Thoracic Trauma

Published on 14/03/2015 by admin

Filed under Emergency Medicine

Last modified 14/03/2015

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78 Thoracic Trauma


Head and thoracic injuries from moving vehicle collisions (MVCs) and firearms account for the majority of the more than 160,000 injury-related deaths in the United States each year. Most fatalities occur immediately as a result of massive cardiac or vascular injury. Rib fractures are the most common thoracic cage injury following blunt thoracic trauma. Isolated first and second rib, sternum, and scapula fractures are no longer considered markers of traumatic aortic injury.1 However, rib fractures must still be considered markers of significant injury. Most patients seen in trauma centers with rib fractures will have hemothorax, pneumothorax, or a pulmonary contusion. Three or more rib fractures at any anatomic site dramatically increases the risk for spleen and liver injury. Likewise, scapula fractures are uncommon yet signify a high-energy mechanism of injury, almost always with important associated injuries.

Seat belts have increased the incidence of sternum fractures while reducing the number of lives lost in MVCs. Isolated nondisplaced sternum fractures are no longer considered markers of blunt cardiac injury.2 More complicated fracture patterns predict associated injuries. Fractures of the manubrium, manubrium-sternum synchondrosis, and proximal part of the sternum and severely displaced sternum fractures are associated with an increased incidence of spinal fractures. Displaced fractures of the body of the sternum are associated with a higher incidence of intrapulmonary and cardiac injuries.3

Thoracic Cage Injuries: Rib, Sternum, and Scapula Fractures

MVCs are the most common cause of rib and sternum fractures. Other mechanisms include pedestrian injury by a moving vehicle, falls, contact sports, and altercations. Fractures occur at the site of direct blows or at their posterior weak point as a result of compressive forces. Ribs 4 to 9 are the most commonly fractured.

All thoracic cage injuries result in significant pain, splinting, atelectasis, and increased risk for pneumonia. Multiple rib fractures interfere directly with the mechanics of ventilation. Fracture fragments may penetrate the pleura and lungs and result in pneumothorax and hemothorax. Traditionally, fractures of the 6th to 12th rib on the right suggest liver injury and on the left suggest splenic injury. However, any fracture, especially multiple fractures, increases the risk for liver and splenic injuries.4

Because children have more elastic chest walls, more energy is transmitted to the underlying lung, and greater force is required for fractures. Excluding other major trauma, 71% of rib fractures in children younger than 2 years result from abuse.5

Differential Diagnosis and Medical Decision Making

The initial portable anteroposterior (AP) chest radiograph should be inspected to confirm the diagnosis of rib fracture and underlying pleura or lung injury. Upright posteroanterior (PA) and lateral radiographs should be obtained if a high clinical index of suspicion remains for fracture or underlying injury. The presence of an occult “clinical rib fracture” with tenderness over the rib should be assumed even in the absence of radiographic findings. Rib radiographs seldom add to the clinical evaluation and are not routinely indicated.

Sternum fractures are best detected on the lateral chest radiograph. Associated rib fractures and mediastinal abnormalities may be evident on the PA view. In experienced hands, bedside ultrasound may be more sensitive than radiographs for detection of both rib and sternum fractures, as well as associated hemothorax or pneumothorax.6,7 The electrocardiogram (ECG) should be examined for evidence of cardiac injury. Scapula fractures are often missed on the initial chest radiograph unless the scapular outline is specifically inspected. Shoulder radiographs can confirm suspected fractures (Fig. 78.1).

Helical computed tomographic (CT) angiography should be performed on hemodynamically stable patients when clinically significant underlying injury is suspected. An abdominal CT scan can rule out intraabdominal injury in patients with tenderness or fracture of the sixth rib or below, three or more rib fractures, hypotension noted in the field or emergency department (ED), abdominal or flank tenderness, pelvic or femoral fractures, or gross hematuria.8

Flail Chest

Flail chest occurs when three or more ribs are fractured in two or more places and a discontinuous segment of the thoracic wall is produced and moves paradoxically with respiration. Flail chest is diagnosed in approximately 5% of thoracic trauma patients seen in level I trauma centers, typically in the setting of multisystem trauma. Mechanisms include MVCs, crush injuries, assault, falls, and even minimal trauma in elderly patients. Respiratory insufficiency results primarily from the underlying pulmonary contusion. Pneumothorax occurs in 50% of cases and pulmonary contusion in 75%.9


