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Thermoregulation is the balance between heat production and heat loss involved in maintaining thermal equilibrium. Heat is produced by the body as a by-product of metabolic processes and muscular activity; thus a major function of the thermoregulatory system is dissipation of this heat.18 The thermoregulatory system must also respond appropriately to alterations in environmental temperature to preserve thermal equilibrium. Maintenance of thermal stability is particularly critical in the newborn in that exposure to cold environments and lowered body temperatures are closely correlated with survival, especially in very low–birth weight (VLBW) infants. Maternal temperature changes are also important in relation to fetal well-being and the potential adverse consequences of maternal hyperthermia. Regulation of body temperature is summarized in Figure 20-1 and Box 20-1 on page 658.

BOX 20-1   Body Temperature Regulation

Regulation of temperature depends on the ability to (1) sense temperature changes in the external environment by skin receptors; (2) regulate heat production by increasing or decreasing metabolic rate; (3) conserve or dissipate heat (by sweating or altering skin blood flow); and (4) coordinate sensory input about environmental changes with appropriate body-temperature-regulating responses.68 Thermoregulation involves a “multiple-input system” controlled by the anterior and posterior portions of the hypothalamus. The anterior hypothalamus is temperature-sensitive and controls heat loss mechanisms. The preoptic and anterior nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus are the sites of the set point or threshold temperature. The set point is a mechanism through which heat production and loss are regulated to maintain the core temperature within a narrow range. The posterior hypothalamus, which is the central controller of responses (heat production or dissipation) to cold or heat stimuli, receives input from central receptors (in deep body structures such as the hypothalamus, abdominal organs and spinal cord) and peripheral receptors (skin, abdomen, spinal cord, hypothalamic preoptic nuclei, internal organs). The peripheral receptors are free nerve endings in the skin that send impulses to the hypothalamus via afferent nerve fibers as well as to the thalamus and cerebral cortex, when there is conscious perception of temperature changes.64 With cold stress, the thermoregulatory center acts to conserve heat (through cutaneous vasoconstriction and abolition of sweating) or increase heat production (through voluntary skeletal muscle activity, shivering, or nonshivering thermogenesis). This center dissipates heat by activation of sweat glands to increase evaporative loss, peripheral vasodilation, and respiration. Thermal regulation is also influenced by thyroid hormones and the sympathetic nervous system.112

FIGURE 20-1 Regulation of body temperature. The diagram represents the biocybernetic concept of temperature regulation in humans. Temperature is sensed at various sites of the body, and the temperature signals are fed into the central controller (multiple input system). (From Sahni, R., & Schulze, K. [2012]. Temperature control in newborn infants. In R.A. Polin, W.W. Fox, & S.H. Abman [Eds.], Fetal and neonatal physiology [4th ed.]. Philadelphia: Saunders.)

Maternal physiologic adaptations

Hormonal and metabolic alterations during pregnancy result in changes in maternal temperature. These changes are transient and may cause discomfort but are generally not associated with significant physiologic alterations.

Antepartum period

The amount of heat generated increases 30% to 35% during pregnancy because of the thermogenic effects of progesterone, alterations in maternal metabolism and basal metabolic rate (see Chapter 16), and maternal dissipation of heat generated by the fetus.30,91 As a result, many pregnant women develop an increased tolerance for cooler weather and decreased tolerance for heat. The additional heat is dissipated by peripheral vasodilation with a fourfold to sevenfold increase in cutaneous blood flow and increased activity of the sweat glands (see Chapter 14). Cutaneous vasodilation leads to skin warmth.

The maternal temperature usually increases by 0.5° C (0.3° F). Both core and skin temperature increase during pregnancy, with a slight decrease reported in late pregnancy. The core temperature peaks by midpregnancy.85 The decrease in core temperature in late pregnancy may be related to decreases in progesterone and physical activity (which generates heat) during this time. The rise in skin temperature is particularly evident in the hands and feet, probably due to arteriovenous shunting in these areas.129 In general, heat accumulation may be slower and heat dissipation faster in later pregnancy than before pregnancy or in early pregnancy. The increased plasma volume during pregnancy provides a greater area for heat storage and may enhance heat transfer from the fetus to the mother.85 The pregnant woman has decreased vasoconstriction in response to cold during pregnancy. This may alter her ability to conserve heat during cold stress.85

