Total facial alloplastic augmentation

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Last modified 22/05/2015

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CHAPTER 78 Total facial alloplastic augmentation

Historical background

Recently, the public demand and expectations for aesthetic facial surgery in both males and females has increased dramatically. This has challenged surgeons and scientists to develop more natural and longer lasting enhancements that are safe, ethical, and scientifically tested. Today’s augmentation technology far exceeds earlier fads such as the well publicized 1970s silicone injections to accentuate “cheekbones” and facial contours which resulted in horrific complications.

Among the first materials used successfully were non-reactive metals such as stainless steel and Vitallium. The past four decades of scientific research in solid-state synthesis, material sciences and facial contour aesthetic theory has yielded a new applied clinical science with an armament of tools that reliably have produced more reproducible surgical techniques.

Recent history has seen the introduction of silicone rubber (Silastic), Proplast I and II, Mersilene, Teflon, Dacron, Gore-Tex, acrylic, methymethacrylate, polyethylene, and hydroxylapatite among others. This chapter will endeavor to describe the facial architectural concepts and applied surgical techniques that are employed by Drs E.O. Terino and M.C. Edwards of the Plastic Surgery Institute of Southern California, to alloplastically augment the entire aesthetic facial contour.

The senior author (E.O.T.) is widely recognized for his unique and bold contribution to the development of reproducible and more anatomically precise alloplastic implants for facial rejuvenation (Terino, 1992). This was a time period when the surgical community was still greatly influenced and biased toward the sole use of autologous craniofacial reconstruction techniques pioneered by the Paul Tessier (Tessier, 1971).

At the turn of century, the search for safer and more durable alloplastic materials grew out of necessity due to a need to camouflage contour defects secondary to congenital (e.g. cleft deformities) or traumatically acquired (e.g. modern warfare, automobile accidents, etc.) facial skeletal deformities.

More surprisingly, alloplastic materials have been used for centuries earlier in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. The roots of this science find themselves first described in papyrus documents from ancient Egypt and Greece. Fascinating ancient anecdotes (before 1000 AD) including the use of sea shells hammered into the jaw to replace missing teeth (dental implants).

In the 20th century, chin alloplastic augmentation was first described in 1948 (Rubin and Walden, 1955). Gonzalez-Ulloa is credited to be among the first surgeons to describe malar augmentation with alloplastic implants (Gonzales-Ulloa, 1957). In the mid-1960s, Ulrich Hinderer developed unilateral corrective malar silicone implants (Hinderer, 1975).

Now we find ourselves, in a new era of facial augmentation that has an exciting and promising future due to an ever expanding armamentarium. The refined synergism of classical tissue transfer, injectable fillers, and alloplastic implants portends to define the next decade of advanced facial aesthetic surgery ultimately leading to the future “promised land” of true tissue engineering based on intimate knowledge of cell biology and stem cells.

Applied anatomy for total alloplastic facial augmentation

Interrelationships of the facial promontories

These are three major promontories of volume and mass. In order of importance, they are the nose, the two malar zygomatic eminences, and the chin–jaw line (Fig. 78.1). The supraorbital ridges, constitute a fourth promontory, which are of lesser significance (and will not be discussed in this chapter).

By altering the interrelationships of the three major prominentories, a surgeon can uniquely create or restore facial harmony, balance, and beauty. By mathematical law, the diminution or enhancement of any one of the three promontories directly and inversely affects the aesthetic importance of the others. Facial aesthetics is the art and science of achieving beauty by creating a balance in all three elements of facial skeletal anatomy. One important method by which the aesthetic surgeon can accomplish this balance is by properly employing alloplastic implants (Fig. 78.2). Recent advances in applied alloplastic implant technology now make it possible for the surgeon to make subtle or dramatic changes in the facial promontories with ease and predictability.

Over the past decades, aesthetic surgery has evolved dramatically. Surgical procedures have gone from simple skin-tightening techniques to removal or addition of subcutaneous fat, to lifting or plication of the submuscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) as well as suspension techniques of the brow and midface and more recently the introduction of a vast array of injectable fillers including autologous fat.

