Renal Disorders and Therapeutic Management

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Renal Disorders and Therapeutic Management

Mary E. Lough



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Acute Kidney Injury

Acute kidney injury (AKI) describes the spectrum of acute-onset kidney failure that can occur with critical illness; it replaces the traditional terms acute renal failure (ARF)1 and acute tubular necrosis (ATN). Severe AKI is characterized by a sudden decline in glomerular filtration rate (GFR), with subsequent retention of products in the blood that are normally excreted by the kidneys; this disrupts electrolyte balance, acid-base homeostasis, and fluid volume equilibrium.1,2 A transition to greater use of the word kidney rather than renal reflects a trend in the nephrology literature that emphasizes the vulnerability of the kidney during critical illness.

Critical Illness and Acute Kidney Injury

The estimated incidence of AKI is between 2000 and 3000 cases per 1 million people per year.3 Researchers estimate that AKI accounts for 1% of acute hospital admissions and complicates more than 7% of inpatient episodes, especially for older individuals and those with preexistent chronic kidney disease.2

Critical care patients with AKI have a longer length of hospital stay and more complications.3 After AKI has occurred in the critically ill patient, the risk of death rises dramatically.3,4 The mortality rate ranges from 38% to 80%.5 One of the reasons for the high mortality rate is that critical care patients often have coexisting nonrenal health problems that increase their susceptibility to the development of AKI. High-risk conditions include heart failure, shock, respiratory failure, and sepsis, and this situation has altered the spectrum of AKI.4,5 An observational study that examined the incidence and course of severe AKI that resulted in ARF in six academic medical centers in the United States found that AKI was accompanied by multiorgan failure in most patients, even those who did not require dialysis.4 In this study of 618 patients with ARF, 64% of patients required dialysis, the in-hospital mortality rate was 37%, and the permanent loss of kidney function or death was 50%.4 The clinicians’ conclusion is that death of the critically ill patient with AKI-related ARF is related to the severity of coexisting nonrenal diseases.4 Mortality rates exceeded 50% when four or more body systems had failed.4

Cohort studies suggest that the incidence of AKI is increasing, whereas the mortality rate is declining.6 Patients with AKI often have associated multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and have more complex illnesses and comorbidities than patients 40 years ago, and more critical care patients are receiving dialysis therapies in the critical care unit.

Typically, a patient is not admitted to the critical care unit with a diagnosis of AKI alone; there is always coexisting hemodynamic, cardiac, pulmonary, or neurologic compromise. Many individuals come into the hospital with underlying changes in kidney function, such as an elevated serum creatinine (Cr) level, although the patient is not symptomatic and is often unaware of the compromised kidney.7 The lack of kidney reserve places the patient at increased risk for AKI if complications occur in any of the other major organ systems. As a result, the picture of AKI in the modern critical care unit has changed to encompass patients with kidney injury who also have multisystem dysfunction that complicates their clinical course.3

Definitions of Acute Kidney Injury and Acute Renal Failure

One of the challenges of estimating the incidence of AKI or ARF in the critical care unit has been the wide variation in definitions that have been used.8 Measurement of kidney function is necessarily indirect, and the diagnosis of AKI is predominantly derived from changes in urine output (UO) and serum creatine level, with the assumption that changes in these values reflect changes in the GFR.8 Urine output is sometimes a problematic measure to use because diuretics artificially increase the urine output but do not alter the course of kidney failure. The clinical insult may have direct effects on the kidney, such as the inflammation associated with sepsis, which accounts for 50% of the AKI seen in critical care units.9

RIFLE Criteria

The risk of development of AKI in critically ill patients has been classified by a multinational group of nephrologists.10 The classification uses the acronym RIFLE (risk, injury, failure, loss, and end-stage kidney disease [ESKD]).11 The RIFLE system classifies AKI into three categories of increasing severity (R, I, F) and two outcome criteria (L, E) based on GFR status reflected by the change in urine output or loss of kidney function11 (Table 20-1). If AKI is superimposed on a kidney that is already compromised, the term chronic is added to the RIFLE criteria to denote the cause as acute-on-chronic kidney failure.11

