Cardiovascular Clinical Assessment and Diagnostic Procedures

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Cardiovascular Clinical Assessment and Diagnostic Procedures

Mary E. Lough



Be sure to check out the bonus material, including free self-assessment exercises, on the Evolve web site at

• Identify the components of a cardiovascular history.

• Describe inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation of the patient with cardiovascular dysfunction.

• Describe the use of arterial, central venous, and pulmonary artery catheters for bedside hemodynamic monitoring.

• Compare and contrast options for measuring cardiac output: invasive versus noninvasive or minimally invasive methods.

• Outline the steps to interpret a change in Scvo2/Svo2 values.

• Illustrate the correct placement of the electrodes for accurate bedside electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring.

• Outline the steps in analyzing an ECG rhythm strip.

• Explain the significance of normal and abnormal ECG findings.

• Describe nursing actions for management of significant atrial, ventricular, and junctional dysrhythmias.

• Discuss the clinical significance of selected laboratory tests used in the assessment of cardiovascular disorders.

• Describe key diagnostic procedures used in assessment of the patient with cardiovascular dysfunction.

• Discuss the different purposes of three cardiovascular diagnostic procedures.

Physical assessment of the cardiovascular patient is a skill that must not be lost amid the technology of the critical care setting. Data collected from a thorough, thoughtful history and examination contribute to both the nursing and the medical decisions for therapeutic interventions.


The patient history is important because it provides data that contribute to the cardiovascular diagnosis and treatment plan. For a patient in acute distress, the history is curtailed to just a few questions about the patient’s chief complaint, the precipitating events, and current medications. For a patient without obvious distress, the history focuses on the following four areas:

One of the unique challenges in cardiovascular assessment is identifying when “chest pain” is of cardiac origin and when it is not. The following safety information should always be considered:

• If there is any evidence of CAD or risk of heart disease, assume that the chest pain is caused by myocardial ischemia until proven otherwise.

• Questions to elicit the nature of the chest pain cover five basic areas: quality, location, duration of pain, factors that provoke the pain, and factors that relieve the pain.

• There may be little correlation between the severity of chest discomfort and the gravity of its cause. This is a result of the subjective nature of pain and the unique presentation of ischemic disease in women, older patients, and individuals with diabetes.

• Subjective descriptors vary greatly among individuals. Not all patients use the word “pain”; some may describe “pressure,” “heaviness,” “discomfort,” or “indigestion.”

• There is not always a correlation between the location of chest discomfort and its source because of referred pain. For example, in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), esophageal spasm can cause visceral substernal chest pain that radiates to the left arm and jaw, described by patients as “heartburn.”1,2

• Other nonpainful symptoms that may signal cardiac dysfunction are dyspnea, palpitations, cough, fatigue, edema, ischemic leg pain, nocturia, syncope, and cyanosis.

In a meta-analysis of the evaluation of stable, intermittent chest pain, a patient’s description of chest pain was found to be the most important predictor of underlying coronary disease.3 In the evaluation of acute chest pain, the 12-lead electrocardiogram was the most useful bedside predictor for a diagnosis of ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).3

Physical Examination

A comprehensive physical assessment is fundamental to the achievement of an accurate diagnosis. The nurse who has developed the skills of inspection, palpation, and auscultation can be confident when assessing patients with cardiovascular disease. Percussion is not employed when assessing the cardiovascular system.


The priorities for inspection of the patient with cardiovascular dysfunction are: (1) assessing the general appearance; (2) examining the extremities; (3) estimating jugular venous distention; and (4) observing the apical impulse.

Assessing General Appearance

The face is observed for the color of the skin (i.e., cyanotic, pale, or jaundiced) and for apprehensive or painful expressions. The skin, lips, tongue, and mucous membranes are inspected for pallor or cyanosis. Central cyanosis is a bluish discoloration of the tongue and sublingual area. Multiracial studies indicate that the tongue is the most sensitive site for observation of central cyanosis, which must be recognized and treated as a medical emergency. Pulse oximetry, arterial blood gas analysis, and treatment with 100% oxygen must be instituted immediately.

