Proprioception and Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

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Chapter 68 Proprioception and Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

Many modern rehabilitation programs for patients who have undergone anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction incorporate exercises and drills that are directed toward improving neuromuscular function and coordination. They are often loosely referred to as proprioceptive training exercises. This chapter explores the basis for the incorporation of such exercises into rehabilitation following ACL reconstruction.

The human ACL has been shown to contain mechanoreceptors including Golgi tendon organs, Pacinian corpuscles, and Ruffini nerve endings.1,2 These receptors contribute to proprioception about the knee joint and are also believed to form part of a reflex arc in which an anterior displacement of the tibia results in hamstring muscle contraction. Such a reflex presumably serves to protect the knee, and the ACL in particular, from such stresses. ACL rupture can therefore be expected to result in disruption or alterations of these pathways.

The term proprioception has proved difficult to define succinctly and has similarly been tested and measured by a variety of techniques. The definition of proprioception is generally agreed to include joint position sense and the ability to detect joint movement (kinesthesia). These have been measured by joint position matching tasks and by threshold to detection of passive movement tasks, respectively. Overall, it appears that threshold to detection methods have proved more reliable, although the two types of tests address different aspects of proprioception.

Another approach has been to use tests of neuromuscular function. These involve both afferent and efferent components and therefore test not only proprioception but also the muscular response. Examples of such tests are (1) measurement of latency of hamstring muscle contraction following the application of an anterior displacement force to the tibia and (2) stabilometric tests in which the movement of the center of pressure is measured during a single leg stance. More global functional tests include the various hop tests.

When assessing proprioception or neuromuscular function following ACL rupture and subsequent reconstruction, some fundamental issues need to be considered. Because alterations in the uninjured limb have been reported by some authors, it is important to include a group of control subjects. Longitudinal studies are probably of greater benefit than studies using only one point in time, as deficits have been demonstrated to change over time following both injury and reconstructive surgery. The type of graft used is also relevant for tests involving a hamstring muscle response.

Using a threshold to detection of passive movement test, Barrack et al3 demonstrated a significantly higher threshold value in ACL deficient limbs compared with the normal contralateral limb in a group of 11 patients tested 3 months following ACL rupture. A group of control subjects showed virtually identical threshold values for both knees. The higher threshold values were attributed to a loss of proprioceptive function. Numerous authors have also described the presence of deficits attributable to loss of proprioception in ACL deficient knees, whereas some authors have shown no differences between injured and contralateral or healthy control subject knees (for review, see Reider et al4). For instance, Pap et al5 found a higher rate of failure to detect passive movement in ACL deficient knees compared with the contralateral knee or healthy control subjects’ knees. However, unlike Barrack et al, they did not find any difference in the threshold to detect passive movement among any of the knees.

Beard et al6 measured the latency of reflex hamstring contraction in response to an anteriorly directed shear force to the upper calf in 30 patients with an ACL rupture. They found significantly greater latencies in the ACL deficient knees compared with the contralateral knees. Interestingly, the frequency of giving-way episodes reported by the patients correlated with the latency differential between their two limbs.

Many authors have evaluated proprioception following ACL reconstruction, but they have reported conflicting results. This may be due in part to the different methodologies employed. Various tests of proprioception have been used (joint position sense, threshold to detect passive movement, reaction time, and stabilometric testing). ACL reconstructed knees have been compared with either the contralateral knee, healthy control subject knees, or in some instances to both. Most studies have evaluated patients at only one time point, although some have followed patients over time from preoperatively to as long as 3.5 years postoperatively. The results of studies that have either used a control group of subjects or provided longitudinal follow-up have been summarized in Tables 68-1 and 68-2.

Table 68-1 Studies Comparing Proprioception Between Patients after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction (ACLR) and Controls

Study Sample Details Proprioception Outcome Measure
ACLR Group Equivalent to Control Group
Al-Othman, 200415 22 ACLR, all male, all PT graft, 1–6 yr post surgery (mean 3.6 yr), 30 controls Joint position sense (standing position)
Ochi et al, 199916 23 ACLR, 13M:10F, 22 HS graft, 1 fascia lata graft, minimum 18 mo postsurgery, 14 controls (9M:5F) Joint position sense
Roberts et al, 200017 20 ACLR, 15M:5F, all PT grafts, mean 24 mo postsurgery, 19 controls (14M:5F) Joint position sense
Co et al, 199318 10 ACLR, 5M:5F; 8 PT grafts, 2 HS grafts, mean 31.6 mo postsurgery, 10 controls (5M:5F) Joint position sense
Threshold to detect passive movement
Risberg et al, 199919 20 ACLR, 8M:12F, all PT grafts, 11–32 mo postsurgery (mean 24 mo), 10 controls (5M:5F) Threshold to detect passive movement
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ACLR Group Worse than Control Group
Barrett et al, 199120 45 ACLR, 33M:12F, all PT grafts, 1–7 yr postsurgery (mean 3.2 yr), 20 age-matched controls Joint position sense
Bonfim et al, 200321 10 ACLR, 7M:3F, 12–30 mo postsurgery (mean 18 mo), 10 controls (7M:3F), height and weight matched Joint position sense
Hamstring muscle latency
Performance at maintaining upright stance
Threshold to detect passive movement
Roberts et al, 200017 20 ACLR, 15M:5F, all PT grafts, mean 24 mo postsurgery, 19 controls (14M:5F)