Gastroenterology and Nutrition

Published on 21/04/2015 by admin

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Last modified 21/04/2015

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Chapter 10

Gastroenterology and Nutrition

Development of the Gastrointestinal System

Folding occurs along the embryo in a cephalocaudal progression that leads to the incorporation of some of the endodermal-lined yolk sac into the embryo, which in turn results in the creation of the primitive gut. The primitive gut is composed of the foregut, midgut, and hindgut. The foregut is most cephalic and will become the esophagus and stomach. The midgut becomes the small intestines, and the hindgut becomes the colon ( Fig. 10-1).

At approximately 4 weeks of gestation, the lung buds appear on the ventral surface of the foregut. This outpocketing from the esophagus will eventually separate completely, forming separate walls known as the esophagotracheal septum. This separation is critical, and any remnant in connection leads to esophageal atresia, a tracheoesophageal fistula, or both. The most common type of developmental abnormality that can occur as a result of this splitting is proximal esophageal atresia with a distal esophagotracheal fistula, which accounts for about 85% of all esophageal atresias.

The liver forms at about the third week of gestation as an outgrowth, known as the hepatic diverticulum or liver bud, of the endodermal epithelium of the foregut. This connection grows and narrows to form the bile duct to connect the developing liver to the foregut. A small ventral outgrowth forms that will develop into the gallbladder and connecting cystic duct. The intrauterine failure to develop a complete biliary tree can lead to extrahepatic biliary atresia of embryonic or fetal form, which occurs in 10% to 35% of all cases. 1

The pancreas develops in two separate locations as a bud from the endodermal-lined foregut. The dorsal pancreas develops from a bud on the dorsal surface opposite the developing biliary tree. The dorsal pancreatic bud is located within the dorsal mesentery and grows with a central dorsal pancreatic duct draining to the foregut through the minor papilla. The ventral pancreatic bud develops close to the developing bile duct. When the duodenum rotates to become C-shaped, the bud is rotated onto the dorsal surface along the dorsal pancreas in a position immediately below and behind it. The two developing pancreas parts grow together, and the dorsal pancreatic duct fuses with the ventral pancreas to form the main pancreatic duct (of Wirsung) draining through the major papilla into the duodenum ( Fig. 10-2).

If the connection from the dorsal pancreas continues to drain directly into the duodenum by way of this secondary drainage system (the accessory pancreatic duct of Santorini), the condition is known as pancreas divisum. This connection drains through the minor papilla at a separate location and is the most common anomaly of pancreatic development. Any variation in this process can lead to completely separated drainage to a duplicate drainage of the pancreas. The clinical significance of this condition is the higher risk of pancreatitis in patients with pancreatic duct anomalies.

During the sixth week of gestation the small intestines and the colon herniate into the umbilical cord as a result of the rapid growth of the liver. The intestine then rotates around a central axis formed by the superior mesenteric artery. This counterclockwise rotation is completed, and the intestine migrates back into the abdominal cavity to be fixed in position. This rotation results in the colon being located anterior to the small intestines, with the cecum being located in the right lower quadrant. An interruption during this physiologic herniation and rotation will result in abnormalities. When the gut fails to return to the abdominal cavity, an omphalocele is formed. This abnormality occurs in approximately 2.5 in 10,000 births. There is a high rate of associated developmental defects, such as cardiac abnormalities, spinal defects, and chromosomal abnormalities. Malrotation is another abnormality that occurs when the midgut fails to rotate completely. Malrotation can cause the inappropriately positioned small bowel to twist on the superior mesenteric artery and lead to vascular insufficiency and volvulus. The gold standard for diagnosis of malrotation remains the upper gastrointestinal tract series that shows the duodenal C-loop crossing to the left of midline at a level equal to or greater than the pylorus. 2

The hindgut forms the most distal part of the primitive gut. It develops into the distal third of the transverse colon and the upper part of the rectal canal. Initially the urogenital system and the hindgut join together in the cloaca. The two systems separate from each other, and the rectal canal fuses with the surface to form an open pathway that will form the anus and rectum. Any abnormalities with this development can result in a continued connection, or urorectal fistula, between the urologic and gastrointestinal tracts. When the anorectal canal fails to fuse with the surface, a rectoanal atresia occurs with resulting imperforate anus. Imperforate anus occurs in 1 in 50,000 live births and has a high incidence of other associated birth defects. 3

The ENS is the nervous system that regulates intestinal smooth muscle to control gastrointestinal motility. The ENS is composed of a complex network of ganglia that function independently from the central nervous system. Although independent, the ENS can be influenced by vagal and pelvic nerves of the parasympathetic nervous system and spinal nerves. Within the ENS the interstitial cells of Cajal are the pacemaker cells and are responsible for the coordinated smooth muscle contractions within the gut.

