Equipment for the inhalation of oxygen and other gasses

Published on 27/02/2015 by admin

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Last modified 27/02/2015

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Chapter 7 Equipment for the inhalation of oxygen and other gasses


The administration of supplemental oxygen is a fundamental part of the treatment of the acutely ill patient and those undergoing surgery. The equipment required has evolved to allow its use in a wide variety of circumstances.

The benefits of supplemental oxygen are:

Oxygen (O2) is also administered in combination with other gasses for therapeutic or other purposes. For example:

The method of administration of supplemental oxygen depends on the cause and severity of hypoxaemia. If supplemental oxygen at or just above atmospheric pressure is required to saturate haemoglobin in the bloodstream, the treatment is normally referred to as normobaric oxygen therapy. If supplemental oxygen has to be delivered by dissolving it in plasma at pressures greater than atmospheric, it is classified as hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Normobaric oxygen therapy

There are almost as many devices that deliver oxygen as there are indications for its use. These devices may be classified by the extent to which the patient relies upon them to correct any deficiency in oxygen delivery (Table 7.1).

Table 7.1 A classification of oxygen delivery devices by degrees of dependency


CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; NIPPV, non-invasive positive pressure ventilation; IPPV, intermittent positive pressure ventilation

Low dependency systems

When supplemental oxygen alone is required, it may be delivered by many different devices. By convention these are divided into variable and fixed performance devices.

Variable performance devices

With these devices, the oxygen concentration delivered to the upper airway varies with the phase and pattern of respiration (as well as the selected oxygen flow rate). As an example, consider a standard oxygen mask applied to the face (Fig. 7.1). Oxygen flows into the facemask from a continuous supply and quickly fills the relatively small volume of the mask (approximately 200 ml) at the end of an exhaled breath. The oxygen then begins to escape through the mask’s vents and where the seal against the face is imperfect.

When the subject breathes in, the oxygen-rich mask contents are inhaled first. If the tidal volume exceeds mask volume, air is then entrained from outside and mixes with the supplied oxygen before entering the subject’s upper airway. The fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2) is reduced during this phase as the air dilutes the oxygen, the extent of which depends on the difference between the flow rate of supplied oxygen to the inspiratory flow rate of the patient. In physiological terms, this means that for a given oxygen flow rate, the FIO2 will be higher when the patient’s respiratory rate, tidal volume and peak inspiratory flow rate are low, and vice versa.

The concept of how the difference between peak inspiratory flow rate and oxygen delivery rate determines FIO2 is fundamental to the understanding of the performance of oxygen delivery devices and is a recurring theme throughout this chapter.

Mask construction and oxygen flow rate are also important in determining FIO2. If mask volume exceeds the patient’s tidal volume, the FIO2 will be high as there is minimal air entrainment, although carbon dioxide accumulation and rebreathing will occur, especially at low oxygen flows. Masks with volumes substantially smaller than tidal volume tend to collapse during inhalation, making patients feel claustrophobic and thus likely to remove the mask. The ideal mask volume for an adult is approximately 200 ml with vents in the body through which air is entrained if peak inspiratory flow rate is high. Another determinant of FIO2 is the rate at which oxygen is supplied into the mask; higher flow rates will result in less air entrainment and hence higher FIO2.

The complex interplay between the factors that determine FIO2 (Table 7.2) means that most oxygen delivery devices deliver a variable FIO2. The extent of this variability is difficult to quantify as normal methods of measuring breathing pattern are impractical in clinical practice. The latter require a mouthpiece that interferes with oxygen flow in the mask, and subjects are not able to breathe with a fixed respiratory pattern long enough for accurate measurements to be recorded. These difficulties explain why the factors most influential in determining FIO2 are still unclear.

As the volume of the mask as a reservoir plays an important role in its performance, low-dependency oxygen delivery devices can be further classified by their reservoir capacity.

No capacity oxygen delivery devices

Traditionally, nasal cannulae (also known as nasal prongs or specs) deliver unhumidified oxygen to the nasopharynx (Fig. 7.2). They are more comfortable and less claustrophobic than facemasks, allowing talking, eating and drinking, and making them the most suitable means of delivering long-term oxygen therapy for chronic conditions, especially at home. The main drawback is that an unhumidified oxygen flow greater than 2 L min−1 can cause discomfort and drying of the nasal mucosa. Thus unhumidified oxygen therapy in association with the tiny capacity of the nasal cannulae leads to variable FIO2. Clinical and laboratory studies in this context have shown an enormous variability with respiratory pattern, FIO2 ranging between 0.26 and 0.90.2,3 A further design is the nasal sponge (tipped) catheter, which is lodged in one nostril and again effectively uses the nasopharynx as a small reservoir during the respiratory pause (Fig. 7.3). Devices permitting humidified oxygen therapy via nasal cannulae are now available (Fig. 7.4), allowing oxygen flow rates up to 60 L min−1 to be tolerated for long periods. As a result, consistently higher, more reliable FIO2 can be achieved with this form of high flow humidified oxygen therapy.4 However, warm humidified gas is a good medium for bacterial growth; therefore, it is mandatory that any disinfection and infection control procedures deemed necessary by manufacturers and regulatory authorities are adhered to. The other point to note is that delivering high flows into the nasopharynx generates a small amount of positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) depending on the flow used and if the mouth is open or closed. Pharyngeal pressures of up to 4 cm H2O have been recorded with a flow of 60 L min−1 with the mouth open, increasing to nearly 10 cm H2O with the mouth closed.5 As such, high flow humidified oxygen therapy delivered via nasal cannulae should be regarded as a medium dependency device (see below). Its role in the management of acutely breathless patients is becoming increasingly appreciated.