The restructuring of all these layers still has many limitations. Patients who display round, full, fleshy facial contours with an abundance of subcutaneous fat rarely appear beautiful by contemporary standards. Conversely, there are lean-faced individuals with a tendency to a longer facial contour with inadequate skeletal promontories in the malar or mandibular regions or both. Both extremes of these facial types, as well as innumerable patients who have combinations of volume deficiencies in varying anatomic locations can be significantly improved by rearranging the balance of their skeletal promontories with targeted alloplastic augmentation techniques. Furthermore, contour surgery of the facial skeleton should also be complemented by a wide variety of other sound coordinated facial procedures (Fig. 78.3).

Zonal anatomy of the malar and premandible regions

That part of the facial skeleton which, when appropriately augmented, produces an aesthetic change in the contour of midface can be called the “malar-midface space”. To determine the most aesthetic augmentation to select for that space, it is useful to partition the midface region into five distinct anatomic zones (Terino, 1992) (Fig. 78.4). By understanding these five zones and their interrelationships, the surgeon can vary cheek and/or midface shapes to accommodate each unique patient.

Summary of zones

Zone 1, the largest area, includes the major portion of the malar bone and the first third of the zygomatic arch. Augmentation of this entire zone produces the greatest volumetric filling of the cheek and also maximizes the projection of the maxillary eminence (Fig. 78.5).

Zone 2, the second most important site, overlies the middle third of the zygomatic arch. Enhancement of this zone along with zone 1 increases accentuation of the cheek bone laterally, giving a broader dimension to the upper third of the face, and creating a high, arched appearance. This change of contour is particularly useful for individuals with a narrow upper face or a long-face syndrome. When, however, zones 1 and 2 are augmented in excess, an abnormal and unattractive protuberance may result (Fig. 78.6).

Zone 3 is the paranasal area, which lies medial to the infraorbital foramen and nerve. A line drawn vertically down from the infraorbital foramen marks the medial extent of the usual dissection for malar augmentation. This line also represents the lateral border of zone 3. When paranasal augmentation in zone 3 occurs, medial fullness of the face is created, often in the upper nasolabial area, which can be unattractive or can produce a “chipmunk-cheek” effect. The skin and subcutaneous tissues are thin in that region; consequently, any implant placed there must be carefully sculptured and tapered. Augmentation of zone 3 is indicated for certain reconstructive purposes, following trauma or other heredity deficiencies (Fig. 78.7).

Zone 4 overlies the posterior third of the zygomatic arch. Augmentation in this area is never needed as it would produce an unnatural appearance. Moreover, dissection here may be dangerous, since it is very possible to injure the zygomaticotemporal or orbicularis oculi branches of the facial nerve, and even the capsule of the temporomandibular joint. Infrequently, deformities have been observed that resulted from operations in this area.

Zone 5, the submalar zone or “submalar triangle,” is bounded posteriorly by the tendonous surface of the masseter muscle, and anteriorly by the canine fossa region of the maxilla. The superior boundary of zone 5 is the inferior margin of the malar bone, which constitutes the first two thirds of the zygomatic arch. The medial extent of the submalar space ends at the lateral border of the nasolabial mound and sulcus. Its anterior limit is bounded by the inferomedial portion of the roof of the entire malar-midface space. It contains the overlying facial musculature, fat, skin, and subcutaneous of the midface region. The inferior limit is selected by the surgeon in the natural dissection plane that separates the masseter from the overlying facial musculature according to the desired configuration of midface fullness selected by the patient. This equates to creating certain breast shape by choosing the lower limit of the submammary sulcus.

In order to orchestrate aesthetic alloplastic augmentation, an understanding of facial types is necessary. Facial type 1 consists of a deficiency in the upper malar bone segment of the malar/midface. This specific contour weakness encompasses zones 1 and 2. Augmentation of zone 1 creates upper cheek fullness that pleasingly simulates bony contour. When a large implant is used to augment zone 2, as well as zone 1, widening of the upper midface occurs which shortens the appearance of a long and narrow face.

The transverse dimensions of the malar bone in the upper malar/midface measure from 4.5 to 6.5 cm from the infraorbital foramen to the posterior third of the zygomatic arch. Vertically, there is, on average, 3.0 to 4.0 cm in distance from the lateral canthus to the inferior margin of the malar bone. Over-accentuation of zone 1 in females may result in a masculine, sharp, angular, harsh or skeletal appearance.

