
Published on 12/06/2015 by admin

Filed under Pulmolory and Respiratory

Last modified 12/06/2015

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Ventilation is the process of moving each breath, the tidal volume (VT), in and out of the lungs. During tidal ventilation, fresh atmospheric air mixes with and replaces some of the air already in the lungs. Each exhalation removes some of the carbon dioxide (CO2) the blood brings to the alveoli. Each inhalation replenishes the oxygen (O2) the blood removes from the alveoli. Because not all the inspired VT reaches the alveoli, only a portion of it participates in the gas exchange that occurs between blood and alveolar air, a process called external respiration. The depth and frequency of tidal breathing (i.e., the ventilatory pattern) greatly affects this gas exchange. Respiratory therapists and other health care clinicians must clearly understand factors affecting ventilation and respiration to assess the benefits and hazards of treatment options.

Partial Pressures of Respiratory Gases

The measurement of respiratory gas pressures must be understood to comprehend the function of the lung as a gas-exchange organ. Air is a gas mixture of mostly nitrogen (N2) and O2, with traces of argon, CO2, and other gases (Figure 4-1, A). The total combined pressure exerted by these atmospheric gases, the barometric pressure (PB), can be measured by a mercury (Hg) barometer, as shown in Figure 4-1, B. At sea level, atmospheric pressure exerts a force equal to the weight of a mercury column 760 mm high. By convention, standard atmospheric pressure at sea level is expressed simply as the height of the mercury column it supports, or 760 mm Hg. (The term torr is equivalent to mm Hg. In this book mm Hg is used.)

According to Dalton’s law, the pressure of each gas that makes up air exerts a partial pressure proportional to its fractional concentration in air. The partial pressure of any gas (Pgas) in air is equal to its fractional concentration (Fg) multiplied by total atmospheric pressure: PB (Pgas = Fg × PB).

Because oxygen constitutes 20.93% of dry atmospheric air, its partial pressure (PO2) at sea level is calculated as follows:



The partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2) is similarly calculated:



In physiological calculations, the PCO2 of inspired air is considered to be 0 mm Hg.

The act of inspiring heats air to body temperature (37° C) and saturates it with water vapor (100% relative humidity [RH]). The partial pressure of water vapor (PH2O) is determined by only temperature and RH. Because the body maintains lung temperature and RH at 37° C and 100% RH, the PH2O of gas in the lung is constant; under body temperature and humidity conditions, PH2O is always 47 mm Hg. At sea level, the total pressure of all gases in the lung, including water vapor, is 760 mm Hg. Water vapor accounts for 47 mm Hg, which means the rest of the atmospheric gases account for the remaining 713 mm Hg. Therefore, 47 mm Hg first must be subtracted from PB to calculate Pgas in the lung or blood. In the lung’s airways, PO2 is calculated as follows:



Classification of Ventilation

Minute or Total Ventilation

Minute ventilation (V.imageE) is defined as the volume of air either entering or leaving the lung each minute; that is, the volume of air inhaled each minute must be equal to the volume exhaled each minute. In clinical practice, V.imageE is usually measured by adding together the exhaled tidal volumes obtained over 1 minute—hence the subscript E. Theoretically, the same result would be obtained by summing the inhaled tidal volumes over 1 minute, but exhaled volumes are easier to measure clinically. Regardless of the measuring method, V.imageE is the product of VT and breathing frequency (f) per minute (V.imageE = VT × f). If VT is 500 mL and breathing frequency is 12 breaths per minute, V.imageE is calculated as follows:





V.imageE is easy to measure but not particularly useful in evaluating the amount of ventilation that participates in gas exchange (respiration) at the alveolar level. Not all the V.imageE reaches the alveoli because the last part of each inspiration (about one third of the VT) stays in the conducting airways and is eliminated with the next expiration (Figure 4-2). Likewise, the first one third of the next inspired VT is reinspired exhaled air; it consists of the air left in the conducting airways from the last exhalation. Thus, only part of the V.imageE ventilates the alveoli; this part is called alveolar ventilation (V.imageA). The remaining part ventilates conducting airways, which is called anatomical dead space ventilation (V.imageDanat). V.imageE can be expressed in terms of its components (V.E=V.Danat+V.Aimage). This equation can be rearranged to solve for any of its components (V.A=V.EV.Danatimage or V.Danat=V.EV.Aimage). A single VT can be similarly expressed (VT = VDanat + VA), where VDanat is anatomical dead space volume and VA is alveolar volume.

Dead Space Ventilation

Anatomical Dead Space

The conducting airways from the mouth and nose down to and including terminal bronchioles constitute anatomical dead space (VDanat). Ventilation of these airways is necessary to move gas to and from the alveoli, but no gas exchange occurs between blood and air across their walls. The fresh gas filling the conducting airways at the end of inspiration (see Figure 4-2, left) is exhaled and is sometimes called “wasted” ventilation because it takes no part in respiration. The term wasted ventilation is synonymous with dead space ventilation. Dead space is defined as airspaces that are ventilated but do not exchange gases with the pulmonary circulation.

The volume in the conducting airways (VDanat) does not change unless surgery removes part of a lung or an artificial airway (endotracheal or tracheostomy tube) bypasses the upper airway dead space. Anatomical dead space increases slightly during a deep inspiration and with administration of drugs that relax smooth airway muscle because these factors increase the airway diameter. Diseases characterized by hyperinflation of the lungs (e.g., emphysema) increase VDanat for the same reason. For clinical monitoring purposes, VDanat is considered to be constant.

