
Published on 20/03/2015 by admin

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Diseases causing dementia are among the commonest neurologic conditions encountered in clinical practice (Table 31.1). The importance of establishing a neuropathologic diagnosis dementia can be linked to the following:

Table 31.1

Prevalence of dementia at different ages

Age (years) Prevalence (%)
<75  4
80 12
85 27
90 40



image Dementia can be defined as an impairment of previously attained occupational or social functioning due to an acquired and persistent impairment of memory associated with an impairment of intellectual function in one or more of the following domains: language, visuospatial skills, emotion, personality, or cognition, in the presence of normal consciousness.

image The concept that a person has previously attained a high degree of occupational and social functioning separates dementia from mental retardation.

image Impairment of consciousness, such as occurs in delirium or a confusional state, precludes a clinical diagnosis of dementia.

image Involvement of multiple domains of cognitive function separates dementia from focal neurobehavioral disorders (e.g. isolated amnesia due to bilateral hippocampal damage, or isolated dysphasia due to a localized infarct).

image Dementia is predominantly caused by degenerative processes that evolve over many years (Table 31.2). Different diseases preferentially affect different brain regions and so distinctive clinical patterns of dementia can be recognized (Fig. 31.1). With progression of the disease, more of the cortical areas tend to be affected and a global deterioration in intellectual function ensues.

Table 31.2

Causes of dementia

Neurodegenerative diseases


Less common


Cerebrovascular disease


Toxic, metabolic, and nutritional disorders

Immune-mediated syndromes

Mitochondrial encephalopathy

Demyelinating and dysmyelinating diseases

Head injury

Prion disease

Infective disorders


Certain clinical patterns of dementia are suggestive of particular disorders

Clinical diagnosis

image The degenerative processes that cause cortical pathology may also affect subcortical structures and lead to other neurologic dysfunction, the most common of which is the development of parkinsonism. Identification of associated neurologic abnormalities may therefore help in establishing an accurate diagnosis.

image Several clinical bedside tests of cognitive function have been developed to assist in the diagnosing of dementia, but these mainly detect dysfunction of the temporal and parietal lobes, and are less sensitive to frontal lobe dysfunction. A commonly used bedside test is the mini-mental state examination (MMSE).

image The clinical term ‘mild cognitive impairment’ (MCI) is used when patients have evident clinical cognitive problems, but have no impairment in activities of daily living. Follow-up studies show that patients deteriorate and develop dementia at a rate of about 10–15% per year.



AD is the commonest cause of dementia and increases in incidence with age. It accounts for 50–75% of all cases of dementia, the precise figure depending on the criteria used to establish the diagnosis. There are five main groups, with different molecular genetic associations (see p. 628):

About 10–20% of patients have a first-degree relative with dementia.


The brain shows atrophy and the weight is usually in the range of 900–1200 g. There is shrinkage of cerebral gyri and widening of sulci, most prominently in the medial temporal regions (particularly the hippocampus) but also in the frontal and parietal regions. Generally, the occipital lobe and the motor cortex are relatively spared. This pattern of atrophy occurs in several dementing diseases and is not specific for AD (Fig. 31.2).

In slices of fixed brain, the cortical mantle may appear thinned (Fig. 31.3). The white matter is of normal color and texture, but reduced in volume. There may be significant dilatation of the ventricular system, especially of the temporal horn of the lateral ventricles. In the midbrain, the substantia nigra is usually normally pigmented but can appear pale. The locus ceruleus is often paler than normal. Cerebral infarcts or hemorrhages may be encountered and can be related to cerebrovascular amyloid deposition or coexistent arteriosclerotic disease.


AD is characterized by several histologic abnormalities, none of which is specific to this disease. Special stains are required for evaluation (Table 31.3).

