Basic Sciences
I. Histologic Features of Bone
III. Conditions of Bone Mineralization, Bone Mineral Density, and Bone Viability
section 1 Bone
A Types (Figure 1-1; Table 1-1)
Table 1-1
Modified from Brinker MR, Miller MD: Fundamentals of orthopaedics, Philadelphia, 1999, WB Saunders, p 1.
1. Normal bone: lamellar, either cortical or cancellous
2. Immature and pathologic bone: woven; more random, more osteocytes, increased turnover, weaker
Constitutes 80% of the skeleton
Consists of tightly packed osteons or haversian systems
Connected by Haversian (or Volkmann’s) canals
Contains arterioles, venules, capillaries, nerves, possibly lymphatic channels
Interstitial lamellae: between osteons
Nutrition provided by intraosseous circulation
Characterized by slow turnover rate, higher Young’s modulus of elasticity, more stiffness
B Cellular biology (Figure 1-2)
Form bone by generating organic, nonmineralized matrix
Derived from undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells
Have more endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and mitochondria than do other cells (for synthesis and secretion of matrix)
RUNX2 is a multifunctional transcription factor that directs mesenchymal cells to the osteoblast lineage.
Bone surfaces lined by more differentiated, metabolically active cells
“Entrapped cells”: less active cells in “resting regions”; maintain the ionic milieu of bone
Osteoblast differentiation in vivo effected by the following:
Receptor-effector interactions in osteoblasts (Table 1-2)
Osteoblasts produce the following:
Osteoblast activity stimulated by intermittent (pulsatile) exposure to parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Osteoblast activity inhibited by tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)
2. Osteocytes (see Figure 1-1)
Constitute 90% of the cells in the mature skeleton
Long interconnecting cytoplasmic processes projecting through the canaliculi
Less active in matrix production than are osteoblasts
Important for control of extracellular calcium and phosphorus concentration
This activity occurs both normally and in certain conditions, including multiple myeloma and metastatic bone disease.
Multinucleated, irregular giant cells
Possess a ruffled (“brush”) border and surrounding clear zone
Bone resorption occurs in depressions: Howship’s lacunae
Osteoblasts (and tumor cells) express RANKL (Figure 1-3), which acts as follows:
Synthesize tartrate-resistant acid phosphate
Bind to bone surfaces through cell attachment (anchoring) proteins
Produce hydrogen ions through carbonic anhydrase
Increase solubility of hydroxyapatite crystals
Organic matrix then removed by proteolytic digestion through activity of the lysosomal enzyme cathepsin K
Have specific receptors for calcitonin
Potent stimulator of osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption
Inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption.
Categorized into two classes on the basis of presence or absence of a nitrogen side group
Nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates are up to 1000-fold more potent in their antiresorptive activity.
Nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates
Zoledronic acid (Zometa) and alendronate (Fosamax) are examples.
They inhibit protein prenylation within the mevalonate pathway, blocking farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase.
This results in a loss of guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) formation, which is needed for ruffled border formation and cell survival.
Non–nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates
Decreases skeletal events in multiple myeloma
Associated with osteonecrosis of the jaw
Table 1-3
1. Organic components: 40% of the dry weight of bone
Collagen (90% of organic component)
Collagen is primarily type I (mnemonic: “bone” contains the word “one”).
Hole zones (gaps) exist within the collagen fibril between the ends of molecules.
Pores exist between the sides of parallel molecules.
Mineral deposition (calcification) occurs within the hole zones and pores (Figure 1-4).
Cross-linking decreases collagen solubility and increases its tensile strength.
Matrix proteins (noncollagenous)
2. Inorganic (mineral) components: 60% of the dry weight of bone
Cortical and cancellous bone is continuously remodeled throughout life by osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity (Figure 1-5).
Wolff’s law: Remodeling occurs in response to mechanical stress.
Increasing mechanical stress increases bone gain.
Removing external mechanical stress increases bone loss, which is reversible (to varying degrees) on remobilization.
Piezoelectric remodeling occurs in response to electrical charge.
The compression side of bone is electronegative, stimulating osteoblasts (formation).
The tension side of bone is electropositive, stimulating osteoclasts (resorption).
Hueter-Volkmann law: Remodeling occurs in small packets of cells known as basic multicellular units (BMUs).
Bone receives 5% to 10% of the cardiac output.
Long bones receive blood from three sources (systems):
Nutrient arteries branch from systemic arteries, enter the diaphyseal cortex through the nutrient foramen, enter the medullary canal, and branch into ascending and descending arteries (Figure 1-7).
Further branching into arterioles in the endosteal cortex enables blood supply to at least the inner two thirds of the mature diaphyseal cortex via the Haversian system (Figures 1-8 and 1-9).
Direction of flow (Figure 1-10)
Arterial flow in mature bone is centrifugal (inside to outside), which is the net effect of the high-pressure nutrient artery system and the low-pressure periosteal system.
When fracture disrupts the nutrient artery system, the periosteal system pressure predominates, and blood flow is centripetal (outside to inside).
Flow in immature, developing bone is centripetal because the highly vascularized periosteal system is the predominant component.
Bone blood flow is the major determinant of how well a fracture heals.
