The Use and Misuse of Antibiotics in Neurosurgery

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Last modified 26/03/2015

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CHAPTER 42 The Use and Misuse of Antibiotics in Neurosurgery

Risks Associated with Antibiotic Administration

Antibiotic therapy in neurosurgical patients is implemented in various situations, including prophylaxis for procedures, empirical treatment of a presumed infection, or treatment of a specific infection. Administration of antibiotics is not without consequence, however. Adverse drug reactions that may result include central nervous system (CNS) toxicities, systemic toxicities, allergic reactions, side effects, and drug-drug interactions. Moreover, there is the potential for antibiotic resistance with careless administration. The emergence of antibiotic resistance is a growing and potentially catastrophic problem that should not be taken lightly. Drug toxicity is a consequence of either excessive dosing or impaired drug metabolism, the latter possibly being due to hepatic or renal insufficiency. An allergic drug reaction is a hypersensitivity reaction to a medication that may be immunologically mediated and can result in urticaria, bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock, or angioedema. Side effects are other adverse drug reactions that are neither due to drug toxicity or to a hypersensitivity reaction. In this section, commonly used antibiotics in neurosurgery are addressed, along with their local toxicity, systemic toxicity, side effects, drug-drug interactions, and potential for resistance. Hypersensitivity reactions are discussed briefly and only in regard to specific antibiotics. Table 42-1 summarizes the most important neurotoxicities encountered with current antibiotic use. Table 42-2 summarizes selected drug interactions of importance to the neurosurgical patient.


The incidence of neurotoxicity from quinolones ranges from 1% to 2%, and symptoms may include headache, dizziness, and insomnia.58 Additionally, instances of delirium, acute psychosis, and seizures have been reported.5,6,9 Moreover, there have been reports of the development of demyelinating polyneuropathy,10 exacerbation of myasthenia gravis,1115 and peripheral sensory disturbances16 with fluoroquinolone use. Signs of pseudotumor cerebri may develop in infants and young children with high doses of nalidixic acid, the first quinolone to be introduced.17 These CNS effects should generally resolve with the discontinuation of therapy.


Neurotoxicity after parenteral administration of penicillin G is most likely to occur in patients with renal insufficiency, intracranial lesions, or alteration of the blood-brain barrier (BBB).18 This toxicity can occur when the concentration of penicillin G in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) exceeds 10 µg/mL and may be manifested as lethargy, confusion, twitching, multifocal myoclonus, or seizures.18 Arachnoiditis and encephalopathy may follow the intrathecal injection of penicillin G, and therefore intraventricular and intrathecal administration should be avoided.18 The development of symptoms that may resemble panic attacks or acute psychosis with seizures or hallucinations is known as Hoigne’s syndrome and can follow the intravascular injection of penicillin.19,20 Furthermore, ampicillin may exacerbate weakness in patients with myasthenia gravis.21


The most common adverse events encountered with carbapenem administration are nausea and vomiting.26 Other frequent adverse events include diarrhea, rash, fever, and laboratory abnormalities, such as elevated liver enzyme levels, eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia, and increased prothrombin time.26 Patients at risk for seizures are those with preexisting renal insufficiency or an intracranial mass lesion who are given high doses of imipenem.27 Furthermore, there are reports that concomitant administration of imipenem with theophylline, quinolones, metronidazole, ganciclovir, or cyclosporine may reduce the seizure threshold.2830 In contrast to imipenem, meropenem is less likely to induce seizures.3134


The most important and serious side effects of aminoglycosides are nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity. The other dose-related adverse effect of clinical importance is neuromuscular blockade, which occurs rarely and is usually related to an underlying condition.35 The first signs of ototoxicity may be seen histologically, with the outer hair cells of the cochlea affected first, followed by the inner hair cells.36 Damage to the hair cells results in high-frequency hearing loss, followed by progressive loss of hearing at lower frequencies.35 After degeneration of the hair cells, there can also be damage to nerve fibers.37 The first clinical symptom of cochlear damage is often high-pitched and continuous tinnitus.38 In regard to the vestibular apparatus, hair cell damage occurs along with deterioration of the otoconial membrane and otolith structures.39,40 Clinical signs and symptoms of vestibular damage include disequilibrium, ataxia, transient positional vertigo, and oscillopsia.35,38 In rare instances, aminoglycosides have the potential to cause neuromuscular blockade and paralysis.35 Patients with preexisting myasthenia gravis are at a higher risk for the development of neuromuscular blockade.41 Risk factors for ototoxicity include renal insufficiency, preexisting impaired hearing, old age, sepsis, dehydration, fever, previous aminoglycoside exposure, and concomitant use of vancomycin, cisplatin, or carboplatin.35 Anosmia after aminoglycoside therapy has also been described in the literature, with the sense of smell returning after time.42,43 Intrathecal or intraventricular administration is used rarely because it may cause local inflammation and can result in aseptic meningits.44