A type 2 facial aesthetic deficiency consists of a soft tissue contour depression specifically in the lower aspect of the midfacial aesthetic unit called the submalar zone 5 (SM5) or submalar “triangle”. This deficiency resides over the masseter tendon and the canine fossa lying under the inferior border of the malar bone and zygomatic arch. A large malar shell implanted over the inferior aspect of the malar bone in zone 1 and extending into the submalar space below the border of the malar bone creates the illusion of a round, full “apple cheek” in females.

The soft tissues overlying the skeleton of the midface, malar, and submalar area undergo environmentally influenced predetermined genetic-based atrophy. A modest 3 mm or 4 mm implant thickness can augment and rejuvenate an aging face.

Augmenting the submalar region creates the youthful appearance of soft tissue fullness in the midface as well as the illusion of a larger malar bone. This is especially useful in the aging face where atrophy and the midface soft tissue descent create a more pronounced nasolabial fold. The inferior limit of the submalar space is variably created by dissecting the soft tissue roof (buccinator, zygomaticus muscles, and SMAS) from the masseter tendon. This is similar histologically to the inframammary sulcus created during breast augmentation. As the SM5 space is dissected and augmented in a more inferior direction, a larger, rounder cheek contour is produced which simulates both bony and soft tissue fullness. This type of midface contour is exemplified in the images of actresses Bo Derek and Linda Evans, or today’s Renee Zellweger and Angelina Jolie.

By definition, a comprehensive augmentation of the entire malar-midface unit may require an implant shell with maximal transverse dimensions of 5.5 cm across and 4.5 cm vertically. A type 2 face has adequate malar bone prominence, but is deficient in submalar soft tissue volume. This creates a flat, older, midface contour. This frequently occurs in the aging face of both males and females. In a young individual with strongly defined cheekbones and yet deficiencies in the midface soft tissues, a submalar augmentation produces aesthetic softness, and adds youthful fullness to the face. Some people feel strongly that a submalar implant can lift the nasolabial sulcus and give the illusion of facial tightening that will postpone the perceived need for rhytidectomy. The authors have not observed this occurrence. The authors favor volume filling of the midface just posterior to the nasolabial mound, in order to de-emphasize the appearance of fullness and simultaneously correct the soft tissue volume deficiency in the midface.

A type 3 facial aesthetic deficiency in a face consists of a very strong malar zygomatic superstructure and a very sunken submalar infrastructure. Such faces often have thin skin and subcutaneous support requiring a generous submalar augmentation with a projecting implant thickness (5–8 mm). This facial type occurs with aging, as well as from heredity (Fig. 78.8). The appearance is that of an emaciated, drawn, haggard and even sick countenance. This can result from soft tissue disease states such as Romberg’s hemi-atrophy and HIV lipodystrophy. The remedy, for any etiology, is the same: a generous volume filling of the submalar zone 5 (SM5) (Fig. 78.9).

A type 4 facial type consists of extreme volume deficiency in both malar zones 1 and 2 and the submalar zone 5 (SM5) regions and may also include the suborbital and paranasal zone 3 areas. It is more common in men than in women. It is identified by a “flat face” appearance. It also has been described as the “polar bear” syndrome because of a suborbital skeletal deficiency, which contributes to a proptotic, bulging appearance of the globe of the eye. Due to bony deficiency of the infraorbital region, a downward or vertical descent of the lower eyelid may result in scleral show.

A comprehensive shell implant which fills the medial tear trough, the suborbital rim, and the upper malar zones, improves this aesthetic imbalance significantly. For some patients a large shell implant to fill malar zones 1 and 2 as well as submalar zone 5 is all that is necessary. Theoretically, the shell implant may also add support and elevate the eyelid into a more attractive horizontal position. However, lateral canthopexy techniques may be necessary to benefit patients with this facial type.

Type 5 aesthetic facial deficiency exists as a weakness of facial structure in the suborbital “tear trough” region. This creates a tired and “hollow” appearance around the eyes, especially in the lower orbital region. There may also be a tendency for the eyeball itself to look proptotic due to the “negative vector” orbit (Fig. 78.10).

Volume deficiency in this area is especially viewed to be unattractive in females. A uniquely designed tear trough implant extends from the medial canthus to the lateral orbital malar rim, considerably improves this deficiency. Fat grafting along the inferior orbital rim has been considered by some to be advantageous but by most to be highly risky. In general, the authors’ experience is that all autologous soft tissue grafting in this region manifests unpredictable shrinkage and may produce irregularities or result in negligible improvement with added risks.

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