Table 31.3

Stains used in the histologic assessment of Alzheimer’s disease

Much of the pathology associated with Alzheimer’s disease cannot be easily seen without special stains

Sections stained with H&E are used for general morphology and can be used to evaluate neuronal loss as well as any general morphological changes, e.g. associated areas of infarction. Granulovacuolar degeneration and Hirano bodies are also easily seen (Figs 31.5, 31.6)

Silver stains are still used in diagnosis and can be divided into:

Methods that are very sensitive for amyloid (e.g. modified methenamine silver techniques). These detect all plaques and a minority of tangles (Fig. 31.7)

Methods that are very sensitive for the detection of tangles and the abnormal nerve processes around plaques but do not tend to stain amyloid (e.g. the Gallyas technique, several modifications of the Palmgren silver impregnation (Fig. 31.8), and some modifications of Bodian and Bielschowsky methods)

Methods that are optimized to detect both plaques and tangles. These tend to underestimate the density of either plaques or tangles. This is true of most modified Bodian and Bielschowsky techniques, which underestimate the total amount of amyloid in sections

In most laboratories, specific staining of plaques and tangles is now performed by immunohistochemistry with commercially-available antisera:

Plaques are detected with antisera to Aβ peptide after formic acid pretreatment of sections. This will also detect vascular amyloid (Fig. 31.9)

Tangles, plaque neurites and neuropil threads are detected by immunostaining for phosphorylated tau protein, the main protein constituent of tangles (Fig. 31.9)

Major pathologic changes are:

Associated pathologic changes are:

image Amyloid (also derived from Aβ peptide) deposition in arteries and arterioles in the cerebral and cerebellar cortex and leptomeninges (congophilic angiopathy/cerebral amyloid angiopathy) is demonstrable in over 90% of cases, although the extent of this is very variable (Fig. 31.4). Small amounts of Aβ may also accumulate in the walls of small veins.

image Granulovacuolar degeneration (Fig. 31.5) affects greater numbers of hippocampal pyramidal neurons in AD than in age-matched controls and may also be seen in subcortical nuclei. These represent autophagic activity.

image Hirano bodies, composed of actin-binding proteins, tend to be more numerous in AD than in age-matched controls in neurons in the hippocampal CA1 field and subiculum (Fig. 31.6).

image There is increased accumulation of lipofuscin in neurons (see Chapter 1).

image Corpora amylacea may be seen in large numbers (see Chapter 1).

The structural changes seen in AD can be found in the brains of cognitively normal elderly individuals in low density or restricted distribution. The diagnosis of AD is based on the presence of lesions in high density and extended distribution in a patient with clinical evidence of dementia (see Pathologic diagnostic criteria for AD, below).

Diffuse Aβ deposits

Diffuse deposits of Aβ peptide are seen on immunostaining as loose structures with irregular, ill-defined margins. In this form of deposit, the majority of protein is not aggregated as amyloid filaments (Table 31.4). Diffuse deposits are the main type of plaque seen in normal aging. Some diffuse Aβ deposits are described as fleece- or lake-like. Diffuse deposits may be seen in the subpial region in the cerebral cortex.

Focal Aβ deposits

Amyloid plaques are extracellular proteinaceous deposits composed of Aβ peptide, largely as amyloid filaments. Neuronal processes that traverse the plaque region show variable abnormalities and are termed plaque-associated dystrophic neurites. Plaques associated with abnormal neurites are termed neuritic plaques.

There are three main types of focal plaque deposit:

It is believed that there is progression from diffuse, through primitive to classic and finally burnt-out plaques, but there is no direct evidence for this. Plaques are widely distributed in the brain in AD. The neocortex and hippocampus are always involved. As disease progresses, plaques may also be present in the basal ganglia (where the great majority are diffuse), hypothalamus, the tegmentum of the midbrain and pons, the cerebellum (where all are diffuse), and the subcortical cerebral white matter.

