Chapter 3 The short case
The short-case section of any postgraduate examination covers a number of systems (typically cardiovascular, respiratory, abdomen, neurological), and different countries’ learned colleges vary in their approach. In Australia, the individual FRACP short case tends to have a lead-in that is fairly broad, for example ‘Examine the gait’, and a comprehensive examination is expected. Each short-case examination lasts 15 minutes.
Proficiency in short cases, even more so than in long cases, is dependent upon months of practice, preferably on a daily basis, perfecting a coherent approach to every possible clinical problem likely to be presented. Several examination problems, such as short stature or precocious puberty, require a great deal of clinical material to be covered in 15 minutes, so a well prepared routine is essential. This book gives an outline of an approach to most of the commonly seen short-case topics.