Automatic ventilators

Published on 27/02/2015 by admin

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Last modified 27/02/2015

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Chapter 9 Automatic ventilators

In order to inflate a patient’s lungs adequately with a mechanical ventilator, sufficient pressure must be generated in the respirable gas within a ventilator or resuscitator (positive pressure ventilation) to overcome the elastic recoil of the lungs and chest wall (their elastance) and the resistance to flow within the airways. These may be normal in healthy patients, requiring the generation of only modest pressures for inflation, or may be grossly abnormal in disease, requiring the generation of much higher pressures in order to provide the same degree of ventilation. Furthermore, some surgical procedures may make it more difficult to inflate the lungs, for example, by restricting the movement of the diaphragm, due to posture or internal intervention. An additional factor during anaesthesia is the resistance of the artificial part of the airway, which may increase accidentally, for example, by mucus accumulation or kinking of the endotracheal tube.

A patient’s lungs may also be inflated by using negative pressure. The patient’s body (from the neck downwards) or thorax only, is encased in a gas tight container to which an intermittent sub-atmospheric pressure is applied. The thorax is ‘sucked outwards’ causing air/respirable gas to enter the lungs (negative pressure ventilation). Exhalation is achieved passively as a result of the elastance of the lungs and thoracic wall. Purely negative pressure ventilators are not considered in this text; intensive care oscillators are discussed in the succeeding chapter.

Positive pressure ventilators

The last 10 years has seen a radical change in the design of positive pressure ventilators. In the developed world; electronics, microprocessors and miniaturized proportional flow valves replaced some older technology such as mechanical, pneumatic and fluidic controls. The manner in which positive pressure ventilation is employed in anaesthesia has also undergone major changes. Ventilators that obtained the patient’s minute ventilation from an anaesthetic machine, delivered it to the patient and then vented it to atmosphere (minute volume dividers) have been superseded mainly by devices that utilize circle systems and low flows. As a result, the plethora of ventilator designs that catered for specific situations have been relegated to history, to be replaced by newer and fewer models that by virtue of their electronic adaptability, can outperform their predecessors. However, there are some basic principles that remain the same.

Classification of ventilators

A number of attempts have been made to classify ventilators according to their power, efficiency and modes of cycling between inspiration and expiration.


Low-powered ventilators

Low-powered ventilators generate only the modest gas pressures required to deliver reasonable tidal volumes to lungs with normal and near-normal compliances and resistances. These pressures may be insufficient to overcome the increase in airways resistance and/or the reduction in lung compliance that are seen in diseased lungs. As a result of this, the tidal volume delivered may well be less than the volume anticipated. When these ventilators are used, the need to monitor adequacy of lung ventilation must be emphasized. Either expired minute volume or capnography can be used to check that ventilation remains satisfactory throughout a procedure.

With the advent of modern electronics, many ventilators that fit this classification exclusively have become obsolete in the developed world. Some older ventilators and some of those designed for the developing world are so constructed that they can only deliver modest pressures (by using weak springs or light weights to compress the respirable gas in a bellows (Fig. 9.1A)). Such machines are simple to operate, reduce the potential incidence of barotrauma to lungs and, more pertinently, do not require an electrical power supply and are essentially user serviceable.

However, many current electronic high-powered ventilators have a pressure-controlled mode that allows operative characteristics similar to low-powered ventilators. When used in this mode and the inspiratory pressure is limited to 15–25 cm H2O via the machine’s electronics, the ventilator may be considered as low powered.

High-powered ventilators

In order to prevent a reduction in ventilator performance in the presence of deteriorating lung conditions, a ventilator needs to be powerful enough to overcome the increases in airways resistance and reduction in compliance with little alteration in desired gas flow. These ventilators require also the addition of certain safety features to protect patients with both normal and abnormal lungs from excessive pressures. For example, an overpressure safety valve is always included in the gas pathway to the patient to release any build-up of potentially dangerous pressures that might damage the lungs. Fig. 9.1B shows an example of a typical high-powered ventilator. The pressure-relief valve (S) can either be pre-set (usually at 4.4 kPa/45 cm H2O) or, in more sophisticated machines, can be adjustable (up to 7.8 kPa/80 cm H2O) to cope with severe conditions such as asthma and the adult respiratory distress syndrome. Higher-pressure relief settings, however, equate to increased risk of barotrauma.