Body temperature increases with exercise due to heat generated by increased metabolic energy production. Some of this heat is dissipated by increased skin blood flow; the remainder is stored transiently, increasing the core temperature. Changes in temperature with exercise during pregnancy are moderate, as compared with changes in nonpregnant women, suggesting that the enhanced thermoregulatory capacity of the pregnant woman may help protect her against hyperthermia.85 The increased plasma volume in pregnancy may assist in maintaining uterine and placental blood flow during exercise and in maximizing heat transfer from the fetus and heat dissipation in the mother. Aerobic exercise in water is associated with minimal changes in either core or skin temperature.85,129 Exercise during pregnancy is discussed further in Chapters 9 and 10.

Intrapartum period

An increase in body temperature, averaging 1° C (1.7° F), may occur during labor as a result of physical activity with uterine contractions and the release of substances from the fetal-placental unit that may stimulate the maternal hypothalamic thermoregulatory center.87,91,104 However, Bartholomew and colleagues reported that 95% of 147 women had temperatures between 36.2° C and 37.8° C (97.2° F and 100.0° F) during labor.11 Diurnal variations were noted with a nadir at midday and peak in the evening.11

In some women the increase in temperature during labor is high enough to generate concern that the mother is infected. Although this may sometimes be the case, the most common cause for maternal fever during labor is use of epidural analgesia, not infection.1,11,134 Women with epidural analgesia are more likely to develop a fever during labor than women without this form of anesthesia.50,97,104,134 Epidural anesthesia in nonpregnant individuals is more likely to lead to a decreased rather than increased temperature. The fever seen with epidurals is usually characterized by a slow increase in temperature of approximately 0.07° C/hour, although the temperature may rise to greater than 37.5° C (99.5° F) or 38° C (100.4° F) in some women.50,104 The basis for the increased temperature in pregnant women during the intrapartum period may be due to decreased heat dissipation (due to a decreased sweating threshold, alterations in ventilation, and altered hypothalamic responses) and an increase in heat production, possibly due to increased shivering.1,5,104,134,136 The autonomic block with epidural analgesia inhibits peripheral vasoconstriction and sweating in the lower body. The impairment of sweating and behavioral responses may decrease heat loss.11,91 Maternal fever with epidural anesthesia is associated with an inflammatory state with increased cytokines, especially interleukin-6, but this state is rarely due to infection.5,97,104,136 Prophylactic administration of acetaminophen has not been found to suppress the fever associated with epidurals.69,104 Panzer and colleagues reported that women during labor do not show the same relationship between temperature, sweating, and shivering as nonpregnant individuals.91 In the parturient, shivering was not necessarily triggered by decreased temperature nor was sweating necessarily triggered by increased temperature; the woman might shiver and sweat simultaneously. Temperature increases can lead to an increased maternal heart rate, cardiac output, oxygen consumption, and catecholamine production.104

The laboring woman is also at risk for hypothermia during the intrapartum period due to vasodilation (limiting usual vasoconstrictive responses to cold); administration of anesthetics, narcotics, and other pharmacologic agents; blood loss, rapid fluid replacement, especially if cool fluids are used; or other events that increase maternal heat loss (e.g., cold drafts, wet drapes or towels). Prolonged exposure to a cool environment can aggravate heat loss. Hypothermia can result in shivering, hypotension, and hemodynamic and cardiorespiratory instability.91

Postpartum period

Maternal temperature is monitored closely during the postpartum period because elevations may indicate infection or dehydration. A transient postpartum chill or shivering is often experienced about 15 minutes after birth of the infant or delivery of the placenta. The cause of this chill is unknown and various causes have been proposed. This phenomenon may represent muscular exhaustion or result from disequilibrium between the internal and external thermal gradients secondary to muscular exertion during labor and delivery, sudden changes in intraabdominal pressure with emptying of the uterus, or small amniotic fluid emboli. Most women who experience early postpartum shivering are normothermic, suggesting that this phenomenon is nonthermoregulatory in origin.91 Shivering is seen in about 20% of women who did not receive neuraxial analgesia and more frequently in women after epidural analgesia.91