Fetal Growth and Assessment

Intrauterine growth is one of the most important signs of fetal well-being and one of the most reliable indicators of the pathologic conditions that affect the mother and fetus during pregnancy. Early identification of alterations in fetal growth can allow for early intervention to prevent long-term complications for the fetus and newborn infant.

This classification is clinically relevant because neonatal morbidity and mortality are strongly correlated with the infant’s gestational age and birth weight.

Intrinsic (fetal causes):

Extrinsic (maternal/placental) causes:

Infants with birth weight above the 90th percentile on the intrauterine growth chart are classified as large for gestational age. Maternal diabetes is the most common cause of fetal growth acceleration owing to the induction of fetal hyperinsulinism during gestation. Other causes include fetal hydrops (edema), Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome, transposition of the great vessels, and maternal obesity.

Infants who are symmetrically growth retarded have proportionally reduced size in weight, length, and head circumference. This type of growth retardation starts early in pregnancy, and it is often secondary to congenital infection, chromosomal abnormalities, and dysmorphic syndromes. Most babies with IUGR, however, are asymmetrically growth retarded, with the most severe growth reduction in weight, less severe length reduction, and relative head sparing. Asymmetric IUGR is caused by extrinsic factors that occur late in gestation, such as pregnancy-induced hypertension. Distinguishing between symmetric and asymmetric IUGR is important because infants with asymmetric IUGR have a better long-term growth and developmental outcome.

Medical Problems of the Growth-Restricted Infant

17. What are the long-term risks of IUGR?

image Development: Because this group is heterogeneous, the outcome depends on perinatal events, the etiology of growth retardation, and the postnatal socioeconomic environment. In general, the asymmetric growth-retarded baby does not show significant differences in intelligence or neurologic sequelae but does demonstrate differences in school performance related to abnormalities in behavior and learning.

image Health effects: An increased risk of hypertension is found in adolescents and young adults. Growth-retarded infants with a low ponderal index (measurement of leanness calculated by body mass divided by height cubed) are at increased risk for syndrome X (non–insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia) and death resulting from cardiovascular disease by the age of 65 years (Barker hypothesis).

image Growth: Fetuses that experienced growth failure after 26 weeks’ gestation (asymmetric growth retardation) exhibit a period of catch-up growth during the first 6 months of life. However, their ultimate stature is frequently less than an appropriate-for-gestational-age (AGA) baby.

Caloric Requirements

Energy, being neither created nor destroyed, conforms to classic balance relationships. Energy balance is a state of equilibrium when energy intake equals expenditure plus losses. If energy intake exceeds expenditure plus losses, the infant is in positive balance, and excess calories are stored. If energy intake is less than expenditure plus losses, the infant is in negative balance, and calories are mobilized from existing body stores. Maintenance, or basal, energy requirements are the energy needs required to cover basal metabolic rate or resting energy expenditure; total energy expenditure in infants is the sum of the energy required for basal metabolic rate, activity, thermoregulation, diet-induced thermogenesis, and growth. The energy balance equation may be stated as follows:


LBW infants require at least 120 cal/kg/day, partitioned to approximately 75 cal/kg/day for resting expenditure and the remainder for specific dynamic action (10 cal/kg/day), replacement of inevitable stool losses (10 cal/kg/day), and growth (25 cal/kg/day) ( Table 10-1).

The RQ is the ratio of the volume of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced to the volume of oxygen (O2) consumed per unit of time (Vco2/VO2). This ratio varies with the type of nutrient oxidized. In addition, the energy produced varies with the type of substrate burned. Thus various substrates have different RQs, and varying proportions of different nutrients result in different energy production per liter of O2 consumption or CO2 production. The RQs and caloric equivalents of O2 and CO2 for carbohydrate, fat, and protein are shown in Table 10-2.