Those high-powered ventilators that always generate high pressure of gas in the ventilator system prior to its delivery (by using powerful springs, heavy weights or a pipeline gas source (Fig. 9.1C and D) ), require the presence of a further safety device, a flow restrictor (see below), in the inspiratory pathway. This reduces the flow to the patient and prevents too rapid a build-up of pressure in the lung.

Alternative classifications

A popular classification with British anaesthetists has been described by Mushin.1 Those ventilators that by their design produce a pressure sufficient only to ventilate normal or mildly abnormal lungs are classified as pressure generators, i.e. the tidal volume delivered to the patient is limited by the pressures generated. Those ventilators that develop pressures sufficiently high enough to deliver a desired flow even to grossly abnormal lungs are deemed flow generators. However, as most other electromechanical devices in common usage are described in terms of power, the author prefers the first classification.

Efficiency of ventilators

This may be defined as the ratio of the intended tidal volume (as determined by the settings on the ventilator) over the actual delivered tidal volume. For example, when a ventilator acts on a bellows containing patient gas at atmospheric pressure, the gas undergoes a degree of compression in order to raise the pressure sufficiently to provide an inspiratory flow. Part of the bellows travel is taken up in compressing the gas. If the bellows travel is calibrated for volume, it becomes apparent that the tidal volume actually delivered is less than that indicated on the bellows scale. The greater the pressure required to ventilate a patient’s lungs, the greater will be the amount of gas lost in compression. This type of ventilator is regarded as relatively inefficient, as the discrepancy between anticipated and delivered tidal volumes may be as great as 25% in patients with significant pathological lung conditions.

Furthermore, the effective inspiratory time is shortened as, initially, time is lost in compressing the gas to the required pressure. Inefficient ventilators (which include most anaesthetic ventilators that supply circle systems) may well require validation of the delivered tidal volume, using a spirometer or capnograph. With the advent of more sophisticated measurement of flow and electronic feedback to the ventilator, the compliance of this type of system, and, therefore, the compression volume, can now be calculated and automatic adjustment made for most of the apparent ‘lost’ volume.

More efficient ventilators utilize respiratory gas already under a pressure greater than that required to ventilate a patient’s lungs, so that the gas is already compressed prior to being released and, therefore, none is lost in a ‘compression volume’. It is important to grasp this concept, as there may be a marked difference in the anticipated performance of ventilators.

lnspiratory characteristics of ventilators

Ventilators may produce a variety of pressure waveforms and inspiratory flow characteristics depending on the method of generation of respirable gas pressure and the resistance to flow that the gas meets during delivery of the intended tidal volume.

Low-powered ventilators

Low-powered ventilators deliver gas at modest pressure. This pressure is normally constant (Fig. 9.2A) and will produce an inspiratory flow rate of gas that is greatest in early inspiration, when the pressure differential between the ventilator and the lung is wide, but that slows during inflation of the lung as the pressures approximate (Fig. 9.2B).

High-powered ventilators

High-powered ventilators function by delivering a sufficiently high driving gas pressure to overcome most abnormal resistance without significantly altering the flow from the ventilator, which remains largely unaltered from the intended settings.

Inspiratory characteristics will depend on a number of factors. The high driving pressure from a pipeline source or heavy weighted/spring-loaded storage bellows requires some form of flow restriction to prevent too rapid a rise or an excessive pressure transmitted to the patient’s lungs that could produce barotrauma. This may take the form of a fixed orifice restrictor. Here the flow will be constant (pipeline supply or weighted bellows) or gradually decreasing (spring loaded bellows) as the tension in the spring reduces with emptying of the bellows (Fig. 9.3A). However, practically in the case of the latter the reduction is insignificant and flow is virtually constant.

In more sophisticated ventilators, the inspiratory flow valve acts as a variable flow restrictor (Fig. 9.3B). These are able to respond to user-programmed inspiratory flow patterns.

Ventilators may be designed to force their bellows to be compressed either mechanically, via a linkage from a suitable power source, or pneumatically, by placing the bellows in a gas-tight container into which a pressurized gas source is fed (bag-in-bottle arrangement). The bellows in this type of ventilator normally fills with gas at near atmospheric pressures, so that when it is compressed, the pressure developed rises as it overcomes the resistive properties of the lungs. The resultant pressure and flow waveforms are dependent on the type of mechanical linkage (e.g. rotating cam/linear motor) or the type of pneumatic drive producing any of the waveforms seen in Fig. 9.3. Although these ventilators are classified as high powered, they do not require flow restrictors as there is no initial very high-pressure source present. However, they do need overpressure relief valves to protect against high pressures that might develop unexpectedly.