Neurotoxicity with the administration of vancomycin can include both vestibular damage and cochlear damage, which can result in tinnitus and sensory hearing loss.53,54 Tinnitus may be an early symptom and can indicate the development of deafness.55 Ototoxicity in the early stages, characterized by tinnitus and dizziness, appears to be reversible.56 However, by the time that the patient experiences a noticeable hearing deficit, the toxicity is often irreversible.57 The mechanism by which vancomycin causes ototoxicity is thought to be direct damage to the auditory nerve, which leads to irreversible loss of the sensory hairs in the cochlea that initially affects high-frequency sensory hearing.57 Subsequently, lower frequencies are affected, and eventually, total hearing loss may result.58


Neurotoxicity is a well-recognized side effect of tetracycline therapy, and there are several reports in the literature documenting increased intracranial pressure with medium- to long-term use.5962 In infants, a bulging fontanelle may be apparent but resolves on discontinuation of the therapy.63 Vestibular symptoms are also reported with tetracycline administration and may include dizziness and ataxia.6466 Additionally, tetracyclines are thought to block the neuromuscular junction by both prejunctional and postjunctional effects that depress the sensitivity of muscle to acetylcholine.3,67 This neuromuscular blockade has been reported to exacerbate myasthenia gravis.18


Neurotoxic effects of chloramphenicol administration are rare. Optic neuropathy and peripheral neuropathy have been cited in the literature in children with cystic fibrosis.6871 Symptoms of visual toxicity may include blurred vision followed by loss of visual acuity and impaired red-green color discrimination, whereas peripheral nerve toxicities result in burning, tingling, or numbness of extremities.3 The aforementioned symptoms generally resolve after discontinuation of the therapy.3 Additionally, there have been reports of chloramphenicol-induced encephalopathy that can progress to delirium.72

The most feared toxicities of chloramphenicol administration include bone marrow suppression, aplastic anemia, and gray baby syndrome.73


Neurotoxicity is mostly associated with erythromycin and may result in neuropsychiatric symptoms or ototoxicity.74 The neuropsychiatric symptoms that have been reported in the literature include confusion, hysteria, anxiety, and nightmares, all of which disappeared after therapy was terminated.75,76 The ototoxicity that is induced by erythromycin is a result of high doses, or it can occur in patients with preexisting hepatic or renal insufficiency.74,77 In contrast to aminoglycosides, the hearing loss with macrolides is reversible with cessation of the drug.78 There are also reports cited in the literature of the potential for erythromycin to exacerbate weakness in patients with myasthenia gravis.79,80


Neurotoxicity can result in peripheral neuropathy with prolonged use of linezolid.8183 Most cases of peripheral neuropathy have occurred when linezolid is used beyond the maximal recommended duration of therapy of 28 days.83 Additionally, there have been several reports documenting linezolid-associated optic neuropathy.8486

General Principles of Antibiotic Use

Neurosurgeons are involved in the treatment of infections not only of the CNS itself but also of the surrounding tissues. These areas encompass multiple diverse compartments, including the cranial soft tissues, skull, paranasal sinuses, paraspinal soft tissues, and the spine itself, including bones, soft tissues, and intervertebral disks, as well as the tissues and body cavities used for the insertion of prostheses such as shunt hardware, electrodes, batteries, and pumps. Fortunately, many of the infections that neurosurgeons must deal with are extradural. This fact simplifies treatment in that delivery of antibiotics does not depend on the physiology of the brain barriers: the BBB and the blood-CSF barrier (BCSFB). The BBB and BCSFB provide protection to the CNS from substances circulating through the blood and help facilitate transfer of important nutrients to the CNS. However, these brain barriers present an obstacle to the entry of antibiotics and require special consideration when contemplating how to treat an infection inside these barriers. Treating infections such as meningitis or brain abscesses requires that adequate amounts of antibiotic cross the BBB and BCSFB into the CSF or the extracellular space of the CNS.

The Blood-Brain and Blood–Cerebrospinal Fluid Barriers

The BBB is formed by endothelial cells of the cerebral vasculature, supported by astroglia and pericytes, with tight junctions between the endothelial cells and minimal fenestrations or bulk transport across the cells. For the BCSFB, this barrier is located at the epithelial layer of the choroid plexus, not at the endothelium, but is similar in character, with tight junctions between the epithelial cells. For both barriers, active influx and efflux transporters located on the endothelial/epithelial cell surface may drastically alter the distribution of an antibiotic into the desired compartment.90,91 Many factors can contribute to the permeability of any substance across the BBB:

Each of these factors affects a substance’s ability to cross the brain barriers and reach its intended site of action. Increasing molecular weight, ionization, plasma protein binding, and metabolism at the barrier and the presence of efflux transporters decrease the permeability of substances across the brain barriers.91,92 Increased lipophilicity, influx transporters, and inflammation can increase the permeability of the barriers to antibiotics.93 The inflammation associated with infections may decrease over the course of and in response to treatment. Antibiotics may cross into the CSF or brain parenchyma more readily at the initiation of treatment, but as the inflammatory response to the infection abates, either from the antibiotic treatment or from the administration of other medications such as dexamethasone, the ability of an antibiotic to cross the brain barriers diminishes.94,95 However, this effect may not alter outcome.96100

The overall goal of antibiotic treatment is to deliver an adequate concentration of the drug to the proper compartment. Antibiotics that are bactericidal are generally preferred for the treatment of CNS infections as well because of the low concentration of immunologic proteins such as complement and immunoglobulins and the relatively low numbers of phagocytic cells, although this contention may be changing.101103 This goal may be accomplished in several ways. First, the dose of the drug may be increased. This method is helpful for drugs with low systemic toxicity and relatively low permeability across the brain barriers, such as β-lactam antibiotics. Second, the choice of antibiotic may be changed to a drug that has greater penetration into the CNS, such as chloramphenicol or quinolones. Third, antibiotics may be delivered directly across the brain barriers (usually by indwelling ventricular or lumbar catheters). This method is especially helpful when using antibiotics that have higher systemic toxicity and poor permeability across the brain barriers, which may limit the systemic dose that can be administered; such drugs include vancomycin and aminoglycosides. For example, administration of chloramphenicol via an intraventricular route does not provide the same advantage that intraventricular administration of vancomycin does because chloramphenicol’s penetration of the brain barriers already exceeds that needed to provide a therapeutic concentration. In addition, bypassing the brain barriers does not provide a significant advantage because chloramphenicol also needs to be hydrolyzed to be effective, which is usually done in the liver. Although hydrolysis has been shown to occur in the CSF, intraventricular administration is probably not necessary.104 Alternatively, using higher doses of β-lactam antibiotics to reach bactericidal concentrations is easily accomplished and generally associated with minimal systemic toxicity. Intraventricular administration of β-lactams is probably more toxic than systemic administration, although whether the source of the toxicity is the antibiotic or the underlying infection is not clear.104

Pharmacokinetics of Antibiotic Delivery

To achieve effective antibiotic dosing, the pharmacokinetics of antibiotic administration must be understood. For infections occurring outside the barriers of the CNS, the principles of systemically administering antibiotics are less complicated. Peak concentrations depend on bioavailability, the amount delivered, the volume of distribution, and elimination via metabolism and excretion.103 However, the pharmacokinetics of antibiotic administration to the CNS depends on both systemic pharmacokinetics and the behavior of the antibiotic in its access to and elimination from the CNS. The sum of these factors can be ascertained by experimentally determining the proportion of antibiotic that reaches the CNS. Most data relating to antibiotic pharmacokinetics in the CNS come from studies on CSF and meningitis. Much less data exist on these parameters for the brain parenchyma itself.105,106

In determining this proportion, careful interpretation of experimental data is required. Many studies looking at the proportion of antibiotic reaching the CNS use simple plasma-CSF ratios at a single time point. These ratios can vary widely during a dosing cycle and can be quite misleading.106,107 The most useful data are derived from using plasma-CSF AUC (AUC is the area under the drug concentration–versus-time curve) ratios in intermittent dosing or steady-state concentrations during continuous infusion. For β-lactam antibiotics, the AUC ratio generally ranges from 0.01 to 0.1. Less hydrophilic antibiotics, such as rifampicin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and the fluoroquinolones, have ratios that range from 0.1 to 0.9. Vancomycin and the aminoglycosides also exhibit low penetration into CSF, with ratios of less than 0.1.106,108 However, data suggest that these ratios may be different in the treatment of infections of the brain parenchyma (i.e., brain abscess). One study showed equivalent levels of antibiotic in abscess fluid and plasma 6 hours after administration; however, these are also point ratios, not AUC ratios.109 Whether the antibiotics are as effective in abscess fluid is a separate consideration. Concentrations of antibiotics throughout the CSF are not constant. Ventricular CSF will have a lower concentration of protein and antibiotic than will lumbar CSF because the CSF produced in the ventricles has not yet mixed with exuded extracellular fluid from the brain parenchyma. Therefore, CSF concentrations of antibiotics rely on the permeability of both the BBB and the BCSFB. Penetration of antibiotics through the blood-lesion barrier (specifically, the blood-abscess barrier) will vary with the stage of formation of the abscess, the relative vascularity of the lesion, and even the cause of the lesion. However, it is impossible to differentiate the individual contributions of the blood-lesion barrier and the surrounding BBB to antibiotic concentrations by measuring antibiotic levels within abscesses.105,109111

