Radiosurgery of Central Nervous System Tumors

Published on 13/03/2015 by admin

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Last modified 13/03/2015

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Chapter 46 Radiosurgery of Central Nervous System Tumors

Stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) has become one of the most important concepts in the management of patients with central nervous system tumors. The neurosurgeon uses SRS to destroy a tumor using precise, image-guided ionizing irradiation in a single procedure.1 Over the past two decades, radiosurgery has supplanted fractionated radiation therapy in the care of many tumors, and has forced an evolution of thinking regarding the roles of resection or observation. At a biological level, radiosurgery can halt cell division, cause vascular occlusion, induce apoptosis or necrosis, and affect blood-brain barrier integrity.26

Radiosurgical devices include the cobalt-60 Gamma Knife, modified linear accelerator systems, and charged particle generators.710 Although initially designed for functional neurosurgery, the use of brain tumor radiosurgery took off in the era of higher-resolution parenchymal brain imaging with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Now robotic devices such as the Perfexion or model 4C gamma units or the Cyberknife facilitate dose planning and delivery.11,12 For use in the brain, accuracy and reliability are crucial. At present no pharmacological agents are used to modify the target response to radiosurgery.13,14 A listing of indications is shown in Table 46.1.

TABLE 46.1 Applications for Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Brain Tumors

Diagnosis Number of Procedures
Vestibular schwannoma 1439
Trigeminal schwannoma 45
Other schwannomas 65
Meningioma 1377
Pituitary tumor 300
Craniopharyngioma 76
Hemangioblastoma 50
Hemangiopericytoma 41
Glomus tumor 24
Pineocytoma 16
Malignant pineal tumor 13
Chordoma 31
Chondrosarcoma 25
Choroid plexus papilloma 12
Hemangioma 7
Glioblastoma multiforme 349
Anaplastic astrocytoma 134
Fibrillary astrocytoma 43
Mixed glioma 78
Pilocytic astrocytoma 89
Ependymoma 74
Medulloblastoma 24
CNS lymphoma 12
Hypothalamic hamartoma 6
Brain metastasis 3264
Invasive skull base tumor 32
Other tumors 66
Total 7692

CNS, central nervous system.

Data from clinical series at the University of Pittsburgh: total procedures = 10,158; total brain tumors = 7692.

The first two patients treated with the Gamma Knife in Sweden had tumors (a craniopharyngioma and a pituitary adenoma). Typically, radiosurgery has been used for smaller tumors that do not cause significant disability from mass effect. The question of maximum tumor size is asked commonly. The answer depends not only on the tumor volume, often estimated by tumor diameter, but on the degree of mass effect and any related symptoms. A dose reduction used for a larger tumor may lead to a relatively ineffective total dose. On the other hand, failure to decrease the dose for larger volumes can lead to an unacceptable risk of adverse radiation effects (ARE).

Not all radiosurgery systems are the same and they differ in both hardware and software. One should seek a system that allows the surgeon to efficiently create highly conformal and selective volumetric dose plans for irregular lesion volumes, because tumors are rarely “spherical.”15 The steep falloff of radiation into the surrounding structures (selectivity) helps to achieve safety. The location of many tumors either within or adjacent to critical brain or nerve makes the requirement for conformal and selective radiosurgery paramount.

Radiosurgery or radiotherapy?

Fractionated stereotactic irradiation has been used by some centers to treat benign tumors,16,17 and of course, large-field conventional or whole-brain radiotherapy has been used for decades. Any advantage for the use of fractionated radiotherapy becomes important when large volumes of sensitive surrounding normal tissue need to be included in the treatment volume, such as with the standard 2-cm margin around a malignant glioma. If the volume of normal tissue irradiated inside or outside the target volume is small, then fractionated radiation may be of no additional value. Certain tumors appear to be more resistant to traditional radiotherapy and include meningiomas, schwannomas, and some metastatic tumors such as melanoma, sarcoma, and renal cell carcinoma. The radiobiological response can be addressed with the α/β ratio. A lower number refers to later responding tissue.1820

Vestibular Schwannomas

The goals of vestibular schwannoma radiosurgery are to prevent tumor growth, preserve cochlear and other cranial nerve function, maintain general function and quality of life, and avoid the risks associated with open surgical resection. Available long-term data have established radiosurgery as an important alternative to resection. Radiosurgery was first offered to patients who were elderly or medically infirm, but with experience, was found ideal for patients of all ages.2124 We have found consistent results across age groups.21,25