TABLE 20-1


Risk Serum Cr increased 1.5 times above normal
Serum Cr increase ≥0.3 mg/dL
UO <0.5 mL/kg/hr for 6 hr
Injury Serum Cr increased 2 times above normal UO <0.5 mL/kg/hr for 12 hr
Failure Serum Cr increased 3 times above normal or
Serum Cr ≥4 mg/dL
Serum Cr acute rise ≥0.5 mg/dL
UO <0.3 mL/kg/hr for 24 hr or anuria for 12 hr (oliguria)
Loss Persistent AKI = complete loss of kidney function for >4 wk  
ESKD End-stage kidney disease  

*All serum creatinine references are based on changes from baseline.

Data from Kellum JA, Bellomo R, Ronco C: Definition and classification of acute kidney injury, Nephron Clin Pract 109(4):c182, 2008.

Acute Kidney Injury Network Criteria

The Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) criteria are listed in Box 20-1. These criteria are similar to those proposed by the RIFLE group, and both groups intend to make the point that in the acutely ill patient, small changes in the serum creatinine level and urine output may signal important declines in the GFR and kidney function. A conceptual model that combines the features of the RIFLE criteria and AKIN criteria are shown in Figure 20-1.11

Box 20-1

Acute Kidney Injury Network (Aikn) Criteria for the Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Injury

Definition: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is an abrupt (within 48 hours) reduction in kidney function defined as:

Explanatory Notes

Serum creatinine: These criteria include an absolute and a percentage change in creatinine to accommodate variations related to age, gender, and body mass index and to reduce the need for a baseline creatinine level, but they do require at least two serum creatinine values within 48 hours.

Urine output: The urine output criterion was included based on the predictive importance of this measure but with the awareness that urine outputs may not be measured routinely in nonintensive care unit settings. It is assumed that the diagnosis based on the urine output criterion alone will require exclusion of urinary tract obstructions that reduce urine output or of other easily reversible causes of reduced urine output.

Clinical context: These criteria should be used in the context of the clinical presentation and after adequate fluid resuscitation when applicable. Many acute kidney diseases exist, and some may result in AKI. Because diagnostic criteria are not documented, some cases of AKI may not be diagnosed.

Physiologic state: AKI may be superimposed on or lead to chronic kidney disease.

Data from Mehta RL, Kellum JA, Shah SV, et al, for the Acute Kidney Injury Network: Acute Kidney Injury Network: Report of an initiative to improve outcomes in acute kidney injury. Crit Care 11(2):R31, 2007.

Etiology of Acute Kidney Injury

Previously, AKI was predominantly classified by the location of the insult relative to the kidney: prerenal (before), intrarenal (within), and postrenal (after) (Box 20-2). This remains a useful way to imagine the relationship between anatomy and functional insults to the kidney when one is learning about AKI, although deleterious effects on the kidney are unlikely to be restricted to only one anatomical section at a time.11

Prerenal Acute Kidney Injury

Any condition that decreases blood flow, blood pressure (BP), or kidney perfusion before arterial blood in the renal artery enters the kidney may be anatomically described as prerenal AKI. When arterial hypoperfusion due to low cardiac output, hemorrhage, vasodilation, thrombosis, or other cause reduces the blood flow to the kidney, glomerular filtration and, consequently, urine output decrease (see Box 20-2). This is a major reason that the critical care nurse monitors the urine output on an hourly basis. Initially, in prerenal states, the integrity of the kidney’s nephron structure and function may be preserved. If normal perfusion and cardiac output are restored quickly, the kidney will not suffer permanent injury. However, if the prerenal insult is not corrected, the GFR will decline, the blood urea nitrogen (BUN) concentration will rise (prerenal azotemia),9 oliguria will develop, and the patient will be at risk for significant kidney damage. Oliguria (urine output <400 mL/day) is a classic finding in AKI.5 Prerenal AKI is seen frequently in the critically ill. In a study of hospitalized older patients with kidney failure, prerenal AKI occurred in 58%.5 This compares with rates of 34% for intrarenal AKI and 8% for postrenal AKI in the same study.5

Intrarenal Acute Kidney Injury

Any condition that produces an ischemic or toxic insult directly at the site of the nephron places the patient at risk for development of intrarenal AKI (see Box 20-2).

