Management of Musculoskeletal Injury

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Chapter 679 Management of Musculoskeletal Injury

679.1 Mechanism of Injury

Overuse Injuries

Overuse injuries are caused by repetitive microtrauma that exceeds the body’s rate of repair. This occurs in muscles, tendons, bone, bursae, cartilage, and nerves. Overuse injuries occur in all sports but more commonly in sports emphasizing repetitive motion (swimming, running, tennis, gymnastics). Factors can be categorized into extrinsic (training errors, poor equipment or workout surface) and intrinsic (athlete’s anatomy or medical conditions). Training error is the most commonly identified factor. At the beginning of the workout program, athletes might violate the 10% rule: Do not increase the duration or intensity of workouts more than 10% per week. Intrinsic factors include abnormal biomechanics (leg-length discrepancy, pes planus, pes cavus, tarsal coalition, valgus heel, external tibial torsion, femoral anteversion), muscle imbalance, inflexibility, and medical conditions (deconditioning, nutritional deficits, amenorrhea, obesity). The athlete should be asked about the specifics of training. Runners should be asked about their shoes, orthotics, running surface, weekly mileage or time spent running per week, speed or hill workouts, and previous injuries and rehabilitation. When causative factors are identified, they can be eliminated or modified so that after rehabilitation the athlete does not return to the same regimen and suffer reinjury.

For athletes engaged in excessive training that causes an overuse injury, curtailing all exercise is not usually necessary. Treatment is a reduction of training load (relative rest) combined with a rehabilitation program designed to return athletes to their sport as soon as possible while minimizing exposure to reinjury. Early identification of an overuse injury requires less alteration of the workout regimen.

The goals of treatment are to control pain and spasm to rehabilitate flexibility, strength, endurance, and proprioceptive deficits (Table 679-1). In many overuse injuries, the role of inflammation in the process is minimal. For most injuries to tendons, the term tendinitis is obsolete because there is little or no inflammation on histopathology of tendons. Instead, there is evidence of microscopic trauma to the tissue. Most of these entities are now more appropriately called tendinosis and, when the tendon tissue is scarred and very abnormal, tendinopathy. There is little role for anti-inflammatory medication in the treatment except as an analgesic.



Modification of activity, consider cross-training, home rehabilitation program II

Modification of activity, cross-training, home rehabilitation program III

Significant modification of activity, strongly encourage cross-training, home rehabilitation program, and outpatient physical therapy IV Discontinue activity temporarily, cross-training only, oral analgesic, home rehabilitation program, and intensive outpatient physical therapy V Prolonged discontinuation of activity, cross-training only, oral analgesic, home rehabilitation program, and intensive outpatient physical therapy

Transition From Immediate Management to Return to Play

Rehabilitation of a musculoskeletal injury should begin on the day of the injury.

679.1 Growth Plate Injuries

About 20% of pediatric sports injuries seen in the emergency department are fractures, and 25% of those fractures involve an epiphyseal growth plate or physis (Chapter 675). Growth in long bones occurs in 3 areas and is susceptible to injury. Immature bone can be acutely injured at the physis (Salter-Harris fractures), the articular surface (osteochondritis dissecans), or the apophysis (avulsion fractures). Boys suffer about twice as many physeal fractures as girls; the peak incidence of fracture is during peak height velocity (girls, 12 ± 2.5 yr; boys, 14 ± 2 yr). The physis is a pressure growth plate and is responsible for longitudinal growth in bone. The apophysis is a bony outgrowth at the attachment of a tendon and is a traction physis. The epiphysis is the end of a long bone, distal or proximal to the long bone, and contains articular cartilage at the joint.

The most common physeal injuries are to the distal radius, followed by phalangeal and distal tibial fractures. About 94% of forearm fractures in skateboarding, roller skating, and scooter riding involve the distal radius. Physeal injuries at the knee (distal femur, proximal tibia) are rare. Growth disturbance following a growth plate injury is a function of location and the part of the physis fractured. These factors influence the probability a physeal bar will form, resulting in growth arrest. The areas making the largest contribution to longitudinal growth in the upper extremities are the proximal humerus and distal radius and ulna; in the lower extremities, they are the distal femur and the proximal tibia and fibula. Injuries to these areas are more likely to cause growth disturbance compared with physeal injuries at the other end of these long bones. The type of the physis fracture relative to risk of growth disturbance is described by the Salter-Harris classification system (see Table 675-1). A grade I injury is least likely to result in growth disturbance, and grade V is the most likely fracture to result in growth disturbance.

Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) affects the subchondral bone and overlying articular surface (Chapter 669.3). With avascular necrosis of subchondral bone, the articular surface can flatten, soften, or break off in fragments. The etiology is unknown but may be related to repetitive stress injury in some patients. In children and adolescents, 51% of lesions occur on the lateral aspect of the medial femoral condyle, 17% occur on the lateral condyle, and 7% occur on the patella. Bilateral involvement is reported in 13-30% of cases. Other joints where OCD lesions are also seen are the ankle (talus), elbow (usually involving the capitellum), and radial head. OCD classically affects athletes in their 2nd decade. The most common presentation is poorly localized vague knee pain. There is rarely a history of recent acute trauma. Some OCD lesions are asymptomatic (diagnosed on “routine” radiographs), whereas others are manifested as joint effusion, pain, decreased range of motion, and mechanical symptoms (locking, popping, catching). Activity usually worsens the pain.

Physical examination might show no specific findings. Sometimes tenderness over the involved condyle can be elicited by deep palpation with the knee flexed. Diagnosis is usually made with plain radiographs (Fig. 679-1). A tunnel view radiograph should be obtained to better view the posterior two thirds of the femoral condyle. Patients with OCD should be referred to an orthopedic surgeon for further evaluation.


Figure 679-1 Osteochondritis dissecans in the elbow.

(From Anderson SJ: Sports injuries, Curr Prob Pediatr Adolesc Health 35:105–176, 2005.)

Avulsion fractures occur when a forceful muscle contraction dislodges the apophysis from the bone. They occur most commonly around the hip (Fig. 679-2) and are treated nonsurgically. Acute fractures to other apophyses (knee and elbow) require urgent orthopedic consultation. Chronically increased traction at the muscle-apophysis attachment can lead to repetitive microtrauma and pain at the apophysis. The most common areas affected are the knee (Osgood-Schlatter and Sindig-Larsen-Johannson disease), the ankle (Sever disease) (Fig. 679-3), and the medial epicondyle (Little League elbow). Traction apophysitis of the knee and ankle can potentially be treated in a primary care setting. The main goal of treatment is to minimize the intensity and incidence of pain and disability. Exercises that increase the strength, flexibility, and endurance of the muscles attached at the apophysis, using the relative rest principle, are appropriate. Symptoms can last for 12-24 mo if untreated. As growth slows, symptoms abate.


Figure 679-2 Anterior inferior iliac spine avulsion.

(From Anderson SJ: Lower extremity injuries in youth sports, Pediatr Clin North Am 49:627–641, 2003.)


Figure 679-3 Calcaneal apophysitis (Sever disease).

(From Anderson SJ: Sports injuries, Curr Prob Pediatr Adolesc Health 35:105–176, 2005.)

679.2 Shoulder Injuries

Shoulder pain associated with radiating symptoms down the arm should suggest the possibility of a neck injury. Neck pain and tenderness or limitation of cervical range of motion requires that the cervical spine be immobilized and that the athlete be transferred for further evaluation. If there is no neck pain or tenderness or limitation of motion of the cervical spine, then the shoulder is the site of the primary injury.

Acromioclavicular Separation

An acromioclavicular (AC) separation most commonly occurs when an athlete sustains a direct blow to the acromion with the humerus in an adducted position, forcing the acromion inferiorly and medially. Patients have discrete tenderness at the AC joint and can have an apparent step off between the distal clavicle and the acromion (Fig. 679-4).


Figure 679-4 Palpitation of acromioclavicular joint.

(From Anderson SJ: Sports injuries, Curr Prob Pediatr Adolesc Health 35:105–176, 2005.)

Type I AC injuries involve the AC ligament, have no visible deformity, and have normal radiographs. Cross-chest maneuver of the arm causes sharp pain at the AC joint. Type II injuries, which involve the acromioclavicular ligament and the coracoclavicular ligament, have a slightly more prominent distal clavicle on examination, but radiographs are usually normal (might show slight widening of the AC joint). Type I and II injuries are treated nonoperatively. A sling and analgesic are useful for pain control. Range-of-motion exercises are initiated after pain is controlled. As the pain-free range improves, strengthening of the rotator cuff, deltoid, and trapezius muscles can start. Usual return to play is 1-2 wk for type I and 2-4 wk for type II. When the AC joint is nontender, the shoulder has full range of motion and the patient has sufficient strength to be functionally protected from a collision or fall and perform the maneuvers required for the sport, return to play is allowed.

