Published on 04/03/2015 by admin
Filed under Hematology, Oncology and Palliative Medicine
Last modified 04/03/2015
This article have been viewed 1333 times
Chapter 9 Anemia of Chronic Diseases
Jane A. Little, Edward J. Benz, Jr., Lawrence B. Gardner
Table 9-1 Suspected Causes of Anemia of Chronic Disease
Shortened erythrocyte survival
Block in reuse of iron by erythrocyte
Direct inhibition of erythropoiesis
Relative deficiency of erythropoietin
The diagnosis of ACD is primarily one of exclusion and often is difficult. Various laboratory tests have been suggested, but few have proven value in the general population because ACD occurs in too large a variety of acute and chronic illnesses. The best way to diagnose ACD, at least provisionally, is to document an anemia of underproduction (i.e., low reticulocyte index) with low serum iron and low transferrin levels and an elevated serum ferritin level in the setting of a systemic, usually inflammatory, illness. A thorough search may be necessary to document the precise underlying illness.
Hematology Diagnosis and Treatment
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