Neuritic changes in plaques

Neuritic plaques include tau-immunoreactive dystrophic neurites (see Neuritic abnormalities in AD, below, and Fig. 31.11). In some neuritic plaques there are dystrophic neurites that contain chromogranin A and ubiquitin, but not tau protein; of the sparse neuritic plaques that may be present in the brains of cognitively normal elderly subjects, this form predominates. A variety of other plaque amyloid-related proteins can be demonstrated immunohistochemically, including apolipoprotein E (apoE), α1-antichymotrypsin, serum amyloid-P protein, growth factors, heparin sulfate, and complement factors.


image APP is a normal transmembrane glycoprotein. The gene is located on chromosome 21, and several different mRNAs are generated by alternative splicing. The predicted structure of APP consists of three domains (Fig. 31.10): a small cytosolic domain, a transmembrane domain, and a large extracellular domain.

image The function of APP is uncertain, but suggestions center around its action as a cell surface receptor with roles in cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions.

image In normal cells APP is mainly processed in a non-amyloidogenic pathway by several proteases. Enzymes called α-secretases cut APP near the middle of the Aβ region, precluding the generation of Aβ (Table 31.4). α-secretase activity is linked to several proteases, including those of the ADAM (A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase) family. The N-terminus of the peptide is generated when another enzyme complex, with so-called γ-secretase activity, cleaves APP within its transmembrane domain. The activity of γ-secretase is linked to the function of the presenilins (Fig. 31.11).

image A second, amyloidogenic pathway for cleavage of APP is involved in the pathogenesis of AD (Figs 31.12 and 31.13). This involves the action of two proteolytic activities, β-secretase and γ-secretase. β-Secretase activity is mediated by an enzyme called β-site APP-cleaving enzyme (BACE). Subsequent γ-secretase cleavage yields Aβ peptide fragments of different lengths, the main products comprising 40 or 42 amino acids. Aβ peptide in plaques is mainly a 42-residue form of Aβ (Aβ42) (Fig. 31.14). Aβ42 is believed to be more amyloidogenic than Aβ40.

image The formation of small amounts of Aβ is a normal event, occurring throughout life. The Aβ is normally cleared from the brain by proteolytic breakdown (e.g. by the enzyme neprilysin), microglial phagocytosis, transport across cerebrovascular endothelial cells into the bloodstream, drainage in interstitial fluid along the perivascular extracellular matrix, probably to cervical lymph nodes, and via CSF pathways.


image Several lines of evidence point to a primary role for Aβ amyloid in the pathogenesis of AD:

image The amyloid cascade model (Fig. 31.15) proposes a central role for Aβ amyloid in the pathogenesis of AD. The link between Aβ generation and the formation of NFTs is not yet known. It is also unclear as to what extent the development of AD may depend on the accumulation of soluble forms of Aβ – particularly that in the form of small, soluble aggregates (oligomers) – rather than (or in addition to) the fibrillar forms that form plaques.

image Arguments against the amyloid cascade model of AD are that cognitively normal individuals can have very large numbers of neocortical plaques (although predominantly of diffuse type), and only sparse NFTs, and also that the correlation between plaque density and the severity of dementia is relatively weak. Plaque formation in AD may be secondary to another, more fundamental, cellular pathologic process.

Neurofibrillary tangles

Neurofibrillary tangles are neuronal inclusions composed largely of filamentous aggregates of hyperphosphorylated tau proteins that are variably ubiquitylated and glycated. In sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin, intracellular NFTs are faintly basophilic and extracellular NFTs appear eosinophilic (Fig. 31.16). In sections stained by silver impregnation, or when immunostained, several morphologic forms of NFT can be identified, the shape of the NFT probably being determined by that of the neuron containing it. A multi-stage model of NFT formation has been proposed (Fig. 31.17). Ultrastructural investigation reveals that NFTs are composed of paired helical filaments (PHFs) with a maximum diameter of 20 nm and a periodic narrowing to 10 nm every 80 nm (Fig. 31.18). A small proportion of filaments is straight, with a diameter of 15 nm. Detailed examination of PHF preparations shows that the filaments have a dense core region with a surrounding fuzzy coat.

NFTs are readily detected by antisera directed against phosphorylated tau protein (Fig. 31.19). Many NFTs are immunoreactive for ubiquitin or P62 (Fig. 31.20). Neurofibrillary tangles can be seen in elderly brains in low density and restricted distribution as well as in a variety of other conditions. Hence, they are not specific to AD (Table 31.5). In AD, the density of NFTs is closely related to the severity of dementia.

