Chapter 15 The respiratory system
Long Cases
Recent advances in management have included improved understanding of the importance of gene by environment interactions, and of the underlying pathophysiology of asthma. The effects of exposure to tobacco smoke, the most important environmental factor that can adversely affect the asthmatic population, are now known to be largely determined by whether children have a particular glutathione-S-transferase (GSTM1) genotype. Adverse effects (increased risk of development of asthma and wheezing) after in utero exposure to tobacco products are determined largely by the GSTM1 null genotype being present. An increased prevalence of asthma related phenotypes does not occur in children exposed in utero to tobacco smoke who possess the GSTM1+ genotype. Although several genes have been reported to be associated with various asthma phenotypes, no single gene has emerged as responsible for asthma susceptibility.
Dyspnoea, wheeze, cough, exercise tolerance (last in races?), nocturnal symptoms (cough, wheeze, wakening), morning symptoms (tightness, wheeze), use of bronchodilators, viral upper respiratory tract infections, cyanosis, syncope. Provide a detailed expansion of important or specific symptoms; for example, for cough, note duration, nature (e.g. productive/loose), frequency, timing (day/night), effects (vomiting, awakening, family disruption), sputum (amount, colour, blood), associated symptoms (fever, wheeze, shortness of breath, symptoms of allergic rhinitis, upper airway obstructive symptoms such as snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea), and responsiveness to beta-2 agonists/antibiotics.
Respiratory examination
1. Hands: tremor (beta-2 agonists).
2. Chest: deformity, increased anteroposterior diameter, Harrison’s sulcus, expansion, tracheal position, apex position, palpable pulmonary valve closure, right-ventricular overactivity, percussion, auscultation. If age appropriate, peak flow (ideally before and after nebulised salbutamol; impractical in exams).
3. ENT: ears—serous otitis media; nose—allergic rhinitis; pale, swollen, nasal mucosa, visible inferior turbinates, green/clear discharge; throat—tonsillar size, redness or exudate. Cervical nodes: lymphadenopathy.
Diagnosis and investigations
Generally a clinical diagnosis; on occasion, some investigations may be warranted.
Other investigations
Provocation inhalation challenge testing (mannitol, hypertonic saline) may be useful to confirm airway hyperresponsiveness in cases with diagnostic difficulty, recurrent cough or recurrent breathlessness or exercise-induced dyspnoea. Exercise testing may also be useful to elucidate the cause of exercise-induced dyspnoea. Tests to exclude other diagnoses that may present with cough or wheeze are as follows: (a) to exclude cystic fibrosis (CF)—sweat test, CF genotype; (b) to exclude alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency—alpha1-antitrypsin phenotype; (c) to exclude infection—sputum microscopy and culture, nasopharyngeal aspirate for viral pathogens; (d) to exclude immune deficiency states—full blood count, T-cell subsets, immunoglobulins, including IgG subclasses, vaccine antibody responses, complement levels, HIV testing; (e) to exclude structural airway disease—bronchoscopy, endobronchial ultrasound, CT 3D reconstruction; may detect congenital tracheomalacia or bronchomalacia, especially if wheeze and hyperinflation commenced early in life, and are unresponsive to anti-asthma treatment; (f) to exclude parenchymal pathology such as bronchiectasis or congenital structural lung lesions—high-resolution CT (HRCT) scan of thorax; (g) to exclude mediastinal or vascular lesions (e.g. vascular ring)—helical CT scan or MRI with vascular reconstruction; (h) to exclude occult cardiovascular disease—electrocardiogram.
1. Position. Sit child up, for ease of chest expansion and diaphragmatic excursion.
2. Oxygen. All children with acute severe asthma are hypoxic. Always check pulse oximetry. The aim is maximum inspired oxygen; keep the SaO2 above 90%.
3. Beta-2 agonists (e.g. salbutamol). Nebulised for severe, life-threatening asthma; for mild and moderate asthma, pMDI with spacer. For very severe asthma, continuous nebulised therapy (dose 0.3 mg/kg per hour; prevents rebound bronchospasm); for moderately severe cases, either intermittent nebulised therapy (dose 0.15 mg/kg per dose [to maximum of 5 mg] or 6–12 puffs pMDI via spacer, every 20 minutes, initially). If nebulised therapy is needed, the optimum volume of drug in the ‘acorn’ of the nebuliser is 4 mL, with the driving oxygen rate being 8 L/min; can give with ipratropium bromide (see below).
4. Intravenous beta-2 agonists. If nebulised therapy is not working, when inspiratory flow rates are very low, or the need for high-flow oxygen precludes nebuliser. An initial salbutamol bolus is followed by an infusion, incrementally increased until there is a good response. Toxicities: hypokalaemia, tachyarrhythmias, metabolic acidosis.