The anterior thorax and posterior thorax are inspected for skeletal deformities that may displace the heart and cause cardiac compromise. The skin on the chest wall and abdomen is inspected for scars, bruises, wounds, and bulges associated with pacemaker or defibrillator implants. Respiratory rate, pattern, and effort are also observed and recorded. The abdomen is assessed for signs of distention or ascites that may be associated with right-sided heart failure. Abdominal adiposity is a known risk factor for CAD.

Body posture can indicate the amount of effort it takes to breathe. For example, sitting upright to breathe may be necessary for the patient with acute heart failure, and leaning forward may be the least painful position for the patient with pericarditis. The patient is observed for signs of confusion or lethargy that may indicate hypotension, low cardiac output (CO), or hypoxemia.

Examining the Extremities

The legs are inspected for signs of peripheral arterial or venous vascular disease. The visible signs of arterial vascular disease include pale, shiny legs with sparse hair growth. Venous disease creates an edematous limb with deep red rubor, brown discoloration, and, frequently, leg ulceration. A comparison of arterial and venous disease is presented in Table 11-1.

TABLE 11-1


Hair loss Present Absent
Skin texture Thin, shiny, dry Flaking, stasis, dermatitis, mottled
Ulceration Located at pressure points; painful, pale, dry with little drainage; well-demarcated with eschar or dried; surrounded by fibrous tissue; granulation tissue scant and pale Usually at the ankles; painless, pink, moist with large amount of drainage; irregular, dry, and scaly; surrounded by dermatitis; granulation tissue healthy
Skin color Elevational pallor, dependent rubor Brown patches, rubor, mottled cyanotic color when dependent
Nails Thick, brittle Normal
Varicose veins Absent Present
Temperature Cool Warm
Capillary refill Greater than 3 seconds Less than 3 seconds
Edema None or mild, usually unilateral Usually present foot to calf, unilateral or bilateral
Pulses Weak or absent (0 to 1+) Normal, strong, and symmetric

Modified from Krenzer ME: Peripheral vascular assessment: finding your way through arteries and veins, AACN Clin Issues 6(4):631, 1995.

The nail beds are inspected for signs of discoloration or cyanosis. Clubbing in the nail bed is a sign associated with long-standing central cyanotic heart disease or pulmonary disease with hypoxemia.4 Clubbing describes a nail that has lost the normal angle between the finger and the nail root; the nail becomes wide and convex. The terminal phalanx of the finger also becomes bulbous and swollen, sometimes described as drumstick fingers.5 Clubbing is rare. It denotes long-standing severe central cyanosis (Figure 11-1). Platelet-derived vascular endothelial growth factor is thought to play a key role in the development of clubbing.6

Peripheral cyanosis, a bluish discoloration of the nail bed, is more commonly seen. Peripheral cyanosis results from a reduction in the quantity of oxygen in the peripheral extremities from arterial disease or decreased CO. Clubbing never occurs as a result of peripheral cyanosis.

Estimating Jugular Venous Distention

The jugular veins of the neck are inspected for a noninvasive estimate of intravascular volume and pressure. The internal jugular veins are observed for jugular vein distention (JVD) (Figure 11-2 and Box 11-1). JVD is caused by an elevated central venous pressure (CVP).7 This occurs with fluid volume overload and right ventricular dysfunction, which elevates right atrial pressure.8 The right internal jugular vein can be used for measurement of CVP in centimeters of water (Figure 11-3 and Box 11-2).911

The abdominojugular reflux sign can assist with the diagnosis of right ventricular failure. This noninvasive test is used in conjunction with measurement of JVD. The procedure for assessing abdominojugular reflux is described in Box 11-3. A positive abdominojugular reflux sign is an increase in the jugular venous pressure (CVP equivalent) of 4 cm or more sustained for at least 15 seconds.12

Observing the Apical Impulse

The thoracic cage is divided with imaginary vertical lines (sternal, midclavicular, axillary, vertebral, and scapular), and the intercostal spaces are divided with horizontal lines to serve as reference points in locating or describing cardiac findings (Figure 11-4). The anterior thorax is inspected for the apical impulse, sometimes referred to as the point of maximal impulse (PMI). The apical impulse occurs as the left ventricle contracts during systole and rotates forward, causing the left ventricular apex of the heart to hit the chest wall. The apical impulse is a quick, localized, outward movement normally located just lateral to the left midclavicular line at the fifth intercostal space in the adult patient (Figure 11-5). The apical impulse is the only normal pulsation visualized on the chest wall. In the patient without cardiac disease, PMI may not be noticeable (see Figure 11-5).


