Breathing systems and their components

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Chapter 5 Breathing systems and their components


• Breathing systems. In this chapter the term breathing system may be used to describe both the apparatus and the mode of operation by which medical gasses and inhalational agents are delivered to the patient, i.e. a ‘Mapleson D type breathing system’ (mode of operation) would describe the mode of operation of a ‘Bain breathing system’ (apparatus). The term breathing circuit seems to have reappeared also in this context in current anaesthetic literature. However, strictly speaking, a circuit refers to apparatus that allows recirculation of medical gasses and vapours and does not accurately describe other pieces of apparatus used for medical gas delivery

• Rebreathing. Rebreathing in anaesthetic systems now conventionally refers to the rebreathing of some or all of the previously exhaled gasses, including carbon dioxide and water vapour. (Rebreathing apparatus in other spheres, e.g. fire fighting and underwater diving, has always referred to the recirculation of expired gas suitably purified and with the oxygen content restored or increased.)

• Apparatus dead space. This refers to that volume within the apparatus that may contain exhaled patient gas and which will be rebreathed at the beginning of a subsequent inspiratory breath (Fig. 5.1).

• Functional dead space. Some systems may well have a smaller ‘functional’ dead space owing to the flushing effect of a continuous fresh gas stream at the end of expiration replacing exhaled gas in the apparatus dead space (Fig. 5.2).

Classification of breathing systems

These may be classified according to function:

Non-rebreathing systems

The simplest way to deliver a consistent fresh gas supply to a patient is with a system that utilizes a non-rebreathing valve (or valves).

Fresh gas enters the system via an inspiratory limb (Fig 5.3A). This is a length of hosing that has a sufficiently wide bore to minimize any resistance to airflow. It is reinforced so as to prevent collapse from sub-atmospheric pressure either by manufacturing it with corrugations or by bonding a reinforcing spiral onto the outside of the hose. Both of these methods also allow the tube to bend without kinking. The fresh gas entering is either sucked in by the patient’s inspiratory effort or blown in during controlled ventilation and enters the non-rebreathing valve. This valve is so constructed that when it opens to admit inspiratory gas, it occludes the expiratory limb of the system (see Fig. 5.3A). When the patient exhales, the reverse occurs, i.e. the valve mechanism moves to occlude the inspiratory limb and opens the expiratory limb to allow expired gasses to escape (Fig. 5.3B).

The inspiratory limb usually includes a bag (1.5–2 litres capacity) that acts as a reservoir for fresh gas. This reservoir contains enough gas to cope with the intermittent high demand that occurs at inspiration. For example, a patient breathing normally (with a minute volume of 7 litres) may well have a tidal volume of 500 ml inhaled over approximately 1 s. This produces an average inspiratory flow rate (not peak flow rate) of 30 l min−1. Without this reservoir in the system, the fresh gas flow rate would have to at least match this figure (probably more, to match the patient’s peak inspiratory flow rate) in order to avoid respiratory embarrassment.

The reservoir bag is refilled with fresh gas during the expiratory phase. It can also be compressed manually to provide assisted or controlled respiration since the non-rebreathing valve works equally effectively in this mode as it does for spontaneous respiration.

In the non-rebreathing system described, the fresh gas flow rate must not be less than the minute volume required by the patient.

Systems where rebreathing is possible

A miscellany of breathing systems was developed by early pioneers (largely intuitively) that allowed the to-and-fro movement of inspiratory and expiratory gasses within the breathing system. Carbon dioxide elimination was achieved by the flushing action of fresh gas introduced into this breathing system, rather than by separation of the inspiratory and expiratory gas mixtures by a non-rebreathing valve as described above. As it is mainly the flushing effect of fresh gas that eliminates carbon dioxide, these systems retain the potential for rebreathing of carbon dioxide when fresh gas flow rates are reduced.

Mapleson (1954) classified these systems (A to E) according to their efficiency in eliminating carbon dioxide during spontaneous respiration. An F system, the Jackson Rees modification of system E (Ayre’s T-piece), was later added to the classification by Willis (1975), (see below).

Mapleson’s classification of breathing systems

Fig. 5.4 illustrates a modified Mapleson classification of breathing systems. These all contain similar components but are assembled in different sequences in order to be used more conveniently in specific circumstances. However, as a result, the efficiency of each system is different. They are catalogued in order (A, B, C, D, E, F) of increased requirement of fresh gas flow to prevent rebreathing during spontaneous respiration. System A requires. 0.8–1 times the patient’s minute ventilation, B and C require 1.5–2 times the patient’s minute ventilation and systems D, E and F (all functionally similar) require 2–3 times the patient’s minute ventilation to prevent rebreathing during spontaneous respiration.

