
Published on 15/04/2015 by admin

Filed under Surgery

Last modified 15/04/2015

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2. Position the patient in the lateral decubitus position (Fig. 27.1), arm at 90 degrees in the ‘praying’ position, back flush with edge of operating table. Support the patient with sandbags or a vacuum suction bean bag, strapped to the table for additional security if necessary. Apply padding to bony prominences, for example place a pillow between the knees.

3. Break the table to increase the distance between the rib spaces.

4. If necessary shave the skin, then prepare the chest, extending down to the operating table on both sides, up to the neck and down to the umbilicus. Apply the drapes.

5. Identify the tip of the scapula. Initially, start the incision approximately 2 cm below the tip of the scapula, and approximately 5 cm anterior to it, extending along the intercostal space to between the scapula and the spine. If necessary, extend the incision during the operation. Deepen the incision down to the dermis, followed by diathermy through the superficial fat down to the latissimus dorsi fascia. Two Langenbeck retractors are used to expose the muscle and diathermy slowly through it layer by layer. Grasp with forceps and cauterize any visible blood vessels. Once through the latissimus, place a finger on the interspaces above and below the rib, and apply diathermy directly down to the rib. Pick up the anterior fascia with the cold tip of the diathermy, slide two fingers into the space and apply diathermy onto the finger. Repeat for the posterior aspect.

6. Check with the anaesthetist to ensure lung isolation – ventilation is undertaken by the single contralateral lung).

7. Count the ribs and correctly identify the interspace to incise it. The standard position is the 5th interspace (between the 5th and 6th ribs), corresponding to the line of the oblique fissure. Diathermy in a posterior to anterior direction through the intercostal muscles, to ensure that you stay on the superior border of the lower rib.

8. Visualize the pleura and puncture it with the cold tip of the diathermy. Insert your finger into the pleural space to ensure that the lung is not adherent and to protect the lung from the diathermy, and apply diathermy onto the finger.

9. Resect a small section (1 cm) of lower rib using a costotome at the most posterior aspect if you need to increase access. Insert a swab at the posterior osteotomy site to achieve haemostasis.

10. Introduce a suitable retractor, such as Finocheitto’s or two Tudor-Edwards retractors, with a medium and small blade on each.

11. Using the long tip diathermy extend the incision anteriorly and posteriorly with diathermy through the intercostal muscle.








1. Correlate the initial port insertion with preoperative imaging. If you are undertaking VATS for a pleural effusion, you can use a needle and syringe to aspirate for fluid to ensure a safe position for entry.

2. Insert the camera port first. For indications such as pleurodesis the site of insertion is the junction between the middle and lower thirds of the chest. For indications such as management of pleural effusion place the incision a hand’s breadth above the costal margin (corresponding to the dome of the diaphragm).

3. Insert all other ports under direct vision (Fig. 27.7).

4. The length of VATS port incisions is similar to the diameter of the port (e.g. 11.5 mm). A Roberts’ forceps can be used as a retractor. Use diathermy all the way to the pleura. Ensure that the lung is isolated (see posterolateral thoracotomy above) before entry to the pleural cavity. Perform a finger sweep to confirm safe entry into the chest.

5. Instrument ports are inserted under direct vision using the scope. They are positioned to triangulate the lesion to facilitate easier dissection.

6. Rotation or tilting of the operating table can improve visualization by allowing the lung to drop away from the area to be examined.




1. Ensure all equipment is present before starting. Seldinger chest drains come in pre-packaged sterile sets.

2. If possible, have a nurse or assistant helping you.

3. Before starting, confirm the site for drain insertion. Review the chest X-ray and percuss the chest to establish the fluid level.

4. Create a wheal of local anaesthetic over the point of entry. Continue deeper into the pleural space (confirmed by a flash back of fluid or bubbles) and withdraw slightly to anaesthetize the pleura.

5. Introduce the trocar attached to a syringe into the intercostal space and advance it slowly while aspirating on the syringe. A ‘give’ may be felt as the parietal pleura is punctured or fluid may be aspirated. As soon as fluid is aspirated stop advancing the needle. Remove the syringe and introduce the guide-wire.

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