Hand, Upper Extremity, and Microvascular Surgery

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Chapter 7

Hand, Upper Extremity, and Microvascular Surgery


Extensor anatomy

1. Extensor (dorsal) compartments of the wrist (Figure 7-1 and Table 7-1)

2. Extensor retinaculum—prevents tendon bowstringing at wrist

3. Juncturae tendinum—extensor tendon interconnections in hand that may mask proximal tendon lacerations

4. Sagittal bands—aid in metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint extension, centralize the extensor mechanism, and attach to the volar plate (Figure 7-2)

5. Central slip—inserts on base of middle phalanx (P2), aids in proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint extension (Figure 7-3)

6. Extensor mechanism receives contributions from the intrinsic muscles—interossei and lumbricals (see Figures 7-3 and 7-4)

7. Lateral bands—receive contributions from common extensor and intrinsics, converge to form terminal extensor tendon, which inserts on base of distal phalanx (P3) (see Figures 7-3 and 7-4)

8. Transverse retinacular ligament—prevents dorsal subluxation of lateral bands (see Figure 7-4)

9. Triangular ligament—prevents volar subluxation of lateral bands (see Figure 7-3)

10. Oblique retinacular ligament (ligament of Landsmeer)—helps to link PIP and distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint extension (see Figure 7-4)

11. Grayson/Cleland ligaments—volar and dorsal to digital neurovascular bundles, respectively (Grayson is ground; Cleland is ceiling)

Flexor anatomy

1. Flexor digitorum profundus (FDP)—flexes the DIP joint, aids in PIP and MCP flexion, typically shares common muscle belly in forearm

2. Flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS)—flexes the PIP joint, aids in MCP flexion, individual muscle bellies in forearm

3. FDP tendon splits FDS at the Campers chiasm at level of proximal phalanx (P1) (Figure 7-5).

4. Flexor tendon sheath—encompasses tendons distal to MCP joint

5. Vascular supply to flexor tendons is twofold.

6. Each digit has five annular pulleys (A1 to A5) and three cruciate pulleys (C1 to C3).

7. Thumb has two annular pulleys and an oblique pulley in between that prevents bowstringing.

8. Carpal tunnel contains median nerve and nine flexor tendons (one flexor pollicis longus [FPL], four FDS, and four FDP tendons).

9. The Guyon canal (ulnar tunnel)—contains the ulnar nerve and artery

10. Linburg sign—interconnections between FPL and index FDP in forearm; unilateral in 25% to 30%, bilateral in 5% to 15%

11. Palmaris longus (PL) tendon—present 80% to 85% of the time, common source of autograft for upper extremity reconstructive procedures

12. Flexor carpi radialis (FCR)/flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU)—primary wrist flexors, insert on base of second metacarpal and pisiform, respectively

Intrinsic anatomy

1. Four dorsal interosseous (digit abductors) and three palmar interosseous (digit adductor) muscles

2. Lumbrical muscles originate on radial aspect of FDP tendons and pass volar to transverse metacarpal ligaments to insert on the radial aspect of the extensor hood lateral bands.

3. Intrinsic tightness—PIP flexion less with MCP joints held in extension (intrinsics on stretch, extrinsics relaxed)

4. Extrinsic tightness—PIP flexion less with MCP joints held in flexion (extrinsics on stretch, intrinsics relaxed)

Neurovascular anatomy

1. Entire hand supplied by branches of median, radial, and ulnar nerves

2. Sensory innervation of hand—Figure 7-10

3. Median nerve—innervates pronator teres, FDS, FCR, PL, radial two lumbricals

4. Ulnar nerve—innervates FCU, ring/small FDP (50% of time), ulnar two lumbricals

5. Martin-Gruber anastomoses—crossover variations between median and ulnar nerves, approximately 15% of population

6. Radial nerve proper—innervates lateral portion of brachialis (also musculocutaneous), triceps, anconeus, brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL)

7. Proper digital nerves lie volar to proper digital arteries.

8. Vascular anatomy is covered in the section Vascular Disorders.




Clinical evaluation

Radiographic evaluation (posteroanterior, lateral, and oblique views)

1. Intraarticular involvement

2. Distal fragment angulation

3. Radial height

4. Radial inclination

5. Volar tilt (lunate fossa inclination)

6. Ulnar variance—neutral (normal), positive, or negative

7. DRUJ involvement

8. Associated fractures—ulnar styloid, distal ulna, carpus

9. Other imaging studies—computed tomography (CT) for detail of complex intraarticular patterns; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for occult fracture, bone contusion, associated soft tissue injury



1. General goals—maintain reduction until union, restore function, prevent symptomatic post-traumatic radiocarpal osteoarthrosis

2. Factors considered—age, medical condition, activity demands, bone quality, fracture stability, associated injuries

3. Closed treatment

image Definitive cast immobilization (favored over removable splints) sufficient in minimally displaced low-energy injuries, especially in functionally low-demand patients

image Closed reduction indicated in displaced fractures with abnormal radiographic parameters, especially in functionally high-demand patients

image Immobilization for 6 to 8 weeks (no evidence to support any particular type)

image Wrist and digit stiffness, muscle atrophy, and disuse osteopenia may result from prolonged immobilization.

