The Assessment and Management of Septic Arthritis

Published on 17/04/2015 by admin

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Last modified 17/04/2015

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Chapter 48 The Assessment and Management of Septic Arthritis


In developed countries septic arthritis has shown no change in its incidence1 despite advances in antimicrobial therapy. Among children in Sweden the annual incidence is 10 per 100 000 children.2 In a separate study from the Mayo clinic over a 15-year period, the elbow accounted for 6% of all septic joints in the adult. To put this in context, however, the number of patients presenting to that unit with septic arthritis unrelated to previous surgery was only 10 new adult cases per year, thus emphasizing the uncommon nature of elbow sepsis. Most of these cases were over the age of 50 years with an equal sex ratio.3

The incidence in developing countries, particularly in Africa, is considerably higher.4,5 In contrast to the experience in Europe and North America, Goldschmidt and Hoffman5 reported a 100% increase in presentation of septic arthritis in Cape Town between 1983 and 1988, with a male to female ratio of 2:1. They also noted a seasonal variation with a 30% increase in incidence in the cooler months. This seasonal variation is the converse of their finding with other musculoskeletal infections which were 50% higher in the summer months. Other reports also suggest that musculoskeletal infections are commoner in warmer and more humid conditions.6

The presentation of septic arthritis may be monoarticular or polyarticular. The polyarticular form accounts for 10% of all presentations and, in adults, half of these are in rheumatoid arthritis patients.1

Aetiology and pathogenesis

There are four routes by which bacteria can spread to the elbow joint:

Haematogenous spread

Haematogenous spread is the commonest mechanism of inoculating a joint with bacteria. The infective focus is at a distance such as an abscess, endocarditis or infections of the respiratory, renal or intestinal tract. Any septicaemia may allow bacteria to seed in the synovial membrane. The bacteria must reach the subintimal layer which has rich vascularity. To cause sepsis, transmission of live bacteria from the blood to the synovial cavity must occur. This can be with free bacteria within the blood steam or intracellular bacteria, though the latter are more likely to be degraded.

Generally the synovial membrane has an excellent resistance to infection. This can be inferred by the very low infection rates following knee arthroscopy and intra-articular injections. Thus in most cases of haematological spread there will be an associated predisposing cause. These may be grouped into the following:

Joint haemarthrosis may be due to direct trauma, a bleeding diathesis such as haemophilia or occur in patients on anticoagulant therapy. Neurological disorders resulting in a neuropathic (Charcot) joint may be more prone to haematogenous spread of infection, both due to the gross destructive change that may occur in the joint and due to any haemarthrosis.7 The presence of a haemarthrosis will create an inflammatory response within the joint with increased permeability of the basement membrane. In addition, the presence of blood within the joint will provide a rich culture medium for bacterial proliferation. These two factors make the joint susceptible to bacterial infection by a haematogenous route.

Systemic diseases may include those that affect joints directly and those that increase infection rates generally. The inflammatory arthropathies such as rheumatoid arthritis and the seronegative arthropathies have a significantly increased risk of developing septic joints, rheumatoid arthritis accounting for 50% of all adult polyarticular forms.1 This is likely to be multifactorial due to the joint damage, the nature of the condition and the disease-modifying drugs that these patients may be taking. Examples of such drugs used for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis include methotrexate, leflunomide and cytokine modulators such as the tumour necrosis factor (TNF) α inhibitors. These drugs are immunosuppressive and can significantly increase infection risk in their own right. Other medications that may predispose to infection include steroid therapy and the immunosuppressants used in the treatment of neoplasia and in transplant patients.

The rise in the incidence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection worldwide has been implicated in the increased incidence of septic arthritis, particular in Africa. Added to that, there is an increased incidence of haemophiliac people infected with the HIV virus.8 Other general conditions such as diabetes mellitus, malignancy, liver and renal disease have also been reported to increase the incidence of septic arthritis.9

Pathology and microbiology

Bacterial inoculation within the joint will cause infection by bacterial proliferation. This causes an inflammatory reaction within the synovium with an increased blood flow. Increased capillary permeability allows fluid and protein leakage with the attraction of polymorphonuclear leucocytes and phagocytes. This exudate of bacteria, both living and degraded, white blood cells and proteins enters the synovial cavity resulting in a septic effusion. In cases of haematogenous spread, more than one joint may be involved.