To date we have managed 1397 patients with vestibular schwannomas using Gamma Knife radiosurgery (Fig. 46.1). The mean patient age in our series was 57 years (range, 12 to 95). Eight percent had neurofibromatosis (93 patients). Symptoms before radiosurgery included hearing loss (92%), balance symptoms or ataxia (51%), tinnitus (43%), or other neurological deficit (19.5%). Thirty-four percent of our patients had useful hearing, Gardner-Robertson grade I (speech discrimination score ≥70%; pure tone average ≤30 dB) or grade II (speech discrimination score ≥50%; pure tone average ≤50 dB). Since 1992, the average dose prescribed to the tumor margin was 13 Gy. The 50% isodose line was used in 90% of patients.

Our long-term study documented a 98% clinical tumor control rate (no requirement for surgical intervention) at 5 to 10 years.21,23 Since the institution of MRI-guided dose planning, there has been a significant reduction in morbidity.26,27 Currently, the risk for any grade delayed facial nerve dysfunction is below 1%.26,27 Patients with useful hearing before radiosurgery continue to report an approximate 75% overall rate for maintenance of useful hearing, depending on tumor size, with even better results for intracanalicular tumors.2729 In comparison studies, radiosurgery has been shown to be a cost-effective alternative to microsurgery for these patients.

For smaller tumors, it is likely that more patients now receive radiosurgery as primary care. No randomized clinical trials have been conducted, but there are now four matched cohort studies (class II evidence). These studies evaluated patients with similar sized tumors, and evaluated clinical, imaging, and quality of life outcomes. All showed better results after radiosurgery for most clinical measures, similar results for the symptoms of tinnitus and imbalance, and similar freedom from tumor progression rates.3033 It is important to tell patients that there can sometimes be a transient expansion of the tumor capsule after radiosurgery and that it usually can be observed without further treatment.34,35 The value of radiosurgery in neurofibromatosis type 2 has been studied.36 Based on these data, we believe that there are few remaining indications for surgical resection in a patient with a small to moderate size tumor. These indications include disabling symptomatic brainstem compression, severe headache, hydrocephalus, trigeminal neuralgia, and patient choice. Radiosurgery has also been performed and evaluated for patients with other cranial nerve schwannomas (Fig. 46.2).


Radiosurgery has transformed the management of intracranial meningiomas, particularly for tumors of the skull base.37 As for most indications, radiosurgery was first considered for residual or recurrent tumors after prior resection.38 The steep radiation falloff can be directly conformed to the well-defined tumor margin. The role of aggressive skull base surgery has waned as reports showing excellent clinical outcomes for small basal tumors have been published.39,40 Larger tumors with mass effect benefit from subtotal resection followed by radiosurgery if complete resection is not feasible. However, because of their more aggressive nature, atypical or anaplastic/malignant meningiomas (WHO [World Health Organization] grade II or III) are best managed with complete resection followed by fractionated radiotherapy because of their tendency to extend beyond the borders seen on imaging.41 Radiosurgery also is of value in the setting of incomplete resection.

Our 22-year experience includes 1302 intracranial meningiomas. Recently, we published data from 972 patients with 1045 meningiomas (Fig. 46.3).42 Half of the patients had undergone a prior resection and the average age was 57 years. Tumor locations included middle fossa (351 patients), posterior fossa (307), convexity (126), anterior fossa (88), parasagittal region (113), or other sites (115). Follow-up over the past 5, 7, 10, and 12 years was obtained in 327, 190, 90, and 41 patients, respectively.

The control rate for patients who had radiosurgery for known WHO grade I (benign) meningiomas (after prior resection) was 93%. Primary radiosurgery patients (no prior histological confirmation; n = 482), had a tumor control rate of 97%. Adjuvant radiosurgery for patients with WHO grades II and III tumors had tumor control rates of 50% and 17%, respectively. Delayed resection after radiosurgery was performed in 51 patients (5%) at a mean period of 3 years. Additional radiosurgery was performed in 41 patients, usually for new tumors. At 10 years or more, adjuvant grade I tumors were controlled in 91% (n = 53), and primary tumors in 95% (n = 22). There was no case of a subsequent radiation-induced tumor. The morbidity rate was 7.7%. Most centers restrict the dose received by the optic nerve or chiasm to 8 to 9 Gy or less, which should keep the risk for delayed radiation-related optic neuropathy very low.

We believe that SRS has changed meningioma management significantly. Rather than performing a subtotal resection and “following the patient,” we now advocate postoperative radiosurgery to reduce the risk of delayed progression.4345

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