4. Operative treatment

image Closed reduction and percutaneous pinning (CRPP)

image External fixation

image Open reduction with internal fixation (ORIF)

image Dorsal plating

image Volar plating

image Fragment-specific

image Intramedullary nailing

image Arthroscopic assistance

image Injectable bone graft substitutes

image Evidence does not support any advantage of early versus delayed motion recovery after surgical fixation of distal radius.

image Concurrent treatment of ulnar styloid fracture not routinely necessary

5. Complications

image Median nerve dysfunction is the most common complication following a distal radius fracture.

image Extensor pollicis longus (EPL) tendon rupture

image Nonunion uncommon

image Asymptomatic malunion in a functionally low-demand patient does not require treatment.

image Low-demand patients with pain from ulnocarpal impaction may benefit from a distal ulna resection (Darrach procedure).

image A corrective radius osteotomy with ORIF and bone grafting may be indicated for high-demand patients.

image Presence of radiocarpal osteoarthrosis following intraarticular distal radius fracture with residual step-off is prevalent but does not necessarily correlate with patient-reported symptoms.

image Multiple case reports of flexor tendon ruptures after volar plating

image Vitamin C in doses of at least 500 mg/day may decrease the incidence of complex regional pain syndrome (disproportionate pain).



1. Eight carpal bones aligned in two rows

2. Proximal row—scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum

3. Distal row—trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate

May be considered as one unit

4. Pisiform is sesamoid within the FCU tendon.

5. Dart-thrower’s motion is combined wrist extension–radial deviation to wrist flexion–ulnar deviation.

6. Carpus has a rich vascular supply with multiple anastomoses.

7. Scaphoid, lunate, and capitate may each have large area supplied by a single interosseous vessel.

8. Some evidence suggests a proprioceptive role for the terminal branch of the posterior interosseous nerve, which may be compromised when this branch is sacrificed during dorsal approaches to the wrist.

Scaphoid fractures

1. Most common carpal fracture (Table 7-2), accounting for up to 15% of all acute wrist injuries

Table 7-2

Incidence of Carpal Fractures


*The number of fractures represents a total of 6390 fractures compiled from three referenced studies to accumulate incidence of carpal bone fractures.

From Green DP, et al, editors: Green’s operative hand surgery, ed 5, Philadelphia, 2005, Churchill Livingstone, p 711.

image Anatomy

image Diagnosis

image Suspect when chief complaint is radial-sided wrist pain after injury or trauma

image Most common mechanism is forced hyperextension and radial deviation of the wrist.

image Swelling, anatomic snuffbox/volar tubercle tenderness, limited wrist motion

image Posteroanterior, lateral, oblique, and scaphoid radiographic views

image Bone scan, ultrasonography, CT, and MRI have all been used for earlier diagnosis.

image Neglect of injury for 4 weeks increases nonunion rate from approximately 5% to 45%.

image Classification

2. Treatment

image Nonoperative

image Operative

image Indications include greater than 1 mm displacement, intrascaphoid angle greater than 35 degrees (humpback deformity), and trans-scaphoid perilunate dislocation.

image Proximal pole fracture is also a relative indication

image Minimally displaced fractures may be treated with percutaneous internal fixation.

image Formal ORIF with headless compression screw for displaced injuries

image Approach dictated by fracture location and surgeon preference

image Union rates of over 90% to 95% expected

image Aggressive physical therapy typically delayed until radiographic union achieved

image CT may be necessary to confirm union (bridging trabeculae).

image Complications

image Include nonunion, malunion, osteonecrosis, and post-traumatic osteoarthrosis

image Symptomatic, early-stage scaphoid nonunion may be treated with ORIF and bone grafting.

image Inlay (Russe) technique best used in cases with minimal deformity and vascularized proximal pole

image Scaphoid nonunion with accompanying humpback deformity requires open-wedge interposition (Fisk) graft to restore scaphoid length and angulation.

image Grafts obtained from distal radius or iliac crest

image Most surgeons typically use supplemental headless compression screw in nonunion cases.

image Presence of intraoperative punctate bleeding is most reliable sign of vascular proximal pole.

image Vascularized bone grafting has gained popularity in nonunions with avascular proximal pole.

image Untreated, chronic scaphoid nonunion may lead to characteristic progression of post-traumatic osteoarthrosis called scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse (SNAC) wrist.