Working principles of breathing systems

Mapleson A breathing system

The Mapleson A system illustrated in figure 5.5 is the ‘Magill attachment’ as popularized by Sir Ivan Magill in the 1920s. It consists of the following:

This system makes efficient use of fresh gas during spontaneous breathing that can be explained by examining its function during a respiratory cycle consisting of three phases: inspiration, expiration, and an end-expiratory pause.

• The first inspiration. In Fig. 5.5A the reservoir bag and breathing hose have been filled by an ideal fresh gas flow and attached (with a gas-tight fit) to the patient, who is about to take a breath. The whole system is therefore full of fresh gas. As the patient inspires, the gasses are drawn into the lungs at a rate greater than the fresh gas flow and so the reservoir bag partially empties as shown in Fig. 5.5B.

• Expiration. In Fig. 5.5C the patient has begun to exhale, and because the reservoir bag is not full, the exhaled gasses are breathed back along the corrugated hose, pushing the fresh gasses in the hose back towards the reservoir bag. However, before the exhaled gasses can pass as far as the reservoir bag (hence the importance of the length of the inspiratory hose), the latter has been refilled by the fresh gasses from the corrugated hose plus the continuing fresh gas flow from the anaesthetic machine.

A point is reached when the reservoir bag is again full and, as the patient is still exhaling, the remaining exhaled gasses have to pass out through the APL (expiratory) valve, which now opens.

The first portion of exhaled gasses to pass along the corrugated hose from the patient was that occupying the patient’s anatomical dead space and, therefore, apart from being warmed and slightly humidified (a satisfactory state of affairs), is unaltered, not having taken part in respiratory exchange. This is followed by alveolar gas (with a reduced oxygen content and containing carbon dioxide), the first part of which may enter the corrugated hose, and the rest which is expelled through the APL valve when the reservoir bag is full.

During the end-expiratory pause, all the alveolar gasses and some of the dead-space gasses are expelled from the corrugated hose through the APL valve by the continuing fresh gas flow. Thus, during the next inspiratory phase, the gas inspired may well initially contain some of the remaining dead-space gasses from the previous breath, along with fresh gas. As explained above, these dead-space gasses may be re-inspired without detriment to the patient. The fresh gas flow rate may, therefore, be rather less than the patient’s minute volume and rebreathing of alveolar gas is, therefore, prevented.

In theory, provided there is no mixing of fresh gas, dead-space gas and alveolar gas and a sufficient end-expiratory pause, the fresh gas flow rate need only match alveolar ventilation (approximately 66% of the minute volume), as in this situation alveolar gas only will be vented through the APL valve.

In practice, however, a number of factors dictate a higher fresh gas flow rate (70–90%), for instance:

Mapleson A system and controlled ventilation

The mechanical aspects of the Mapleson A (Fig. 5.6) system (Magill attachment) as described above relate to its use in spontaneous respiration. However, if controlled or assisted ventilation is used, with the patient’s lungs inflated by means of squeezing the reservoir bag, a different state of affairs occurs. With the same fresh gas flows as before, we would see the following:

When the anaesthetist squeezes the bag again, the first gasses to enter the patient’s lungs will be the previously exhaled alveolar gasses. The volume of gasses escaping via the APL valve during this second inspiratory phase is initially small (the valve being almost closed), but gradually increases as the pressure in the system rises towards the maximum inspiration. Therefore, the greatest amount of gas will he dumped late in the cycle and will consist mainly of fresh gas. Under these circumstances there is considerable rebreathing (Fig. 5.6 see shading). Furthermore, as alveolar gas will have entered the reservoir bag, there will always be carbon dioxide contamination in any subsequent inspirate. In order to prevent this and thereby minimize the potential for rebreathing alveolar gas, a high fresh gas flow rate is required.

This is usually of the order of 2 times the patient’s minute ventilation. This situation is highly wasteful with regard to fresh gas and also increases the potential for pollution.

Other Mapleson A breathing systems

The Lack co-axial breathing system (Fig. 5.7A)

The traditional layout of a Magill system sites the APL valve as close to the patient as possible. However, this:

The Lack system overcomes these two problems. The original version was constructed with a co-axial arrangement of breathing hoses. Exhaled gasses are passed into the orifice of the inner hose sited at the patient end of the system and then back towards the APL valve, which is now sited on the reservoir bag mount. The valve is thus conveniently sited for adjustment by the anaesthetist and its weight, and that of any additional scavenging attachment, is now supported by the anaesthetic machine (see Fig. 5.7). The system still functions as a Mapleson A system. The co-axial hosing on early models was criticised as being too narrow and having too high a flow resistance. In later models, the inner and outer breathing hose diameters were subsequently both increased, to 15 and 30 mm respectively, to overcome this problem. Another problem was that the tubing was heavy and stiff, putting a stress on the connection to the facepiece or endotracheal connection.

