Cancer Genetics

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CHAPTER 14 Cancer Genetics

Cell biology and molecular genetics have revolutionized our understanding of cancer in recent years; all cancer is a genetic disease of somatic cells because of aberrant cell division or loss of normal programmed cell death, but a small proportion is strongly predisposed by inherited germline mutations behaving as mendelian traits. However, this does not contradict our traditional understanding that, for many cancers, environmental factors are etiologically important, whereas heredity plays a lesser role. The latter is certainly true of the ‘industrial cancers’, which result from prolonged exposure to carcinogenic chemicals. Examples include cancer of the skin in tar workers, cancer of the bladder in aniline dye workers, angiosarcoma of the liver in process workers making polyvinyl chloride, and cancer of the lung (mesothelioma) in asbestos workers. Even so, for those who have been exposed to these substances and are unfortunate enough to suffer, it is possible that a significant proportion may have a genetic predisposition to the activity of the carcinogen. The link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer (as well as some other cancers) has been recognized for nearly half a century, but not all smokers develop a tobacco-related malignancy. Studies have shown that smokers with short chromosome telomeres (p. 31) appear to be at substantially greater risk for tobacco-related cancers than people with short telomeres who have never smoked, or smokers who have long telomeres, and another gene variant has been found to be more frequent in non-smokers who developed lung cancer.

The recognition that a number of rare cancer-predisposing syndromes, as well as a small but significant proportion of common cancers having a hereditary basis, has led over the past 25 years to an explosion in our understanding of the genetic basis and cellular biology of cancer in humans. As a general principle, it is now clear that cancers arise as the end result of an accumulation of both inherited and somatic mutations in proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. A third class of genes—the DNA mismatch repair genes—are also important because their inactivation is thought to contribute to the genesis of mutations in other genes directly affecting the survival and proliferation of cells. Germline mutations in at least 70 genes, and somatic mutations in at least 350 genes are known to contribute to the total burden of human cancer.

Differentiation between Genetic and Environmental Factors in Cancer

In many cancers, the differentiation between genetic and environmental etiological factors is not always obvious. In the majority of cancers in humans, there is no clear-cut mode of inheritance, nor is there any clearly defined environmental cause. In certain of the common cancers, such as breast and bowel, genetic factors play an important, but not exclusive, role in the etiology. Evidence to help differentiate environmental and genetic factors can come from a combination of epidemiological, family and twin studies, disease associations, biochemical factors, and animal studies.

Epidemiological Studies

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Reproductive and menstrual histories are well-recognized risk factors. Women who have borne children have a lower risk of developing breast cancer than nulliparous women. In addition, the younger the age at which a woman has her first pregnancy, the lower her risk of developing breast cancer; the later the age at menarche, the lower the breast cancer risk.

The incidence of breast cancer varies greatly between different populations, being highest in women in North America and Western Europe, and up to eight times lower in women of Japanese and Chinese origin. Although these differences could be attributed to genetic differences between these population groups, study of immigrant populations moving from an area with a low incidence to one with a high incidence has shown that the risk of developing breast cancer rises with time to that of the native population, supporting the view that non-genetic factors are highly significant. Some of this changing risk may be accounted for by epigenetic factors (see the following section).

It has long been recognized that people from lower socioeconomic groups have an increased risk of developing gastric cancer. Specific dietary irritants, such as salts and preservatives, or potential environmental agents, such as nitrates, have been suggested as possible carcinogens. Gastric cancer also shows variations in incidence in different populations, being up to eight times more common in Japanese and Chinese populations than in those of western European origin. Migration studies have shown that the risk of gastric cancer for immigrants from high-risk populations does not fall to that of the native low-risk population until two to three generations later. It has been suggested previously that this could be due to exposure to environmental factors at an early critical age. This may include early infection with Helicobacter pylori, which causes chronic gastric inflammation, and is associated with a five- to sixfold increased gastric cancer risk.

Biochemical Factors

Biochemical factors can determine the susceptibility to environmental carcinogens. Examples include the association between slow-acetylator status and debrisoquine metabolizer status (p. 187) and a predisposition to bladder cancer, as well as glutathione S-transferase activity, which influences the risk of developing lung cancer in smokers.