Immediate chest tube placement is required for assessment and management of other injuries, including pneumothorax and hemothorax. Continuous positive airway pressure is the first-line treatment in awake and cooperative patients with worsening oxygenation or ventilation.10 Criteria for intubation include airway obstruction, respiratory distress, shock, closed head injury, and need for surgery. Endotracheal intubation should be performed only when necessary to avoid the increased mortality associated with nosocomial pneumonia.

Fluid replacement should be managed carefully to avoid overhydration and worsening of lung injury. Analgesia is titrated so that patients are more willing to make sufficient inspiratory effort, but excessive sedation should be avoided. Intercostal nerve blocks, epidural anesthesia, or even surgical fixation of the flail segment may be beneficial.11 Stabilization of the flail segment in the ED or prehospital setting has not been shown to be helpful, and aggressive stabilizing efforts impede overall thoracic mechanics.

Pneumothorax and Hemothorax

A simple pneumothorax occurs when air accumulates in the pleural space without shifting the mediastinum or communicating with the atmosphere. Mechanisms include laceration of the pleura or lung by a fractured rib, alveolar rupture from compression of the chest against a closed glottis, or a penetrating wound in the thorax.

Tension pneumothorax occurs when injury to the chest wall acts as a one-way valve. Outside air enters the pleural space during inspiration but cannot exit during expiration. Accumulating air increases intrapleural pressure, which eventually shifts the mediastinum, compresses the vena cava, reduces venous return, and ultimately decreases cardiac output. Open or communicating pneumothorax occurs when a significant thoracic wall defect causes the lung to collapse on inspiration and expand on expiration, with air being “sucked” into and out of the chest and thus preventing effective ventilation. Mechanisms include high-velocity assault rifle injuries and shotgun wounds.

Hemothorax occurs when blood accumulates in the pleural space, typically from minor lacerations in the lung parenchyma. Massive hemothorax is defined as greater than 1.5 L of blood in the initial chest tube drainage and is an indication for immediate surgery. Hemopneumothorax occurs when both air and blood fill the pleural space and commonly results from rib fractures or penetrating trauma.

Presenting Signs and Symptoms

Patients with a simple pneumothorax classically have chest pain, diminished breath sounds, crepitus, hyperresonance, and mild to moderate respiratory distress. Patients with tension pneumothorax are classically seen in extremis and exhibit jugular venous distention, tracheal deviation, unilaterally absent breath sounds, or tachycardia followed by hypotension immediately before death (or any combination thereof).12 Patients with open pneumothorax have chest wall wounds that produce sonorous sounds and are in severe respiratory distress. Typical symptoms of hemothorax are respiratory distress, chest pain, and diminished breath sounds with dullness to percussion.

Atypical manifestations are more common than classic ones. Respiratory distress may occur as a result of multiple other causes. Patients can have severe pain from distracting injuries. Breath sounds may be difficult to hear in a noisy environment. Physical examination in patients with penetrating thoracic trauma is unreliable for the detection of pneumothorax or hemothorax.13 Patients with simple pneumothorax may be minimally symptomatic or may be cyanotic and in severe respiratory distress. Tension pneumothorax most commonly occurs in intubated patients as a result of positive pressure ventilation, sometimes after overzealous bagging.

Clinical reassessment of ventilated patients with decreasing oxygen saturation and hypotension may allow faster detection and treatment, even before chest radiographic diagnosis. Open pneumothorax may be missed if the patient is not completely exposed and rolled during the primary survey.