This cascade with an infective effusion is distinct to that seen in a reactive arthritis. In reactive arthritis there are no live bacteria within the joint cavity. An effusion occurs either in response to immune complexes or bacterial cell wall products. Immune complexes giving rise to reactive arthritis may be seen in non-bacterial infections. This is seen in several viral infections such as rubella and mumps. Some bacterial infections that spread haematologically may cause both infective and reactive effusions in the same patient. Neisseria gonorrhoeae can present with a polyarticular pattern of effusions of which only 20% of the affected joints may be infected and the remainder reactive. Rarely protozoa and fungi have been implicated in joint infection, most of these are, however, polyarticular and reactive in nature.

There are thus three patterns of bacterial infection that may give rise to a joint effusion: monoarticular and polyarticular infective effusions and reactive effusions. The importance of distinguishing between reactive and infective joints is obvious, but can be difficult, especially in systemic bacterial infections where these types of effusions can coexist. Joint infections can be caused by a wide variety of different bacteria. Tuberculous infections, however, present differently and have management regimens that set them apart from other bacterial infections. These infections will thus be considered under a separate heading.

The commonest infective agent in joint sepsis in both the adult and child is Staphylococcus aureus (55%) with streptococcal infection accounting for 18% of infections, being commoner in patients over the age of 60.12,13 Meticillin-resistant S. aureus is increasing in frequency, causing a third of staphylococcal infections in one study. The affected patients were older and had more comorbidities and a higher 6-month mortality rate.14 N. gonorrhoeae infection is reducing in incidence but remains the commonest cause of septic arthritis in the young adult.15,16 A wide number of other infective agents have been described. There is, however, an association of different causative bacteria with age (Table 48.1).

Table 48.1 Causative bacteria in different age groups

Age group Organism Comment
Neonates Staphylococcus aureus  
Group B streptococci
Escherichia coli
Children and adolescents Staphylococcus aureus Less common with immunization
Haemophilus influenza
Streptococcus pyogenes
Adults Staphylococcus aureus Including meticillin-resistant
Neisseria gonorrhoeae Young adults
Staphylococcus epidermidis Commonest with implants
Proteus mirabilis More common in debilitated patient
Pseudomonas aeruginosa More common in the immunocompromised
Group B streptococci  

Natural history

The introduction of sulphonamides in the 1930s and the proliferation of antibiotic agents after 1940 led to a dramatic improvement in the outcomes of patients with septic arthritis. Before the antibiotic era there was 20% mortality and 50% morbidity from joint sepsis.17 However, even in the 1980s a 13% mortality rate was reported following disseminated joint infection in children.18 This therefore remains a serious condition particularly in the young, old and the immunocompromised.

The presence of active infection in the joint rapidly causes irreversible changes. In animal models, maximal arthritic symptoms occur 2 days following the inoculation of bacteria into a joint and at 7 days irreversible changes have taken place.19 The damage to the articular cartilage has historically been attributed solely to the effect of increased pressure within the joint resulting in the surgical drive to drain the joint as soon as possible. This has remained unquestioned until relatively recently. Other causes of high joint pressure are seen in effusions and haemarthrosis and yet the rapid destruction of the joint is not seen in these conditions. It is self-evident, therefore, that other factors which are not mechanical must have a part to play in the joint damage.

The effect of the inflammatory cascade releases proteolytic enzymes and cytokines into the joint. These have a rapid and devastating effect on the articular cartilage. Articular cartilage when exposed to fibronectin fragments undergoes proteoglycan depletion within 7 days.20 TNF-α, interleukin-1 and interleukin-6, which are released into the joint in sepsis, are inflammatory and cause rapid articular surface damage.21,22 These changes have been observed in the absence of mechanical factors. These studies demonstrating the rapid degradation of articular cartilage within a few days in animal models correlate with the clinical picture seen in humans and emphasize the need to diagnose and treat this condition early.