The priorities for palpation of the patient with cardiovascular dysfunction are: (1) assessing arterial pulses; (2) evaluating capillary refill; (3) estimating edema; and (4) assessing for signs of deep vein thrombosis.

Assessing Arterial Pulses

Seven pairs of bilateral arterial pulses are palpated. The examination incorporates bilateral assessment of the carotid, brachial, radial, ulnar, popliteal, dorsalis pedis, and posterior tibial arteries. The pulses are palpated separately and compared bilaterally to check for consistency. Pulse volume is graded on a scale of 0 to 3+ (Box 11-4). The abdominal aortic pulse can also be palpated. If a distal pulse cannot be palpated using light finger pressure, a Doppler ultrasound stethoscope can increase diagnostic accuracy.13 It is important to mark the location of the audible signal with an indelible ink marker pen for future evaluation of pulse quality. The radial and ulnar arterial pulses must be evaluated for collateral flow before an arterial line is inserted; this test, known as the Allen test, is described in Box 11-5.

Box 11-5

Procedure for Assessment of Arterial Blood Supply to the Hand

The Allen Test

Before a radial artery is punctured or cannulated, the Allen test is performed to assess blood flow to the hand and ensure that it is adequate.

Allen Test by Visual Inspection

If the ulnar artery is patent, the color will return within 3 seconds. The patient may describe a tingling in the palm as blood flow returns. Delayed color return (a “failed” Allen test) implies that the ulnar artery is inadequate; the radial artery is the only source of blood flow to the hand and must not be punctured or cannulated.

Allen Test with Pulse Oximetry

Evaluating Capillary Refill

Capillary refill assessment is a maneuver that uses the patient’s nail beds to evaluate arterial circulation to the extremity and overall perfusion. The nail bed is compressed to produce blanching, after which release of the pressure should result in a return of blood flow and baseline nail color within 2 seconds.14 The severity of arterial insufficiency is directly proportional to the amount of time required to reestablish baseline flow and color.

Estimating Edema

Edema is fluid accumulation in the extravascular spaces of the body. The dependent tissues within the legs and sacrum are particularly susceptible. The nurse should observe whether the edema is dependent, unilateral or bilateral, pitting or nonpitting. The amount of edema is quantified by measuring the circumference of the limb or by pressing the skin of the feet, ankles, and shins against the underlying bone. Edema is a symptom associated with several diseases, and further diagnostic evaluation is required to determine the cause. Although no universal scale for pitting edema exists, one example is a 0 to 4+ system (Table 11-2).

TABLE 11-2


0 None 0 0  
1+ Trace 0-0.25 inch <6.5 mm Rapid
2+ Mild 0.25-0.5 inch 6.5-12.5 mm 6.5-12.5 mm
3+ Moderate 0.5-1 inch 12.5 mm-2.5 cm 1-2 min
4+ Severe >1 inch >2.5 cm 2-5 min



The priorities for auscultation of the patient with cardiovascular dysfunction are: (1) measuring blood pressure; (2) detecting orthostatic hypotension; (3) measuring pulse pressure (4) detecting pulsus paradoxus; (5) assessing normal heart sounds; and (6) identifying abnormal heart sounds, murmurs, and pericardial rubs.

Measuring Blood Pressure

Blood pressure measurement is an essential component of every complete physical examination. Hypertension is diagnosed as a systolic blood pressure (SBP) of 140 mm Hg or higher, or a diastolic blood pressure (DBP) of 90 mm Hg or above.15 Prehypertension is defined as an SBP in the range of 120 to 139 mm Hg in association with a DBP between 80 to 89 mm Hg.15,16 The incidence of hypertension in the United States has increased dramatically as a result of an aging population and an increasing prevalence of obesity. During the period from 1999 to 2000, 65 million adults in the United States were hypertensive, compared with 50 million in 1988 through 1994—an increase of 30%.17 Risk of hypertension increases with older age. More than 90% of people who have a normal blood pressure at 55 years of age eventually develop hypertension, according to findings from the Framingham Heart Study.16