Ischemic damage to the kidney can also damage internal structures from prolonged hypotension or low cardiac output. In the multicenter study of critical care patients with AKI by Mehta and colleagues,4 50% of the patients had ischemic injury, which was largely precipitated by hypotension (20%) and sepsis (19%).

Toxins that damage kidney tubular endothelium include medications that are administered to treat a coexisting condition12 as well as radiopaque (contrast) dye administered during an interventional or diagnostic radiological study. Complications from the contrast dye cause AKI in 9% to 14% of patients.4 In affected patients, the serum creatinine levels typically begin to rise 48 to 72 hours after the study, peak at 3 to 5 days, and return to baseline within another 3 to 5 days.13 Kidney dysfunction can persist up to 3 weeks after the procedure. Although patients with normal kidney function are not considered to be at risk, those with elevated serum creatinine levels, diabetes, or microvascular disease are highly vulnerable.13

Postrenal Acute Kidney Injury

Any obstruction that hinders the flow of urine from beyond the kidney through the remainder of the urinary tract may lead to postrenal AKI. This is not a common cause of kidney failure in the critically ill. When monitoring of the urine output reveals a sudden decrease in the patient’s urine output from the urinary catheter, a blockage may be responsible. Sudden development of anuria (urine output <100 mL/24 hr) should prompt verification that the urinary catheter is not occluded.


The term azotemia is used to describe an acute rise in the BUN level.9 Uremia is another term used to describe an elevated BUN value.

Phases of Acute Kidney Injury

AKI can result from nephrotoxic or ischemic injury that damages the kidney tubular epithelium. In severe cases, the injury extends to the collagen of the basement membrane (Box 20-3).

Onset Phase

The onset (initiating) phase of AKI is the period from the initial insult until cell injury occurs. Ischemic injury is evolving during this time. The GFR is decreased because of impaired blood flow to the kidney and decreased glomerular ultrafiltration pressure. The GFR decrease disrupts the integrity of the tubular epithelium. This phase lasts hours to days, depending on the severity of the injury. If treatment is initiated during this time, irreversible damage may be alleviated. A longer course of recovery reflects the presence of more extensive tubular injury.

Oliguric or Anuric Phase

The oliguric or anuric phase, the second phase of AKI, lasts 5 to 8 days in the nonoliguric patient and 10 to 16 days in the oliguric patient.14 The accumulation of necrotic cellular debris in the tubular space blocks the flow of urine and causes damage to the tubular wall and basement membranes. Backleak occurs because damage in the tubular wall causes the glomerular filtrate to flow passively into the kidney tissue rather than to be passed out as urine through the ureters and bladder. Oliguria is encountered more often in ischemic damage and is a sign that the damage is extensive and severe. During the oliguric or anuric phase, the GFR is greatly reduced, leading to increased levels of BUN (azotemia), elevated serum creatinine values, electrolyte abnormalities (hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia), and metabolic acidosis.

Diuretic Phase

The third phase, the diuretic phase of AKI, may last 7 to 14 days and is characterized by an increase in the GFR. During the diuretic phase, the tubular obstruction has passed, but edema and scarring remain. In this situation, the GFR returns and the kidneys can clear fluid volume but not solutes.