Table 31.5

Disorders associated with neurofibrillary tangles

Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP)

Down syndrome

Dementia pugilistica

Postencephalitic parkinsonism

Parkinsonism dementia complex of Guam

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis

Niemann–Pick disease type C

Familial British dementia

Myotonic dystrophy

Kufs’ disease

Neuronal brain iron accumulation type-1

Gerstmann–Straüssler–Scheinker syndrome

Cockayne syndrome

Neuritic abnormalities in AD. There are two main forms:

image Plaque-related dystrophic neurites, which are abnormally distended nerve cell processes running through Aβ plaque deposits. Some of the neurites contain increased amounts of lysosome-related dense bodies, but no PHFs, and immunostain for chromogranin A and ubiquitin, but not tau protein. Other neurites contain PHFs ultrastructurally and are immunoreactive both for tau protein and variably for ubiquitin (Fig. 31.11).

image Neuropil threads (NTs), which are fine, distorted, and twisted nerve cell processes that are immunoreactive for tau protein (Fig. 31.21) and variably for ubiquitin. Ultrastructural examination shows nerve cell processes that contain a mixture of PHFs and straight filaments (Fig. 31.18).

Perisomatic granules. Immunostaining for ubiquitin reveals densely-labeled round bodies adjacent to pyramidal neurons representing distended, retracted synaptic boutons. These are termed perisomatic granules (Fig. 31.21).

Tangle-associated neuritic clusters in AD. Tau immunostaining may show shows filamentous aggregates in the pyramidal cell region of the hippocampus. Although these superficially resemble plaque neurites, there is no associated focal accumulation of Aβ. These clusters represent ingrowth of tau-containing cell processes into a region previously occupied by a NFT (Fig. 31.22).

Neuronal and synaptic loss in AD. A 30–40% loss of neocortical neurons can be demonstrated in advanced AD, particularly in young-onset patients. The neuronal loss is associated with astrocytic gliosis and, in some cases, cortical microvacuolation, the latter often termed status spongiosus (Fig. 31.23). This pattern of vacuolation is coarser than that typically seen in prion disease and is largely confined to the outer cortical layers. In AD, synaptic loss of 30–50% can be demonstrated by quantitation of synapse-related proteins in affected cortical regions. The most widely used marker is synaptophysin, a glycoprotein associated with synaptic vesicles. The degree of synaptic loss correlates well with clinical scores of the severity of dementia.

Glial pathology in AD. Reactive astrocytes occur in and around neuritic plaques, and in areas of neuronal loss and cortical microvacuolation. Microglial activation occurs in relation to plaque amyloid. This close association has led to speculation that microglia are responsible for amyloidogenic processing of Aβ peptide. Aβ-induced activation of microglia may also lead to secretion of cytokines which are potentially neurotoxic.

White matter pathology in AD. Pallor of myelin staining of central hemispheric white matter is quite common in AD. In some cases this is related to microvascular changes of coincidental arteriolosclerosis. In other cases pallor of myelin occurs in the absence of vascular abnormalities.

Subcortical involvement in AD. Many subcortical regions are involved by plaques, NFTs, or NTs in AD (Table 31.6). Some regions, such as the dorsal raphe nucleus, are affected at an early stage of disease. Involvement of the nucleus basalis of Meynert is especially important, as this is the cholinergic projection nucleus to the cerebral cortex. Cell loss from this nucleus results in a severe cholinergic deficit in the cerebral cortex in AD.

Pathologic staging of AD

The evolution of pathologic changes in AD is fairly predictable and was subdivided into several stages by Braak and Braak, originally using silver staining and subsequently on the basis of immunohistochemistry for hyperphosphorylated tau protein.

Plaque stages correlate poorly with the severity of dementia (Fig. 31.24) and are:

NFT stages correlated well with the severity of dementia (Fig. 31.25). The Braak staging of neurofibrillary degeneration is incorporated in the 2012 National Institute on Aging–Alzheimer’s Association (NIA-AA) guidelines for the neuropathologic assessment of Alzheimer’s disease neuropathologic criteria for diagnosis of AD (p. 625). The BrainNet Europe Consortium has validated a scheme incorporating immunohistochemistry for hyperphosphorylated tau instead of silver staining for staging of neurofibrillary changes in AD (Fig. 31.26).

