Airway Management

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Last modified 01/06/2015

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Airway Management

Neila Altobelli

Respiratory therapists (RTs) are an important part of the health care team who aim to optimize patient ventilation and gas exchange. Because adequate ventilation and gas exchange are impossible without a patent airway, RTs often assume responsibility for airway management of patients in both the acute care and the post–acute care settings. RTs must develop skills in three broad areas of airway care. First, the RT must be proficient in airway clearance techniques, including methods designed to ensure the patency of the patient’s natural or artificial airway. Second, the RT must be able to insert and maintain artificial airways designed to support patients whose own natural airways are inadequate. Third, the RT must be able to assist physicians in performing special procedures related to airway management. This chapter explores each of these areas.


Airway obstruction can be caused by retained secretions, foreign bodies, and structural changes such as edema, tumors, or trauma. Retained secretions increase airway resistance and the work of breathing and can cause hypoxemia, hypercapnia, atelectasis, and infection. Difficulty in clearing secretions may be due to the thickness or amount of the secretions or to the patient’s inability to generate an effective cough.

RTs can remove retained secretions or other semiliquid fluids from the airways by suctioning. Suctioning is the application of negative pressure (vacuum) to the airways through a collecting tube (flexible catheter or suction tip). Removal of foreign bodies, secretions, or tissue masses beyond the main stem bronchi requires bronchoscopy, which is performed by a physician. RTs often assist physicians in performing bronchoscopy, which is discussed at the end of the chapter.

Suction can be performed in either the upper airway (oropharynx) or the lower airway (trachea and bronchi). Secretions or fluids can also be removed from the oropharynx by using a rigid tonsillar, or Yankauer, suction tip (Figure 33-1). Access to the lower airway is via introduction of a flexible suction catheter (Figure 33-2) through the nose (nasotracheal suctioning) or artificial airway (endotracheal suctioning). Tracheal suctioning through the mouth should be avoided because it causes gagging.

Endotracheal Suctioning

Clinical Practice Guideline

To guide practitioners in safe and effective application of this procedure, the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) has developed a clinical practice guideline on endotracheal suctioning of mechanically ventilated patients with artificial airways. Excerpts from the AARC guideline, including indications, contraindications, hazards and complications, assessment of need, assessment of outcome, and monitoring, appear in Clinical Practice Guideline 33-1.1


Endotracheal Suctioning of Mechanically Ventilated Patients With Artificial Airways

AARC Clinical Practice Guideline (Excerpts)*


• Need to maintain patency and integrity of the artificial airway

• Need to remove accumulated pulmonary secretions as evidenced by one of the following:

• Need to obtain a sputum specimen to rule out or identify pneumonia or other pulmonary infection or for sputum cytology

Hazards and Complications

• Decrease in dynamic lung compliance and functional residual capacity

• Atelectasis

• Hypoxia or hypoxemia

• Tissue trauma to the tracheal or bronchial mucosa

• Bronchoconstriction or bronchospasm

• Increased microbial colonization of lower airway

• Changes in cerebral blood flow and increased intracranial pressure

• Hypertension

• Hypotension

• Cardiac dysrhythmias

    Routine use of normal saline instillation may be associated with the following adverse events:

• Excessive coughing

• Decreased O2 saturation

• Bronchospasm

• Dislodgment of the bacterial biofilm that colonizes the endotracheal tube into the lower airway

• Pain, anxiety, dyspnea

• Tachycardia

• Increased intracranial pressure

*For complete guidelines, see American Association for Respiratory Care: Clinical practice guideline. Endotracheal suctioning of mechanically ventilated patients with artificial airways, Respir Care 55:758, 2010.

Equipment and Procedure

The procedure described here is for endotracheal suctioning of adults or children. Nasotracheal suctioning is described separately later in this chapter. There are two techniques for endotracheal suctioning: open and closed. The open, sterile technique requires disconnecting the patient from the ventilator. The closed technique uses a sterile, closed, in-line suction catheter later is attached to the ventilator circuit so that the suction catheter can be advanced into the patient’s endotracheal airway without disconnecting the patient from the ventilator.