In the critical care setting, systemic blood pressure can be measured directly or indirectly. Arterial monitoring devices that directly measure arterial pressure by means of an invasive catheter technique are considered the gold standard.18 Accurate use of a stethoscope and sphygmomanometer or electronic measuring devices can produce indirect blood pressure values that closely reflect direct measurements.19

Detecting Orthostatic Hypotension

When a healthy person stands, 10% to 15% of the blood volume is pooled in the legs; this reduces venous return to the right side of the heart, which decreases CO and lowers arterial blood pressure.20 The fall in blood pressure activates baroreceptors; the subsequent reflex increase in sympathetic outflow and parasympathetic inhibition leads to peripheral vasoconstriction, with increased heart rate and contractility.20 Postural (orthostatic) hypotension occurs when the SBP drops 10 to 20 mm Hg or the diastolic BP drops 5 mm Hg after a change from the supine to the upright posture.20,21 It is usually accompanied by complaints of dizziness, lightheadedness, or syncope. If a patient experiences these symptoms, it is important to complete a full set of postural vital signs before increasing the patient’s activity level (Box 11-6). Orthostatic hypotension can have many causes. The three most common causes of orthostatic vital sign changes (i.e., drop in blood pressure and rise in heart rate) observed in critical care are:

Measuring Pulse Pressure

Pulse pressure describes the difference between the systolic and diastolic blood pressure values. The normal pulse pressure is 40 mm Hg (i.e., the difference between an SBP of 120 mm Hg and a DBP of 80 mm Hg). In the critically ill patient, a low blood pressure is frequently associated with a narrow pulse pressure. For example, a patient with a blood pressure of 90/72 mm Hg has a pulse pressure of 18 mm Hg. The narrowed pulse pressure is a temporary compensatory mechanism caused by arterial vasoconstriction resulting from volume depletion or heart failure. The narrow pulse pressure ensures that the MAP (78 mm Hg in this example) remains in a therapeutic range to provide adequate organ perfusion.

In contrast, a hypotensive septic patient who exhibits vasodilation will have a wide pulse pressure and inadequate organ perfusion. If the blood pressure is 90/36 mm Hg, the pulse pressure is 54 mm Hg, and the MAP calculates to an inadequate 54 mm Hg. In both of these examples, the SBP is the same (90 mm Hg); the difference in pulse pressure is a function of intravascular volume and vascular tone.

Detecting Pulsus Paradoxus

In normal physiology, the strength of the pulse fluctuates throughout the respiratory cycle. When the “pulse” is measured using the SBP, the pressure is observed to decrease slightly during inspiration and to rise slightly during respiratory exhalation. The normal difference is 2 to 4 mm Hg.8 One exception is cardiac tamponade, where the blood pressure decline is abnormally large during inspiration. In general, an inspiratory decline of SBP greater than 10 mm Hg is considered diagnostic of pulsus paradoxus.2224 The traditional technique for measuring pulsus paradoxus using a sphygmomanometer and a blood pressure cuff18 and pulse oximetry2224 is described in Box 11-7.18 If the patient is hypotensive, pulsus paradoxus is more accurately assessed in the critical care unit by monitoring a pulse oximetry waveform or an indwelling arterial catheter waveform.2224

Assessing Normal Heart Sounds

Auscultation of the heart is the most challenging part of the cardiac physical examination, and, in an era of increasing technological demands, it is daunting to new clinicians.25 To summarize the advice given by most experts, the examiner must do the following:

First and Second Heart Sounds.

Normal heart sounds are referred to as the first heart sound (S1) and the second heart sound (S2). S1 is the sound associated with mitral and tricuspid valve closure and is heard most clearly in the mitral and tricuspid areas. S2 (aortic and pulmonic closure) can be heard best at the second intercostal space to the right and left of the sternum (see Figure 11-5). Both sounds are high-pitched and heard best with the diaphragm of the stethoscope (Box 11-8). Each sound is loudest in an auscultation area located downstream from the actual valvular component of the sound, as shown in Figure 11-6.

Pathological Splitting of S1 and S2.