5. Nebulised anticholinergics. Ipratropium bromide augments the actions of beta-2 agonists. The respiratory solution concentration is 250 mcg/mL, and the dose is 0.25–1 mL every 4–8 hours; it can be given (with salbutamol) every 20 minutes for three doses initially, then continued at 4–6 hour intervals.
6. Corticosteroids (CS) (oral prednisolone, IV hydrocortisone or methylprednisolone). Used in all moderate to severe episodes; decreases morbidity. High dose for 3 days, then stop. The treatment for any longer duration should be slowly weaned, the main reason to wean is to prevent rebound in those with more persistent asthma; it is now accepted that oral steroids can be given for up to 2 weeks without the need to wean to avoid adrenal suppression. Recent studies have failed to show any additional benefit of oral steroids in preschool children with mild to moderate viral-induced wheezing.
7. Intravenous magnesium sulphate. An initial bolus of magnesium sulphate 50%: 0.1 mL/kg (50mg/kg) over 20 minutes, then an infusion of 0.06 mL/kg per hour (30 mg/kg) with serum drug level goal 1.5–2.5 mmol/L. This can be very useful if the child is not responding to intravenous salbutamol. Magnesium sulphate has been shown to be effective and safe in acute severe asthma in children. It is worth considering in a child with refractory asthma, with impending respiratory failure. It has yet to be compared directly to IV salbutamol.
9. Face mask continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Safer than ventilation, CPAP decreases resistance to air flow, inflates the lungs, decreases the work of the respiratory muscles and recruits the expiratory muscles. This can reverse deterioration such that children will request it once they have experienced it. Pressures of 5–10 cm H2O for 10 minutes every hour can be effective. Bronchodilators can be nebulised through the circuit. BiPAP (bilevel positive airway pressure) also may be used; this has two levels of support, a higher level during inspiration and a lower level during expiration.
10. Mechanical ventilation. A last resort. Indications are respiratory arrest, extreme fatigue or relentness hypercapnia. A treacherous path, with morbidity risks including barotrauma, gas trapping (compromised cardiac function), dysrhythmias, atelectasis and nosocomial pneumonia. Strategies to minimise these include: initial rapid sequence induction, oral intubation, sedation and paralysis; permissive hypercapnia; minimal positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP), prolonged expiratory time, low rate, limitation of peak inspiratory pressure (PIP).
2 Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS): fluticasone propionate [FP], budesonide [BUD], beclomethasone diproprionate [BDP-HFA], ciclesonide [CIC], mometasone [MOM]
ICS are the mainstay of treatment in persistent asthma. FP, BUD and BDP are used in most countries; the newest ICS are CIC and MOM. CIC has been available in Australia since 2008; MOM is available in the UK and the USA. Concerns regarding side effects centre around hypothalamic–pitutiary–adrenal axis suppression and effects on linear growth. To evaluate the risks, the equivalent corticosteroid dosing must be appreciated, as follows, from least to most potent: BUD 200 microgram = BPD-HFA 100 microgram = FP 100 microgram = CIC 80 microgram. The most appropriate dosage is the lowest that gives symptom control. Side effects are minimal in doses below 200 mcg of FP or equivalent daily in children over 5, for periods of at least 24 months. If doses of 200 mcg or above are used, side effects may include short-term growth suppression (at 400 mcg, a decrease in linear growth of 1.5 cm per year; reversible) and adrenal suppression. Approximately 36 mcg/kg per day of BUD will cause some HPA axis suppression.
4 Leukotriene modifiers (LTMs)
There is evidence of efficacy of LTRAs as protection against exercise–induced bronchoconstriction, where it could be an alternative to SABAs; single-dose montelukast can be taken the night before, or at least 2 hours before, exercise. LTRAs can be used as steroid-sparers, and for prevention of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction, where they are superior to LABA. Well tolerated, montelukast is a chewable tablet, available in a 4 mg size (for ages 2–5) or a 5 mg size (for ages 6–15); the maximum effect is 12 hours after the dose is given. Specific side effects described include raised liver enzymes with higher than recommended dosage (zileuton), and ‘unmasking’ of eosinophilic vasculitis (Churg–Strauss disease) suppressed by steroids, becoming evident as steroids withdrawn. Recently, concerns have been raised about behavioural issues and depression with use of montelukast.