Gas Composition of Anatomical Dead Space

The composition of VDanat gas is different at the end of expiration than at the end of inspiration (Figure 4-3). An inspired VT of 500 mL completely flushes the normal 150 mL of VDanat with atmospheric air, leaving behind a PCO2 of 0 mm Hg and a PO2 of 149 mm Hg (see Figure 4-3, left). Dead space gas is identical in composition to inspired air except that it is 100% humidified. After the 500 mL of VT is completely exhaled, the 150 mL of VDanat (see Figure 4-3, right) is wholly occupied by gas that came from the alveoli. The humidified atmospheric air that occupied the dead space at end-inspiration was exhaled ahead of the alveolar gas (i.e., this gas was wasted because it did not participate in respiration). At end-tidal expiration, dead space gas is identical in composition to the average alveolar gas composition. Under normal circumstances, end-tidal expiratory gas is assumed to be identical in composition to alveolar gas.

The alveolar gas residing in the dead space is reinspired with the next breath. Therefore, the first 150 mL of the inspired VT does not change the alveolar gas composition.

The exhaled VT is a mixture of dead space gas (identical to inspired gas—containing no CO2) and alveolar gas (which contains CO2). The PCO2 of mixed exhaled gas is lower than alveolar PCO2 (PACO2) because dead space gas free of CO2 is a component of exhaled gas. This fact is helpful in understanding the calculation of the dead space-to-tidal volume ratio (VD/VT) later in this chapter.

Measuring Anatomical Dead Space

VDanat is related to lung size; in normal adults, anatomical dead space is approximately 1 mL per pound of ideal body weight.1 The Fowler technique provides a more precise measurement of VDanat (Figure 4-4).2 In the Fowler technique, the subject first exhales maximally to residual volume (RV), then takes a maximal inhalation of 100% O2 to total lung capacity, then exhales maximally to RV again. This technique is based on the fact that air is a mixture of N2 and O2. An N2 analyzer is used to measure continuously the exhaled N2 concentration at the mouth after the single maximal inspiration of 100% O2. N2 concentration measured at the mouth decreases abruptly to 0 during the 100% O2 inspiration (see Figure 4-4). At the end of inspiration, VDanat contains pure O2, which is the first gas to be exhaled. This means that N2 concentration remains at 0% for the first part of the expiration.

As expiration proceeds, alveolar gas (which still contains some N2) moves up into the conducting airways, and dead space N2% gradually increases to alveolar levels—note the S-shaped curve in Figure 4-4. The increase in N2% would be sharp and abrupt if dead space and alveolar gas were completely separated, as illustrated by the hypothetical square front in Figure 4-5, A. If this were the case, N2% would remain at 0% until all dead space gas was expired, and then it would abruptly increase to alveolar levels when alveolar gas suddenly appeared, as shown by the theoretical thin, solid vertical line in Figure 4-4. VDanat would simply be the volume exhaled to the sharp increase in N2%. However, alveolar gas moves through conducting airways in a conical rather than square front (see Figure 4-5, B), mixing with dead space gas. This movement makes it difficult to detect the exact point at which only the VDanat has been expired. It is necessary to construct a line representing the theoretical square front that would be seen if all N2-free dead space gas were expired first, followed by only N2-containing alveolar gas. The hypothetical square front is constructed by placing a vertical line (see Figure 4-4) such that area A equals area B (i.e., in effect, the vertical line averages alveolar and dead space gas compositions). The dead space volume is the volume expired up to the hypothetically constructed square front.

Alveolar Ventilation

V.imageA is the amount of gas entering or leaving the alveoli per minute. It is the effective portion of the V.imageE in the sense that only V.imageA takes part in respiration. As shown previously, if V.imageD and V.imageE are known, V.imageA is easily calculated (V.A=V.EV.Dimage).

All CO2 in exhaled gas comes from ventilated alveoli that have blood flowing through their capillaries. The source of this CO2 is tissue metabolism. Normal aerobic metabolism produces CO2, which is carried by venous blood to the lungs (see Figure 4-3). The mixed venous PCO2 (Pv¯imageCO2) approaching the alveoli is several millimeters of mercury higher than PACO2. Thus, CO2 diffuses into the alveoli.

Inspiration brings fresh CO2-free gas into the alveoli, and expiration removes a portion of the CO2-rich alveolar gas (see Figure 4-3). The balance between metabolic CO2 production per minute (V.imageCO2) and its rate of elimination (V.imageA) determines the PCO2 of alveolar gas and the PCO2 of the blood leaving the lung.

Hyperventilation and Hypoventilation

If V.imageA momentarily removes more CO2 per minute than is metabolically produced, alveolar and blood PCO2 decrease, and a state of hyperventilation exists. Similarly, if V.imageA momentarily removes less CO2 than the body produces, alveolar and blood PCO2 increase, and a state of hypoventilation exists. Normally, alveolar gas and blood PCO2 values equilibrate as blood flows past alveoli and enters the left ventricle. As Figure 4-3 shows, arterial blood arising from the left ventricle has the same PCO2 as the alveoli (PACO2 = PaCO2).

V.imageA determines PaCO2 because it controls PACO2. The PaCO2 obtained clinically through arterial blood gas analysis is the definitive indicator of V.imageA. Hyperventilation and hypoventilation are defined by V.imageA relative to CO2 production, a relationship that can be known only by measuring PaCO2. If PaCO2 is above normal (hypercapnia), hypoventilation exists; if PaCO2 is below normal (hypocapnia), hyperventilation exists. The presence of hyperventilation or hypoventilation cannot be reliably determined by observing only the respiratory rate or VT depth.