Surfactant agents

Published on 12/06/2015 by admin

Filed under Pulmolory and Respiratory

Last modified 12/06/2015

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Surfactant agents

Key terms and definitions

LaPlace’s law

Physical principle describing and quantifying the relationship between the internal pressure of a drop or bubble, the amount of surface tension, and the radius of the drop or bubble.

Prophylactic treatment

Prevention of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in infants with very low birth weight and in infants with higher birth weight but with evidence of immature lungs, who are at risk for developing RDS.

Rescue treatment

Retroactive, or “rescue,” treatment of infants who have developed RDS.

Surface tension

Attraction of molecules in a liquid-air interface, such as the liquid lining in lung tissue and the air, pulling the surface molecules inward.


Agent that reduces surface tension.

Chapter 10 reviews pharmacologic agents termed surfactants, which are intended to alter the surface tension of alveoli and the resulting pressures needed for alveolar inflation. The physical principles of surfactants and surface tension forces are reviewed as a basis for introducing agents that have been used or are currently used in respiratory care. The use of current exogenous surfactant agents in the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) of the newborn is presented.

Physical principles

Exogenous surfactants are administered to replace missing pulmonary surfactant in RDS of the newborn. Surface-active agents act on liquids to affect surface tension. The following terms and concepts form the basis for an understanding of the application of surfactant preparations and their effects in the airway.

Clinical indications for exogenous surfactants

Exogenous surfactants are clinically indicated for the treatment or prevention of RDS in the newborn. There are two such treatments:

The basic problem in RDS is lack of pulmonary surfactant as a result of lung immaturity. This lack of pulmonary surfactant results in high surface tensions in the liquid-lined, gas-filled alveoli. Increased ventilating pressure is required to expand the alveoli during inspiration, which leads to ventilatory and respiratory failure in an infant without ventilatory support. This concept and the effect of exogenous surfactant are shown in Figure 10-2. Exogenous surfactants are also being investigated for efficacy in the treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), acute lung injury (ALI), and meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS), although MAS is not an approved clinical application at this time.1

Identification of surfactant preparations

Table 10-1 lists surfactant formulations that currently have U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for general clinical use in the United States. Detailed differences between these formulations and details of their dosing and administration are discussed subsequently for each agent in separate sections.

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*Individual agents are discussed subsequently in a separate section. Detailed information on each agent should be obtained from the manufacturer’s drug insert.

The term exogenous, used to describe this class of drugs, refers to the fact that these are surfactant preparations from outside the patient’s own body. These preparations may be obtained from other humans, from animals, or by laboratory synthesis. The clinical use of exogenous surfactants has been to replace the missing pulmonary surfactant of the premature or immature lung in RDS of the newborn. These agents have also been investigated for use in ARDS and have been beneficial in improving oxygenation, although results have been inconsistent.2,3

Composition of pulmonary surfactant

Pulmonary surfactant is a complex mixture of lipids and proteins (Box 10-1). The surfactant mixture is produced by alveolar type II cells. Their primary function, although not their only function, is to regulate the surface tension forces of the liquid alveolar lining. Surfactant regulates surface tension by forming a film at the air-liquid interface. Surfactant reduces surface tension as it is compressed during expiration, reducing the amount of pressure and inspiratory effort required to reexpand the alveoli during a succeeding inspiration. The amount of extracellular (i.e., outside the type II cell) surfactant in animals is 10 to 15 mg/kg body weight in adults and 5 to 10 times that in mature newborns.4 Figure 10-3 illustrates the source, basic composition, and regulation of pulmonary surfactant in the alveolus. Each of the major components is described in the following sections.


Lipids make up about 85% to 90% of surfactant by weight. The lipid component of surfactant is approximately 90% phospholipids, such as phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylglycerol, sphingomyelin, and others, and 10% other lipids, most of which is cholesterol.5 Phospholipids have lipophilic and hydrophilic properties and are able to achieve low surface tensions at air-liquid interfaces. Phosphatidylcholine constitutes about 75% to 80% of the phospholipids in surfactant, and about half of this is dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), which is also known as lecithin. DPPC is the surfactant component predominantly responsible for the reduction of alveolar surface tension. The hydrophilic choline residue of DPPC is associated with the liquid phase in alveoli, whereas the hydrophobic palmitic acid residue projects into the air phase.6