Acid-Base Disorders
Diagnostic Strategies
Simple acid-base disorders are categorized by the serum pH, PaCO2, and HCO3− concentrations (Table 124-1). When the primary disturbance is identified, the next step is to determine its etiology and whether an appropriate compensation has occurred. An inappropriate compensation suggests that the process underlying the primary disturbance has hindered an appropriate response or that more than one primary disturbance is present. Simple formulas allow the calculation of an appropriate response once the primary disturbance has been categorized. Compensatory processes generally return pH toward normal but not to normal and never beyond normal; such an exaggerated “compensation” actually represents a second primary disorder.
Blood gas and serum chemistry analysis allows calculation and interpretation of the serum anion gap.
Independent of bicarbonate levels, sodium and chloride play an important role in acid-base status. When [Na+] − [Cl−], the so-called strong ion difference, is significantly less than 38, an acidosis is present. An alternative to using the anion gap to identify both the presence and cause of acid-base disorders has the clinician start with the base excess (as calculated by a blood gas analyzer), subtract the sodium chloride effect,* and subtract the albumin effect.† What remains is, in the case of metabolic acidosis, the unmeasured anions (e.g., lactate, ketones, uremic acids, toxic alcohols, or other toxins; see later).1
Painful arterial blood sampling is unnecessary for the evaluation of acid-base disturbances. PaCO2, HCO3−, and pH values taken from peripheral venous, central venous, intraosseous, and capillary blood are all suitable for acid-base assessment.2–4
Respiratory Acidosis
Respiratory acidosis occurs when hypoventilation leads to an inappropriately elevated PaCO2 and resulting acidemia. Any condition that reduces minute ventilation may cause respiratory acidosis (Box 124-1). This commonly occurs acutely in the setting of airway embarrassment, pulmonary insults, major trauma, intracranial catastrophe, or central nervous system (CNS) depressants and chronically in progressive lung disease, neurologic muscle weakness conditions, or obesity hypoventilation syndrome. Respiratory acidosis may be accompanied by hypoxemia, which, depending on its pace and severity, will cause end-organ effects such as headache, ischemic chest pain, altered mental status (usually agitation), bradycardia, and circulatory collapse. When tissue oxygenation is adequate, hypercapnia—which is better tolerated than hypoxemia—tends to produce somnolence and obtundation with cerebral vasodilation and resulting elevation of intracranial pressure.
Patients with chronic respiratory acidosis are often hypoxemic at baseline and may be susceptible to further hypoventilation if normal oxygen saturation levels are promptly restored.5 Typically, a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease being treated for an acute exacerbation receives high-flow oxygen and is later found to be obtunded with profound hypercapnia. It is therefore prudent to target a lower than normal oxygen saturation in patients thought to be so habituated; SpO2 fractions in the low 90s and high 80s are usually well tolerated in this population.6 However, supplemental oxygen must not be withheld from patients with dangerously low oxygen saturation or patients with end-organ hypoxic insults, such as myocardial or cerebral ischemia. In these cases, aggressive oxygenation therapies must be instituted, with preparations made to initiate mechanical ventilation if it is needed.
Respiratory Alkalosis
Respiratory alkalosis occurs when increased minute ventilation causes a decreased PaCO2 and subsequent increase in serum pH. It is often associated with hysterical hyperventilation; however, as always, the emergency physician must consider dangerous conditions before arriving at a psychiatric diagnosis (Box 124-2).