Transient maternal temperature elevations up to 38° C (100.4° F) occur in up to 6.5% of vaginally delivering women during the first 24 hours after delivery. In most women this resolves spontaneously and is secondary to noninfectious causes such as dehydration or to a transient bacterial endometritis.42 Maternal fever in the postpartum period may be a sign of puerperal infection, mastitis, endometritis, or urinary tract infection, although these infections are usually the cause of fever after 24 hours. Any temperature elevation merits close monitoring, especially with increasingly early discharge.3,30

Clinical implications for the pregnant woman and her fetus

The fetal ambient environmental temperature is the maternal temperature. Fetal temperature is linked to maternal temperature and the maternal-fetal thermal gradient (see section on Development of Thermoregulation in the Fetus), so that if maternal temperature rises, so will the fetal temperature. Maternal oral temperature has been reported to correlate with intrauterine temperature, with maternal oral temperature lower than intrauterine temperature by 0.8° C (1.3° F) (95% confidence interval, 0.7° C, 1° C [1.28° F, 1.7° F]).10 In this study a maternal “oral temperature greater than 37.2° C (99.0° F) detected an intrauterine temperature greater than 38° C (100.4° F) with a sensitivity of 81% and a specificity of 96%.”10

The increase in maternal temperature during pregnancy may cause transient discomfort and alter the woman’s heat tolerance. The major concerns related to thermoregulation during pregnancy are the effects of maternal hyperthermia and fever on the fetus.

Maternal hyperthermia and fever

Maternal fever has three potential detrimental effects on the fetus: (1) hypoxia secondary to maternal and fetal tachycardia and altered hemodynamics; (2) teratogenesis; and (3) preterm labor from the fever per se, from underlying infection, or from associated hemodynamic alterations.30 Maternal intrapartum fever due to infection has been linked to a risk of cerebral palsy, cognitive defects, and neonatal seizures and encephalopathy, as well as later disorders such as schizophrenia and autism.58,80,95,104 Maternal hyperthermia increases maternal oxygen consumption and shifts the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right. Although this latter change increases the oxygen supply to the placenta, fetal oxygen uptake becomes more difficult because of the altered thermal gradient.57

Research regarding adverse fetal effects has focused primarily on maternal temperature elevations due to fever secondary to illness, exercise, and the use of saunas or hot tubs. Animal studies show specific effects of maternal hyperthermia, especially when the maternal core temperature increases to 2° C or more above baseline; the longer the temperature elevation is maintained or the higher the temperature, the greater the risk to the fetus.24 Some of the human studies have been retrospective and suggestive but inconclusive, while other have demonstrated a clear association.7,23,24,39,85,89,120 A meta-analysis of studies, including both retrospective case-controlled and prospective cohort studies, reported an overall odds ratio of neural tube defects (NTDs) when associated with maternal hyperthermia of 1.92 (95% confidence interval, 1.16, 2.29).89 Definitions of hyperthermia in the various studies ranged from temperature greater than 37.8° C (greater than 100.4° F) to temperature greater than 38.9° C (greater than 102.0° F). Most of the hyperthermia was due to maternal influenza or other febrile illness. Others have reported a twofold to fourfold increase in the risk for NTD with maternal first trimester hyperthermia for any reason.120

Maternal febrile illness is thought to pose the greatest hyperthermic risk; however, susceptibility may be modified by genotype.20 Elevated maternal temperature secondary to illness-induced fever during early pregnancy has been associated with increased risk of anencephaly and spina bifida (especially around the time of neural tube closure (22 to 28 days), microcephaly, and other central nervous system disorders; alterations in growth; cleft lip; and facial dysmorphogenesis in humans.10,23,51 In a prospective study, Chambers and colleagues reported a 10-fold increase in NTDs in women who had a temperature of 38.9° C (102° F) or greater lasting for more than 24 hours in the first month of pregnancy.23 Whether these disorders are primarily due to the elevated temperature, the underlying infection, or a combination of these events has been debated. Most human and animal studies suggest that the increased risk is correlated to the maternal fever and not the viral illness per se.39,89 Several investigators have reported increased cleft lip and palate, NTDs, and cardiovascular disorders in women with influenza accompanied by high temperature in the first trimester with a reduction in risk with treatment of the fever with antipyretics.16,120 Reductions in risk have also been reported with folic acid supplementation.16 Antifever medications and folic acid may reduce the risk of vascular disruption and apoptosis leading to congenital anomalies.16,39