Viral Factors

Animal studies undertaken by Peyton Rous early in the twentieth century, among others, showed that transmission of a tumor was possible in the absence of body cells. Bittner later showed that susceptibility to breast tumors in certain strains of mice depended on a combination of genetic factors as well as a transmissible factor present in the milk, known as the ‘milk agent’. In high-incidence strains, both genetic susceptibility and the milk agent are involved, but in low-incidence strains there is no milk agent. By using foster mothers from cancer-free strains to suckle newborn mice from strains with a high cancer susceptibility, it was possible to reduce the incidence of breast cancer from 100% to less than 50%. Conversely, an increased incidence was observed in cancer-free strains by suckling the newborn mice with foster mothers from high cancer-prone strains. The milk agent was shown to be a virus that was usually transmitted by the mother’s milk, but could also be transmitted by the father’s sperm.

Subsequent studies have shown that certain viruses are tumor-forming or oncogenic in humans. A limited number of DNA viruses are associated with certain types of human tumors (Table 14.1), whereas a variety of RNA viruses, or retroviruses, cause neoplasia in animals. The study of the genetics and replicative processes of oncogenic retroviruses has revealed some of the cellular biological processes involved in carcinogenesis.

Table 14.1 Human DNA Viruses Implicated in Carcinogenesis

Virus Family Type Tumor
Papova Papilloma (HPV) Warts (plantar and genital), urogenital cancers (cervical, vulval, and penile), skin cancer
Herpes Epstein-Barr (EBV) Burkitt lymphoma,* nasopharyngeal carcinoma, lymphomas in immunocompromised hosts
Hepadna Hepatitis B (HBV) Hepatocellular carcinomaa

* For full oncogenicity, ‘co-carcinogens’ are necessary (e.g., aflatoxin B1 in hepatitis B–associated hepatocellular carcinoma).


Oncogenes are the altered forms of normal genes—proto-oncogenes—that have key roles in cell growth and differentiation pathways. In normal mammalian cells are sequences of DNA that are homologous to viral oncogenes; these that are named proto-oncogenes or cellular oncogenes. Although the terms proto-oncogene and cellular oncogene are often used interchangeably, strictly speaking proto-oncogene is reserved for the normal gene and cellular oncogene, or c-onc, refers to a mutated proto-oncogene, which has oncogenic properties such as the viral oncogenes, or v-onc. At least 50 oncogenes have been identified.

Identification of Oncogenes

Oncogenes have been identified by two types of cytogenetic finding in association with certain types of leukemia and tumor in humans. These include the location of oncogenes at chromosomal translocation breakpoints, or their amplification in double-minute chromosomes or homogeneously staining regions of chromosomes (p. 212). In addition, a number of oncogenes have also been identified by the ability of tumor DNA to induce tumors in vitro by DNA transfection.

Identification of Oncogenes at Chromosomal Translocation Breakpoints

Chromosome aberrations are common in malignant cells, which often show marked variation in chromosome number and structure. Certain chromosomes seemed to be more commonly involved and it was initially thought that these changes were secondary to the transformed state rather than causal. This attitude changed when evidence suggested that chromosomal structural changes, often translocations (p. 44), resulted in rearrangements within or adjacent to proto-oncogenes. It has been found that chromosomal translocations can lead to novel chimeric genes with altered biochemical function or level of proto-oncogene activity. There are numerous examples of both types, of which chronic myeloid leukemia is an example of the former and Burkitt lymphoma an example of the latter.

Chronic myeloid leukemia

In 1960, investigators in Philadelphia were the first to describe an abnormal chromosome in white blood cells from patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). The abnormal chromosome, referred to as the Philadelphia, or Ph1, chromosome, is an acquired abnormality found in blood or bone marrow cells but not in other tissues from these patients. The Ph1 is a tiny chromosome that is now known to be a chromosome 22 from which long arm material has been reciprocally translocated to and from the long arm of chromosome 9 (Figure 14.2), i.e., t(9;22)(q34;q11). This chromosomal rearrangement is seen in 90% of those with CML. This translocation has been found to transfer the cellular ABL (Abelson) oncogene from chromosome 9 into a region of chromosome 22 known as the breakpoint cluster, or BCR, region, resulting in a chimeric transcript derived from both the c-ABL (70%) and the BCR genes. This results in a chimeric gene expressing a fusion protein consisting of the BCR protein at the amino end and ABL protein at the carboxy end, which is associated with transforming activity.