The energy cost of growth includes the energy used for synthesis of new tissues (e.g., absorption, metabolism, and assimilation of fat and protein) and the energy stored in these new tissues. The energy cost of growth varies with the type of tissue added during growth. The precise caloric requirements for growth are unknown. A wide range of values for energy cost of growth in neonates has been determined (1.2 to 6 kcal/g of weight gain). Separate evaluations of energy expenditure requirement for fat and protein deposition in premature newborns estimate that 1 g of protein deposition requires 7.8 kcal, and 1 g of fat requires 1.6 kcal.

Carbohydrate Requirements

Strict carbohydrate requirements are difficult to estimate because glucose, a preferred metabolic fuel for many organs (including the brain), is synthesized endogenously from other compounds. Several methods have been used to assess carbohydrate requirements in neonates:

No. The rates of endogenous glucose production should be regarded as only the minimal carbohydrate requirement because of the methods and conditions in which these measurements were performed. These studies were done in neonates under basal or resting metabolic conditions and during fasting periods. In addition, these studies did not take into account the energy cost of physical activity, growth, and thermal effect of feeding. Higher values ranging from 5.8 to 6.8 mg/kg/min have been used as guidelines for the initiation of glucose infusion in neonates receiving parenteral nutrition with the ability to increase toward 13 mg/kg/min, depending on the infant.

Excessive intake of carbohydrate in infant feedings may lead to delayed gastric emptying, emesis, diarrhea, and abdominal distention caused by excessive gas formation as colonic bacteria digest the extra carbohydrates. The excessive administration of intravenous glucose, at rates exceeding 13.8 mg/kg/min, may be associated with metabolic complications such as hyperglycemia, glycosuria, and osmotic diuresis. In addition, the excessive glucose metabolized is stored mainly as fat. Early overfeeding may be an important factor in later childhood and adult obesity, though more recent work suggests that genetic factors may be as important. 5

The malabsorbed lactose is fermented in the colon, forming various gases such as CO2, methane, and hydrogen and short-chain fatty acids such as acetate, propionate, and butyrate. These short-chain fatty acids are absorbed in the colon, reducing energy losses in the stools and maintaining the nutrition and function of the colon. Despite these putative benefits of lactose fermentation, metabolic concerns that result from the reduced digestion and absorption of lactose in the small intestine include the following:

Protein Requirements

The amino acids that cannot be synthesized in the body are regarded as essential amino acids:

Cysteine, tyrosine, and taurine are essential because of immaturity of the enzymes (decreased activity) involved in their synthesis.

The whey-to-casein ratio of cow’s milk protein is 18:82 and that of human milk protein is 60:40. In total, most formulas contain up to 1.5 times more protein than human milk in order to approximate the protein quality of human milk. 6

The ratio of whey to casein is about 90:10 at the beginning of lactation and rapidly decreases to 60:40 (or even 50:50) in mature milk.

The predominant whey protein in cow’s milk is beta-lactoglobulin, and the predominant whey protein in human milk is alpha-lactalbumin.

32. What are the non-nutritive roles of protein in human milk?

33. Name the methods used for determining protein requirements.

34. What is a lactobezoar?

Lactobezoars are intragastric masses composed of partially digested milk curd (i.e., casein, fat, and calcium). Rarely seen now, lactobezoars were reported in LBW infants (<2000 g) fed casein-predominant formulas because casein can form large curds when exposed to gastric acid that are difficult for the LBW infant to digest. Whey protein, however, is less likely to precipitate and is emptied more rapidly from the stomach.

The recommended protein intake for term infants is approximately 2 to 2.5 g/kg/day; for preterm infants it is 3 to 4 g/kg/day.

Term formulas:

Preterm formulas (e.g., Similac Special Care, Enfamil Premature LIPIL):

Follow-up formulas for LBW weight infants (e.g., Similac NeoSure Advance, EnfaCare LIPIL):

ELBW infants (<1000 g) who receive only glucose lose approximately 1.2 g/kg/day. More mature infants lose protein at a slower rate (0.9 g/kg/day at 28 weeks and 0.7 g/kg/day at 31 weeks). Any protein deficits that are accrued must be replaced.