Several studies have reported an increase in neural tube defects and oral clefts in infants born to women with an extended heat exposure secondary to sauna or hot tub use in the first trimester, suggesting that an elevated temperature may be the critical factor.23,24,120 Milunsky and colleagues found that the hot tub exposure, especially in the first two months of pregnancy (and the risk increased with number of exposures during this time), posed a greater risk than sauna use, with no risk from electric blanket use.88 Prospective studies from Finland of sauna use in pregnancy have not shown an increased risk. However, in these studies, maximal temperature was 38.1° C (100.6° F), below the value of 38.9° C (102° F) thought to be critical.85 

Maternal exercise and temperature elevations

Maternal exercise is associated with increased heat production and body temperature increases that may alter the maternal-fetal thermal gradient and fetal heat dissipation. Uterine blood flow decreases during exercise, further altering the ability of the mother to dissipate fetal heat.57,118 However, most women seem to be able to tolerate moderate intensity exercise without significant changes in core temperature.118 Low-impact aerobic exercise (to 70% of maximal heart rate) has not been associated with hyperthermia.72,78 The ability of the mother to dissipate the heat generated by exercise may improve as pregnancy progresses.85,118 The risks from temperature changes during exercise in late pregnancy are related to decreased uterine blood flow, which can be potentiated by dehydration. Prolonged exercise or exercise in heat (increased ambient heat reduces the thermal gradient between the skin and environment) or high humidity (decreases evaporative heat loss) may result in a higher maternal temperature than exercise in a cool, dry environment or water environment (e.g., aerobic exercise in water).85,93,129 Physical conditioning before pregnancy can improve thermoregulatory capacity and may decrease the effect of heat stress.85,93


Alterations in thermal status during pregnancy increase the risk of alterations in fetal health and development. Ongoing assessment and monitoring of thermal status in the pregnant woman and neonate and initiation of appropriate interventions to maintain thermal stability can prevent or minimize these risks. Clinical recommendations related to maternal thermoregulation are summarized in Table 20-1.

Table 20-1

Clinical Recommendations Related to Clinical Practice in Pregnant Women

Counsel pregnant women regarding basis for heat intolerance during pregnancy and intervention strategies (p. 657).

Counsel pregnant women to avoid activities that may lead to hyperthermia (pp. 659-660).

Encourage adequate fluid intake before and during exercise (p. 660).

Discourage prolonged exercise especially in a hot, humid environment (p. 660).

Maintain adequate ambient temperature in the delivery area (p. 658).

Protect from cold drafts during delivery (p. 658).

Avoid infusing cold solutions (p. 658).

Avoid contact of maternal skin with wet drapes and towels (p. 658).

Monitor maternal temperature and assess thermoregulatory status during the intrapartum and postpartum periods (pp. 657-659).

Evaluate women with elevated temperatures for signs of infection (pp. 657-659).

Development of thermoregulation in the fetus

Because fetal temperature is linked to maternal temperature and the maternal-fetal thermal gradient, the fetus cannot control its temperature independently. Under normal resting conditions, the temperature of the fetus is approximately 0.5° C (0.9° F) higher (range, 0.3° C to 1° C [0.5° F to 1.7° F]) than that of the mother, or about 37.6° C to 37.8° C (99.7° F to 100.0° F).13,14,47,77,87,94,100 About half of this difference is due to placental and uterine heat production.94 In animal studies, this difference between maternal and fetal temperatures is seen by the time the fetus achieves one third of its body weight, which would be around the beginning of the third trimester in the human fetus.87 The fetus produces about 5 calories (20.9 J) of heat per every millimeter of oxygen used.94 Fetal metabolic rate varies to match oxygen availability (adaptive hypometabolism), so that if PO2 decreases, fetal oxygen consumption also decreases and if fetal PO2 increases, so does fetal oxygen consumption.94 Any increase in fetal oxygen consumption increases heat production.118

Fetal core and skin temperature and the temperature of amniotic fluid are all similar. The fetal temperature must be higher than the maternal temperature to maintain a gradient to offload heat from the fetus to the mother. Fetal heat dissipation is influenced by fetal and placental metabolic activity, thermal diffusion capacity of heat exchange sites within the placenta, and rates of blood flow in the umbilical cord, placenta, and intervillous spaces.77,85