A variety of abnormalities can alter the intensity and timing of split heart sounds. For example, during auscultation in the pulmonic area, a pathological split is audible with a stethoscope if the pulmonic valve closure occurs after the aortic valve closure. Pathological splitting of S1 and S2 is associated with specific cardiovascular conditions such as pulmonary hypertension, pulmonic stenosis, right ventricular failure, and with electrical conduction disturbances such as right bundle branch block and premature ventricular contractions.

Identifying Abnormal Heart Sounds, Murmurs, and Pericardial Rubs

Third and Fourth Heart Sounds.

The abnormal heart sounds are known as the third heart sound (S3) and the fourth heart sound (S4); they are referred to as gallops when auscultated during an episode of tachycardia. These low-pitched sounds occur during diastole and are best heard with the bell of the stethoscope positioned lightly over the apical impulse. The characteristics of S3 and S4 are detailed in Box 11-9. The presence of S3 may be normal in children, young adults, and pregnant women because of rapid filling of the ventricle in a young, healthy heart.28 However, an S3 in the presence of cardiac symptoms is an indicator of heart failure in a noncompliant ventricle with fluid overload.29 Not unexpectedly, the development of an S3 heart sound is strongly associated with elevated levels of brain natriuretic peptide (BNP).29,30

Auscultation of an S4 also leads the examiner to suspect heart failure and decreased ventricular compliance. An S4, also referred to as an atrial gallop, occurs at the end of diastole (just before S1), when the ventricle is full. The sound is associated with atrial contraction, also called atrial kick.

Heart Murmurs.

Heart valve murmurs are prolonged extra sounds that occur during systole or diastole. Murmurs are produced by turbulent blood flow through the chambers of the heart, which results in vibrations that occur during systole or diastole. Most murmurs are caused by structural cardiac changes. The steps to effectively and accurately auscultate for cardiac murmurs are listed in Box 11-10. Murmurs are characterized by specific criteria:

Box 11-10

Technique of Auscultation of Heart Sounds and Murmurs

1. Stethoscope

• Diaphragm

Larger surface area

Brings out higher frequency and filters out low frequency

Use for listening to S1/S2 (split S1/S2), loud murmurs, pericardial friction rubs

• Bell

Smaller surface area

Filters out high-frequency sounds and accentuates low-frequency sounds

Rest lightly on area (or else it becomes a diaphragm)

2. Location: heart sounds auscultated at APTM
A: aortic area (second right ICS along sternal border)
P: pulmonic area (second left ICS along sternal border)
T: tricuspid area (fourth left ICS along sternal border)
M: mitral area (fifth ICS at MCL)

3. “Know your bases”

• Base of the heart refers to the right and left second ICS beside the sternum S2 where the aortic or pulmonic sounds are auscultated

• Apex or left ventricular area refers to the fifth ICS along the MCL

Most commonly referred to as the PMI

Also referred to as the mitral area

S1 and mitral sounds are loudest here

• Erb’s point: second aortic area (third left ICS along sternal border); pericardial friction rubs are heard best here

4. Palpation

• Location

• Palpate carotid pulse (or watch ECG to identify S1 and S2)

5. Be quiet and patient!

• Listen for S1 and S2 first, ignoring all other sounds

• Inching technique

• After you are sure which is S1 or S2, try to determine when the other sound comes in

• Is it systolic or diastolic?

• S3 and S4 are best heard with patient in left lateral decubitus position. Notice the location (suggests origin of sound)

• Notice the timing (S4 comes just before S1, and S3 comes just after S2)

6. Interpret the sounds based on the clinical condition

ECG, electrocardiogram; ICS, intercostal space; MCL, midclavicular line; PMI, point of maximal impulse.

Pericardial Friction Rub.

A pericardial friction rub is a sound that can occur within 2 to 7 days after a myocardial infarction. The friction rub results from pericardial inflammation (pericarditis). Classically, a pericardia friction rub is a grating or scratching sound that is both systolic and diastolic, corresponding with cardiac motion within the pericardial sac. It is often associated with chest pain, which can be aggravated by deep inspiration, coughing, swallowing, and changing position. It is important to differentiate pericarditis from acute myocardial ischemia, and the detection of a pericardial friction rub through auscultation can assist in this differentiation, leading to effective diagnosis and treatment.