Type III injury has worsened ligamentous tearing with deltotrapezial fascial detachment from the distal clavicle. Type III injuries should be treated surgically only in rare cases and mostly for cosmetic reasons. The majority can be treated in a similar fashion as grade I and II injuries. Types IV, V, and VI AC injuries have progressive worsening of ligamentous and fascial disruption with worsened clavicular displacement. Fortunately, these injuries are rare but require surgical repair.

Anterior Dislocation

The most common mechanism of injury is making contact with another player with the shoulder abducted to 90 degrees and forcefully rotated externally. A common example of the latter is a football player tackling another player only with the arm. Patients complain of severe pain and that their shoulder “popped out of place” or “shifted.” Patients with an unreduced anterior dislocation have a hollow region inferior to the acromion and a bulge in the anterior portion of the shoulder caused by anterior displacement of the humeral head. Abnormal sensation of the lateral deltoid region (axillary nerve) and the extensor surface of the proximal forearm (musculocutaneous nerve) should be noted.

An attempt to reduce the anterior dislocation is indicated, assuming no crepitance is present. Once the dislocation is reduced and radiographs show a normal position, immobilization for a few days for comfort is indicated. The period of immobilization is controversial, but most sports medicine practitioners believe that early range-of-motion and strengthening exercises are important. As the rotator cuff muscles strengthen, progressive strengthening occurs at greater degrees of abduction and external rotation. Patients can return to play when strength, flexibility, and proprioception are equal to that of the uninvolved side so that they can protect the shoulder and perform the sports-specific activities without pain. In most cases, surgery is not recommended unless the shoulder has been dislocated at least 3 times. Earlier repair may be considered for athletes in high-risk collision sports, because the recurrence rate is very high in those sports.

Rotator Cuff Injury

The rotator cuff is formed by the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. The supraspinatus is most commonly injured. Rotator cuff tendinosis is manifested as shoulder pain at the top of the arc of motion. Pain is usually poorly localized and may be referred to the deltoid area. The onset may be insidious. Pain is worse with activity but is often present at rest, including nighttime pain. Strength testing of the cuff muscles produces pain and can demonstrate some weakness compared to the uninjured shoulder. Supraspinatus tendinosis produces pain with active abduction in the “empty can” position in which the patient abducts the arm to 90 degrees, forward flexes it to 30 degrees anterior to the parasagittal plane, and internally rotates the humerus.

Treatment includes ice, modification of technique, rest, stretching, strengthening of the rotator cuff and scapular stabilizer muscles, physiotherapy, and analgesic. Prevention includes avoiding overwork, proper technique, and strengthening and stretching exercises. Sometimes this is called rotator cuff impingement syndrome in adults because of impingement of the cuff by the bony structures superior to the cuff. Rotator cuff pain in young athletes is almost always secondary to glenohumeral instability. Stretching alone can make the pain worse, and the most important aspect of rehabilitation is strengthening of the cuff muscles.

Glenoid labrum tears can appear like rotator cuff tendinosis. One of the most common lesions, the SLAP lesion (superior labrum anterior and posterior), is difficult to diagnose clinically. Pain that occurs with clicking or catching in the shoulder is suspicious for a labrum tear. Radiographs are usually normal. MR arthrography is the best study to identify lesions.

Proximal humeral stress fracture (epiphysiolysis) is a rare cause of proximal shoulder pain and is suspected when shoulder pain does not respond to routine measures. Gradual onset of deep shoulder pain occurs in a young (open epiphyseal plates) athlete involved in repetitive overhead motion, such as in baseball or tennis, but with no history of trauma. Tenderness is noted over the proximal humerus; the diagnosis is confirmed by detecting a widened epiphyseal plate on plain radiographs, increased uptake on nuclear scan, or edema of the physis on MRI. Treatment is total rest from throwing for 6-8 wk.

679.3 Elbow Injuries

Acute Injuries

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