Heat generated by fetal metabolism is dissipated by the amniotic fluid to the uterine wall (conductive pathway) or via umbilical cord and placenta to maternal blood in the intervillous spaces (convective pathway). The majority of heat is transferred via the convective pathway through the placenta via the umbilical circulation, with only 10% to 20% dissipated via amniotic fluid.47 The large placental surface area, thin membrane barrier, and high blood flow rate enhance thermal exchange. Transfer of heat is facilitated by the maternal-fetal temperature gradient. Therefore if the mother has an elevated temperature (from exercise, illness, or exposure to hot environments such as a sauna), this gradient may be reduced or reversed, leading to an increase in the fetal temperature (see section on Maternal Hyperthermia and Fever).25 Changes in fetal temperature lag behind maternal changes because amniotic fluid provides some insulation.57

Fetal heat production and loss mechanisms are suppressed in utero. Fetal temperature is “heat-clamped” to the maternal system, preventing the fetus from independent thermoregulation before birth.94 Fetal responses to cooling are minimal and primarily involve shivering-like muscle contractions and endocrine response. Cooling of the fetus does not activate nonshivering thermogenesis (NST). The inability to initiate NST is thought to be linked to placental inhibitors of an uncoupling protein essential for brown adipose tissue (BAT) metabolism that are present in fetal blood. Both BAT and the uncoupling protein (UCP-1) that regulates its metabolism increase from 25 to 26 weeks’ gestation to term (see Brown Adipose Tissue Metabolism).32,56 The placental inhibitors, primarily prostaglandin E2 and adenosine, are an advantage to the fetus in promoting accumulation of BAT. The rapid decrease in these inhibitors with clamping of the umbilical cord at birth promotes BAT metabolism in the newborn to maintain thermal stability with transition to extrauterine life.94 Fetal cord occlusion thus leads to an increase in body temperature, although brain temperature tends to remain constant.32,56,94

The fetal-maternal temperature gradient is sustained during labor, although it may widen with prolonged labor, during the latent phase or with infection or prolonged rupture of the membranes, or decrease with compression of the umbilical cord (decreasing blood flow from the fetus and thus the ability of the fetus to dissipate heat).69,94,100 If the maternal temperature rises in labor, as often occurs with epidural analgesia (see Intrapartum Period), the fetal temperature will also increase.100,104 In the second and third trimesters, increased fetal temperature leads to increased fetal heart rate but not to other thermoregulatory responses. Maternal fever in labor, especially temperature greater than 38° C (100.4° F), in noninfected women has been associated with lower Apgar scores, hypotonia, hypoxia, and an increased need for resuscitation and oxygen at birth.10,77

Neonatal physiology

Thermoregulation is a critical physiologic function in the neonate that is closely linked to the infant’s survival and health status.62 An understanding of transitional events and neonatal physiologic adaptations is essential for provision of an appropriate environment to maintain thermal stability. Heat losses are greater and more rapid and can easily exceed heat production in both term and preterm neonates if the infants are left unclothed in an environment comfortable for an adult. This is because of the infant’s larger surface area–to–body mass ratio, decreased insulating subcutaneous fat, increased skin permeability to water, and small radius of curvature of exchange surfaces.33 Newborns (even most preterm infants) have a relatively well-developed thermoregulatory capacity. Their major thermoregulatory limitation is a narrow control range that makes them more vulnerable to alterations in the thermal environment.62

Transitional events

With birth the fetus moves from the warm, moist intrauterine environment to the colder, drier extrauterine environment. The infant’s temperature falls after birth, triggering cold-induced metabolic responses and heat production.14,18,103 Because fetal thermoregulation is linked to the mother, thermoregulatory processes are suppressed in the fetus. These processes, especially initiation of nonshivering thermogenesis (NST), must be activated rapidly after birth if the infant is to survive the transition to extrauterine life. Stimulation of cutaneous cold receptors and spinal cord and hypothalamic thermal receptors at birth activates the sympathetic nervous system. This leads to the release of norepinephrine and a twofold to threefold increase in metabolic rate, oxygen consumption, and heat production.47,94 Occlusion of the umbilical cord, which removes placental factors that suppress NST, increases a brown adipose tissue (BAT)-specific uncoupling protein with a rapid increase in BAT metabolism (see Brown Adipose Tissue Metabolism) and heat production.94,99 Thermal transition at birth and BAT metabolism are interrelated with changes in thyroid function (see Chapter 19).