6 Combination therapies: ICS + LABAs—fluticasone propionate (FP) + salmeterol xinofoate (SX); budesonide (BUD) + eformoterol fumarate dihydrate (EFD)
Delivery methods
1. Load with one puff pMDI at a time.
2. Allow 30 seconds (timed) for inhalation of drug from the loaded spacer.
3. Do not clean the spacer until the valve ‘clogs up’, as cleaning can cause static electricity, and the minimally charged medication particles of the pMDI ‘stick’ to the walls of the spacer. In short, ‘One puff, 30 seconds; don’t clean it’. When cleaning is needed, use detergent and leave to dry.
Optimum management for the child
The Australian National Asthma Campaign’s six-point plan is as follows:
2. Achieve best lung function.
3. Maintain best lung function—avoid trigger factors.
This plan is available on the National Asthma Council Australia website, at In keeping with this plan remember the following points:
1. Every child should have a written asthma treatment programme, fully explained, and an appropriate crisis management plan.
2. Every child requires regular monitoring of his or her disease and its treatment, plus the complications of each, including growth (failure of linear growth can be due to undertreatment, or to overtreatment with steroids). Other treatment complications should be sought: tremor, hyperactivity (LABAs, SABAs), Cushingoid features (ICS, oral steroids), nausea, vomiting (theophylline).
3. Every child should be assessed for any inadequacy in current treatment, suggested by the following:
Common management issues
Are there any upper airway issues?
Allergic rhinitis can contribute to poor asthma control, and treating this can improve control. Ask about symptoms such as runny nose, blocked nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, runny eyes, throat clearing, hoarse voice, mouth breathing, halitosis, pain/pressure over sinuses, loss of sense of smell, coughing after first lying down at night, headaches, poor sleep or snoring. Management may include allergen avoidance and pharmacological treatment. For continuous treatment, intranasal corticosteroid (INCS) is the treatment of choice. Intranasal mometasone, fluticasone, budesonide and triamcinolone do not have a significant effect on the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis. Treating the coexisting allergic rhinitis can improve asthma control significantly. Similarly, obstructive sleep apnoea, from whatever cause, including allergic rhinitis, can contribute to poor asthma control and successful treatment of this may aid in asthma control. See the long case approach to OSA in this chapter.
Is there adequate education of those involved?
This includes education of the child, parents and teachers:
1. The child. Should know to take beta-2 agonist before exercise.
2. The parents. Need to understand the treatment and know when to initiate more frequent treatment; how to monitor the child. Do they understand that the child should not avoid sport at school? Are they aware of the prognosis?
3. The teachers/school. Is a pMDI with spacer available to the child at all times? Do teachers appreciate the need for treatment? Do sports instructors inappropriately exclude the child from games?
Is there a problem with adherence to treatment?
Adherence to treatment in adolescence is often a problem, and there may also be parental concern about long-term corticosteroid usage, which can lead to non-adherence on their behalf. The added risk of smoking induced by peer pressure or of medication avoidance is not an uncommon management problem. Another compliance issue is the parents’ almost invariable inability to stop smoking or, in many cases, even smoke away from the child, despite constant requests. This has been documented by testing the urine of the child for cotinine (a metabolite, and anagram, of nicotine) levels before and after education about smoking. The other point to explore is the responsibility of care—whether it belongs predominantly to the patient or parent—as this is a key issue in adolescence.
Neonatal intensive care unit graduate: chronic lung disease/bronchopulmonary dysplasia (CLD/BPD)
Recent progress has been made in the understanding and management of BPD. There is now a consensus-validated description of diagnostic criteria for BPD and its severity. In the last few years, a genetic component to BPD has been identified, with establishment of a familial tendency and heritability in twin studies; this suggests that genetic factors are as important in BPD as they are in adults for hypertension, cancer or psychiatric disease. As yet, however, there are no identifiable reproducible allelic associations to the susceptibility to BPD, although ongoing research is attempting to identify specific candidate genes involved in the pathogenic pathways of BPD.
‘New’ BPD occurs in the context of multi-hit insults to the developmentally immature lung (especially under 26 weeks’ gestation), positioned between canalicular and saccular phases of lung growth (at 23–30 weeks). There is the intrinsic problem of developmental arrest of alveologenesis and vasculogenesis, with dysregulated angiogenesis, resulting in large simplified alveoli and dysmorphic lung vasculature, in addition to a premature anti-oxidant system, surfactant deficiency, and a very compliant chest wall; these intrinsic qualities increase susceptibility to the noxious effects of extrinsic problems. These extrinsic problems include mechanical ventilation and ventilator-induced lung injury (which include barotrauma [from pressure], volutrauma [from overdistension], atelectotrauma [from insufficient tidal volume], biotrauma [from infection, inflammation] and rheotrauma [from inappropriate airway flow]; these alter the integrated morphogenic programme of pulmonary development. Other inhibitors of alveolarisation and lung growth include oxygen toxicity, intrauterine, lung and systemic infections, and cytokine exposure. BPD is still the most prevalent sequel of preterm birth. Requirement for treatment with supplemental oxygen at 36 weeks’ postmenstrual age (PMA) is the commonest accepted definition of BPD at present (2010).