Figure 7.4 Nasal cannulae for supplying humidified oxygen.

With permission of Fisher & Paykel Healthcare.

Low capacity oxygen delivery devices (capacity <100 ml)

Facemasks for children, or tracheostomy masks (Fig. 7.5) have a volume of approximately 70–100 ml. Tracheostomy masks, especially, do not provide humidification without extra equipment, and so are best suited for short-term use. In long-term use, oxygen may be humidified by using a ‘Swedish nose’ device (Fig. 7.6) (see also Chapter 11, Humidifiers). This is a small, light heat and moisture exchanger that connects to the tracheostomy tube by means of a 15 mm International Organization for Standards (ISO) connector. Supplemental oxygen can be administered into this via a clip-on device. A ‘Swedish nose’ may also provide 2.5–5 cm H2O of PEEP.

Medium capacity oxygen delivery devices (capacity 100–250 ml)

Standard adult facemasks are designed to cover the nose and mouth and have a capacity of approximately 175–200 ml (Fig. 7.1); there are a multitude of different designs. They are, almost without exception, made of transparent soft plastic with an elastic strap to secure the mask in place. Some incorporate a short deformable metal bar allowing the mask to be shaped around the nose to achieve a closer fit. Oxygen flow rates of 2–15 l min−1 result in a highly variable and unpredictable FIO2. Rebreathing of CO2 can occur with O2 flow rates of less than 2 L O2 min−1 or if minute ventilation is very high.6 A more recent design (Intersurgical, UK) fits filters in the expiratory ports, in an attempt to reduce infection risk from aerosolized pathogens emitted from the patient’s airway.

High capacity oxygen delivery devices (capacity 250–2500 ml)

Air is only entrained into a facemask when the patient’s inspiratory flow rate exceeds the oxygen supply rate. To achieve a FIO2 near 1.0 (100% oxygen) by providing sufficient oxygen flow alone, rates in excess of 60 l min−1 would be required (in order to exceed the patient’s peak inspiratory flow rate) which is clearly impractical. Increasing mask size simply increases the risk of rebreathing CO2. However, a great deal of oxygen delivered to the facemask is lost to the atmosphere whenever the patient’s inspiratory flow rate is (a) less than the oxygen supply rate and (b) during exhalation. High-capacity masks are designed to store some of this wasted oxygen in a reservoir bag (usually of >1 litre volume) attached to the facemask, thus providing a higher FIO2 (Fig. 7.7). With these devices, oxygen flows directly into the reservoir bag, which fills during exhalation and whenever the patient’s inspiratory flow rate is less than the flow rate of delivered oxygen. The patient inhales oxygen preferentially from the reservoir bag: provided the mask makes a reasonable seal to the face. Expiratory flap valves are incorporated on the vents or in piping below the mask to prevent air entrainment from these sites. However, ambient air will still be entrained if there are leaks between the mask and the face.7 Some manufacturers include a one-way valve between mask and reservoir bag, reducing rebreathing of CO2. However, higher oxygen supply rates are required as oxygen in the exhaled dead space of the mask, pharynx and upper trachea is prevented from entering the reservoir bag and is wasted. A valveless device is, therefore, most suitable when oxygen supplies are limited, but a valve is desirable if rebreathing of CO2 would be detrimental, for example after head injury.

One example of a high-capacity mask (Fig. 7.8) uses a sequential gas delivery system incorporated in a small circuit below the mask with a one-way valve to prevent re-breathing, an expiratory valve and a third valve to allow entrainment of room air should the reservoir bag become exhausted. This design is reputed to allow FIO2 close to 1.0 to be given, although again attention to the seal between the mask and the face and the oxygen flow rate is required to achieve this.8 A more recent high capacity mask (Intersurgical, UK) again incorporates a one-way valve from the reservoir bag but designed such that it also allows entrainment of room air if the bag is emptied (Fig. 7.9). This and the expiratory one way valve are neatly arranged within the front of the mask itself. Additionally this device is made of non-PVC materials, in an attempt to reduce the impact on the environment during disposal.

Generally, it is accepted that facemasks with reservoir bags probably deliver an FIO2 between 0.6 and 0.8;9,10 however, in reality there is likely to be considerable variation around these values due to leak between the mask and face combined with variable respiratory patterns. Best results will be achieved by using an O2 flow rate adequate for the patient’s needs such that the reservoir bag empties by no more than a third during inspiration and by achieving the best seal possible between the mask and the face. Some masks incorporate additional features, for example a small chimney containing a red polystyrene ball that moves up and down with respiration so that a patient’s respiratory effort can be visualized and respiratory rate can easily be measured (Fig. 7.10).11

A reservoir bag may also be attached to airway maintenance devices to improve the FIO2 delivered during emergence from anaesthesia. The T-Bag (Ultimate Medical Pty Ltd, Australia) (Fig. 7.11

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