Newborns lose heat rapidly after birth, especially through evaporative losses (0.58 kcal/mL [2.4 J/mL] of water loss) from their moist body surface, as well as via convection to cooler room air and radiation to cooler room walls. A newborn’s temperature may fall 0.2° C to 1° C/min (0.5° F to 1.7° F/min) if thermal interventions are not initiated.25,47,62 Rutter estimated that in a cool room, the body temperature of a 1000-g preterm infant falls 1° C (1.7° F) every 5 minutes.100 Initial temperatures of infants born by cesarean birth are on average 0.3° C (0.5° F) lower than infants born vaginally, perhaps due to slightly lower levels of sympathetic activity, catecholamines, and thyroid activity.94 Interventions in the delivery room to reduce evaporative and other losses support transition, reduce cold stress, and have been associated with a higher PO2 at 1 hour of age, lower mortality, and decreased morbidity.62 Since much of the heat loss immediately after birth is due to evaporative losses, infants should be quickly dried and wrapped in a warm, dry towel and either given to the mother for skin-to-skin contact or placed under a radiant warmer or in a prewarmed incubator.47,48 A polyethylene bag or wrap can be used with VLBW infants to reduce heat loss after birth (see Methods of Promoting Thermal Stability).14,29,64 Heat loss in VLBW infants immediately after birth can also be reduced by maintaining adequate ambient temperatures and humidity in the delivery and stabilization room.122 Bissinger and Annibale recommend 50% humidity and room temperatures of 78° F to 80° F (25.5° C to 26.6° C) for infants less than or equal to 28 weeks’ gestation (less than or equal to 1000 g) and greater than or equal to 72° F (22.2° C) with a goal of 75° F (23.8° C) for infants 29 to 32 weeks’ gestation (1001-1500 g).14 Other interventions to reduce evaporative, radiant, conductive, and convective losses are listed in Table 20-2.

  Heating pads, hot water bottles, chemical bags Avoid placing infant on any surface or object that is warmer than the infant. Convection Cool room, corridors, or outside air

  Convective air flow incubator Monitor the incubator temperature to avoid temperatures warmer than the infant’s body temperature.   Drafts from air vents, windows, doors, heaters, fans, and air conditioners   Cold oxygen flow (especially near facial thermal receptors) Warm oxygen and monitor the temperature inside the oxygen hood. Evaporation Wet body surface and hair in the delivery room or from bathing   Application of lotions, solutions, wet packs, or soaks to the infant   Water loss from lungs Warm and humidify oxygen.   Increased insensible water loss in VLBW or ill infants Increase incubator humidity levels as needed for VLBW infants. Radiation Placement near cold or hot external windows or walls; placement in direct sunlight   Cold incubator walls   Heat lamps Avoid use whenever possible; if used, do not place close to infant skin and monitor temperature every 10 to 15 minutes to avoid burns.


VLBW, Very low–birth weight.

Term newborns can increase their metabolic rate by up to 200% to 300%.18,47 This response is delayed in larger preterm infants, who do not approximate term values until 2 to 3 weeks of age; further delay is seen in VLBW infants.18,35 VLBW infants may only have a maximal increase in metabolic activity of 25% with cold stress.25 In extremely low–birth weight (ELBW) infants, an increase in thermal maturational skills has been reported at 28 weeks’ postmenstrual age, possibly due to decreased evaporative losses.35

Most healthy infants increase their temperatures by 2 to 3 hours after birth. Thermal stabilization may be affected by timing of the first bath, thermal status at time of bathing, and method of bathing.19,86,131 VLBW infants are more likely than term infants to have admission temperatures of less than 36° C (96.8° F).14,69

Heat exchange

Heat exchange occurs between the environment and the infant’s skin and respiratory tract. Heat transfer involves four mechanisms: evaporation, radiation, conduction, and convection. All four mechanisms operate at the body surface; in the respiratory tract, evaporation and convection are the main mechanisms of heat exchange.103 The degree of heat exchange depends on these mechanisms as well as other factors such as body surface area, position, body movements, and body shape.103 Equations are available to calculate heat exchange at the infant’s body surface via evaporation, radiation, conduction, and convection as well as heat exchange between the respiratory tract and the environment.103