Pathologic diagnostic criteria for AD

Difficulties in making a pathologic diagnosis of AD occur because the histologic changes are not entirely pathognomonic and overlap those in the cognitively normal elderly. The diagnosis of AD should be restricted to cases with both plaques and NFTs in the hippocampus and neocortex (extending at least to Braak stage 4), and a clinical history of dementia.

Several different criteria have been proposed for the pathologic diagnosis for AD:

image The Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease (CERAD) guidelines for the diagnosis of AD have been widely used and are based on semi-quantitative assessment of neuritic plaque density by comparison with standard reference illustrations (Tables 31.731.9, Figs 31.24, 31.25). This has been shown to have good reproducibility between different laboratories. The patient’s age and the clinical history of dementia are taken into account in determining the diagnostic category for each case. The CERAD scheme specifies silver staining or fluorescent dye staining, which has prompted workers to evaluate equivalent immunohistochemical staining methods for evaluation of cases.

Table 31.7

CERAD protocol for diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease

Macroscopic appearance

The following features are noted:

brain weight

regional neocortical atrophy and ventricular enlargement (rated semiquantitatively as none, mild, moderate, or severe)

atrophy of the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex (present or absent)

pallor of the substantia nigra and locus ceruleus (present or absent)

atherosclerosis, significant obstruction or aneurysms of cerebral blood vessels (present or absent)

lacunar infarcts, regional infarcts, hemorrhages (number, size, frequency, distribution, and laterality recorded)

Histologic sampling and staining

A minimum of six anatomic regions is designated for histologic examination (Fig. 31.26):

middle frontal gyrus

superior and middle temporal gyri

anterior cingulate gyrus

inferior parietal lobule

hippocampus and entorhinal cortex

midbrain including the substantia nigra

Paraffin-embedded sections are cut at a thickness of 6–8 μm and stained with:

Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)

A silver stain, such as the modified Bielschowsky impregnation, for the detection of neuritic plaques and neurofibrillary tangles

Thioflavin-S stained sections viewed under UV light can be used to assess plaques, tangles, and vascular amyloid

A Congo red stain can be used for evaluating vascular amyloid

Diagnostic classification

The CERAD classification is performed in three steps:

A semiquantitative assessment is made of the density of neuritic plaques (i.e. that include thickened, silver-impregnated neurites) in the sections of the neocortex. The density is scored by comparison with reference photomicrographs and diagrams as none, sparse, moderate, or frequent (Fig. 31.27). The density of tangles is also estimated but this does not contribute to the diagnostic classification in the CERAD protocol

An age-related plaque score is obtained by relating the maximum plaque density in sections of frontal, temporal, or parietal cortex, to the age of the patient at death (in the ranges <50, 50–75, or >75 years) (Table 31.8)

The age-related plaque score is then integrated with the clinical presence or absence of dementia to allow cases to be categorized as normal with respect to AD, probable AD, or definite AD (Table 31.9)

Table 31.9

CERAD diagnostic groups

Normal (with respect to Alzheimer’s disease or other dementing processes) if:


No histologic evidence of Alzheimer’s disease (0 score), and no clinical history of dementia, and absence of other neuropathologic lesions likely to cause dementia


An A age-related plaque score and no clinical history of dementia

CERAD NP definite Alzheimer’s disease

C age-related plaque score, and clinical history of dementia, and presence or absence of other neuropathologic lesions likely to cause dementia

CERAD NP probable Alzheimer’s disease

B age-related plaque score, and clinical history of dementia, and presence or absence of other neuropathologic lesions likely to cause dementia

CERAD NP possible Alzheimer’s disease if:


A age-related plaque score, and clinical history of dementia, and presence or absence of other neuropathologic lesions likely to cause dementia


B or C age-related plaque score and absence of clinical manifestations of dementia

image The Thal plaque phase is a scheme that stages the regional involvement of accumulation of Aβ in the brain into five phases. Aβ detected exclusively in neocortex (phase 1), additionally in allocortex (phase 2), extending to diencephalon and striatum (phase 3), involving brainstem (phase 4), and present in cerebellum (phase 5).