There are also two methods of suctioning based on how deep the suction catheter is inserted in the artificial airway: deep suctioning and shallow suctioning. Deep suctioning is when the catheter is inserted until resistance is met and then withdrawn approximately 1 cm before applying suction. Shallow suctioning is when the catheter is advanced to a predetermined depth, which is usually the length of the airway plus the adapter.2 Using shallow suctioning rather than deep suctioning is recommended in infants and children.3

Step 2: Assemble and Check Equipment

The equipment needed for endotracheal suctioning is listed in Box 33-1. The suction catheter, gloves, and cup are often prepackaged together in disposable sterile kits for use during the open suctioning technique. The AARC Clinical Practice Guideline suggests the closed suctioning technique to avoid disconnecting the patient from the ventilator, which interrupts ventilation and exposes the patient to infection risk. Suction pressure should always be checked by occluding the end of the suction tubing before attaching the suction catheter. The suction pressure should be set at the lowest effective level. Negative pressures of 80 to 100 mm Hg in neonates and less than 150 mm Hg in adults are generally recommended.4

Suction catheters are available in various designs, most with side ports to minimize mucosal damage. Most suction catheters for general purposes are 22 inches long (sufficient to reach the main stem bronchi) and sized in French units (external circumference). A curved-tip catheter, or catheter coudé, is available to help direct access to the left main stem bronchus. The size of the catheter may be more important than its design. A catheter that is too large can obstruct part or all of the airway by occupying too much of its opening. Too large a suction catheter combined with negative pressure quickly evacuates lung volume and can cause atelectasis and hypoxemia. To avoid this problem, the diameter of the catheter should be less than 50% of the internal diameter of the artificial airway in adults.5,6 In infants and small children, the diameter of the suction catheter should be less than 70% of the internal diameter of the artificial airway.7

An in-line suction catheter can be used for patients receiving ventilatory support (Figure 33-3). These systems are incorporated directly into the ventilator circuit and used repeatedly. Because this system allows suctioning without disconnecting the patient from the ventilator, it is recommended for suctioning patients who require high fractional inspired oxygen (FiO2) and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), who are at risk for lung derecruitment, and for neonates.810 In addition, cross contamination is less likely with such systems. The use of in-line suction catheters has been shown to be cost-effective because they need to be changed only if soiled or malfunctioning and not on a daily basis.11 However, in-line suction catheters have not been shown either to increase or to decrease the risk of ventilator-associated pneumonia.12 The extra weight an in-line catheter adds to a ventilator circuit may increase tension on the endotracheal tube, so care should be taken to support the ventilator tubing appropriately.

Basic indications for the use of closed suction catheters are listed in Box 33-2.13 Routine instillation of sterile normal saline to aid secretion removal before suctioning is not recommended because there is insufficient evidence that this practice is beneficial, and it may increase infection risk (see Hazards and Complications in Clinical Practice Guideline 33-1). If the secretions are extremely tenacious, instillation of acetylcysteine or sodium bicarbonate (2%) may be more effective than normal saline; this generally requires a physician’s order. The use of these medications is discussed in more detail in Chapter 32.

After connecting the catheter to the suction source, the level of suction pressure should be checked by closing the catheter thumb port and aspirating some sterile water or saline from the basin. If no vacuum is generated, it is necessary to check for leaks in the tubing, at the collection container, or at the suction regulator. In addition, if the collecting bottle is full, the float-valve closes and prevents vacuum transmission.

Step 3: Hyperoxygenate Patient

Before suctioning, delivery of 100% oxygen (O2) for 30 to 60 seconds to pediatric and adult patients is suggested, especially to patients who are at risk for hypoxemia. Also, the O2 concentration should be increased by 10% in neonates before suctioning14; this may be done by increasing the set FiO2 or activating the temporary 100% setting on microprocessor ventilators. Manual ventilation is not recommended because it is sometimes difficult to deliver 100% O2 this way.15 However, if there is no other alternative to hyperoxygenate the patient, PEEP should be maintained during the manual ventilation with 100% O2.

Step 5: Apply Suction and Clear Catheter

Suction is applied while withdrawing the catheter. Total suction time should be kept to less than 15 seconds.16,17 After removing the catheter, it should be cleared using the sterile cup filled with sterile water or saline. The closed suction catheter has an adapter for saline vials to be placed in line with the device. The catheter is cleared by squeezing the saline vial and applying suction at the same time. Caution must be used to ensure saline is being drawn into the catheter and not down the airway. If any untoward response occurs during suctioning, the catheter should be immediately removed, and the patient should be oxygenated.