Recovery Phase

Critically ill patients with AKI have a high mortality on long-term follow-up.15 Kidney function may return to normal, or near normal, with a GFR that is 70% to 80% of normal within 1 to 2 years.16 However, if significant kidney parenchymal damage has occurred, BUN and creatinine levels may never return to normal. Of the patients who survive AKI, approximately 62% eventually recover normal kidney function, 33% have residual kidney damage, and at least 5% require long-term hemodialysis.16

Laboratory Assessment

After acute kidney disease is suspected, the presence or degree or AKI is assessed using urinalysis and blood analysis. Table 20-2 lists the initial urinalysis findings for patients with AKI. Most serum electrolyte values become increasingly elevated as AKI develops (Tables 20-3 and 20-4). Normal and abnormal urinalysis findings are summarized in Chapter 19.

TABLE 20-2


Urine volume Normal Oliguria or nonoliguria Oliguria to anuria
Urine specific gravity >1.020 1.010 1.000-1.010
Urine osmolality (mOsm/kg) >350 <300 300-400
Urine sodium (mEq/L) <20 >30 20-40
FENa (%) <1 >2-3 1-3
BUN/Cr ratio 20 : 1 Ischemic: 20 : 1
Toxic: 10 : 1
10 : 1
Urine microscopy (sediment) Normal AKI: dark granular casts, hyaline casts, kidney epithelial cells Normal


Anuria, urine volume less than 100 mL/24 hr; oliguria, urine volume of 100-400 mL/24 hr.

*Results of urine laboratory tests are valid only in the absence of diuretics.

Urine in prerenal failure is concentrated, with low sodium.

Urine in intrarenal failure shows kidney damage because the nephron cannot concentrate urine or conserve sodium, and evidence of kidney damage (casts) is seen.

§Urine test results in postrenal failure vary because the findings initially depend on the hydration status of the patient rather than the status of the kidney.

TABLE 20-3


Sodium 135-145 mEq/L
Potassium 3.5-4.5 mEq/L
Chloride 98-108 mEq/L
Calcium 8.5-10.5 mg/dL or 4.5-5.8 mEq/L
Phosphorus 2.7-4.5 mg/dL
Magnesium 1.5-2.5 mEq/L
Bicarbonate 24-28 mEq/L

TABLE 20-4


Hypokalemia <3.5 mEq/L

Hyperkalemia >4.5 mEq/L

Hyponatremia <135 mEq/L

Hypernatremia >145 mEq/L

Hypocalcemia <8.5 mg/dL or <4.5 mEq/L

Hypercalcemia >10.5 mg/dL or >5.8 mEq/L

Hypomagnesemia <1.4 mEq/L

Hypermagnesemia >2.5 mEq/L

Hypophosphatemia <3.0 mg/dL

Hyperphosphatemia >4.5 mg/dL

Hypochloremia <98 mEq/L

Hyperchloremia >108 mEq/L

Hypoalbuminemia <3.8 g/dL


CNS, central nervous system; ECG, electrocardiogram.


Acidosis (pH <7.35) is one of the trademarks of severe AKI.17 Metabolic acidosis occurs from accumulated metabolic waste products. The acid waste products consist of strong negative ions (anions), elevated serum phosphorus values (hyperphosphatemia), and other normally unmeasured ions (e.g., sulfate, urate, lactate) that decrease the serum pH.17 A low serum albumin concentration, which often occurs in AKI, has a slight alkalinizing effect, but it is not enough to offset the metabolic acidosis.17 Even respiratory compensation and mechanical ventilatory support are rarely sufficient to reverse the metabolic acidosis. Information on acidosis and arterial blood gas interpretation is found in Chapter 14. Anion gap measurement is discussed in Chapter 19.

Blood Urea Nitrogen

The BUN level is not a reliable indicator of kidney damage.9,18 The BUN concentration is changed by protein intake, blood in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, and cell catabolism, and it is diluted by fluid administration. An elevated BUN-to-creatinine ratio may signal early AKI. The BUN-to-creatinine ratio is most useful in diagnosing prerenal AKI (often described as prerenal azotemia), in which the BUN value is greatly elevated relative to the serum creatinine value.