Mapleson D system

The Mapleson D system with spontaneous respiration

The system is best explained hypothetically, if again the three phases of the respiratory cycle are considered in sequence: inspiration, expiration and end-expiratory pause.

• The first inspiration. An appropriate fresh gas flow (see later) enters as close as possible to the patient end of the breathing system (so as to reduce any apparatus dead space) and the system including the reservoir bag is filled so that during the first inspiration the patient breathes only fresh gas. As the inspiratory rate is greater than the FGF the bag begins to empty (Fig. 5.8A).

• Expiration. During expiration, the exhaled gasses mix with fresh gas entering the system and these pass down the wide bore hose. They initially displace any fresh gas remaining here and start to fill the reservoir bag (Fig. 5.8B). When the bag is full, the remainder of the exhaled gasses and the FGF are voided via the APL (expiratory) valve. Of the expired gasses, it is those from the patient’s respiratory dead space that are voided first, followed by alveolar gasses.

• End-expiratory pause. During the end-expiratory pause the fresh gas flow entering the system passes down the wide bore hose, displacing some of the mixture of exhaled gas and FGF, which is now vented out through the APL valve (Fig. 5.8C). The amount of fresh gas occupying and thus stored in the patient end of the wide bore hose at the end of expiration, therefore depends on the fresh gas flow rate, the duration of the end-expiratory pause, and the degree of mixing (due to turbulence) of the various gaseous interfaces within the corrugated hose.

• At the next inspiration the inhaled gasses consist initially of this stored fresh gas followed then by the mixture of exhaled gasses and FGF that remain in the tube and possibly some of the mixture from the reservoir bag if the inhaled tidal volume is large (Fig. 5.8D).

However, there are practical problems with this concept, since the expiratory pause may be short, particularly during spontaneous breathing (when volatile anaesthetics only are used with minimal opioid supplementation). In this case the fresh gas flow needs to be sufficiently high to flush the exhaled gasses downstream prior to the next inspiration. In fact, rebreathing of exhaled alveolar gas occurs unless the fresh gas flow is at least 2 times and possibly up to 4 times the patient’s minute ventilation.

It is worthy of note that the Mapleson D system is functionally similar to a T-piece (Mapleson E). However, with a T-piece, the limb through which the ventilation occurs, if used without a reservoir bag, must be of such a length that the volume of gas in it when augmented by the volume of the fresh gas flow being delivered during inspiration is no less than that of the patient’s tidal volume, otherwise dilution of anaesthetic by entrained air will occur.

Mapleson D system with controlled or assisted ventilation

Thus, to prevent rebreathing in the Mapleson D system during both spontaneous and controlled ventilation, the fresh gas flow must be sufficiently high enough to:

However, in practice during controlled ventilation, deliberate use is often made of functional rebreathing. Theoretically, if slow ventilation rates (with long expiratory pauses) and large tidal volumes are chosen, then sufficient expiratory time will elapse to allow a modest fresh gas flow to fill the proximal part of the system with sufficient fresh gas to provide alveolar ventilation. This will enter the lungs first, followed by a mixture of previously expired gasses which will then occupy the patient’s anatomical dead space. Hence, theoretically, it should be possible to reduce the fresh gas flow to the volume required for alveolar ventilation.

In practice, there is turbulent mixing of the various gaseous interfaces so that alveolar gas is widely distributed (and diluted). Even so, provided sufficiently large controlled minute ventilation is delivered so that most of the fresh gas flow reaches the alveoli, adequate alveolar ventilation will occur with fresh gas flow rates of 70% of the anticipated minute ventilation since, as mentioned above, some rebreathing is acceptable. Fig. 5.10 demonstrates this as well as the fact that the arterial carbon dioxide tension remains fairly constant for any given fresh gas flow rate despite alterations in minute ventilation.

Mapleson D systems are thus able to make efficient use of fresh anaesthetic gasses during controlled ventilation and could have considerable cost saving benefits. Fig. 5.11 shows how the Mapleson D system may be employed with an automatic ventilator. The reservoir bag is removed and replaced with a standard length of corrugated hose of sufficient capacity to accommodate the air or oxygen that is delivered by the ventilator, and therefore prevents it reaching the patient in place of the intended anaesthetic gasses.