Differential Diagnosis and Medical Decision Making

The differential diagnosis for tension pneumothorax includes cardiac tamponade, massive hemothorax, and right mainstem intubation with left lung collapse. All will produce respiratory distress, hypotension, and tachycardia. Cardiac tamponade results in diminished heart sounds with normal breath sounds and a midline trachea. Massive hemothorax produces decreased or absent unilateral breath sounds and dullness to percussion. Chest tube insertion confirms the diagnosis. Right mainstem intubation results in jugular venous distention, tracheal deviation to the left, normal resonance, and diminished breath sounds on the left versus the right. In an intubated patient, the endotracheal tube should be checked and pulled back. In the field or resuscitation bay, bilateral needle thoracostomy should be performed when the patient is in distress, even if the diagnosis is uncertain. A rush of air confirms the diagnosis of tension pneumothorax. Chest tubes must be placed after needle decompression.

A chest radiograph can confirm the diagnosis of simple pneumothorax and hemothorax. A distance of 1 cm or one fingerbreadth between the chest wall and visceral pleural line correlates with a small, 10% to 15% pneumothorax. Anything larger requires immediate chest tube insertion. On a supine portable AP chest radiograph, a deep sulcus sign suggests pneumothorax. The affected costophrenic angle appears clearer and deep with depression of the hemidiaphragm as a result of localized air collection in a supine patient. In patients with a high index of clinical suspicion based on symptoms or penetrating injuries, some authorities advocate expiratory upright PA and lateral chest radiographs to make the lung volume smaller and the pneumothorax volume relatively larger and easier to visualize. Clinically significant pneumothorax should be evident on standard chest radiographs. The chest CT scan is more sensitive in visualizing pneumothorax; it often detects small occult pneumothoraces, which require close monitoring.

In an upright patient, a hemothorax appears as a fluid layer in the affected hemithorax. Early collections are noted to blunt the costophrenic angles on the AP and lateral radiographic views. Hemothorax often appears as only a diffuse hazy infiltrate in a supine trauma patient. Hemopneumothorax has a fluid layer with a flat superior border, in contrast to the round meniscus of an isolated hemothorax (Figs. 78.2 and 78.3). Decubitus views better demonstrate a small hemothorax.


Fig. 78.2 Chest radiograph showing obvious left-sided tension pneumothorax with mediastinal shift.

(From Ullman EA, Donley LP, Brady WJ. Pulmonary trauma emergency department evaluation and management. Emerg Med Clin North Am 2003;21:291-313.)

An extended focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) scan can diagnose pneumothorax and hemothorax with higher sensitivity than portable chest radiography can in experienced hands. An extended FAST scan is especially helpful when chest radiography is not immediately available and in mass casualty situations.14

Follow-up, Next Steps in Care, and Patient Education

Traumatic pneumothorax and hemothorax generally require tube thoracostomy. The exception is a small stable pneumothorax in an otherwise healthy and symptom-free patient, which may be managed with observation.

Occult traumatic pneumothorax detected on a CT scan requires only close observation for respiratory distress, progression, and the development of complications. Tube thoracostomy must be immediately available but is not required even with positive pressure ventilation.16 Any prolonged surgery, diagnostic testing, or transport preventing immediate tube thoracostomy requires prophylactic placement.

In patients with penetrating injuries and a negative initial chest radiograph, upright PA and lateral chest radiographs should be repeated in 3 to 4 hours.17 Patients with normal findings on repeated radiographs and no significant associated injuries are discharged with wound care and follow-up instructions. Patients with asymptomatic blunt chest trauma and normal findings on the initial chest radiographs do not require repeated films before discharge. All patients with chest tubes are admitted to the trauma, cardiothoracic, or general surgery service in the care of personnel experienced in managing chest tube equipment.

Pulmonary Contusion

Pulmonary contusion is the most common parenchymal lung injury in victims of blunt chest trauma. Though typically described in the setting of flail chest, pulmonary contusion can occur with less significant chest wall fractures and occasionally even in the absence of overlying injury.

Pulmonary contusion occurs with blunt, blast, or high-energy penetrating injuries. MVCs and falls are the most commonly reported mechanisms. Injury to the lungparenchyma causes hemorrhage and edema of the alveoli and interstitium, which results in ventilation-perfusion mismatching and ultimately hypoxia and hypercapnia. Hemorrhage worsens over the first 24 to 48 hours and then typically resolves over the next 7 days. Acute respiratory distress syndrome and pneumonia are the most frequent complications, both with significant morbidity and mortality.