Oncogene Amplification

Proto-oncogenes can also be activated by the production of multiple copies of the gene or what is known as gene amplification, a mechanism known to have survival value when cells encounter environmental stress. For example, when leukemic cells are exposed to the chemotherapeutic agent methotrexate, the cells acquire resistance to the drug by making multiple copies of the gene for dihydrofolate reductase, the target enzyme for methotrexate.

Gene amplification can increase the number of copies of the oncogene per cell up to several hundred times, leading to greater amounts of the corresponding oncoprotein. In mammals the amplified sequence of DNA in tumor cells can be recognized by the presence of small extra chromosomes known as double-minute chromosomes or homogeneously staining regions of the chromosomes. These changes are seen in approximately 10% of tumors and are often present more commonly in the later rather than the early stages of the malignant process.

Amplification of specific proto-oncogenes appears to be a feature of certain tumors and is frequently seen with the MYC family of genes. For example, N-MYC is amplified in approximately 30% of neuroblastomas, but in advanced cases the proportion rises to 50%, where gene amplification can be up to 1000-fold. Human small cell carcinomas of the lung also show amplification of MYC, N-MYC, and L-MYC.

Amplification of ERB-B2, MYC, and cyclin D1 is a feature in 20% of breast carcinomas, where it has been suggested that it correlates with a number of well-established prognostic factors such as lymph node status, estrogen and progestogen receptor status, tumor size, and histological grade.

Function of Oncogenes

Cancers have characteristics that indicate, at the cellular level, loss of the normal function of oncogene products consistent with a role in the control of cellular proliferation and differentiation in the process known as signal transduction. Signal transduction is a complex multistep pathway from the cell membrane, through the cytoplasm to the nucleus, involving a variety of types of proto-oncogene product involved in positive and negative feedback loops necessary for accurate cell proliferation and differentiation (Figure 14.3).

Proto-oncogenes have been highly conserved during evolution, being present in a variety of different species, indicating that the protein products they encode are likely to have essential biological functions. Proto-oncogenes act in three main ways in the process of signal transduction: (1) through phosphorylation of serine, threonine, and tyrosine residues of proteins by the transfer of phosphate groups from ATP; this leads to alteration of the configuration activating the kinase activity of proteins and generating docking sites for target proteins, resulting in signal transduction; (2) through guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) that function as molecular switches through the guanosine diphosphate–guanosine triphosphate (GDP–GTP) cycle as intermediates relaying the transduction signal from membrane-associated tyrosine kinases to serine threonine kinases; this includes the RAS family of proto-oncogenes; or (3) through proteins located in the nucleus that control progress through the cell cycle, DNA replication, and the expression of genes.

Types of Oncogene

Growth Factors

The transition of a cell from G0 to the start of the cell cycle (p. 39) is governed by substances called growth factors. Growth factors stimulate cells to grow by binding to growth factor receptors. The best known oncogene that acts as a growth factor is the v-SIS oncogene, which encodes part of the biologically active platelet-derived growth factor B subunit. When v-SIS oncoprotein is added to the NIH 3T3 cultures, the cells are transformed, behaving like neoplastic cells; that is, their growth rate increases and they lose contact inhibition. In vivo they form tumors when injected into nude mice. Oncogene products showing homology to fibroblast growth factors include HST and INT-2, which are amplified in stomach cancers and in malignant melanomas, respectively.