image The NIA-AA criteria were developed in recognition that AD has to be defined as a clinico-pathologic entity and that within that clinical diagnostic group there may be pathologic variation. It is recommended that finding pathologic changes of AD in the brain at autopsy are reported as ’AD neuropathologic changes’.

image Aβ plaques are staged according to the Thal Phase scheme (A).

image NFT stage is determined according to the Braak criteria (B).

image Neuritic plaques are scored according to the CERAD scheme (C) (Fig. 31.27, Table 31.10).

Table 31.10

ABC scoring scheme for AD neuropathologic change


Modified from National Institute on Aging-Alzheimer’s Association guidelines for the neuropathologic assessment of Alzheimer’s disease, 2012.

Combining these three scores (‘ABC scoring’) allows the pathologist to allocate a probability that AD-associated abnormalities accounted for the patient’s dementia in life. AD lesions seen in the post-mortem brain from cognitively normal elderly people are considered pathologic rather than a part of a normal aging process. The likelihood that clinical dementia has been caused by AD lesions in the brain is stratified on the basis of the post-mortem neuropathologic findings, as follows (Table 31.11):

Patients who have plaques and NFTs in a very restricted density or distribution or who are not clinically demented are best classified as having ‘Alzheimer’s disease neuropathologic change’, as this does not pre-judge the nature of their disease.

Patients who have a restricted distribution of tau immunoreactive structures not meeting criteria for a specific tauopathy and not fitting with a Braak stage can be designated as having ‘Stage + neurofibrillary change’.

In applying earlier NIA–Reagan criteria, it became apparent that many laboratories had moved away from use of silver-stained preparations in evaluating AD pathology and that alternate approaches were desirable. The BrainNet Europe group published staging criteria based on evaluation of tau-labeled histologic sections from four brain regions (Figs 31.2731.30).


In some patients with dementia, neuropathologic examination reveals NFTs in cortical and subcortical areas in the absence of significant numbers of plaques.

image Specific tauopathies such as PSP (see Chapter 28) and CBD (see Chapter 28, and later in this chapter) may present as a dementia syndrome or a syndrome of parkinsonism and dementia. A search for the characteristic abnormalities should be made of subcortical structures known to be affected in these disorders. Cortical regions should be assessed for swollen neurons characteristic of CBD, and both cortex and white matter should be examined for tau-immunopositive glial inclusions.

image Tangle-only dementia (see below) is an uncommon but increasingly recognized disorder.

Some patients have an abundance of plaques but very few NFTs.

Some patients have Alzheimer changes in a restricted distribution or associated with other pathologic features. Consider the following:

image Limbic AD, characterized by clinical dementia and large numbers of NFTs restricted to the amygdala and hippocampus but with large numbers of neocortical plaques.

image Two pathologic subtypes of AD have been suggested: typical AD (~75% cases) and hippocampal sparing or limbic-predominant AD (~25% of cases).

image Asymmetric AD. The changes of AD may rarely be asymmetric so that one hemisphere is preferentially affected.

image Posterior AD. Severe disease preferentially affecting the occipital and visual-association areas with pathologic features of AD has been reported.

image Frontal AD. AD pathology may be most marked frontally and associated with the clinical features of frontotemporal dementia.

image Swollen neurons in AD. In a few cases swollen cortical neurons are a feature of disease that would otherwise be pathologically typical of AD. Care should be taken to ensure that the case does not meet criteria for CBD (see Chapter 28, and below) and that grain pathology is not present (p. 639).

image AD with other degenerative diseases. AD pathology can occur in association with other degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Pick’s disease or prion disease.

image AD with vascular disease. There may be ischemic or hemorrhagic disease due to the cerebral and cerebellar amyloid angiopathy in AD (see Chapter 10), and AD is often associated with atherosclerotic and/or arteriosclerotic vascular disease of the brain; a diagnosis of mixed AD and vascular dementia is appropriate in some cases.


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