Serum Creatinine

Creatinine is a by-product of muscle metabolism that is formed from nonenzymatic dehydration of creatine in the liver18; 98% of creatine is in the muscles,18 and it is almost totally excreted by the kidney tubules. If the kidneys are not working, the serum creatinine level will increase. When the serum creatinine values doubles (e.g., from 0.75 to 1.5 mg/dL), the increase reflects a decrease of approximately 50% in the GFR.18 Serum creatinine level is assessed daily to follow the trend of kidney function and to determine whether the kidney function is stable, getting better, or getting worse.18

Creatinine Clearance

If the patient is making sufficient urine, the urinary creatinine clearance can be measured. A normal urinary creatinine clearance rate is 120 mL/min, but this value decreases with kidney failure. Critical care patients with severe AKI are oliguric, and the urinary creatinine clearance rate is infrequently measured.

Fractional Excretion of Sodium

The fractional excretion of sodium (FENa) in the urine is measured early in the AKI course to differentiate between a prerenal condition and AKI (intrarenal). A FENa value below 1% (in the absence of diuretics) suggests prerenal compromise, because resorption of almost all the filtered sodium is an appropriate response to decreased perfusion to the kidneys. If diuretics are being administered, however, results of the test would be meaningless. A FENa value above 2% implies that the kidney cannot concentrate the sodium and that AKI has occurred.

Urinary sodium is measured in milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L). The interpretation of results is similar to that for FENa. A urinary sodium concentration less than 10 mEq/L (low) suggests prerenal AKI. A urinary sodium level greater than 40 mEq/L (with an elevated serum creatinine in the absence of a high salt load) suggests that intrarenal damage has occurred. As with other urinalysis tests, the use of diuretics invalidates any results.

At-Risk Disease States and Acute Kidney Injury

Many patients come into the critical care unit with disease states that predispose them to the development of AKI. Many others already have kidney damage but are unaware of this condition.7

Underlying Chronic Kidney Disease

The incidence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the United States is estimated to be 11% (19.2 million adults).19 Clinical practice guidelines for the management of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) categorizes kidney dysfunction in five stages.20 Because of the large numbers of adults with kidney dysfunction (diagnosed or not), kidney function must be assessed in all critically ill patients at risk for fluid and electrolyte imbalance. The GFR associated with each stage and the numeric population estimates for each stage of kidney dysfunction are shown in Table 20-5.

Most people in the early stages of kidney disease are unaware of their condition.7 A national health survey queried individuals about whether they had ever been told by their physician that they had ‘weak or failing kidneys’. The answer to this question was correlated with each patient’s GFR and the presence of albumin in the urine was used to stratify the patients according to the five stages of CKD (see Table 20-5). The results showed that more than one half of the respondents were unaware that they had kidney dysfunction until their disease had reached stage 5 or ESKD, when they would become dialysis dependent.7 The results categorized by stage of CKD are listed in Table 20-5.

Older Age and Acute Kidney Injury

Older age appears to be a risk factor for CKD, because 11% of individuals older than 65 years without hypertension or diabetes have stage 3 or worse CKD.19 In the presence of diabetes or hypertension, the risk for CKD increases substantially.

Heart Failure and Acute Kidney Injury

There is a strong association between kidney failure and cardiovascular disease. In studies of critically ill patients with acute kidney failure, 54%4 to 63%5 have acute kidney failure and heart failure. Hypertension, a major contributor to the development of heart failure, is also a major risk factor for the development of CKD.21 Unfortunately, people with hypertension and diabetes are at increased risk for CKD and premature death.21 As a patient’s GFR declines, the risks of cardiovascular disease, myocardial infarction, and death increase, especially for the patient with stage 3 or worse CKD.22,23

Respiratory Failure and Acute Kidney Injury

There is a significant association between respiratory failure and kidney failure. In studies of critically ill patients with kidney failure, 54% to 88% have respiratory failure.4,5 The range in values reflects how the kidney failure was classified. For example, in one study, 57% had respiratory and kidney failure but were not treated with dialysis,4 and in another study, 88% had respiratory and kidney failure and were given dialysis treatment with continuous renal replacement therapy (discussed later).5

