Craniofacial Injuries

Published on 13/03/2015 by admin

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Last modified 13/03/2015

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CHAPTER 339 Craniofacial Injuries

The craniofacial region extends from the coronal suture to the chin. The bony and soft tissue anatomy includes the anterior portion of the skull vault and base, the facial skeleton, and the soft tissue coverings. The viscera include the frontal lobes of the brain, the contents of the orbit, associated cranial nerves, the upper airway, and the upper digestive tract.

Injuries to this anatomically and functionally complex region require the skills of several disciplines and are best managed in a multidisciplinary manner, if not by a formal multidisciplinary team. It follows that the management of craniofacial injuries should be integrated into a regional trauma service that is capable of providing lifesaving emergency and specialist care for extracranial injuries and has a workload sufficient to maintain the skills needed for multidisciplinary assessment and all the disciplines necessary for the treatment of craniofacial injuries in the short and long term.


The causes of craniofacial trauma reflect the general pattern of neurotrauma but with significant regional variations. Worldwide, modes of transportation are the main cause of neurotrauma and craniofacial trauma. In high-income countries, an overall fall in transport injuries, the use of air bags in motor vehicles, and the use of helmets by motorcyclists have reduced the incidence of maxillofacial injury. Falls in infancy and old age and pedestrian and bicycle accidents have become major causes in some countries.1 There remains a high incidence in motorbike riders, particularly adolescents. Facial fractures are more common with open face helmets, and the most severe injuries occur in riders with no helmet.2 Furthermore, with the development of efficient retrieval systems, more patients with severe injuries survive to reach trauma centers. In developing countries, the continuing rise in the incidence of transport-related neurotrauma3 and the corresponding rise in severe head injuries are accompanied by a parallel increase in craniofacial injury, although these figures are not well documented.

Other causes of craniofacial trauma include falls, assaults,4,5 sporting injuries, industrial accidents, and missile injuries.1,2,6,7

Severe craniofacial fractures, typified by panfacial fracture involving all regions of the face, are most often associated with motor vehicle accidents. In this group, major injuries to other systems are common.8

In organizing multidisciplinary care and planning preventive strategies, an understanding of the causes and incidences in a particular community is essential.4,5,9

Functional Anatomy

The Anterior Cranium

The anterior cranial fossa is formed anteriorly and laterally by the frontal bones. The frontal bones are attached to the facial skeleton by the frontonasal, frontomaxillary, and frontozygomatic sutures. The floor of the anterior cranial fossa constitutes the interface between the cranium and the facial skeleton. It is formed laterally by thin supraorbital plates that dip down medially to articulate via the frontoethmoidal sutures with the cribriform plates and crista galli, parts of the ethmoid bone, and posteriorly with the lesser wings of the sphenoid bone via the sphenofrontal sutures. The cribriform plates may be quite narrow and are the lowest points of the anterior fossa floor, on average located 8 mm below the nasion. They form part of the roof of the nose and are related laterally to the anterior and middle ethmoid air cells.

Posteriorly, the ethmoid bone attaches to the body of the sphenoid, which is the roof of the sphenoid sinuses. Laterally, the lesser wings of the sphenoid form the crescentic posterior borders of the anterior fossa. The optic canal is formed by the two roots of the lesser wing of the sphenoid and runs forward and laterally in the superolateral wall of the sphenoid sinus to the orbital apex.10

The temporal bone forms part of the cranial base. The squamous part articulates with the mandible at the temporomandibular joint.

Fractures of the anterior fossa floor may involve the frontal, ethmoid, or sphenoid sinuses; the cribriform plates; or laterally, the optic canals. In making extradural approaches to this region via a frontal craniotomy, access is greatly increased by removing a bar of bone that includes the supraorbital margins and transects the frontal sinuses.

The complex sphenoid bone is the keystone for the craniofacial skeleton; it contributes to the middle cranial fossa, the anterior cranial fossa, the lateral orbital wall, and the subtemporal fossa.

The Paranasal Air Sinuses

The size and degree of pneumatization of the paranasal air sinuses (Fig. 339-1) are variable. At birth all the sinuses are rudimentary and do not reach adult proportions until puberty (see Chapter 341).8


Optic Nerve

Traumatic injury to the optic nerve is indicated by a dilated, sometimes irregular pupil with hippus; the pupil does not show a direct or consensual light reaction but does react to contralateral light. With a partial injury, some light reactions may be seen.13 Flash evoked potentials may help diagnose early injury in unconscious patients and children.14

The optic nerve may be compressed by a displaced fracture through the optic canal, by contusion or hematoma within the canal without a fracture, or by direct injury to the orbit.15,16

The Globe and Orbit

The orbit may be fractured directly or indirectly as part of frontal, nasoethmoid, midface, or zygomatic fractures. Orbital fractures may be indicated by diplopia, enophthalmos, impaired globe elevation because of entrapment of soft tissues, and paresthesia of the cheek or upper incisor teeth. The orbital signs may become apparent only after the edema has subsided.

Early marked exophthalmos suggests a significant reduction in bony orbital volume and requires urgent ophthalmologic and radiologic examination.

