance:
4 Concerning terminology:
CHAPTER 8: Mathematical and Population Genetics
2 If the population incidence of a recessive disease is 1 in 10,000, the carrier frequency in the population is:
4 Polymorphic loci:
5 In population genetics:
a To calculate the mutation rate for a disorder, it is necessary only to know the biological fitness for the condition
b If medical treatment can improve biological fitness, the frequency of an autosomal dominant condition will increase far more rapidly than that of an autosomal recessive condition
c Even when a large number of families is studied, the calculated segregation ratio for a disorder might not yield the expected figures for a given pattern of inheritance
CHAPTER 9: Polygenic and Multifactorial Inheritance
2 Linkage analysis is more difficult in multifactorial conditions than in single-gene disorders because:
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