The process of mechanical ventilation affects the kidney, although it is not known whether the effect is deleterious.24 Positive-pressure ventilation reduces blood flow to the kidney, lowers the GFR, and decreases urine output.24 These effects are intensified with the addition of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP).24 AKI increases inflammation, causes the lung vasculature to become more permeable, and contributes to the development of acute respiratory failure.25 Prolonged mechanical ventilation in critical illness is associated with an increased incidence of AKI and dialysis.26

Sepsis and Acute Kidney Injury

Sepsis is the most common cause of AKI in the critically ill.9 Sepsis and septic shock create hemodynamic instability and reduce perfusion to the kidney. Immunologic, toxic, and inflammatory factors may alter the function of the kidney microvasculature and tubular cells.27 Sepsis caused 19% of AKI in one study4 and 55% of AKI in a population of older hospitalized patients.5 Clinical guidelines for hemodynamic support in sepsis emphasize the need for adequate fluid resuscitation, because in 40% to 50% of cases, reversal of hypotension and restoration of hemodynamic stability can be achieved with fluids alone.28 Unfortunately, in severely septic patients, inflammation increases vascular permeability, and much of the fluid may move into the third space (interstitial space). If the blood pressure remains low, the use of vasopressors is recommended to raise refractory low blood pressure after volume resuscitation.28 Vasopressors raise blood pressure and increase systemic vascular resistance (SVR), but they also may raise the vascular resistance within the kidney microvasculature. Other practices aimed at reversing the deleterious effects of sepsis include maintaining the patient’s hemoglobin level at 7 to 9 g/dL and blood glucose level below 150 mg/dL and ensuring optimal hydration as evidenced by a central venous pressure (CVP) above 8 mm Hg.28

Trauma and Acute Kidney Injury

Trauma Admissions

Trauma patients have different demographics from those of other critical care populations. They are always emergency admissions, are younger, are more often male, and have fewer coexisting illnesses.29 A 5-year retrospective study of 9449 trauma admissions to critical care units in Australia and New Zealand used the RIFLE criteria to determine incidence of AKI in the first 24 hours after admission; AKI developed in 18% of trauma patients.29 However, if patients were older or had preexisting comorbid illnesses, their risk of AKI rose to 35%.29 Although these AKI numbers are high, they likely underestimate the true incidence because the study did not include patients in whom AKI developed more than 24 hours after admission to the critical care unit.29


Trauma patients with major crush injuries have an elevated risk of kidney failure because of the release of creatine and myoglobin from damaged muscle cells, a condition called rhabdomyolysis.30 Myoglobin in large quantities is toxic to the kidney. Overall survival from rhabdomyolysis is 77%.30

The level of creatine kinase (CK), a marker of systemic muscle damage, increases in patients with rhabdomyolysis. One trauma service reported that of 2083 trauma patients admitted to critical care, 85% had elevated CK values, and acute kidney failure resulting from rhabdomyolysis developed in 10%.31 A CK level of 5000 units/L was the lowest abnormal value in patients in whom AKI associated with rhabdomyolysis developed.31

Volume resuscitation is the primary treatment for preservation of adequate kidney function and prevention of AKI. In many hospitals, the intravenous (IV) fluids are alkalinized by the addition of sodium bicarbonate, and the urine output is increased by intravenous administration of the diuretic mannitol.30 A bicarbonate and mannitol regimen is instituted to prevent acidosis and hyperkalemia, because both are frequent complications of rhabdomyolysis. Close attention is paid to urine output, CK levels, increases in serum creatinine levels, and any signs of compartment syndrome in all patients admitted with this diagnosis.