Initial response is a decrease in bone blood flow after vascular disruption at the fracture site.
Within hours to days, bone blood flow increases (as part of the regional acceleratory phenomenon), peaks at approximately 2 weeks, and returns to normal in 3 to 5 months.
Unreamed intramedullary nails preserve endosteal blood supply.
This connective tissue membrane covers bone.
It is more highly developed in children.
The inner periosteum, or cambium, is loose and vascular and contains cells capable of becoming osteoblasts.
These cells enlarge the diameter of bone during growth and form periosteal callus during fracture healing.
The outer (fibrous) periosteum is less cellular and is contiguous with joint capsules.
G Types of bone formation (Table 1-4)
1. Enchondral bone formation and mineralization
Undifferentiated cells secrete the cartilaginous matrix and differentiate into chondrocytes.
The matrix mineralizes and is invaded by vascular buds that bring osteoprogenitor cells.
Osteoclasts resorb calcified cartilage, and osteoblasts form bone.
Bone replaces the cartilage model; cartilage is not converted to bone.
Embryonic formation of long bones (Figures 1-11 and 1-12)
These bones are formed from the mesenchymal anlage, at 6 weeks of gestation.
Vascular buds invade the mesenchymal model, bringing osteoprogenitor cells that differentiate into osteoblasts and form the primary ossification centers at 8 weeks.
The cartilage model increases in size through appositional (width) and interstitial (length) growth.
The marrow forms by resorption of the central cartilage anlage by invasion of myeloid precursor cells that are brought in by the capillary buds.
Secondary ossification centers develop at the bone ends, forming the epiphyseal centers (growth plates) responsible for longitudinal growth.
Arterial supply is rich during development, with an epiphyseal artery (terminates in the proliferative zone), metaphyseal arteries, nutrient arteries, and perichondrial arteries (Figure 1-13).
Two growth plates exist in immature long bones: (1) horizontal (the physis) and (2) spherical (growth of the epiphysis).
The perichondrial artery is the major source of nutrition of the growth plate.
Acromegaly and spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia affect the physis; multiple epiphyseal dysplasia affects the epiphysis.
Delineation of physeal cartilage zones is based on growth (see Figure 1-13) and function (Figures 1-14 and 1-15).
Reserve zone: Cells store lipids, glycogen, and proteoglycan aggregates; decreased oxygen tension occurs in this zone.
Proliferative zone: Growth is longitudinal, with stacking of chondrocytes (the top cell is the dividing “mother” cell), cellular proliferation, and matrix production; increased oxygen tension and increased proteoglycans inhibit calcification.
Hypertrophic zone: This area is sometimes divided into three zones: maturation, degeneration, and provisional calcification.
Normal matrix mineralization occurs in the lower hypertrophic zone: chondrocytes increase five times in size, accumulate calcium in their mitochondria, die, and release calcium from matrix vesicles.
Chondrocyte maturation is regulated by systemic hormones and local growth factors (PTH-related peptide inhibits chondrocyte maturation; Indian hedgehog is produced by chondrocytes and regulates the expression of PTH-related peptide).
Osteoblasts migrate from sinusoidal vessels and use cartilage as a scaffolding for bone formation.
This zone widens in rickets (see Figure 1-15), with little or no provisional calcification.
Mucopolysaccharide diseases (see Figure 1-15) affect this zone, leading to chondrocyte degeneration.
Physeal fractures probably traverse several zones, depending on the type of loading (Figure 1-16).
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) believed to occur here (through metaphyseal spongiosa with renal failure).
This is adjacent to the physis and expands with skeletal growth.
Osteoblasts from osteoprogenitor cells align on cartilage bars produced by physeal expansion.
Primary spongiosa (calcified cartilage bars) mineralizes to form woven bone and remodels to form secondary spongiosa and a “cutback zone” at the metaphysis.
Cortical bone forms as physeal (enchondral), and intramembranous bone remodels in response to stress along the periphery of the growing long bone.
Groove of Ranvier: supplies chondrocytes to the periphery for lateral growth (width)
Perichondrial ring of La Croix: dense fibrous tissue, primary membrane anchoring the periphery of the physis
Collagen hole zones are seeded with calcium hydroxyapatite crystals through branching and accretion (crystal growth).
Hormones and growth factors (Figure 1-17; Table 1-5)
Table 1-5
Effects of Hormones and Growth Factors on the Growth Plate
From Simon SR, editor: Orthopaedic basic science, ed 2, Rosemont, Ill, 1994, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, p 196.
1. A Continuum: inflammation to repair (soft callus followed by hard callus) ending in remodeling
2. Blood supply (bone blood flow): the most important factor
Bleeding creates a hematoma, which provides hematopoietic cells capable of secreting growth factors.
Subsequently, fibroblasts, mesenchymal cells, and osteoprogenitor cells form granulation tissue around the fracture ends.
Osteoblasts from surrounding osteogenic precursor cells and fibroblasts proliferate.
Primary callus response within 2 weeks.
For bone ends not in continuity, bridging (soft) callus occurs.
Soft callus is later replaced through enchondral ossification by woven bone (hard callus).
Medullary callus supplements the bridging callus, forming more slowly and later (Figure 1-18).
Fracture healing varies with treatment method (Table 1-7).