Chapter 8 Publication/presentation requirement
Regulation 4.10
Regulation 4.10 serves a number of purposes. Most FACEMs are involved in research during their careers, whether as investigators or recruiting patients for studies being run by others. This component is designed to give trainees insight into or ‘a taste of’ how research works. Even for those who are not involved in research later in their careers, it is imperative to be aware of study design and the concepts of evidencebased medicine in order to critically appraise the research of others. Being directly involved in a research project provides valuable insight into the particular challenges of conducting quality research. This is a two-way process, making you more sensitive to the importance of ensuring good study design and also more astute in detecting methodological flaws. Finally, of course, the research thus performed aims to boost the collective knowledge of issues related to emergency medicine and ultimately to improve patient care.
Research undertaken for the 4.10 may be presented in a number of ways:
Oral presentation
If you are comfortable with public speaking and have prepared and know your project well, you will find an oral presentation far less stressful. The particular advantage is that the decision to accept/reject your proposal will be made in a known time frame without the uncertainty associated with publication time lines.
In addition, time spent carefully considering all of the following before you begin is essential.
Individual or team
Decide from the outset whether you work better by yourself or with one or more colleagues. If there are a number of you at the same stage of training, you may wish to work collaboratively on several projects, with one of you acting as lead investigator (and author) for each project. Sharing the workload and addressing the issues that arise as a group can be helpful. If you do work with others, however, choose very carefully: you want to work with people who are experienced and compatible and who will pull their weight.