Chapter 18 Atmospheric pollution
Effects on the environment
The stratosphere is the region of the atmosphere from about 10 to 50 km above the Earth’s surface, where ozone plays a vital role absorbing harmful short wavelength ultraviolet radiation from the sun and protecting the earth (Fig. 18.1). Stratospheric ozone is depleted by human-made chemicals including hydrochlorofluorocarbons (e.g. halothane, enflurane, isoflurane) and nitrous oxide.
The contribution of these agents to ozone depletion is a function of their lifetimes in the atmosphere, and these lifetimes depend on the reaction of the drugs with hydroxyl radicals in the troposphere1 (Table 18.1). The relatively short lifetimes of these agents along with their minimal production means they have been seen as relatively ‘ozone friendly’. However, with the reduction of chlorofluorocarbons globally, the influence on ozone depletion by volatile anaesthetics is potentially of increasing importance.4
Table 18.1 The effects of anaesthetic gasses on the ozone layer and greenhouse warming
The potential ozone depletion efficacy and greenhouse warming effect are normalized to the principle CFC-12. (Halsey 1996, with permission of The Medicine Group (Education) Ltd2 (based on original data from 1989)1.)
* Represents data from the World Meteorological Organization.3
Nitrous oxide, however, has a much longer lifetime (similar to the traditional chlorofluorocarbons, well known for their ozone depleting effects, and which have been successfully reduced since the 1987 Montreal Treaty) and has now been shown to be the single most important ozone-depleting emission. This is expected to remain throughout the 21st century.5
Nitrous oxide is an exceptionally potent greenhouse gas with approximately 290 times greater global warming potential than carbon dioxide. Although the amount of nitrous oxide generated from medical sources compared with the total global production is small, its contribution in the light of environmental issues and pressures is still significant and difficult to ignore. It would, therefore, seem prudent to reduce the use of nitrous oxide when there are alternative agents and techniques available, including the more potent volatile agents, and regional and intravenous anaesthetic techniques.
Effects on individuals
Chronic exposure to low concentrations of anaesthetic gasses has been associated with adverse health effects. There have been studies and case reports of these effects since the 1960s, although the evidence is sometimes conflicting. Some animal and human studies6–11 have suggested that as a result of chronic exposure to inhalational agents amongst theatre personnel there is a demonstrable increase in:
• minor congenital abnormalities
• subjective complaints (e.g. headaches, fatigue and nervousness)
• problems with balance control
• cancer (leukaemia and lymphoma)
• effects on immune system (secondary to neutrophil apoptosis)
In other studies, long-term exposure to nitrous oxide has been shown to result in:
• reduced fertility and increased miscarriage rate in female dental assistants
• litters that are reduced in number and size compared with control animals (rats)
• neurological symptoms indistinguishable from those caused by vitamin B12 deficiency.
The Health and Safety Commission’s Advisory Committee on Toxic Substances reviewed the literature on the toxic effects of anaesthetic agents in the workplace in 1996.12 They made the following conclusions based on the data available:
• There was no evidence in humans that exposure to nitrous oxide or volatile agents (halothane, isoflurane and enflurane) caused developmental defects in the foetus or other reproductive health effects.
• Animals (rats) continuously exposed to high concentrations of nitrous oxide (1000 ppm for over 8 h) demonstrated developmental toxicity to the embryo/foetus, possibly by the inhibition of cell production by nitrous oxide. However, no adverse effects were seen when animals were exposed to nitrous oxide at lower concentrations (500 ppm).
• Pregnant animals exposed to high concentrations of halothane and isoflurane (1000 ppm) showed effects on the development of the foetus. However, there was no convincing evidence when the concentrations of repeated exposure were lower (100 ppm for halothane and 600 ppm for isoflurane).
• There was no evidence from animal studies that suggested enflurane had any adverse effect on the foetus. However, liver damage was demonstrated in mice when exposed to enflurane continuously (>700 ppm).
Various organizations in different parts of the developed world have introduced recommendations for maximum acceptable levels of pollution to protect staff working in these areas. Due to the rather inconclusive evidence on adverse effects of volatile agents, these limits vary in different countries.
In the UK, it is a legal requirement that employers control industrial and medical pollution. The legislation takes the form of a government approved code of practice entitled ‘Control of Substances Hazardous to Health’ (COSHH).13 This was first introduced in 1988, updated in 1994 and amended annually until 2002. There was a further new edition in 2005 (reprinted in 2008) and further amendments made in accordance with the European Commission’s new limits. The HSE’s Advisory Committee on Toxic Substances has drawn up this code of practice under Section 16 of the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), for the purpose of providing practical guidance on the control of substances hazardous to health in the workplace.
It was in 1996 that COSHH defined the safe maximum exposure limits for a wide variety of substances, including anaesthetic gasses and vapours (EH40/96).14 Since 2005 ‘workplace exposure limits’ (WELs) have been the defined limits used to protect workers, replacing the previously used ‘maximum exposure limits’ (MELs) and ‘occupational exposure standards’ (OES). WELs are defined at concentrations of hazardous substance in the air, averaged over a specified period of time referred to as a time-weighted average (TWA). An 8 h time period is used.
COSHH recommends that: ‘Exposure should be controlled to a level to which nearly all the population can be exposed day after day without adverse effect on health’. Recommended exposure limits for anaesthetic gasses and vapours in some countries are set out in Table 18.2. In the UK in 2010 no WELs are available yet for sevoflurane and desflurane. Both OSHA and NIOSH recommend a global ceiling limit (concentrations that must never be exceeded during any part of the day) of 2 ppm for all volatile agents, though they have no regulatory authority. As a rough guide, substances with exposure limits below 100 ppm are considered highly toxic by inhalation, those substances with exposure limits of 100–500 ppm are considered moderately toxic by inhalation and those substances with exposure limits greater than 500 ppm are slightly toxic by inhalation.
Table 18.2 Exposure limits to anaesthetic gasses and vapours in parts per million (ppm) or as milligrams per cubic metre (mg m−3) and expressed as 8-hour time-weighted averages (8-h TWA)
There are eight principles of good practice for the control of exposure to substances hazardous to health, published by the Health and Safety Executive in 2005.15 They are as follows:
1. Design and operate processes and activities to minimize emission, release and spread of substances hazardous to health.
2. Take into account all relevant routes of exposure – inhalation, skin absorption and ingestion – when developing control measures.
3. Control exposure using measures that are proportionate to the health risk.
4. Choose the most effective and reliable control options which minimize the escape and spread of substances hazardous to health.
5. Where adequate control of exposure cannot be achieved by other means, provide, in combination with other control measures, suitable personal protective equipment.
6. Check and review regularly all elements of control measures for their continuing effectiveness.
7. Inform and train all employees on the hazards and risks from the substances with which they work and the use of control measures developed to minimize the risks.
8. Ensure that the introduction of control measures does not increase the overall risk to health and safety.
Control of pollution
When no steps are taken to avoid pollution, the exposure limits may be exceeded. One study from a 20 hospital survey reported that the levels of halothane varied between 0.1 and 60 ppm (mean of 2.8 ppm) and for nitrous oxide between 10 and 3000 ppm (mean of 388.5 ppm) when scavenging systems were not used.16 In the same study the installation of an active scavenging system in one particular hospital reduced the anaesthetist’s exposure to nitrous oxide (and halothane) from a mean value of 411 ppm (and 1.9 ppm) to a mean value of 24.5 ppm (and <0.1 ppm).