Heat transfer

Heat transfer involves two interrelated processes: the internal and external gradients. The internal gradient involves transfer of heat from within the body to the surface and relies primarily on blood flow within an extensive capillary and venous plexus. Tissue insulation (subcutaneous fat) and convective movement of heat through blood influence efficiency of heat conduction. Heat conduction can be altered by vasomotor control processes mediated by the sympathetic nervous system that change skin blood flow with peripheral vasoconstriction to conserve heat and vasodilatation to eliminate heat.

Heat transfer through the internal gradient is increased in neonates because of their thinner layer of subcutaneous fat (i.e., less insulation) and a larger surface area–to–body mass ratio, especially in preterm infants. The subcutaneous layer of insulating fat accounts for only 16% of body fat in infants compared with 30% to 35% in adults.34 The body mass of the neonate is about 5% of adult mass, whereas the surface area is 15%. In term infants, the surface area–to–body mass ratio may be three times, and in preterm infants five times, greater than that of adults.101 This ratio is even higher in ELBW infants. For example, the surface area–to–body mass ratio of a 500-g infant may be six times greater than that of an adult and twice as great as that of a 1500-g infant.55

The external gradient involves transfer of heat from the body surface to the environment. The rate of heat loss is directly proportional to the magnitude of the difference between skin temperature and the environmental temperature and can be expressed as follows: heat loss = h (skin temperature − environmental temperature) × (surface area), where h is the thermal transfer coefficient (the rate at which heat leaves the body surface) and is influenced by body size, tissue conductance, skin blood flow, and vasoactivity.18,103 Heat loss per unit of body mass is inversely proportional to body size.18 As noted above, the mechanisms by which heat is transferred from the body surface are conduction, convection, radiation, and evaporation (see Prevention of Excessive Heat Loss or Heat Gain).

Heat transfer by the external gradient is also increased in the neonate because of increased surface area and an increased thermal transfer coefficient.103 In terms of heat loss, the amount of exposed surface area is most critical; thus an infant who is not in an incubator or radiant warmer will lose less heat if he or she is clothed or swaddled. Factors that increase the thermal transfer coefficient (and thus heat loss), such as decreased skin thickness and altered conductance, are present in the neonate. The threshold for heat production in the newborn is more closely linked to skin temperature than in the adult. As a result, cold responses, especially in preterm infants, are related primarily to skin rather than core temperature changes.18

Heat production and conservation

Heat production is a result of metabolic processes that generate energy by oxidative metabolism of glucose, fats, and proteins. The amount of metabolic heat produced varies with activity, feeding (calorigenic or specific dynamic action), state (greater heat is produced in awake infants than in sleeping infants and in active versus quiet (deep) sleep), health status, and environmental temperature.18,26,35 Organs that generate the greatest amount of metabolic energy are the brain, heart, and liver. To maintain a constant body temperature, heat production must equal heat loss from the body surface over a given time. Basal heat production to maintain this stability is generated by body metabolic processes. In the event of cold stress, heat above basal needs can be generated by physical or chemical mechanisms. Because of their surface area–to–body mass ratio (which is an important determinant of heat loss), heat production in infants is low relative to heat loss.100 In the term infant, heat production at rest (estimated by oxygen consumption) in a thermoneutral environment is similar to that of adults per unit of weight, but approximately half that of the adult per unit of surface area. This is further decreased in preterm infants, who have an even greater surface area–to–body mass ratio and are less likely to spontaneously lie in a flexed position.100 Prone positioning in low–birth weight (LBW) infants has been reported to increase central and peripheral body temperature in spite of the lower metabolic rates seen in this position.4 In term infants the maximal heat production increases from 20% to 75% of adult values over the first postbirth week; this change takes longer in preterm infants.103