Early provision of protein (1 to 1.5 g/kg/day) along with minimal calories (30 cal/kg/day) can minimize the protein losses in ELBW infants. Even with good early protein administration, however, rates of intrauterine growth are virtually never achieved and some degree of extrauterine growth failure is the norm.

Protein requirements are higher parenterally because preterm infants retain only 50% of amino acids administered intravenously but 70% to 75% of formula or human milk protein.

Lipid Requirements

The percentage of fat calories in human milk is between 40% and 55%.

Most of the fat in breast milk is formed from circulating lipids derived from the mother’s diet. A small amount of fat is synthesized by the breast itself, with that percentage increasing in women receiving a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet.

Synthesis of fat from glucose requires about 25% of the glucose energy invested in synthesis. In comparison, synthesis of fat from fat requires only 1% to 4% of the energy invested.

All humans have a requirement for linoleic and linolenic acid. These are 18-carbon, omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, respectively. Linoleic and linolenic acid serve as precursors for long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) such as arachidonic (a 20-carbon omega-6 fatty acid), eicosapentaenoic (a 20-carbon omega-3 fatty acid), and docosahexaenoic acid (a 22-carbon omega-3 fatty acid). LCPUFAs are essential components of membranes and are particularly important in membrane-rich tissues such as the brain and retina, thereby affecting visual and neurodevelopmental outcomes in children. In addition, eicosapentaenoic and arachidonic acids are precursors for prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and other lipid mediators. The fetus receives essential fatty acids (including LCPUFAs) transplacentally, and breastfed babies receive them in breast milk. Vegetable oil–based formulas do not contain LCPUFAs, and the ability of preterm infants to synthesize LCPUFAs from linoleic and linolenic acid may be limited.

Currently all formulas contain the addition of LCPUFAs, particularly docohexaenoic acid (range of 0.15% to 0.32% total fatty acids) and arachidonic acid (range of 0.4% to 0.64% total fatty acids), because studies have consistently found significant benefit with such supplementation.

The RQ of lipids is lower than that of carbohydrate. Therefore the use of lipid infusions should theoretically decrease CO2 production in infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia, one of the cardinal problems of infants with chronic lung disease in the neonatal period.

Twenty-percent lipid emulsions are cleared from the circulation more rapidly than 10% emulsions. Ten-percent lipid emulsions contain proportionately more emulsifier (egg yolk phospholipid). In 10% emulsions the phospholipid-to-triglyceride ratio is 0.12, and in 20% emulsions the ratio is 0.06. The excess phospholipid forms bilayer vesicles that extract free cholesterol from peripheral cell membranes to form lipoprotein X. Lipoprotein X is cleared very slowly from the circulation (half-life, 2 days).

The maximum level is 150 mg/dL. Routine monitoring of serum triglycerides is necessary as they are being advanced.

Total Parenteral Nutrition: Monitoring and Complications

TPN is written with a calorie distribution of 8% to 10% from amino acids, 30% to 40% from lipid emulsions, and 50% to 60% from dextrose.

There are none. The administration of TPN solutions containing a moderate carbohydrate (60%) to fat (32%) ratio has been shown to result in a higher nitrogen retention rate than that of the unbalanced regimens. 7

In most infants hyperglycemia is a transient problem and resolves when the rate of glucose or lipid administration is reduced. Insulin infusions have been used for infants weighing less than 1000 g who develop hyperglycemia (serum glucose level in excess of 150 mg/dL) and glycosuria during the course of parenteral nutrition, providing low glucose infusion rates (<12 mg/kg/min). In these infants insulin infusions at rates of 0.04 to 0.1 U/kg/h have been shown to improve glucose tolerance and promote weight gain, compared with infants in a control group. 89

The answer is (C). Exposure of lipid emulsions to ambient or phototherapy lights increases the formation of triglyceride hydroperoxide radicals but does not enhance lipid clearance. Lipid clearance in neonates is improved by prolonging the infusion period; by adding heparin to TPN solutions (which releases lipoprotein lipase from capillary endothelial cells); and by using 20% lipid emulsions, which contain a lower phospholipid content than 10% lipid emulsions.