Contrast-Induced Acute Kidney Injury

More than one million radiologic studies or procedures that involve use of intravenous radiopaque contrast are performed every year.13 Approximately 1% of the patients undergoing those studies require dialysis as a result of contrast-induced nephrotoxicity,32 with prolongation of the hospital stay to an average of 17 days.13 Patients at risk are those with chronic kidney dysfunction, baseline serum creatinine levels more than 1.5 mg/dL, and known diabetes, heart failure, or volume depletion.33,34 A clinical definition of contrast-induced nephrotoxicity is an increase in serum creatinine concentration of 0.5 mg/dL or more or a 25% increase from the patient’s baseline value within 48 to 72 hours of contrast medium exposure.13,33 The effects of reversible, contrast-induced AKI may not be limited to the immediate hospitalization; it has been linked to a higher mortality in the 5-year period after the reversible AKI than in similar patients who did not have kidney injury.34

Limit Radiopaque Contrast

High-molecular-weight contrast medium is a potential cause of nephrotoxicity.13,35 Kidney-protection strategies include identification of patients at high risk and use of alternative imaging modalities that do not involve contrast. If radiopaque contrast use is inevitable, smaller contrast volumes should be used for each study, and low-osmolar, or iso-osmolar (iohexol), contrast media that are less nephrotoxic should be selected.35,36

Promote Hydration and Avoid Dehydration

The best method of prevention is aggressive hydration with intravenous normal saline during and after the procedure.37,38 After some diagnostic intravascular catheterization procedures, the alert patient is asked to drink several liters of water over a 12-hour period to protect the kidney. Avoiding dehydration is vital. In research studies, the addition of sodium bicarbonate or N-acetylcysteine did not confer additional protection to the vulnerable kidney beyond hydration with normal saline only.3739


Several medications have been investigated to mitigate the risk of AKI in at-risk patients who undergo diagnostic studies involving radiopaque contrast agents. The agents include oral N-acetylcysteine, intravenous sodium bicarbonate, and an intravenous infusion of fenoldopam.3740 In randomized, controlled trials, N-acetylcysteine has not lived up to its early promise.3740 For sodium bicarbonate, the picture is mixed, with some studies reporting a benefit39,41 and other studies reporting no effect.37,38 Because N-acetylcysteine and sodium bicarbonate are inexpensive and have almost no side effects, many physicians prescribe them on an empirical basis, even though the research evidence is not yet conclusive.

In summary, the mainstay measures to protect the kidney from contrast-induced AKI are to use the smallest dose of low- or iso-osmolar contrast media possible, provide vigorous fluid volume expansion, stop all nephrotoxic drugs, and avoid repeat contrast media injections within 48 hours.42

Hemodynamic Monitoring and Fluid Balance

Hemodynamic monitoring is important for the analysis of fluid volume status in the critically ill patient with AKI.

Hemodynamic Monitoring

Hemodynamic monitoring includes surveillance of the CVP, pulmonary artery occlusion pressure, cardiac output, and cardiac index.43 A less high-tech method that is also important consists of a daily weight and focused physical assessment.

Daily Weight

The daily weight, combined with accurate intake and output monitoring, is a powerful indicator of fluid gains or losses over 24 hours. A 1-kg weight gain over 24 hours represents 1000 mL (1 liter) of additional fluid retention.

Physical Assessment

Physical signs and symptoms are used to assess fluid balance. Signs that suggest extracellular fluid (ECF) depletion include thirst, decreased skin turgor, and lethargy. Signs that imply intravascular fluid volume overload include pulmonary congestion, increasing heart failure, and rising blood pressure. The patient with untreated AKI is edematous. The following factors contribute to this state:

In critical illness, even though there is peripheral edema and the patient may have gained 8 L of fluid over his or her “dry-weight” baseline, the patient may remain “intravascularly dry” and hemodynamically unstable, because the retained fluid is not inside a vascular compartment and cannot contribute to maintenance of hemodynamic stability. The patient with AKI is assessed frequently for pitting edema over bony prominences and in dependent body areas.

Electrolyte Balance


Electrolyte levels require frequent observation, especially in the critical phases of AKI (Table 20-4). Potassium may quickly reach levels of 6.0 mEq/L or higher. Specific electrocardiographic changes are associated with hyperkalemia: peaked T waves, a widening of the QRS interval, and ultimately, ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation. If hyperkalemia is identified, all potassium supplements are stopped.44

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