Physical mechanisms to generate include involuntary (shivering) and voluntary muscular activity. Shivering is the most important mechanism for the generation of additional heat in adults. The neonate uses physical methods (shivering and increased muscular activity) to some extent to generate additional heat. Shivering, which is controlled via the somatomotor system, is not as important in the neonate as in the adult, and the shivering threshold is probably at a lower body temperature.101 Shivering in neonates is primarily seen as a late event associated with decreased spinal cord temperature after prolonged cold exposure. The cervical spinal region is protected from cold stress and preferentially receives heat generated by NST through metabolism of BAT in the intrascapular area. If NST is blocked or the infant is unable to generate adequate heat to compensate for severe or prolonged cold stress, the temperature of the spinal cord eventually decreases.18

Infants, primarily term or late preterm infants, produce some heat by increasing muscular activity with restlessness, hyperactivity, or crying. This increases heat production in skeletal muscles with breakdown of glycogen and glucose oxidation.13,25 Infants may try to conserve heat by postural changes such as flexion that reduce the surface area and heat loss through the internal gradient. The ability to produce heat by physical methods can be markedly reduced or obliterated with the use of anesthetics, muscle relaxants, sedatives, or tight restraints and in infants with brain injury.18,34,47,103

Heat can be generated by chemical mechanisms or NST through changes in the metabolic rate and, primarily in neonates, by BAT metabolism. These changes are mediated by the sympathetic nervous system. Both infants and adults can generate heat by increasing their metabolic rate above basal levels. An adult can increase heat production by 10% to 15% by NST; in the neonate, this increase can be 100% or more.53 NST is mediated by epinephrine in the adult and by norepinephrine in the neonate.21,119 This results in activation of an adipose tissue lipase and splitting of triglycerides into glycerol and nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), which are oxidized to produce heat, esterified to form triglycerides, or released into the circulation.21,115,119 NST is triggered when the mean skin temperature falls to 35° C to 36° C (95° F to 96.8° F).115

NST is the major mechanism through which the infant produces heat above basal needs. Increasing the metabolic rate may lead to further problems in immature or compromised neonates, because any increase in metabolic rate increases oxygen consumption. Stressed infants may be unable to provide enough oxygen; oxygen debt with lactic acidosis from anaerobic metabolism and finally exhaustion can result. The ability to generate heat by NST is limited in ELBW infants.65

Thermal receptors in the skin are important mediators of the hypothalamic thermal center’s response to temperature changes or cold stress. Stimulation of these receptors initially leads to heat-conserving responses with peripheral vasoconstriction.64 This may result in acrocyanosis in the neonate. In the infant, thermal receptors are most prominent and sensitive over the trigeminal area of the face. For example, cooling the face of an infant who is normothermic causes a rise in metabolic rate. Conversely, warming the facial skin (i.e., use of warmed oxygen in an oxygen hood) when the infant’s body is cold may suppress the usual increase in metabolic rate and other heat-generating mechanisms and can be dangerous.103 A recent study of ELBW found that these infants did not demonstrate peripheral vasoconstriction the first 12 hours after birth even with a low body temperature.65 Other studies have found minimal or no peripheral vasoconstriction with poor vasomotor control in infants weighing less than 1000 g, increasing their risk of thermoregulatory problems.65

Brown adipose tissue metabolism

The neonate relies primarily on BAT metabolism for NST. Large amounts of BAT are found in human and animal newborns, hibernators, and in adult animals after cold acclimatization.21,34,90 Small amounts of BAT remain in human adults, although it is found primarily in the cervical-supraclavicular area and often interspersed within white adipose tissue.21,32 Active BAT is seen more frequently in adult females than adult males.133

The major function of BAT is heat production. In the newborn, BAT is found in the midscapular region; nape of the neck; around the neck muscles extending under the clavicles into the axillae; in the mediastinum; and around the trachea, esophagus, heart, lungs, liver, and intercostal and mammary arteries; abdominal aorta; kidneys; and adrenal glands. The largest deposits of BAT are around the kidneys and adrenals, with smaller amounts around the great vessels, extending to the neck and from the thoracic cavity to the axillae and clavicles.34 In children and adults the BAT is less widely dispersed as in the newborn and has a lower lipid content.32 The total amount of heat produced by BAT metabolism in the neonate is unknown, but it may account for nearly 100% of the infant’s needs.

BAT cells begin to differentiate by 25 to 26 weeks’ gestation and immature brown adipocytes are seen by at least 29 weeks.32 BAT increases in the third trimester. BAT stores continue to increase in the early weeks after birth and can double during this time.32

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