The development of osteopenia during the course of TPN in premature infants is believed to result from the inability to provide the calcium and phosphorus required for proper bone mineralization. The solubility of calcium and phosphorus in TPN solutions can be improved by providing a high amino acid intake and by the supplementation of cysteine hydrochloride. These measures allow for a greater, though still inadequate, intake of calcium and phosphorus. The administration of calciuric diuretics such as furosemide, the use of postnatal steroids, and the development of cholestatic liver disease further aggravate calcium homeostasis in these patients. The intravenous administration of vitamin D does not prevent the occurrence of TPN-induced osteopenia.

Copper and manganese are potentially toxic for these patients. Both of these trace elements are metabolized in the liver and primarily excreted in bile. Therefore the chronic administration of trace elements in patients with cholestasis may result in toxic states. Manganese and copper supplements should be withheld from TPN solutions when hepatic cholestasis is present. Monitoring of serum levels of copper and manganese is indicated in patients with cholestasis who require a prolonged course of TPN.

The most common complication is the accidental infiltration of TPN solution into the subcutaneous fat tissue that results in skin necrosis. This complication can be minimized by lowering the osmolality of TPN solution through the administration of dextrose concentrations that do not exceed 10% and by the concomitant administration of lipid emulsions.

Staphylococcus epidermidis remains the most common cause of bacterial sepsis during the course of TPN. Other organisms include Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas species, Klebsiella species, and Candida albicans. TPN-related infections are more common in the smallest and sickest infants who receive prolonged courses of TPN through a central catheter. The rate of these infections can be reduced by aseptic preparation of TPN solutions and by avoiding the use of the TPN catheter for blood transfusions, administration of medications, and blood sampling. Most important, TPN should be discontinued (and central lines removed) when “full” enteral volume feedings have been achieved (approximately 100 mL/kg/day).

In recent years many NICUs have demonstrated that the rates of catheter-related infections can be substantially reduced through careful aseptic technique and thoughtful, conscientious management of indwelling lines. A number of NICUs have been able to go beyond 1 year without a single catheter-related infection. It is evident that this complication is far more preventable than was once thought possible.

Enteral Nutrition

Lactose is the major source of carbohydrate in human milk and in formulas for term infants. The preterm formulas contain a mixture of lactose and glucose polymers to compensate for the developmental lag and lower concentration of lactase in the intestinal mucosa. Lactose, however, remains important both in calcium absorption and as a prebiotic. Glycosidase enzymes involved in the digestion of glucose polymers are active in preterm infants.

The lower fat absorption reported in preterm infants is attributed to their relative deficiency of pancreatic lipase and bile salts.

The human milk triglyceride molecule has palmitic acid in the beta position and is more easily absorbed compared with triglyceride molecules of cow’s milk, vegetable fats, and animal fats that have palmitic acid in the alpha position. The presence of human milk lipase also improves fat absorption.

Soy formulas are recommended for the following:

Because soy protein has low concentrations of methionine, this amino acid is added to all soy-based formulas.

The success of feeding a preterm infant by nipple depends on the ability of the infant to coordinate sucking and swallowing, which develops at approximately 33 to 34 weeks of gestational age.

Transpyloric feedings may result in fat malabsorption as a result of bypassing the lipolytic effect of gastric lipase.

Gastrointestinal hormones such as gastrin, enteroglucagon, and pancreatic polypeptide may have a trophic effect on the gut. Postnatal surges of these hormones occur in preterm infants receiving minimal enteral feedings. Minimal enteral feeding has also been reported to produce more mature small intestinal motor activity patterns in preterm infants. Thus early minimal enteral feedings given along with parenteral nutrition may improve subsequent enteral feeding tolerance and may shorten the time to achieve full enteral intake. Furthermore, enteral feedings stimulate the enterohepatic circulation and are known to lessen parenteral nutrition–associated liver disease. The most recent Cochrane Review, however, suggests that the evidence for this effect is unclear, at best. 10

Growth rates of preterm infants fed banked human milk or their own mother’s milk are lower than those of infants fed preterm formulas. In addition, the calcium and phosphorus content of human milk is insufficient to fully support adequate skeletal mineralization. Supplementation of human milk with available human milk fortifiers that provide protein, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, and up to 23 vitamins helps overcome these nutritional inadequacies. Newly designed preparations of pooled human breast milk (Prolacta) do contain adequate calories and minerals for growth.