The Bain system

The Bain breathing system (Fig. 5.12) is similar in function to the Mapleson D system. The only difference is that the fresh gas flow is carried by a tube within the corrugated hose (a co-axial arrangement). In the earlier models in particular, there was a risk that the inner tube could become disconnected at the machine end; if this happened a very big dead space was introduced. It could also become kinked, so cutting off the supply of fresh gasses.

Hybrid systems

A number of breathing systems have been described that, by means of a lever switch, can convert the system from a Mapleson A to a Mapleson D or E, allowing a system to be chosen and used in its most efficient mode (i.e. system A, spontaneous respiration; system E, controlled respiration). The Humphrey ADE system (Anaequip) seems to be the most popular version (see Fig. 5.13A). A ‘Y’ shaped length of corrugated breathing hose is attached to H and F in the diagram with the short limb of the Y at the patient.

With the lever up in the A mode (Fig. 5.13B), the reservoir bag on the ADE block is connected to the inspiratory pathway as in a Mapleson A system. The breathing hose connecting the block at H to the patient is now designated as the inspiratory limb. Expired gas is carried back along the other limb to the block at F and then is vented through an APL valve which is shrouded to facilitate scavenging. In practice it appears to function more efficiently than a traditional Magill attachment. The improved efficiency is thought to relate to the position and design of the components at the patient end of the system. Towards the end of exhalation in a Magill attachment, the exhaled dead-space gas which has passed up the breathing hose is now returned towards the APL valve by the flushing action of the fresh gas flow entering the system. At the APL valve, it meets and mixes with alveolar gas in turbulent fashion, and a mixture of both is discharged from the valve. However, in the Humphrey (and Lack) systems alveolar gas is diverted in a more laminar fashion into a physically separate expiratory limb, which minimizes any potential for mixing of the two gas phases in question. This arrangement, and the removal of the APL valve assembly away from the patient end of the system, also reduces apparatus dead space, so that with further modification (see below) it may be suitable for infants and neonates.

With the lever down in the D/E mode (Fig. 5.13C), the reservoir bag and APL valve are isolated from the breathing system. What was the ‘inspiratory’ limb in ‘A’ mode now delivers gas to the patient end of the system as in a T-piece (see below). The breathing hose returning gas to the ADE block now functions as the reservoir limb of a T-piece. This hose vents to atmosphere via a port adjacent to the bag mount. As this mode does not incorporate a reservoir bag, it is strictly a Mapleson E system. The port described above is usually connected to a ventilator of the ‘bag-squeezer’ type (see Chapter 9), so that the system can be used in its most efficient mode for controlled ventilation.

The Anaequip version is supplied with 15 mm smooth bore non-kinking breathing hose and a unique APL valve (see later in chapter). Interestingly, the use of this smooth bore hose reduces turbulence in the range of flows seen in quietly breathing adults, so that its performance is little different from that of 22 mm corrugated hose. The narrower bore hose also reduces the internal volume of the system to an extent that it is now also suitable for use with infants. A low internal volume is important in a paediatric breathing system in order that:

Mapleson E and F systems

The T-piece system

When what are now termed APL valves were first made, they offered a resistance to exhalation, which was deemed unacceptable in certain anaesthetic techniques such as those used for neonatal and infant anaesthesia. This distinction has become less important (see Chapter 12). To avoid this resistance, the T-piece system was designed by Philip Ayre in 1937. In Fig. 5.14 the fresh gasses are supplied via a small-bore tube to the side arm of an Ayre’s T-piece. The main body of the T-piece is within the breathing system and must, therefore, be of adequate diameter. One end of the body is connected by the shortest possible means to the patient. (The volume of this limb makes up apparatus dead space.) The other end is connected to a length of tubing that acts as a reservoir.

In the case of spontaneous ventilation, the FGF rate must be high. During inspiration the peak inspiratory flow rate is higher than the FGF, so some gasses are drawn from the reservoir limb. During expiration both the exhaled air and the fresh gasses, which continue to flow, pass into the reservoir limb and are expelled to the atmosphere. During the end-expiratory pause the FGF flushes out and refills the reservoir limb. The dimensions of the reservoir limb and the FGF rate are governed by the following considerations:

The shape of the T-piece is also important. Normally the side arm is at right angles to the body. If it is at an angle pointing towards the patient, there is continuous positive pressure applied which would act as a resistance during expiration; similarly, if the gasses were directed towards the reservoir, a sub-atmospheric pressure would be caused by a Venturi effect. As mentioned previously this continuous positive airways pressure is thought to be beneficial in minimizing the fall in functional residual capacity (FRC), especially in neonates.