Published on 19/03/2015 by admin

Filed under Pathology

Last modified 19/03/2015

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The mouth is the entrance to the digestive tube. Ingestion, partial digestion, and lubrication of the food, or bolus, are the main functions of the mouth and its associated salivary glands. We study the salivary glands in Chapter 17, Digestive Glands.

The mouth, or oral cavity, includes the lips, cheeks, teeth, gums, tongue, and palate. Except for the teeth, the mouth is lined by a stratified squamous epithelium, with a submucosa present only in certain regions.

The lips consist of three regions: (1) the cutaneous region, (2) the red region, and (3) the oral mucosa region.

The cutaneous region is covered by thin skin (keratinized stratified squamous epithelium with hair follicles and sebaceous and sweat glands). The red region is lined by a stratified squamous epithelium supported by tall papillae containing blood vessels responsible for the red color of this region. The oral mucosa region is continuous with the mucosa of the cheeks and gums.

The stratified squamous epithelium covering the inner surface of the lips and cheeks is supported by a dense lamina propria and a submucosa, closely bound by connective tissue fibers to the underlying skeletal muscles.

The gums, or gingivae, are similar to the red region of the lips, except on the free margin, where significant keratinization is seen. The lamina propria of the gums binds tightly to the periosteum of the alveolar processes of the maxillae and mandible and to the periodontal membrane. The gums lack submucosa or glands.

The hard palate is lined by a keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium similar to that of the free margins of the gums. A submucosa is present in the midline but absent in the area adjacent to the gums. Collagenous fibers in the submucosa bind the mucosa to the periosteum of the hard palate.

The soft palate and uvula are lined by a nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium extending into the oropharynx where it becomes continuous with the pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium of the upper respiratory tract. The submucosa is loose and contains abundant mucous and serous glands. Skeletal muscle fibers are present in the soft palate and uvula.


The anterior two thirds of the tongue consist of a core mass of skeletal muscle oriented in three directions: longitudinal, transverse, and oblique. The posterior one third displays aggregations of lymphatic tissue, the lingual tonsils.

The dorsal surface of the tongue is covered by a nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium supported by a lamina propria associated with the muscle core of the tongue. Serous and mucous glands extend across the lamina propria and the muscle. Their ducts open into the crypts and furrows of the lingual tonsils and circumvallate papillae, respectively.

The dorsal surface of the tongue contains numerous mucosal projections called lingual papillae (Figure 15-1). Each lingual papilla is formed by a highly vascular connective tissue core and a covering layer of stratified squamous epithelium. According to their shape, lingual papillae can be divided into four types: (1) filiform papillae (narrow conical), the most abundant; (2) fungiform papillae (mushroom-shaped); (3) circumvallate papillae; and (4) foliate papillae (leaf-shaped), rudimentary in humans but well developed in rabbits and monkeys.

Taste buds are found in all lingual papillae except the filiform papillae. Taste buds are barrel-shaped epithelial structures containing chemosensory cells called gustatory receptor cells. Gustatory receptor cells are in synaptic contact with the terminals of the gustatory nerves.

Circumvallate (wall-like) papillae are located in the posterior part of the tongue, aligned in front of the sulcus terminalis. The circumvallate papilla occupies a recess in the mucosa and, therefore, it is surrounded by a circular furrow or trench.

Serous glands, or Ebner’s glands, in the connective tissue, in contact with the underlying muscle, are associated with the circumvallate papilla. The ducts of Ebner’s glands open into the floor of the circular furrow.

The sides of the circumvallate papilla and the facing wall of furrow contain several taste buds. Each taste bud, depending on the species, consists of 50 to 150 cells, with its narrow apical ends extending into a taste pore. A taste bud has three cell components (Figure 15-2): (1) taste receptor cells, (2) supporting cells (or immature taste cells), and (3) precursor cells (or basal cells).

Taste receptor cells have a life span of 10 to 14 days. Precursor cells give rise to supporting cells (or immature taste cells) which, in turn, become mature taste receptor cells. The basal portion of a taste receptor cell makes contact with an afferent nerve terminal derived from neurons in the sensory ganglia of the facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves.

Sweet, sour, bitter, and salty are the four classic taste sensations. A fifth taste is umami (the taste of monosodium glutamate). A specific taste sensation is generated by specific taste receptor cells. The facial nerve carries the five taste sensations; the glossopharyngeal nerve carries sweet and bitter sensations.

Taste is initiated when soluble chemicals, called tastants, diffuse through the taste pore and interact with the G-protein α, β, and γ subunits (called gustducin) linked to the taste receptors (designated TR1 and TR2), present in the apical microvilli of the taste receptor cells. As we discussed in Chapter 3, Cell Signaling, guanosine triphosphate (GTP) binding to the α subunit of the G-protein complex activates target molecules (ion channels in the taste receptor cells). Ionic changes within taste cells cause either depolarization (see Figure 15-2) or hyperpolarization of the receptor cells. An increase in intracellular Ca2+ triggers the release of neurotransmitters at the afferent synapse with the afferent nerve terminal. Some taste receptor cells respond to only one of the basic taste substances. Others are sensitive to more than one taste substance.


A layer of odontoblasts is present at the periphery of the pulp. Odontoblasts are active secretory cells that synthesize and secrete collagen and noncollagenous material, the organic components of the dentin.