Orbital wall fractures may be “blow-out” or “blow-in” (outward on inward buckling of the orbital wall). A pure blow-in or blow-out fracture is one in which the orbital rim is intact; those often inaccurately referred to as “impure” fractures are extensions of fractures involving the orbital rim. Isolated medial wall defects in the middle third of the orbit increase orbital volume posterior to the axis of the globe and may cause enophthalmos. Until the advent of computed tomography (CT), these fractures were not easily recognized.

The globe can be injured by direct penetration or by blunt force. The globe is robust and cushioned by the surrounding soft tissue and will resist a blunt force sufficient to cause a blow-out fracture of the floor or medial wall.17 Nonetheless, the incidence of ocular injury with an orbital fracture is about 20%.18 Blunt injuries to the globe include corneal abrasions, hyphema, vitreous hemorrhage, and retinal detachment.

Penetration injury may damage any part of the globe and cause immediate or delayed loss of vision. The patient’s visual acuity is the best guide to the likelihood of visual recovery. If there is no perception of light, recovery of useful vision is highly unlikely.

Clinical examination may show chemosis, subconjunctival swelling, and poor visual acuity. During preoperative assessment it is important to avoid causing additional damage by placing pressure on the globe.

Mechanisms of Injury

Initial Management

Severe craniofacial injuries often pose an immediate threat to life. Airway obstruction caused by massive shattering of the facial skeleton, dislodged dentures, or collapse of the mandibular arch with retrodisplacement of the tongue may result in severe hypoxia.

There may be profuse bleeding, hypovolemic shock, and hypotension. They are often associated with injuries elsewhere in the body. Consequently, less severe craniofacial injuries may be overlooked in the urgency to manage severe injuries elsewhere in the body.21

Specific Acute Problems with Craniofacial Injuries


Breathing may be impaired by head or chest injuries. Cough and swallowing reflexes may be impaired both by the direct injury and by brain injury.

Clinical Assessment

The Face

Bruising, lacerations, and contour deformities should be noted and recorded. Periorbital bruising (raccoon eyes) indicates a possible anterior fossa fracture. The mastoid region may show bruising (Battle’s sign) from a temporal bone fracture.

CSF leakage should be sought, although it may be hard to identify with certainty in the presence of blood and mucus. Secretion of saliva in the wounds may indicate injury to the salivary glands. Jaw movements and the muscles of facial expression are tested. The cervical spine is palpated for tenderness or deformity and the scalp for lacerations and hematomas.

By standing behind the patient with the head held back, any asymmetry of the facial prominences or deviations from the midline will be apparent.

Each facial region should be palpated systematically from the frontal bone to the mandible to specifically seek evidence of deformity or abnormal movement. Palpation of the inferior orbital margin may help differentiate isolated fractures of the zygoma (where the lateral part of the inferior rim is usually depressed) from midface pyramidal fractures or nasomaxillary fractures (where the medial aspect of the rim is depressed).

The mandible is examined with the patient’s mouth slightly open; the posterior rami, angles, lower border, and symphyseal regions are first palpated externally. Condylar movements are palpated by placing an examining finger in the external auditory meatus with the pulp directed anteriorly during active mandibular excursions. An intraoral examination is performed with a gloved finger to palpate the alveolar ridges and the hard palate. Dentoalveolar injuries are recorded on a dental chart. The anterior wall of the maxilla and the zygomaticomaxillary junctions are also palpated intraorally. Abnormal movements of the midface are elicited by grasping the maxillary alveolar ridge or pressing on the anterior hard palate (but not the incisor teeth) and applying a rocking movement while palpating the face with the free hand.

Abnormalities in dental occlusion must be noted.


Later Imaging

In general, detailed diagnostic imaging of the craniofacial injury should not be performed until a full clinical examination has been completed and a plan of investigation has been formulated. The principle investigation is CT.

Standard Radiographic Projections


Brain Injury

Craniocerebral injuries may be classified into five main clinical groups:

At all stages of care the possibility of a primary brain injury needs to be kept in mind and steps taken to minimize the risk for secondary injury:

Orbital Injury

Optic Nerve Injury

Management of traumatic optic nerve injury remains controversial, and the debate whether observation alone is better than steroids, surgical decompression, or a combination of the two remains unresolved.2936 A regimen of megadose methylprednisolone (loading dose of up to 30 mg/kg; maintenance dose of up to 5 mg/kg per hour for 72 hours) followed by a gradual reduction has been recommended37; however, the International Optic Nerve Trauma Study found no benefit from either corticosteroid therapy or optic nerve decompression.32 A Cochrane review published in 2005 noted a high rate of spontaneous recovery and concluded that traumatic optic nerve injury initially seen more than 8 hours after injury should not be treated with steroids; for those seen within 8 hours, the evidence of benefit was weak.38 Several papers have reported some good results after endoscopic decompression.33,39,40 A small study reported better results in those operated early30; however, a further Cochrane review in 2007 was unable to find sufficient evidence from the small retrospective series available and noted the risk for complications.41