CHAPTER 11 Splints and Bracing at the Elbow
Elbow splints are frequently employed at the elbow and function in several capacities: protection both static and dynamic, to deliver flexion or extension torque. Specifically, the four types of braces or splints used in the postoperative and postinjury management of the elbow include resting and hinged splints, and dynamic and static adjustable splints.10
Prophylactic bracing is occasionally employed at the elbow, typically to avoid excessive extension in the athlete.9 Further static splinting for the elbow is commonly used for short periods as a protective measure after injury or surgery. Previously used commonly in those with rheumatoid arthritis, largely because of the effectiveness of disease remitting agents, this type of splinting is uncommonly indicated today (Fig. 11-1).
For the unstable elbow a hinged splint is used (Fig. 11-2). By initially locking the hinge, the same device can be used as a resting static splint; some designs allow conversion to a movable stabilizing device. Hinged splints allow active motion and are employed primarily for ligament healing. Occasionally, a hinged brace is prescribed for the resected elbow, but compliance is variable, and I rarely use this type of device.
The most common complication of elbow injury, and even in some arthritic conditions, is stiffness. The most important means of avoiding this after a fracture is rigid fixation accompanied by early motion of the joint (see Chapter 22). After fracture dislocation, it has been demonstrated that immobilization lasting for more than 4 weeks resulted in less satisfactory outcome in each patient,2 and despite the recognized value of early motion after injury or surgery stiffness of the elbow remains a common problem in the orthopedic practice. Unfortunately, in the author’s experience the use of aggressive physical therapy to address post-traumatic stiffness is not always successful and, in fact, as often as not, makes the contracture worse. This justifies the use of splinting in this clinical setting, but to understand the rationale of splinting for this condition, it is necessary to understand the physiology of the process.
The exact reason that the elbow is so prone to joint contracture is not known with certainty. What is recognized is that the elbow is one of the most congruous joints in the body (see Chapter 2). Normally, the capsule is translucent, but with insult, it undergoes a marked hypertrophy and extensive cross-linking of the fibrils, as demonstrated on scanning electron microscopy (Fig. 11-3). In some instances, a severe elbow contracture has been observed after trivial insult or such as “strain” without fracture or dislocation. Under these circumstances, the elbow may contract rapidly, often within 2 to 3 weeks. An explanation of the rapid development of elbow contracture may be provided by the basic investigations on wound contracture. Experimental data demonstrate that dermal wounds undergo approximately 80% of the anticipated contracture within the first 3 weeks1 (Fig. 11-4).

FIGURE 11-4 Experimental data showing that the majority of tissue contracture occurs in the first 3 weeks.
(With permission from Billingham, R. E., and Russell, P. S.: Studies on wound healing, with special reference to the phenomenon of contracture in experimental wounds in rabbits’ skin. Ann. Surg. 144:961, 1956, p. 964.)
Continuous motion, if properly used, has been shown to be an important adjunct to successfully alter this tendency and hence prevent contracture (see Chapter 10).
Physical therapy must be executed with extreme caution in the post-traumatic or inflamed elbow. The reason for this is that passive stretch, in and of itself, can introduce the very inflammation that one is trying to treat in the course of the therapy. Inflammation results in contracture and thus is an obstacle to the treatment goal. A well-trained experienced physical therapist who understands this principle can be of value, especially to assist in addressing concurrent shoulder and wrist stiffness. Such expertise is not possible in the author’s practice; therefore, I have never prescribed physical therapy for a patient of mine with elbow stiffness.