Cell-Cycle Factors

Cancer cells can increase in number by increased growth and division, or accumulate through decreased cell death. In vivo, most cells are in a non-dividing state. Progress through the cell cycle (p. 39) is regulated at two points: one in G1 when a cell becomes committed to DNA synthesis in the S phase, and another in G2 for cell division in the M (mitosis) phase, through factors known as cyclin-dependent kinases. Abnormalities in regulation of the cell cycle through growth factors, growth factor receptors, GTPases or nuclear proteins, or loss of inhibitory factors lead to activation of the cyclin-dependent kinases, such as cyclin D1, resulting in cellular transformation with uncontrolled cell division. Alternatively, loss of the factors that lead to normal programmed cell death, a process known as apoptosis (p. 85), can result in the accumulation of cells through prolonged cell survival as a mechanism of development of some tumors. Activation of the bcl-2 oncogene through chromosomal rearrangements is associated with inhibition of apoptosis, leading to certain types of lymphoma.

Tumor Suppressor Genes

Although the study of oncogenes has revealed much about the cellular biology of the somatic genetic events in the malignant process, the study of hereditary cancer in humans has revealed the existence of what are known as tumor suppressor genes, which constitute the largest group of cloned hereditary cancer genes.

Studies carried out by Harris and colleagues in the late 1960s, which involved fusion of malignant cells with non-malignant cells in culture, resulted in the suppression of the malignant phenotype in the hybrid cells. The recurrence of the malignant phenotype with loss of certain chromosomes from the hybrid cells suggested that normal cells contain a gene(s) with tumor suppressor activity that, if lost or inactive, can lead to malignancy and was acting like a recessive trait. Such genes were initially referred to as anti-oncogenes. This term was considered inappropriate because anti-oncogenes do not oppose the action of the oncogenes and are more correctly known as tumor suppressor genes. The paradigm for our understanding of the biology of tumor suppressor genes is the eye tumor retinoblastoma. It is important to appreciate, however, that a germline mutation in a tumor suppressor gene (as with an oncogene) does not by itself provoke carcinogenesis: further somatic mutation at one or more loci is necessary and environmental factors, such as ionizing radiation, may be significant in the process. At least 20 tumor suppressor genes have been identified.


Retinoblastoma (Rb) is a relatively rare, highly malignant, childhood cancer of the developing retinal cells of the eye that usually occurs before the age of 5 years (Figure 14.4). If diagnosed and treated at an early stage, it is associated with a good long-term outcome.

Rb can occur either sporadically, the so-called non-hereditary form, or be familial, the so-called hereditary form, which is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. Non-hereditary cases usually involve only one eye, whereas hereditary cases can be unilateral but are more commonly bilateral or occur in more than one site in one eye (i.e., are multifocal). The familial form also tends to present at an earlier age than the sporadic form.

‘Two-Hit’ Hypothesis

In 1971, Knudson carried out an epidemiological study of a large number of cases of both types of Rb and advanced a ‘two-hit’ hypothesis to explain the occurrence of this rare tumor in patients with and without a positive family history. He proposed that affected individuals with a positive family history had inherited one non-functional gene that was present in all cells of the individual, known as a germline mutation, with the second gene at the same locus becoming inactivated somatically in a developing retinal cell (Figure 14.5). The occurrence of a second mutation was likely given the large number of retinal cells, explaining the autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. This would also explain the observation that in hereditary Rb the tumors were often bilateral and multifocal. In contrast, in the non-heritable or sporadic form, two inactivating somatic mutations would need to occur independently in the same retinoblast cell (see Figure 14.5), which was much less likely to occur, explaining the fact that tumors in these patients were often unilateral and unifocal, and usually occurred at a later age than in the hereditary form. Hence, although the hereditary form of Rb follows an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance, at the molecular level it is recessive because a tumor occurs only after the loss of both alleles.

It was also recognized, however, that approximately 5% of children presenting with Rb had other physical abnormalities along with developmental concerns. Detailed cytogenetic analysis of blood samples from these children revealed some of them to have an interstitial deletion involving the long arm of one of their number 13 chromosome pair. Comparison of the regions deleted revealed a common ‘smallest region of overlap’ involving the sub-band 13q14 (Figure 14.6). The detection of a specific chromosomal region involved in the etiology of these cases of Rb suggested that it could also be the locus involved in the autosomal dominant familial form of Rb. Family studies using a polymorphic enzyme, esterase D, which had previously been mapped to that region, rapidly confirmed linkage of the hereditary form of Rb to that locus.