Bedside Hemodynamic Monitoring

Hemodynamic monitoring is at a critical juncture. The technology that launched invasive hemodynamic monitoring is more than 30 years old, and the search to find viable replacement monitoring technologies that are minimal or noninvasive is intense. This has created a new challenge in critical care. Although the use of invasive therapies is declining, they are still employed for hemodynamically unstable patients. Critical care nurses must be knowledgeable about traditional hemodynamic monitoring methods and be able to apply established physiological principles in new situations. As the technology evolves, the critical care nurse will apply the same physiological principles to the new methods to ensure safety and optimal outcomes for each patient.


A traditional hemodynamic monitoring system has four component parts, as shown in Figure 11-7 and described in the following list:

Although many different types of invasive catheters can be inserted to monitor hemodynamic pressures, all such catheters are connected to similar equipment (see Figure 11-7). Even so, there remains considerable variation in the way different hospitals configure their hemodynamic systems. The basic setup consists of the following:


The use of the anticoagulant heparin added to the normal saline (NS) flush setup to maintain catheter patency remains controversial. A systematic review of the literature showed that a heparinized flush solution is associated with a longer duration of catheter patency.31 Other units do not use heparin because of concern about development of the autoimmune condition known as heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT). This is sometimes described as a “heparin allergy” and, when present, is associated with a dramatic drop in platelet count, and thrombus formation. Some trials have not found platelet counts or catheter duration to be influenced by heparin.32,33 If heparin is used in the flush infusion, monitoring the trend in the platelet count is recommended.34

The flush solutions and tubing are usually changed every 72 to 96 hours. There is variety; some hospitals change flush solutions every 24 hours. For this reason, it is essential to be familiar with the specific written procedures that concern hemodynamic monitoring equipment in each critical care unit.

Calibrating Hemodynamic Monitoring Equipment

To ensure accuracy of hemodynamic pressure readings, two baseline measurements are necessary:

Zeroing the Transducer.

To calibrate the equipment to atmospheric pressure, referred to as zeroing the transducer, the three-way stopcock nearest to the transducer is turned simultaneously to open the transducer to air (atmospheric pressure) and to close it to the patient and the flush system. The monitor is adjusted so that “0” is displayed, which equals atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric pressure is not zero; it is 760 mm Hg at sea level. Using zero to represent current atmospheric pressure provides a convenient baseline for hemodynamic measurement purposes.

Some monitors also require calibration of the upper scale limit while the system remains open to air. At the end of the calibration procedure, the stopcock is returned to the closed position and a closed cap is placed over the open port. At this point, the patient’s waveform and hemodynamic pressures are displayed.

Disposable transducers are very accurate, and after they are calibrated to atmospheric pressure, drift from the zero baseline is minimal. Although in theory this means that repeated calibration is unnecessary, clinical protocols in most units require the nurse to calibrate the transducer at the beginning of each shift for quality assurance.

Phlebostatic Axis.

The phlebostatic axis is an external physical reference point on the chest that is used to ensure consistent transducer height placement. To obtain the axis, a theoretic line is drawn from the fourth intercostal space (ICS), where it joins the sternum to a midaxillary line on the side of the chest. The midaxillary line is one half of the anteroposterior (AP) depth of the lateral chest wall.35 This line approximates the level of the atria, as shown in Figure 11-7. The phlebostatic axis is used as the reference mark for central venous pressure (CVP) and pulmonary artery catheter transducers. The level of the transducer approximates the level of the tip of an invasive hemodynamic monitoring catheter within the chest.

Leveling the Transducer.

Leveling the transducer is different from zeroing. This process aligns the transducer with the level of the left atrium. The purpose is to line up the air-fluid interface with the left atrium to correct for changes in hydrostatic pressure in blood vessels above and below the level of the heart.35

A carpenter’s level or laser-light level can be used to ensure that the transducer is parallel with the phlebostatic axis reference point. When there is a change in the patient’s position, the transducer must be leveled again to ensure accurate hemodynamic pressure measurements are obtained.35 Errors in measurement can occur if the transducer is placed above or below the phlebostatic axis.36 If the transducer is placed below this level, the fluid in the system weighs on the transducer, creating additional hydrostatic pressure, to produce a falsely high reading. For every inch the transducer is below the tip of the catheter, the fluid pressure in the system increases the measurement by 1.87 mm Hg. For example, if the transducer is positioned 6 inches below the tip of the catheter, this falsely elevates the displayed pressure by 11 mm Hg.