Initially, hormonal factors (prolactin and oxytocin) affect the synthesis and secretion of milk. Once mother’s milk “comes in,” tight junctions close, and lactation shifts from endocrine control to autocrine control, or control driven by milk removal. The frequency of breastfeeding then becomes the most important factor affecting the continuation of adequate milk production. The term infant should receive between 8 and 12 feedings per day in the first week and more than 5 daily thereafter. To minimize the volume of residual milk, mothers should alternate the breast they start with at the next feeding. When breastfeeding is first initiated, mothers should switch the infant from one side to the other approximately every 5 to 10 minutes. Maternal diet and fluid intake rarely affect milk volume; however, in the setting of severe malnutrition there may be diminished milk production.

There are no magic potions or medications that increase milk production, though increasing maternal fluid intake may be of modest help. The administration of metoclopramide will occasionally increase serum prolactin and increase milk production. Unfortunately, this medication has side effects, including sedation and extrapyramidal neurologic signs. Oxytocin will not increase milk production, but it may help milk ejection (once milk already has been synthesized). Herbal remedies have been advocated, but no data are available that determine their efficacy or associated risks. Fatigue and stress also affect milk production adversely. A small percentage of women (2% to 5%) have lactation insufficiency and cannot produce adequate quantities of milk.

Only a few medications are incompatible with breastfeeding, although most medications do enter breast milk in low concentrations. The following are some of the contraindicated drugs:

In studies of AGA gavage-fed infants, there was significantly lower energy expenditure in the infants fed human milk compared with those fed formula. 11

This is not an uncommon presentation for a Candida infection of the nipple. You should examine the infant for evidence of perioral thrush. If thrush is evident, the baby should be treated with an oral medication and the mother with an antifungal.

Understand why the mother is concerned. Some of the following factors should influence your decision either to see the mother and baby or to reassure the mother over the phone: frequency of feeding (8 to 12 times in 24 hours, no interval longer than 4 hours), urine output (light yellow–stained diapers), and stool output (no more meconium stools after day 3). Some practitioners use the following rough guide for urine and stool output in the first week: minimum of one urine output in the first 24 hours, two to three in the next 24 hours, about four to six on day 3, and six to eight on day 5; stools should be one per day on days 1 and 2, two per day on day 3, and four or more afterward, although this can vary substantially among infants. The mother should sense that her milk has “come in” between the second and fourth days postpartum. The baby should have established feeding activities, such as lip smacking and rooting. You should hear swallows, and the baby should be satisfied after a feeding. Feeding activities, however, vary widely. Some adequately hydrated infants are sleepy and need coaching with feedings. If a mother experiences leaking from one breast while the child is nursing at the other, her milk supply is usually quite adequate. Weighing an infant before and after feeding can provide an accurate assessment of milk intake. The technique requires an electronic scale and strict attention to details such as not unwrapping the infant or changing diapers before the reweighing is done.

78. You see a 5-day-old male infant in the office for a routine check after early hospital discharge. The mother reports no particular problems; he is much easier to manage than she thought a newborn would be. She is breastfeeding every 3 hours but lets him sleep at night (last night he slept for 6 hours). About once a day she notes that he has dark yellow urine in his diaper. He had a dark-green, tarry stool yesterday. The mother thinks her milk has “come in,” but she acknowledges no signs of engorgement. You examine the infant and note jaundice to the level of the umbilicus and dry skin but moist mucous membranes. He is responsive and alert. You examine the mother and note that her breasts are moderately engorged. The infant’s body weight is 11 ounces below his birth weight of 7 pounds, 8 ounces. You check his serum bilirubin concentration, which is 11 mg/dL. There is no blood group incompatibility. How would you manage this case, and what would you advise the mother?

You should observe a breastfeeding to ensure that the baby has a good latch-on to the breast and is able to suck and swallow. You advise the mother to breastfeed every 2 hours. You do not advise water supplements because the baby needs calories. His bilirubin level should decline with this strategy. If the mother had not been making milk, you might suggest that she mechanically express her milk after every feeding to increase stimulation. You must schedule a return visit in 24 hours to reassess the infant.

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