In either type the delivery of the intended tidal volume is assured owing to the power developed by the ventilator (unless the pressure relief valve opens). More sophisticated ventilators will provide an alarm signal if this occurs.

Great store has been placed on the ability of different flow waveforms to increase ventilatory efficiency in various clinical situations. However, in anaesthetic practice the claimed advantages are less demonstrable.

Classification of ventilators according to cycling

Intermittent automatic ventilation of the lungs consists of two phases: inspiratory and expiratory. A ventilator is said to cycle between the two phases.

lnspiratory cycling

During the inspiratory phase, the ventilator delivers (a) a volume of gas into a patient’s lungs, which takes place over (b) a given period of time, producing (c) an increase in airways pressure. There may also be a change in the pattern of (d) flow (inspiratory waveform) at some stage in inspiration. However, the ventilator can allow only one of these variables (a–d) to terminate the inspiratory phase when its predetermined value is reached. As all four variables are present in every inspiratory phase, it is sometimes difficult to decide which one is the principal determinant of inspiratory cycling.

Ventilation modes

The terminology used to describe the way in which a ventilator combines its power capability and cycling to deliver a tidal volume has previously been almost self-explanatory despite manufacturers coining their own names.

Originally, ventilators were used to ventilate apnoeic/paralyzed patients. Where a desired tidal volume and rate was delivered by a high-powered ventilator, this was usually referred to as controlled minute ventilation (CMV), volume-controlled ventilation (VCV) or volume ventilation (VV).

Low, or high-powered ventilators that have a pressure limit for the delivery of a tidal volume, were said to deliver pressure-controlled ventilation (PCV), pressure ventilation or pressure mode.

As ventilation strategies developed to include the ability to synchronize delivered tidal volume with the patient’s respiratory effort, the term synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV) became ubiquitous. A variety of approaches – many fundamentally similar – exist to the delivery of this type of ventilation by the different manufacturers, each, unfortunately, tending to use their own proprietary nomenclature (see Chapter 10).

In addition, a sophisticated ventilator may have a facility that supports spontaneous respiration by sensing an inspiratory breath and assisting it by adding extra gas from the device. This may be termed assisted spontaneous breathing (ASB) or pressure support ventilation (PSV). This may also be used in conjunction with SIMV. There are a number of other strategies used by manufacturers, which are explained in more detail in Chapter 10.

Classification of ventilators according to application

The miscellany of ventilator designs available and principles upon which they work is a result of (a) the wide spectrum of applications for which they are required and (b) efforts to harness the different power supplies that have been made available. However, there are four principal types of ventilator which are classified here according to their application in clinical practice:

Mechanical thumbs

The most common source of pressurized gas is that found in cylinders and pipelines. This may be administered to a patient most easily as a continuous flow into the simplest of breathing systems, the T-piece (Fig. 9.4A). In Fig. 9.4B, the anaesthetist has occluded the open end of the T-piece with his thumb. The force of the fresh gas flow (FGF) inflates the patient’s lungs until the anaesthetist removes his thumb from the open end, which allows expiration to occur (Fig. 9.4C). By rhythmical application of the thumb to occlude the T-piece, intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) is achieved. The FGF has to be high enough to inflate the lungs during inspiration and, as it is not stored during exhalation, this method is wasteful of gas. Therefore, it is suitable only for use in neonatal anaesthesia. Furthermore, the advent of more efficient ventilators and gas monitoring has seen the usage of this type of ventilation decline.

However, in special care baby units the ‘mechanical thumb’ principle is still used in modern ventilators, albeit with greater sophistication.

In ventilators such as the Sechrist (Fig. 9.5D), the anaesthetist’s thumb is replaced by a pneumatically operated valve (Fig. 9.5E), the cycling of which is determined by the settings on the ventilator controls.

The exhalation valve may be electronically controlled (see Solenoids and Variable flow control valves, below) and by varying the degree of occlusion of the FGF is able to produce different types of inspiratory waveform (Bird VIP, Figs 9.5A, B and C). Some designs use gas jets in the opposite direction to the fresh gas in place of the valve for this purpose (SLE 2000).

Minute volume dividers

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