If the transducer is placed above this atrial level, gravity and lack of fluid pressure will give an erroneously low reading. For every inch the transducer is positioned above the catheter tip, the measurement is 1.87 mm Hg less than the true value. If several clinicians are taking measurements, the reference point can be marked on the side of the patient’s chest to ensure accurate measurements.35 The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) has an audit tool on their website that can be downloaded to assess whether all appropriate quality assurance measures for accurate hemodynamic monitoring have been followed.37

Recognizing Normal Hemodynamic Values

Once the system is correctly calibrated, the clinical team uses the known normal values as a reference when evaluating the patient’s hemodynamic response to therapeutic interventions.

Accommodating Changes in Patient Position

Position of the hemodynamically monitored patient would not be an issue if critical care patients only lay flat in the bed. However, lying flat is not always a comfortable position, especially if the patient is alert or if the head of the bed needs to be elevated to decrease the work of breathing.

Head-of-Bed Position.

Nurse researchers have determined that the CVP, pulmonary artery pressure (PAP), and pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP, also called pulmonary artery wedge pressure [PAWP]) can be reliably measured at head-of-bed positions from 0 (flat) to 60 degrees if the patient is lying on his or her back (supine).35 If the patient is normovolemic and hemodynamically stable, raising the head of the bed usually does not affect hemodynamic pressure measurements. If the patient is so hemodynamically unstable or hypovolemic that raising the angle of the head of the bed negatively affects intravascular volume distribution, the first priority is to correct the hemodynamic instability and leave the patient in a supine position. In summary, most patients do not need the head of the bed to be lowered to 0 degrees (flat) to obtain accurate CVP, PAP, or PAOP readings.

Lateral Position.

The landmarks for leveling the transducer are different if the patient is turned to the side. Researchers have evaluated hemodynamic pressure measurement readings with patients positioned in 30- and 90-degree lateral positions, with the head of the bed flat. The following transducer landmarks are recommended to achieve reliable measurements:35

It is important to know that measurements can be recorded in lateral positions, because critically ill patients must be turned to prevent development of pressure ulcers and other complications of immobility.

Establishing Safe Monitor Alarm Limits

All bedside hemodynamic monitoring systems have alarm limits that are preset to ensure patient safety. The alarms must be sufficiently distinctive and audible to be heard over the noise of a typical critical care unit. Patient safety guidelines are designed to promote clinical alarm goals. Some clinical situations create special challenges with respect to alarm safety. Nursing care actions that cause the patient to move in the bed will often trigger the alarms. Temporarily silencing the sound for 1 to 3 minutes while continuing to observe the bedside monitor is appropriate. The real challenge occurs when a patient is restless or fidgeting with IV tubing or electrodes, resulting in the alarms bring constantly triggered because the monitor is unable to evaluate the ECG rhythms and hemodynamic waveforms effectively. It is tempting to silence these “nuisance alarms” permanently. The alarms should not be turned off, however, because the patient is left in a vulnerable position if a dysrhythmia or hemodynamic complication arises. Clinical interventions to ameliorate the root cause of the problem (e.g., restlessness) are more appropriate. Education of nurses about the risk of becoming desensitized to the sound of beside alarms is also important.38 Key issues concerning monitor alarms are presented in the Patient Safety Priorities box on Clinical Alarms.

imagePatient Safety Priorities

Clinical Alarms

Clinical Alarm System Effectiveness

Clinical Alarm Safety

Alarm Identification

Disabling and Silencing Alarms


Battery units should initiate an alarm before a unit stops working effectively.

Alarm Limits

Data from and Critical alarms and patient safety; ECRI’s guide to developing effective alarm strategies and responding to JCAHO’s alarm-safety goal, Health Devices 31(11):397–412, 2002; O’Grady NP, et al: Guidelines for the prevention of intravascular catheter-related infections, Am J Infect Control 30(8):476, 2002; Boyce JM, et al: Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Health-Care Settings. Recommendations of the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee and the HIPAC/SHEA/APIC/IDSA Hand Hygiene Task Force, Am J Infect Control 30(8):S1, 2002. Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Implement the Central Line Bundle (website) (accessed January 2011).

Solving Hemodynamic Equipment Problems