The odontoblast is a columnar epithelial-like cell located at the inner side of the dentin, in the pulp cavity (Figure 15-5). The apical cell domain is embedded in predentin, a nonmineralized layer of dentin-like material. The apical domain projects a main apical cell process that becomes enclosed within a canalicular system just above the junctional complexes linking adjacent odontoblasts.

A well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus as well as secretory granules are found in the apical region of the odontoblast. The secretory granules contain procollagen. When procollagen is released from the odontoblast, it is enzymatically processed to tropocollagen, which aggregates into type I collagen fibrils.

Predentin is the layer of den tin adjacent to the odontoblast cell body and processes. Predentin is nonmineralized and consists mainly of collagen fibrils that will become covered (mineralized) by hydroxyapatite crystals in the dentin region. A demarcation mineralization front separates predentin from dentin. Dentin consists of 20% organic material, mainly type I collagen; 70% inorganic material, mainly crystals of hydroxyapatite and fluoroapatite; and 10% water.

Coronal dentin dysplasia (also known as dentin dysplasia, type II) is a rare inherited autosomal defect characterized by abnormal development of dentin, extremely short roots (rootless teeth), and obliterated pulp chambers.

The pulp consists of blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics surrounded by fibroblasts and mesenchyme-like extracellular elements. Blood vessels (arterioles) branch into a capillary network among the cell bodies of the odontoblasts. An inflammation in the pulp causes swelling and pain. Because there is no space for swelling in the pulp cavity, the blood supply is suppressed by compression, leading rapidly to the death of the pulpal cells.


Ameloblasts are enamel-producing cells present only during tooth development. The ameloblast (Figure 15-6) is a polarized columnar cell with mitochondria and a nucleus present in the basal region of the cell. The supranuclear region contains numerous cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus.

Beyond apical junctional complexes joining contiguous ameloblasts, the apical domain displays a broad process, Tomes’ process, in proximity to the calcified enamel matrix. The apical domain has abundant secretory granules containing glycoprotein precursors of the enamel matrix. Electron microscopic examination shows that the enamel consists of thin undulated enamel rods separated by an interrod region with a structure similar to that of the enamel rods but with its crystals oriented in a different direction. Each rod is coated with a thin layer of organic matrix, called the rod sheath.

The enamel is the hardest substance found in the body. About 95% of the enamel is composed of crystals of hydroxyapatite; less than 5% is protein. The newly secreted enamel contains a high content of protein (about 30%), whose concentration decreases to 1% during enamel mineralization. The extracellular matrix of the developing enamel contains two classes of proteins: amelogenin and enamelin.

Amelogenin is the major constituent, unique to the developing enamel. It controls the calcification of the enamel. Enamelin is a minor component; it has ameloprotease activity, which breaks down amelogenin during enamel assembly. Amelogenesis imperfecta is an X chromosome–linked inherited disease affecting the synthesis of amelogenin required for the formation of the tooth enamel; affected enamel does not attain its normal thickness, hardness, and color. Autosomal-dominant amelogenesis imperfecta is caused by a mutation of the enamelin gene.


Although we study each segment of the digestive or alimentary tube separately, it is important to discuss first the general organization of the tube to understand that each segment does not function as an independent unit.

We start with the common histologic features of the digestive tube by indicating that, except for the oral cavity, the digestive tube has a uniform histologic organization. This organization is characterized by distinct and significant structural variations reflecting changes in functional activity.

After the oral cavity, the digestive tube is differentiated into four major organs: esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. Each of these organs is made up of four concentric layers (Figure 15-7): (1) the mucosa, (2) the sub-mucosa, (3) the muscularis, and (4) the adventitia, or serosa.

The mucosa has three components: a lining epithelium, an underlying lamina propria consisting of a vascularized loose connective tissue, and a thin layer of smooth muscle, the muscularis mucosae.

Lymphatic nodules and scattered immunocompetent cells (lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages) are present in the lamina propria. The lamina propria of the small and large intestines is a relevant site of immune responses (see Chapter 16, Lower Digestive Segment).

The lining epithelium invaginates to form glands, extending into the lamina propria (mucosal glands) or submucosa (submucosal glands), or ducts, transporting secretions from the liver and pancreas through the wall of the digestive tube (duodenum) into its lumen.

In the stomach and small intestine, both the mucosa and submucosa extend into the lumen as folds, called rugae and plicae, respectively. In other instances, the mucosa alone extends into the lumen as fingers, or villi. Mucosal glands increase the secretory capacity, whereas villi increase the absorptive capacity of the digestive tube.

The mucosa shows significant variations from segment to segment of the digestive tract. The submucosa consists of a dense irregular connective tissue with large blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves branching into the mucosa and muscularis. Glands are present in the submucosa of the esophagus and duodenum.

The muscularis contains two layers of smooth muscle: the smooth muscle fibers of the inner layer are arranged around the tube lumen (circular layer); fibers of the outer layer are disposed along the tube (longitudinal layer). Contraction of the smooth fibers of the circular layer reduces the lumen; contraction of the fibers of the longitudinal layer shortens the tube. Skeletal muscle fibers are present in the upper esophagus and the anal sphincter.

The adventitia of the digestive tract consists of several layers of connective tissue continuous with adjacent connective tissues. When the digestive tube is suspended by the mesentery or peritoneal fold, the adventitia is covered by a mesothelium (simple squamous epithelium) supported by a thin connective tissue layer, together forming a serosa, or serous membrane.