Past history
1. Pregnancy, gestation, delivery, birth weight, Apgar scores, reason for premature delivery.
2. Initial resuscitation required, when intubated, underlying respiratory diagnosis (e.g. hyaline membrane disease, meconium aspiration), duration of ventilation, continuous positive airways pressure (CPAP), oxygen requirement.
3. Complications of ventilation (e.g. air leaks, subglottic stenosis, tracheal stenosis, tube blockage), apnoeic episodes, associated problems (e.g. PDA, intraventricular haemorrhage [IVH], periventricular leucomalacia [PVL], ROP).
4. Drugs/treatments used (e.g. salbutamol, ipratropium bromide, theophylline, corticosteroids, diuretics, RSV intravenous immune globulin [RSV-Ig], palivizumab).
5. Monitoring since extubation, discharge details (e.g. age, weight, treatment).
6. Hospitalisation details (frequency, duration, usual treatment).
7. Outpatient clinics attended (where, how often, usual tests: e.g. chest X-ray, pulse oximetry).
Current status
2. Home management; for example, nasal oxygen, nebulised bronchodilators, oral theophylline, diuretic (e.g. frusemide), antibiotics.
3. Status of other systems where ex-premmies have increased risk of dysfunction; for example, ears, eyes, development, renal, cardiac, gut from necrotising enterocolitis (NEC).
Table 15.1 gives an approach to the cardiorespiratory examination (specifically) of the NICU graduate. It does not include looking for other complications of prematurity (e.g. IVH), but does include toxicities relating to ventilation and oxygen.
Table 15.1 An approach to the cardiorespiratory examination of the NICU graduate
General observations |
Parameters |
CCF = congestive cardiac failure; PDA = patent ductus arteriosus; ROP = retinopathy of prematurity.
Oxygen is needed if the child’s PO2 in air is below 60 torrs. The aim is for the oxygen saturation (SaO2) to be between 94% and 98% in the awake and asleep phases. Aiming for higher levels may worsen lung disease, and does not necessarily improve long-term growth or development. The actual range is controversial. Neonatologists generally use a lower limit of 90%, but respiratory physicians generally use a higher range (>94%), which is probably reflective of the age of infants and hence the risk of ROP. In the early phase, a lower SaO2 is usually accepted, but upon discharge when infants are well over the corrected term of gestation, a higher minimal SaO2 is usually used. Oxygen administration is associated with increased weight gain, decreased pulmonary hypertension, decreased SIDS-like events, and decreased morbidity and mortality. Home oxygen therapy avoids prolonged and expensive hospitalisation.
At discharge from NICU, the average requirement for CLD is low-flow subnasal oxygen at 250–1000 mL/min. The median duration of oxygen requirement is 6–10 months. Weaning should occur very slowly, over about 12 weeks, guided by regular saturation monitoring. An intercurrent acute respiratory tract infection may require reinstitution of oxygen.
Obstructive airways disease and bronchodilators
These patients have obstructive lung disease, but variable airway hyperactivity, and lack uniformity in their response to drugs. Many have hypertrophied lung smooth muscle and respond to bronchodilators (even when preterm) earlier than true ‘asthmatics’. Combinations of inhaled beta-2 agonists, ipratropium bromide and inhaled corticosteroids are widely used, with variable success. Most units try these medications for at least some weeks to ascertain efficacy. Despite the common usage, there is inadequate long-term data to recommend the use of any beta agonist, or ipratropium bromide, in CLD.
Social issues
The degree of psychosocial difficulty depends to some extent on the associated problems that the child has. If there is severe neurological impairment, there is a parental separation rate approaching 50%. There tend to be three phases after the initial discharge of the child from hospital: first, a ‘euphoric’ phase, which may last about 6 weeks; then a period of despair and exhaustion, lasting from around 6 weeks to 6 months post-discharge; and finally the stage of acceptance. Another common problem is the ‘vulnerable child syndrome’, a parent–infant behaviour disorder that may include problems with feeding, difficulty separating from the mother, overindulgence and overprotection, leading to the child ‘running the household’. This may be prevented by spending more time with the parents, educating them in potential problem areas that are well recognised, by normalising the management of the baby, and by normal and appropriate discipline.