The half-life of the antibiotic in CSF is also an important consideration. Most antibiotics are not metabolized in CSF. Elimination is achieved either by diffusion back through the BBB and BCSFB or from turnover of the CSF. Generally, the CSF half-life of antibiotics is significantly longer than the plasma half-life. The CSF half-life of antibiotics may also be increased in CNS infections because of decreased turnover of CSF. Conversely, in patients with CSF shunts or external CSF drains, the CSF half-life may be quite variable because the circulation of CSF is altered by the presence of the shunt or drain.112,113

Antibiotic Prophylaxis

Systemic Antibiotic Prophylaxis

Antibiotic prophylaxis should be considered in terms of the inherent risk for infection associated with the procedure being contemplated. The standard approach to estimating risk for infection at the surgical site is the classification endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Table 42-3).119

TABLE 42-3 Classification of Surgical Site infection

Clean Uninflamed, uncontaminated, no trauma or infection, primarily closed with no break in sterile technique

Clean-contaminated Entry into the alimentary, respiratory, or genitourinary tract under controlled circumstances; no contamination; minor break in sterile technique Transnasal hypophysectomy Contaminated Nonpurulent inflammation, recent trauma, gastrointestinal tract contamination, major break in sterile technique

Dirty Purulent inflammation, perforated viscus, fecal contamination, trauma with devitalized tissue, foreign bodies or other gross contamination

Expected infection rates range from less than 1% in clean wounds with antibiotic prophylaxis to 6% to 10% in dirty wounds, even with antibiotic treatment.120

Clean wounds in neurosurgery are generally subdivided into those with and without implantation of a substantial foreign body. The prototypical neurosurgical foreign body is the shunt. Clean shunt implantations with antibiotic prophylaxis have approximately an 8% to 10% infection rate, a rate much higher than that for non–foreign body operations.121

The use of antibiotics in contaminated and dirty wounds is considered therapeutic, not prophylactic. A full therapeutic course is recommended. Limiting antibiotics to perioperative use in these wound categories would be considered misuse.

Clean Neurosurgical Procedures

The value of systemic antibiotic prophylaxis in clean neurosurgical operations is supported by level I evidence from multiple randomized clinical trials and high-quality meta-analysis.122 The same is true of systemic antibiotic prophylaxis for shunt operations.123,124 Additional meta-analyses have supported its value in preventing meningitis after craniotomy125 and in spine neurosurgery.126

The value of systemic antibiotic prophylaxis in clean-contaminated operations has not been adequately studied to allow a confident conclusion to be reached. The current accepted practice in transnasal surgery varies from limited perioperative use127 to use as though the procedure were contaminated (i.e., therapeutic doses for a therapeutic duration).128

It is not feasible to study the differential effectiveness of different antibiotics. If one antibiotic reduces the expected infection rate to 1% and another is twice as good (infection rate of 0.5%), a study consisting of more than 5000 patients would be required to have a reasonable chance (power of 0.8) of finding that result to be statistically significant (P ≤ .05). Although the duration of prophylactic antibiotic administration in neurosurgery has not been specifically studied in a randomized trial, the general principles of systemic prophylactic antibiotic administration are well established in many disciplines119:

The value of systemic antibiotic prophylaxis in reducing the rate of infection after neurosurgical operations is well established with evidence of the highest quality. Failure to use antibiotics in this way requires justification with evidence of similar quality.

External Ventricular Drains

There is insufficient evidence to support a firm conclusion about the value of systemic antibiotic prophylaxis in reducing infections associated with external ventricular drains.130 One underpowered trial compared systemic antibiotic prophylaxis with placebo for ventriculostomy and found no difference in the infection rate.131 A single trial compared short-term and long-term antibiotic administration and suggested that long-term use reduced infection rates but selected for resistant organisms.132 The infection rates in this study were high (extracranial infection rates of 40% with short-term use and 20% with long-term use). This is an area in which further study could be useful.

Topical Antibiotic Prophylaxis

The topical use of antibiotics during neurosurgical procedures to prevent postoperative infection has a long history but has not been studied with sufficient rigor to produce a definitive conclusion about its effectiveness. Two reviews have been published.134,135

When antibiotics first became available, they were sprinkled into the wound in powdered form. Pennybacker and coauthors reported a reduction in infection rates to modern levels (0.9%),136 but a large review of practice at Massachusetts General Hospital did not confirm this benefit.137 A report by Malis in 1979, however, renewed enthusiasm for the practice (now with antibiotic solutions rather than powder).138 Subsequent case series have supported the concept, although a randomized comparison of systemic plus topical antibiotic prophylaxis against systemic antibiotics alone has not been done.135,139,140

The principles of topical antibiotic prophylaxis are similar to those for systemic antibiotic prophylaxis:

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