Minimizing Complications and Adverse Responses

Careful adherence to procedure is the best way to avoid or minimize complications of endotracheal suctioning. First, preoxygenation helps minimize the incidence of hypoxemia during suctioning. Also, it is recommended to preoxygenate and suction without disconnecting the patient from the ventilator, rather than disconnecting the patient and manually ventilating.18 A manual resuscitator cannot always provide 100% O2 or deliver a consistent tidal volume, and maintaining sterile technique and PEEP levels can be difficult. As previously described, use of the closed suction technique on ventilator patients can decrease the likelihood of hypoxemia, especially in neonates and adults requiring high FiO2 or PEEP, or both, or at risk for lung derecruitment.

Cardiac dysrhythmias occur mainly as a result of hypoxemia. Mechanical stimulation of the airway also can cause dysrhythmias. If the patient is connected to a cardiac monitor, it should be checked often for gross dysrhythmias. Vagal stimulation can cause transient bradycardia or asystole. Tachycardia may result from patient agitation and hypoxemia. If any major change is seen in the heart rate or rhythm, the RT should immediately stop suctioning, administer O2 to the patient, provide ventilation as needed, and notify the nurse and physician.

Hypotension during suctioning may be due to cardiac dysrhythmias or severe coughing episodes that decrease venous return. As with dysrhythmias, if the patient becomes hypotensive, the procedure should be stopped, and oxygenation and ventilation should be restored. Hypertension may be caused by hypoxemia or increased sympathetic tone secondary to stress, anxiety, pain, or changes in hemodynamics.

Atelectasis can be caused by removal of too much air from the lungs in a short time. This complication can be avoided by (1) limiting the amount of negative pressure used, (2) keeping the duration of suctioning as short as possible, (3) using the appropriate size suction catheter, and (4) avoiding disconnection from the ventilator.

Mucosal trauma can also occur when the catheter comes in contact with the wall of the airway during suctioning. To avoid this problem, the amount of negative pressure used should be limited, and the shallow suctioning method as described previously should be used.

Increased intracranial pressure (ICP) has been reported during suctioning. These changes are transient, with values normally returning to baseline within 1 minute. However, in patients who already have an elevated ICP, these changes may be clinically significant. Should this problem occur, an aerosolized topical anesthetic given 15 minutes before suctioning may help reduce coughing and discomfort and any increase in ICP.19

Also, steps should be taken to minimize bacterial colonization of the lower airway. Sterile technique should be used during suctioning, and care must be taken when manually ventilating the patient not to contaminate the airway. Also, sterile normal saline should not be instilled routinely into the artificial airway before suctioning unless it is necessary to help mobilize very thick secretions.

Nasotracheal Suctioning

Nasotracheal suctioning is indicated for patients who have retained secretions but do not have an artificial tracheal airway.

Clinical Practice Guideline

The AARC has developed and published a clinical practice guideline on nasotracheal suctioning to guide practitioners in safe and effective application of this procedure. Excerpts from the AARC guideline, including indications, contraindications, hazards and complications, assessment of need, assessment of outcome, and monitoring, appear in Clinical Practice Guideline 33-2.20

33-2   Nasotracheal Suctioning

AARC Clinical Practice Guideline (Excerpts)*


• Need to maintain a patent airway and remove saliva, pulmonary secretions, blood, vomitus, or foreign material from the trachea in the presence of inability to clear secretions when audible or visible evidence of secretions in the large or central airways that persist despite patient’s best cough effort, as evidenced by one or more of the following:

• Stimulate cough or for unrelieved coughing

• Obtain a sputum sample for microbiologic or cytologic analysis

*For complete guidelines, see American Association for Respiratory Care: Clinical practice guideline. Nasotracheal suctioning—2004 revision and update, Respir Care 49:1080, 2004.

Equipment and Procedure

The equipment and procedure for nasotracheal suctioning are similar to the equipment and procedure for endotracheal suctioning. Only the key differences are highlighted here. In addition to the equipment and supplies used for endotracheal suctioning (see Box 33-1), sterile water-soluble lubricating jelly is needed to aid catheter passage through the nose. Use of a nasopharyngeal airway should be considered to help reduce mucosal trauma in the nose of patients who require repeated, long-term nasotracheal suctioning.

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