Other carpal bone fractures—small fraction of wrist injuries (see Table 7-2)

1. Lunate—rarely encountered in isolation

2. Capitate neck—may occur in combination with scaphoid fracture or perilunate dislocation, treated with ORIF or intercarpal fusion

3. Triquetrum—Majority of injuries are dorsal capsular avulsion fractures (wrist sprain) and require only brief period of immobilization.

4. Hook of hamate—often from blunt trauma to palm, frequently associated with certain sports (e.g., golf, baseball, hockey, racquet sports)

5. Fractures of trapezoid or pisiform—extremely rare

Carpal instability

1. Disruption of normal kinematics of wrist

2. Characterized by wrist pain, loss of motion, weakness

3. If untreated, may lead to degenerative arthritis and disability

4. Spectrum of injury from occult (predynamic) to dynamic to static

5. Static instability detected on standard radiographs, whereas dynamic instability requires either stress radiographs requires either stress radiographs, cineradiography, or live fluoroscopy

6. Carpal instability dissociative (CID) describes instability between individual carpal bones of single carpal row.

7. Carpal instability nondissociative (CIND) describes instability between carpal rows, such as midcarpal or radiocarpal instability.

8. Carpal instability resulting from malunited distal radius fracture is an example of carpal instability adaptive.

9. Perilunate dislocations combine CID and CIND and are classified as carpal instability complex.

image DISI—most common form of carpal instability

image Scapholunate ligament disruption

image Dorsal fibers are stronger than volar fibers.

image Secondary injury to stabilizing dorsal and/or volar extrinsic ligaments, volar scaphoid-trapezo-trapezoid ligaments

image Scaphoid hyperflexion and lunate hyperextension

image May be traumatic or result from inflammatory or crystalline arthropathy

image Physical examination findings

image Dorsal wrist pain, often with loading

image Diminished grip strength

image Reproduction of pain/palpable clunk with scaphoid shift test (dorsally directed pressure over volar scaphoid tubercle while wrist brought from ulnar to radial deviation subluxates or dislocates scaphoid over dorsal ridge of distal radius that when released causes scaphoid to reduce with painful clunk) (Figure 7-17)

image A bilateral nonpainful clunk is a negative test result.

image Standard radiographs may reveal cortical ring sign (Figure 7-18), increased scapholunate angle (>70 degrees), or widened scapholunate interval (>3 mm) in static DISI.

image Bilateral clenched-fist (anteroposterior grip) comparison views may reveal a dynamic DISI with relatively widened scapholunate interval on affected side (stress radiographs).

image MRI best, but not perfect, for detection of scapholunate ligament injury (see Figure 7-18)

image Gold standard is wrist arthroscopy.

image Geissler classification (Table 7-3)

Table 7-3

Geissler Classification of Arthroscopic Scapholunate Ligament Disruption

Grade Description
I Attenuation or hemorrhage of interosseous ligament as seen from radiocarpal space. No incongruity of carpal alignment in midcarpal space.
II Attenuation or hemorrhage of interosseous ligament as seen from radiocarpal space. There may be a slight gap (less than width of probe) between carpal bones in midcarpal space.
III Incongruity or step-off of carpal alignment as seen from both radiocarpal and midcarpal space. Probe may be passed through gap between carpal bones.
IV Incongruity or step-off of carpal alignment as seen from both radiocarpal and midcarpal space. There is gross instability with manipulation. A 2.7-mm arthroscope may be passed through the gap between carpal bones (“drive-through sign”).

image Treatment depends on stage of instability.

image Partial injuries may improve with nonoperative treatment or arthroscopic débridement.

image Acute scapholunate ligament rupture may be amenable to primary repair.

image Delayed treatment may require open reduction of scapholunate interval and pinning with or without dorsal capsulodesis.

image Limited clinical data on reduction-association of scaphoid and lunate (RASL) procedure

image Tendon and bone-retinaculum-bone grafts have been attempted for scapholunate reconstruction.

image Cases of chronic, static instability may result in scapholunate advanced collapse (SLAC wrist).

image VISI—second most common form of carpal instability

image Midcarpal CIND

image Radiocarpal dislocation (CIND)

image Rare, high-energy injuries

image “Inferior arc” injury

image May be associated with intracarpal injury, acute carpal tunnel syndrome, possible compartment syndrome, other major musculoskeletal and/or organ injuries

image Volar more severe than dorsal dislocation

image May be purely ligamentous or include radial and/or ulnar styloid fractures

image Ulnar translocation of the carpus signifies global ligamentous disruption.

image Moneim proposed two types based on accompanying intracarpal fracture or interosseous ligament injury

image Dumontier and Graham stressed the distinction between injuries with small versus large radial styloid fractures.

image ORIF of styloid fractures may be enough to restore stability.

image May also require direct ligamentous repair and/or external fixation to neutralize forces

image Associated intracarpal injuries treated simultaneously

image Carpal instability adaptive from distal radius malunion

image Perilunate dislocations (carpal instability complex)